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The Hasla Herald: Hallowtide .
Hello and welcome to this week’s Hasla Herald! First off, I want to apologize for the lack of a column last week. I was sick with some sort of cold. I am sure you will all be pleased to know, I have survived and am not dead! Now that I’m feeling better and back in full force, it’s time to ta
Eorzean Evening Post: The Great Ninja War .
Last week, Patch 2.4 released with a massive amount of content added. It’s been an exciting time in Eorzea, and not least of which is the new classes everyone’s been anticipating: Rogue and Ninja. The arrival of the job has shaken up the landscape around it and caused a lot of ch
Airtime: MMO Stream Schedule (11/03/2014 – 11/09/2014) .
Hello and welcome to another weekly installment of Airtime! Your source for developer and official streams for MMOs, MOBAs, and Shooters! Other than the finals of the Starcraft II World Championship Series cup, there has not been a lot of additions to the streaming world this week. As alway
Chaos Heroes Online Interview .
We recently had the chance to discuss what makes the game unique with the production team with the makers of Chaos Heroes Online! Checkout what Myzzrym has to say about the game and why players should be interested! I’d like to start off with an introduction. Can you please introduce yourse
The Nexus Times: So Long WildStar .
As you can probably assume from the title, this is going to be the last rendition of The Nexus Times. It’s with a heavy heart that I’ve made the decision to leave WildStar behind and attempt to find a greener pasture. I can remember my first visit to Nexus like it was yesterday; playing thro
The Division: Interview with Ubisoft Massive's Martin Hultberg .
At Comic Con Gamex in Stockholm, Sweden, we had the opportunity of talking to Martin Hultberg, the Head of Communications and IP Developer at Ubisoft Massive about their upcoming title, Tom Clancy’s The Division. Find out more about everything in The Division from housing to death and
WoW Wednesday: Progressing Past the Prime .
We are so close to Draenor! The ides of November march on! Can you feel the quakes on the ground as the Iron Horde approaches? Can you hear their warsong as it booms in the air? Can you also sense the level cap increase and near obsoletion of your gear? Well, you are not alone, my friend. A
RUiN: Interview with Tarhead Studio .
At Comic Con Gamex where Swedish developers were the primary focus, we encountered a small studio called Tarhead Studio, who are working on an online brawler called RUiN. Down below you can read our interview with their lead director Emil Helge and designer Martin Eriksson. Can you gi
The Tyrian Chronicle: Echoes of the Past in a New Land .
When I first started reading about what would be in Echoes of the Past it wasn’t so much the story that drew my attention, though I must give serious props to the music department on this one, wow. Instead though, it was the world vs world like zone they introduced, The Silverwastes that re
Top of the Week: Dawngate Shutdown, Top 5 Survival Horror Games, and More .
Nexus Times: So Long Wildstar Top Column MMOGames Wildstar Columnist Nick Shively says goodbye to Wildstar in a broken hearted last edition of The Nexus Times. Nick looks back on where Wildstar fell short, talks about why he has decided to leave the game and looks at what he calls the dim
PAX AUS Interview: BattleCry with Executive Producer Rich Vogel .
It’s often quite hard to be a gamer in Australia. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there are some advantages to being a gamer in Australia, not the least of which is that we get to stay out of the burning ball of death that hovers in the skies above this wide brown land, while also avoiding the
MOBA Monday: Four Reasons Why Dawngate Failed .
Dawngate is closing. Why? I was sitting in a coffee shop yesterday with a friend. We were talking about DotA 2. “Hey. Did you know EA’s cancelling Dawngate?” I said. “What’s Dawngate?” He asked. “Exactly,” I said. “That’s why they&
Airtime: MMO Stream Schedule (11/10/2014 – 11/16/2014) .
Hello and welcome to another weekly installment of Airtime! Your source for developer and official streams for MMOs, MOBAs, and Shooters! With blizzcon winding down, so are Blizzard’s Hearthstone, Starcraft II and World of Warcraft tournaments. Trion Worlds has further reduced their st
The Division Live Demo .
If you for some reason have not read about The Division, it is an online multiplayer RPG set in a near future where society have fallen into a collapsed state. You play as a sleeper agent that has been preparing for this kind of an event, and gets sent out to save the city of New York where
Eorzean Evening Post: The Primal Threat .
Final Fantasy has a fair amount of recurring concepts that pop up in each game. Every game tends to be in a psuedo-steampunk level of technology, except they’re generally using magic as opposed to any sort of steam. Recurring themes of crystals are also common. However, one item that h
WoW Wednesday: Warlords of Draenor
Warlords of Draenor is so close I can almost taste it! Can you feel its life-giving energy flow through you? It will take time for the Val, I mean, we’re all so extremely excited that I have to wonder as to why. Why are we excited for an expansion in a decade-old game where there isn&
Massive Thought: Virtual Violence .
Video game violence is once again a headliner for the newspapers. After decades of struggling to move away from all negative news about video gaming effects, and especially on how the supposedly makes us more violent have come full circle with all the recent threats against people in the nam
WoW: Warlords of Draenor Memes Page 2 .
We’re continuing our Warlords of Draenor memes, in case you missed it check out Page One!
WoW: Warlords of Draenor Memes .
We’ve put together some fantastic memes to celebrate the launch of Warlords of Draenor! For more Warlords of Draenor memes head over to Page 2!
The Hasla Herald: Exploring Auroria .
The first major content release for the North American version of ArcheAge is here. Conquest of Auroria adds six new zones, a new ten man instance and 30% more housing. This week in the Hasla Herald, we take a look at some of the new additions to one of our favorite sandbox MMORPG’s. We will
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