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Top of the Week: Otherland Beta, Draenor, and More .
At the end of every week we stop and look back at the most popular articles, games, and news. Otherland Closed Beta Begins Top News After going into limbo for two year Otherland, the MMORPG based on Tad Williams’ bestselling novels is back! Otherland is now being run by DRAGO Enterta
Blizzcon 2014: 4 Things Blizzcon Did Right .
Blizzcon is one of the biggest self-proclaimed nerd conventions in the world—a place where names like Yrel, Maraad, and Vol’jin mean something more than Tolkien-esque sneeze word nonsense, where orcs and humans live together in terse, uncomfortable harmony and shouts of “For the Alliance!”
Airtime: MMO Stream Schedule (11/17/2014 – 11/23/2014) .
Hello and welcome to another weekly installment of Airtime! Your source for developer and official streams for MMOs, MOBAs, and Shooters! This week we have some good news and some bad news. We’ll start with the bad news. There aren’t any new developer or official streams to add t
Eorzean Evening Post: The Warcraft Effect .
MMO players can be a migratory bunch. It doesn’t take much to get us to change our allegiances and move to a new game. Oh, don’t look at me like that. You know it’s true. How many people flew away at the mere sight of The Elder Scrolls Online, just to come back two months l
Throwback Tuesday: Oldest World of Warcraft Screenshots .
It’s been a week since World of Warcraft‘s latest release Warlords of Draenor. They have made incredibly big moves in this last quarter, cancelling their seven year Project Titan and announcing the upcoming MMO Overwatch. While we are following these developments with delight, it
WoW Wednesday: Warlords of Draenor - Review in Progress #1 .
Warlords of Draenor is finally here but I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that! Right off the bat, World of Warcraft servers exploded with activity as both Horde and Alliance, revived old players, new players, and returning players from different other MMO worlds, were eager
Hasla Herald: ArcheAge Discussing Longevity .
It’s almost hard to believe that ArcheAge has been out for two months now. Since September ArcheAge has seen its fair share of ups and downs. Today we discuss longevity. Does ArcheAge have it? I know it’s a touchy subject, but one worth discussing none the less. In this article we will
MOBA Monday: DotA 2 and the Nemesis Assassin Event .
DotA 2: The Nemesis Assassin Event Three days ago, Valve released its newest update to DoTA 2: The Nemesis Assassin Event. With it comes a new playable character (Oracle), a new play mode (the Nemesis Assassin Event), and a new prediction item (Charm of the Defender’s Vision). The u
The Worst Raid Boss of All: Language Barriers .
It’s 2014 and a long way from when MMOs first started hitting the mainstream market, and the landscape has become far different than it was a decade ago. If you can remember the 90’s or even the early 2000’s, MMO’s were restricted in their place of origin: Western MMO
Questing in Warlords of Draenor - Review in Progress #2 .
Questing – it’s easily the most important and the most overlooked part in every new expansion or game launch. Aside from completely leveling within battlegrounds or other forms of PvP, questing has always been the Draenic standard for direct character progression. Warlords of Dra
Verdun Interview .
We had a chance to sit down and talk to the developers of Verdun recently. It was a pleasure to speak to them and get some great insight in to the game. Verdun is a really well thought out first person shooter set in World War I. Mike and Matt tell us a bit about the mechanics and inspiratio
Beta Data: November 28, 2014 .
After an extended break we’re bringing Beta Data back! It’s full of exciting alphas, betas, and Kickstarter campaigns. Several of the games on this list are up for awards in MMOGames’ End of the Year Reader Poll so be sure to go vote for them! Pre-Alpha, Alpha
MOBA Monday: Why MOBAs Are Addictive .
What? MOBAs? Addictive you say? MOBAs: winning the war on drugs? MOBAs are addictive. Next to mobile games, they are among the most popular and lucrative titles in the gaming industry. Daily, Valve reports nearly 8 million unique DoTA 2 players, and Riot reports a staggering 27 million Leag
Virtual Reality of the Future .
Way back in late 2013, there was a short lived, ultimately unsuccessful fan attempt to turn World of Warcraft Oculus-Rift compatible. It was canceled later by the people working on it for undisclosed reasons, and no new effort to try again has been attempted since. But the effort, as ultimat
Airtime MMO Stream Schedule (12/1/14 – 12/6/14) .
Monday (12/1/14) 1 AM Smite – SNK 4 AM Smite – Paperbat 7 AM Smite – Chixy 10 AM Smite – HiRezPonPon 1 PM Smite – HiRezKelly 4 PM Smite – HiRezMamacita 4 PM Loadout – Community Talk 4 PM TOME – Loki-Hekate 7 PM Smite – Lassiz 9:30 PM Planetside 2 – L2PS2 10 PM Smite – Fdot Tuesday (12
Warlords of Draenor's Garrisons - Review in Progress #3 .
Garrisons were one of the most hyped up elements that Blizzard had been shoving into our faces since Warlords of Draenor was announced. Some felt the heat of it, while other saw it as some additional irrelevant grind being given the high stage due to the lack of a new class or race. There we
The Tyrian Chronicle: Seeds of Irritation in Guild Wars 2 .
Arenanet did something this episode that I absolutely hate. It’s something that I think eventually every studio does when they run out of ways to make the stakes higher or they’re trying desperately not to expand on characters. What is it that has offended me so? They put me in another char
Beta Data: December 5, 2014 .
This week we say goodbye to The Crew and say hello to a new sandbox game called Rising World. Even Kickstarter is a bit light on new games at the moment though we have added a new card game called Prismata that is being made by a team from MIT. And don’t forget to vote in our end of th
The Good, Bad, and Ugly About the Guild Wars 2 Finals .
There isn’t much to say about the Guild Wars 2 World Tournament Series. Literally. Not much happened. Bored. Even though over 3,000 viewers tuned in for the 4am (EST) Twitch feed, language issues, technical difficulties, poor video quality, buggy sound, and gaps in the content kept an
Airtime MMO Stream Schedule 12/8/14 – 12/14/14 .
Monday (12/8/14) 1 AM Smite – Capslockfury 4 AM Smite – Paperbat 7 AM Smite – Chixy 10 AM Smite – HiRezPonPon 1 PM Smite – HiRezKelly 4 PM Smite – HiRezMamacita 4 PM Loadout – Community Talk 4 PM TOME – Loki-Hekate 7 PM Smite – Fdot 9:30 PM Planetside 2 – L2PS2 10 PM Smite – SNK &nbs
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