Three days ago, Valve released its newest update to DoTA 2: The Nemesis Assassin Event. With it comes a new playable character (Oracle), a new play mode (the Nemesis Assassin Event), and a new prediction item (Charm of the Defender’s Vision). The update also introduces in-game ads for cosmetic items. Here is a complete synopsis of the event.
Oracle looks awesome.
Oracle is a new playable hero. He is a ranged support character that doubles as a lane support and a nuker. He is a variation of the “Oracle Nerif” hero from DotA 1 that features the same skills but slightly different stats. Oracle has been rewritten and visually updated for DotA 2, and he looks incredible.
Here’s what Oracle looked like in DotA.
The DotA 2 developer blog has a complete description of Oracle and his abilities:
“Oracle has come to let you seize the fates of both friend and foe. Weave your power into a harmful bolt that stops your enemies and removes helpful auras. Or render an ally resistant to harmful magics. Combine either approach with your double-edged purifying flames, and you’ll have all you need to aid or destroy. Still in danger? Delay an ally’s doom with a false promise, and give them the time needed to see their destiny to the fullest. As Oracle, the future is always in your hands.”
Here is a list of Oracle’s abilities, according to the DoTA 2 Heropedia:
Fortune’s End: “Gathers Oracle’s power into a bolt of scouring energy that, when released, damages, stops movement, and purges enemies of buffs in an area around the target. Can be channeled for up to 2.5 seconds. The purge and stop durations are equal to the time spent channeling.”
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Min Stop Duration: 0.5
Max Stop Duration: 2.5
Radius: 215
Fate’s Addict: “Oracle enraptures a target, disarming them and granting them 100% magic damage resistance, yet also increasing any damage taken from other damage types. Can be cast on allies and enemies.”
Damage Amplification: 50%
Duration: 3/4/5/6
Purifying Flames: “Burns away impurities, dealing heavy magic damage to the target before causing them to regenerate health over time. The amount of health regenerated over its duration exceeds the amount of initial damage. Can be cast on enemies and allies.”
Damage: 90/180/270/360
Heal per second: 11/22/33/44
Total Heal: 99/198/97/396
Duration: 9
False Promise: “Temporarily alters an ally’s destiny, rendering them invisible while moving, attacking, or using abilities, and delaying any healing or damage taken until False Promise ends. Any healing that is delayed by False Promise is doubled. Removes any negative status effects when applied.
Duration: 7/8/9
Here are his basic stats:
Intelligence: 23+2.90
Agility: 15+1.70
Strength: 18+1.90
Damage: 22-28
Movespeed: 305
Armor: 2.1
Here are his stats at level one:
Hit Points: 492
Mana: 299
Damage: 45-51
Armor: 2
His non-scalable stats:
Sight Range: 1800/800
Attack Range: 620
Missile Speed: 900
Oracle is incredibly powerful, but his power is costly; he is very item dependent. Players should focus on increasing his abilities and letting items compensate for his stats.
As far as item builds, Oracle is best suited for items that increase his intelligence, mana pool, and movement speed, which means items like Arcane Boots, Scythe of Vyse, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, and Urn of Shadows are crucial to is success. Starting items should include Clarity, Tango, Town Portal Scroll, Animal Courrier, and an Observer Ward. Secondary items should include Magic Wand, Soul Ring, and Medallion of Courage.
An image of the event from the DotA 2 developer’s blog.
The Nemesis Assassin Event runs through December 7th. It is a new play mode that allows users playing as the Phantom Assassin to complete missions and win rewards for their team.
The developer blog explains the event:
“Each day during the event, Oracle will tally his killers to compile a list of nemeses. If Phantom Assassin faces one or more of these nemeses in a match where any player on either team owns the Manifold Paradox Arcana, Phantom Assassin will automatically receive a contract to kill an opposing nemesis hero.”
In other words, the heroes that slay the Oracle the most during the event will be listed as “contracts.” If the Phantom Assassin (or any other player on his or her team) has purchased the Manifold Paradox bundle, the Assassin will be able to participate in the event. A contract will be issued on the offending hero’s head. If the Phantom Assassin manages to kill them before they kill her, the Assassin wins an item drop for his or her team.
To view a complete and updated list of nemeses, click here.
Due to Valve’s new and experimental game mode, players have flocked to forums to complain about the event. They claim the event is indicative of a new pay-to-play trend cropping up in popular video games. But DotA 2 and Valve have grown a lot in the last year. With professional prize pools reaching an all time high, MOBAs snowballing in popularity, and more and more users actively playing DotA, Valve needs to make money somewhere. League of Legends and SMITE turn profits through champion and cosmetic unlocks. DotA 2 is completely free, aside from minor cosmetics. The Manifold Paradox Arcana bundle is a fund raiser, if anything else. Players should unfix their panties. The event is not a “pay-to-win” scheme. It is a thank you note to players willing to invest in their favorite game.
On a similar note, Valve has begun placing ads in DotA 2. The ads can be seen in-game above the minimap in the bottom left-hand corner. They are small and unobtrusive. Although they do not affect or inhibit gameplay, a lot of players have complained about them. Again, Valve needs to pay the bills. Free games do not generate revenue. And revenue keeps the lights on. Valve is not forcing players to pay subscriptions, and they aren’t requiring players to purchase upgrades or heroes. Ads are the only way to generate revenue without charging players. I am proud of Valve for sticking to their guns and giving us the best possible game experience. In a gaming generation full of season passes, overpriced DLCs, pay-to-win schemes, and penny pinching developers, Valve is one of the most user-friendly companies in the world. They spoil us.
Sources: and
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