Heroes of the Storm: Skulls, Coins and Tributes - Battlegrounds and Objectives

Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm

Even though Heroes of the Storm is clearly a MOBA and killing enemy heroes is a key ingredient to winning a match, slaughtering other players is not everything. There are a couple of things to consider when playing a round of Blizzard’s second free-to-play game, like taking control of mercenary camps or strategizing with your team mates via the in-game chat system. Objectives, however, are the one thing that can really turn the tide of battle. Each map offers unique side missions that play a vital part in destroying the enemy base that everyone, no matter what role their character takes on, should pay attention to. Here’s a quick overview:

Haunted Mines

Go, Grave Golem, go!

  • Wait for the Haunted Mines to open and slay skeletal guardians to collect skulls.
  • Once all skulls are collected, a Grave Golem spawns for every team.
  • The golem’s strength and health is determined by the amount of skulls gathered.
  • Golems come in handy when wanting to take out enemy structures.
  • New golems spawn at the same spot the previous one died.

Cursed Hollow

The battle of the tribute.

  • Three tributes spawn every few minutes in Cursed Hollow.
  • The first team to gather all three is granted the help of the Raven Lord.
  • His curse will significantly lower the health of enemy minions and stop towers from attacking.
  • While the curse is active, your team has great chances of breaking through enemy barriers.
  • You will be notified when a new tribute spawns. Collecting it takes a couple of seconds, though.

Dragon Shire

Looks like the red team really wants that obelisk.

  • Dragon Shire features two objective structures: Obelisk of the Moon and Obelisk of the Sun.
  • Once both altars are controlled by one team, a hero can become the Dragon Knight.
  • The Dragon Knight transformation takes a couple of seconds. Beware of interruptions!
  • A player remains the Dragon Knight until he is killed or the one-minute timer runs out.
  • Dragon Knight abilities include a cone of fire, a charge attack and a group buff.

Blackheart's Bay

So. Many. Doubloons.

  • Destroy treasure chests and clear out jungle camps to be granted doubloons.
  • You are especially vulnerable to enemy attacks if you have doubloons.
  • Why? Because once your hero dies, all coins are dropped and free to be looted by others.
  • Blackheart, a mysterious ghost pirate, appears every couple of minutes at the center of the map.
  • Turn in 10 doubloons for him to launch his cannons at enemy buildings, causing massive damage.

Garden of Terror

The most terrifying of terror gardens.

  • Be aware of the day and night cycle that may impair your visibility.
  • Defeat all Night Horrors that pop up in mercenary camps when the sun goes down.
  • Collect 100 seeds for your team to unleash the Garden Terror!
  • One player can turn into the Garden Terror, rendering enemy buildings useless.
  • Stop the enemy team from collecting more seeds than you do.

Sky Temple

Turn enemy structures into ashes!

  • Always be prepared to race the other team to the temples.
  • Capture the Sky Temples once they're available.
  • Fight off the the guardians to get the best results.
  • The longer you hold the temple, the more damage they'll do to enemy keeps.
  • Get ready to engage in team fights while capturing the temple!