The mobile app Plants vs. Zombies is a tower defense game, in which it is of utmost importance to use the right tactics in order to succeed. In the mobile game, your main goal is to defend your house against an approaching horde of zombies with the help of your very capable plants. Each species has unique skills, and it is important for you to not only understand these, but also utilize them in the most efficient way. In Adventure Mode, daytime and nighttime worlds alternate. In this tip, we will tell you the most effective way to easily succeed in every daytime level.
The number one thing that you will quickly learn about Plants vs. Zombies is that you will come to a standstill if you don’t have enough sunlight in stock. Sunlight is the in-game currency that you collect in order to position your plants. Each little sun icon equals 25 sunlights. Every species comes at a certain price depending on their ability within the game. If you want to have the freedom to sow whichever plant you want later in a level, you will have to make sure that you collect enough sunlight.
This is what the game looks like in the beginning of each level.
At the beginning of each level, you will start with 50 sunlights, which is exactly the price for a sunflower. During the day, sunlight will periodically fall from the sky. That will not suffice for the amount of plants that you will have to position in order to easily fight off the walking dead.
We recommend primarily focusing on planting sunflowers in the beginning of each level, pretty much until you have planted two entire rows in the very back of your garden. This will make sure that they are safe from zombie attacks. Use your first 50 sunlights to plant a sunflower. Soon thereafter, the first sunlight will fall from the sky, after which your sunflower will quickly produce its first light. Before the first zombie walks into your garden, you should have been able to plant two sunflowers. Since you don’t want the zombie to attack you, you should position your first means of defense.
Optimally, this is what your garden should look like later in the level.
Before the beginning of a level, we recommend equipping regular Wall-Nuts which cost 50 sunlight (later in the game, we would substitute them for Tall-Nuts which cost 125 sunlight) and also Potato Mines which cost 25. By the time the first zombie slowly makes his way across your garden, you should have 25 sunlight to spare. Use them to purchase a Potato Mine and place that in the back of the lane that the zombie is walking on. Now, you can focus your attention on planting more sunflowers again, until the second zombie arrives who you will block with a Wall-Nut (or Tall-Nut).
Make sure to also start attacking the zombie who is busy destroying your defensive plant. Continue these steps until you have enough sunflowers. From that moment on, you should not run out of sunlight and should be able to freely defend yourself in Plants vs. Zombies!