We here at browsergamez.com have to say that we were quite surprised when we reached the final level in Plants vs. Zombies’ Adventure Mode because we certainly did not expect the tower defense game to have such a difficult endboss - or any endboss at all, for that matter. In "How to Succeed in Daytime Levels", we already elaborated on how to succeed in pretty much every level of the mobile game. After we came up with our sure-fire strategy, there wasn’t much that could go wrong. In our Plants vs. Zombies test, we explained that the overall simplicity of the title didn’t strike us negatively, however, and didn’t influence our perception of it at all. All of that changed when we reached the last level which turned out to be more difficult than expected.
This was mostly due to the fact that we couldn’t rely on our successfully established strategy anymore since the endboss was equivalent to the conveyor belt bonus levels and not a regular stage. In this level type, random plants are brought to you on a conveyor belt on the left side of the screen. You can position them on the battlefield as soon as they pop up without having to worry about saving or spending sunlight. Usually, we found that there was no way to lose conveyor belt levels since all you had to do was plant literally everything that rolled your way. In the endboss version, things were a bit more tricky than that.
This is what the level looks like.
The final boss is a brainy-zombie steering a huge robot who repeatedly calls on various types of the walking dead for help. The level is set at night on the roof of your house and it features no lawnmowers - which is probably the number one factor why this level is so difficult. Since it is impossible to sow plants on rooftop tiles, the level features three rows of pots. Unfortunately, zombies tend to destroy these in no time, whenever they are empty.
If you want to defeat the final boss, you will not only have to understand his course of action, but also deal with a constant giant horde of zombies. Using your plants in a smart way is of utmost importance. There are 6 different plants that are randomly brought to you on your conveyor belt:Ice-ShroomsFreezes all enemies on the battlefieldJalapenosSends out a bolt of fire on a laneMelon-pultsShoots melons at enemiesKernel-pultsShoots kernels and butter at enemiesFlower PotsFlower pot to place plantsCabbage-pultsShoots cabbage at enemiesThe endboss is mostly so high up in his mech that it is impossible to directly damage him. From behind him, zombies make their way towards your flower pots trying to invade your house. Once they manage to breach your defenses and enter your house through your chimney, you lose. Every once in a while, the brainiac bends down in his robot and prepares to roll a huge ball of ice or fire down one path which destroys anything in its path. It is only possible to damage the endboss when he bends down.
The brainiac bends down - use an Ice-Shroom to freeze him.
It is important to ration your plants on this stage. You can basically always immediately position all flowers that shoot objects at zombies. Make sure to sow at least one Melon-pult in each lane as they are the only ones that will sufficiently damage Gargantuar. This level features every zombie that you ever encountered which makes it quite important to position as many plants as possible in each lane. However, always save a few Flower Pots, Jalapenos, and Ice-Shrooms on your conveyor belt since you will need them to destroy the final boss. You will need the latter two to destroy the balls of fire and ice to save your plants and pots from being run over. If you happen to have a spare Ice-Shroom, use it to freeze the endboss as soon as he bends down as it will give your plants more time to damage him.
Destroy the ball of fire.
Also, save some extra Jalapenos to destroy the Zombonis who make an appearance later during the boss fight. You should also save a few (not too many because you don’t want your conveyor belt to be crowded) pots in case a lane gets run over by one of these hot or cold balls. Even if that doesn’t happen to you once, you should still save some pots because after you’ve massively damaged the endboss, he will start to destroy one or two of your lanes at once by smashing down a small bus. You quickly have to reposition plants here in order to not get run over by the horde of zombies.
If you make smart use of your plants and freeze the brainiac in the right moments to deal massive damage, you should fair well in the last level of Plants vs. Zombies.