What would the world be without helpful neighbors? This is the idea behind finding friends in the online world of Farmerama and so we are giving you the details on how to find friendly neighbors in a jiffy.
Using the neighbor bar directly in the game, you will be able to choose if you would like to have neighbors that you can rent with cash or whether you would rather have real, live neighbors that are other players that are rocking their own farms. You can invite friends to join the game per email by clicking the “Invite Friends per Email” button in-game. However, if you already know other farmers that have gotten started on their farms in Farmerama, you can click “Invite a farmer that is already registered to be your neighbor”. After clicking that option, you will have to know the name of the player and you can write a lovely little note to them. Once the farmer has accepted your invitation, you are officially neighbors. See, that wasn’t so hard after all!
Find a farmer that already exists...

... or invite them using the email function!
Why would I need neighbors?
To put it simply: Starting at level 17 you will be able to explore the wild side of Farmerama. Only with the help of your neighbors will you be able to beat back the incredible number of weeds and unwanted plants that fill the green meadow. It would be far too much work for a single player to try to go it alone and that is why you will need 12 neighbors to help. You can have up to 17 neighbors in your friend’s list, while premium players can have up to 23. Also, who wants to play alone all of the time?
You can also make sure that your neighbors really like you by sending them fancy gifts and lovely messages.
So – here we are and everything seems to be in order. Now, what happens with your friends don’t want to play Farmerama and you don’t know any other farmers in in the browser game?
Well, this is when it becomes your job to actively search for and find nice neighbors. Heck, we will even help you out… Go ahead and post a comment on this article using the Facebook comments below and make sure not to forget your Farmerama user name! Who knows, maybe you will find someone to meet up with and become the best of neighbors?