Some of the Classes in Trove
If you have come here from the main article about Trove classes, welcome, you‘re in the right place. If not, then this is a guide to the ranged classes available in Trove, the free-to-play MMORPG from Trion Worlds.
These guys specialize in dealing as much damage as possible from afar using a range of abilities and weapons. You should be careful, because ranged classes are not designed to take lots of damage. See what you think:
The Gunslinger is the iconic Wild West gunner. Armed with duel revolvers and a cool hat, he uses skills to gun down and put holes in his enemies from a distance. He has three abilities that help him deal maximum damage, and avoid getting caught by his enemies:
Fae Trickster
This magical master of illusion deals massive damage, while tricking and confusing the enemy about which is the real you. The Fae Trickster’s abilities center on illusion and magic damage:
Ice Sage
The Ice Sage is a powerful ice mage that uses magic spells and icy abilities to keep her foes at bay. Freeze your enemies in place while dealing loads of damage.
Shadow Hunter
The Shadow Hunter is an ancient hunter of evil, seeking it out and destroying it wherever it may be hiding using traps and a bow to hunt enemies down. No enemy can get away with the toolkit that the Shadow Hunter has:
Pirate Captain
This veteran of the high seas travels with a parrot on his shoulder and a cannon in his hand. The Pirate Captain uses explosives and his trusty avian friend to dispatch of his enemies: