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ArcheAge Hasla Herald: The Bad and Ugly .
It’s no secret that I really like ArcheAge. I personally find it to be one of the most rewarding MMORPG experiences I have played in over a decade. It has nearly every feature I crave from an online game. Open ended game play, player owned housing, intense PvP and an in depth trade skill sys
Massive Thought: Gamergate .
My name is Karl, and I am a gamer. I was born with a stick between the legs and am therefore of the male gender, but see myself as a human being. Over my years of gaming I have mostly seen myself as a gamer. Today I have a really hard time calling myself a gamer. I want to be part of the gam
LoL World Semifinals: SHR vs OMG (Part 1) .
Last week’s match between Star Horn Royal Club and OMG was one of the longest, most intense matches in the tournament. With over six hours of gameplay, it is hard to watch the entire thing in one sitting. But, in case you missed Sunday morning’s match (or you just can’t fi
LoL World Semifinals: SHR vs OMG (Part 2) .
Here is part two of last week’s match between Star Horn Royal Club and OMG. If you missed part one you can find it here before you continue onward with part 2. After Game 2, the series was tied 1-1. Both teams looked great in the first two games; it was impossible to predict a winner.
Airtime: MMO & MOBA Stream Schedule (10/20/2014 – 10/26/2014)
Hello and welcome to another weekly installment of Airtime, your source for developer and official streams for MMO, MOBA, and Shooters! This week we are adding Star Wars: The Old Republic to our Friday lineup while Trion has aparently decided to remove Defiance from their streaming hours. I
The League of Legends World Championship 2014 Finals .
It happened: the League of Legends Season 4 World Championship–the biggest World Championship in eSports ever. Thousands of spectators crowded into the arena, Imagine Dragons waited in the wings, and hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds of fireworks stood by.The stadium, electric. The
The Nexus Times: Friendship Is Magic .
For many people the MMORPG experience is about escaping life or experiencing things that could never be possible in the real world. For others, it’s about meeting people all over the world and sharing in quests and experiences. Not everyone is gifted at making friends during day-to-day occu
Scott Youngblood Firefall Interview: Your Game, His Words .
Do you wonder about the future of Firefall? Do you have questions about what’s going on and why? Ever really needed to know what’s the best battleframe for when you’re hung over? We recently sat down with Scott Youngblood, Lead Designer at Red 5 Studios to pose a few questions. Firefa
WoW Wednesday: Patch 6.0.2: Impressions .
After being treated to a new, great-looking intro, Blizzard hypes up even more what is already one of the most anticipated releases of the year, coupling it with the new pre-patch updating our current game to get us used to how Warlords of Draenor will work. And, of course, there are a coup
The Tyrian Chronicle: Unpopular Choices in the Name of New Players .
I had originally intended to write a completely different article for this week. It was going to be light hearted and fun. But then I learned about Gemgate and I felt my love for Guild Wars 2 take another hit. Since the release of Guild Wars 2 in China earlier this year Arenanet has made one
Top of the Week: Firefall Interview, Nosgoth Giveaway, and More .
Top of the Week is a look at the most popular games, news, videos, and articles of the week on MMOGames. We’ll be releasing it on Fridays where you can get a look at just a small fraction of the content we release on MMOGames every week. We only post what has been getting the most attention
Airtime: MMO Stream Schedule (10/27/2014 - 11/02/2014) .
Hello and welcome to another weekly installment of Airtime! Your source for developer and official streams for MMOs, MOBAs, and Shooters! This week we are finally implementing our ‘featured stream’ insert. Starcraft II has finally been added to our lineup and you can catch the WC
MOBA Monday: Halloween Events .
The world’s leading MOBA games are celebrating Halloween in unique fashion this year. Here is a complete summary of events. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS A pair of wooden eyes light up blue against a gold-deco stage. A man’s voice creaks. “Many are the grim tales of the Shadow Isles and the
Eorzean Evening Post: The Fanfest Wrap-Up .
I have a flood of information for you today, from two weeks of Fanfests. Let’s get started then, shall we? The first, and biggest piece of information, is the announcement of the expansion, Heavensward. This expansion will be taking place in the snowy region of Ishgard, land of the dra
The Nexus Times: WildStar World PvP is Dead .
I’m sure this declaration isn’t necessarily a surprise to many of you, considering the dwindling population of WildStar servers over the last few months. You’d think that after merging all the servers together there would at least be enough of a player base for a few skirmishes here and the
WoW Wednesday: Hallow's End .
For every player in every game, regardless of their age, MMO Halloween events are as much as a treat as any other piece of candy. It’s always great seeing how the local game lore treats the ghoulish and ghastly fun of this awesome holiday, and every year it is greeted with such an excitemen
MMO Halloween Events 2014 .
Come back every Wednesday in October to find the most complete list of MMO Halloween events going on in 2014! Know of one that has been announced and isn’t on the list yet? Let us know in the comments and on Halloween we’ll pick one name at random to win a Steam Copy of Civilization: Beyond
The Tyrian Chronicle: Blood and Madness in Halloween .
It’s time once again for the Mad King and his actually insane son to return to Guild Wars 2 once more. I’m talking about the long standing tradition of Halloween. This year’s Halloween event is Blood and Madness, the same event we had last year just with some new goodies to be won. To be fa
Halloween's Scariest Games .
Today is Halloween, for those who prefer to spend their Halloween curled up with some scary entertainment, this list was made just for you. October might be the end to the warm weather but it’s the beginning of a wonderful season. The leaves are transforming from greens to bright orange and
Super MOBA Sundays: League of Legends Preseason Updates .
With World Championships over and season four coming to a close, Riot has begun releasing meta updates for the 2015 preseason. Preseason provides down time for ranked and professional gamers, and Riot uses this time to fix bugs, tweak maps, and fine-tune items and champions. A couple weeks
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