Here is part two of last week’s match between Star Horn Royal Club and OMG. If you missed part one you can find it here before you continue onward with part 2.
After Game 2, the series was tied 1-1. Both teams looked great in the first two games; it was impossible to predict a winner. Uzi and Star Horn Royal were as aggressive as ever, and OMG had been laying great ward protection. Here is a recap of the last three games.
Lee Sin
Cola: Maokai
InSec: Fiddlesticks
Corn: Orianna
Uzi: Twitch
Zero: Janna
Gogoing: Nidalee
Loveling: Kha’zix
Cool: Twisted Fate
San: Lucian
Cloud: Thresh
Star Horn Royal Club banned Jayce early after his performance earlier. Gogoing picked Lucian to take him away from Uzi. Uzi countered with Twitch. And Zero picked up Fiddlesticks. Fiddlesticks had seen almost no action in the tournament so far, and fans and commentators were curious to see how he would use him late in the game. SHR teased a potential combo between Maokai, Organa, and Fiddlesticks. Cool picked up Twisted Fate, a potentially fatal decision. Twisted Fate had a very low win rate.
A nervous fan watches Game 3.
The match opened with a 5 vs 5 showdown in the jungle. Uzi claimed first blood shortly afte :30, the fastest first blood in the tournament. 2-0 SHR at 1:00, a good, fast-paced start for SHR.
SHR killed a dragon at 4:12. It was a slow kill with great ward protection. There was no contest. Loveling killed inSec at 5:05. Corn killed Cool at 6:25. Gogoing killed Cola in a 3 vs 1 trap in the bottom lane. Zero went down at 9:40, and inSec killed San and Cloud at 9:55–the bloodiest first ten minutes in the tournament.
Gogoing chased inSec shortly after 10 but was unable to finish him. InSec hung at 1hp for over ten seconds thanks to great protection from SHR. From there, SHR attempted to kill the dragon. OMG met them and stole it from them. Cola killed Cloud. Zero fell. Gogoing killed inSec, and San killed Uzi. 6-6 at 12:30; tie. OMG picked up a slight gold lead, and Gogoing downed Cola at 14:53. Killing spree; 6-7 OMG. Gogoing destroyed a turret at 15:42, and San destroyed one at 16:04. Uzi and Zero fell shortly after 18:00, but Corn went on a killing spree. inSec fell a couple seconds later. OMG killed another dragon at 18:20. OMG was gaining control. Gogoing was farming gold at will.
OMG pushed bottom at 24:00; they killed a dragon at 24:30. They killed another one at 30:48. OMG now had a major gold advantage over SHR. Things were beginning to look grim for SHR, but they weren’t done yet.
They pushed a little before 34:00. inSec picked up a double kill. Two OMG inhibitors fell. SHR killed the Baron at 35:00. Cola went on a killing spree. Uzi killed Cool at 35:20, and Loveling killed Uzi. 13-15 OMG.
OMG pushed into SHR’s base. They destroyed an inhibitor at 36:02, but SHR claimed another dragon at 37:07. Zero moved deep into enemy territory, throwing wards. SHR pushed again. Another OMG inhibitor fell at 40:20. They pushed for the Nexus Both Nexus towers fell, but OMG wasn’t done yet. Zero and Uzi fell at 41:10, pushing them back.
Now it was OMG’s turn to rush base. They destroyed another two inhibitors at 41:50. Cloud fell, resulting in a killing spree for inSec.
SHR and OMG pushed again for each others’ bases, ignoring each other. They raced to the finish. The teams reached the enemies’ bases simultaneously. It came down to the wire, but SHR destroyed OMG’s Nexus with only a fraction of a second to spare. The final score was 20-19 SHR; the game ended at 42:56.
Fans looking fashionable amid the drama.
Cola: Dr. Mundo
InSec: Kha’zix
Corn: Zilean
Uzi: Lucian
Zero: Nami
Gogoing: Maokai
Loveling: Lee Sin
Cool: Twisted Fate
San: Corki
Cloud: Thresh
Gogoing picked up Lee Sin for Loveling, and Corn took advantage of Zilean. Other than that, there were no surprises going into Game 4.
Both teams attempted another level one fight at 1:30. No one committed to it, though. No casualties. Uzi claimed first blood at 7:57. San killed Uzi at 7:58, Loveling killed Corn, and OMG slew the dragon at 8:33. Loveling killed Corn at 11:05. 3-1 OMG.
OMG killed a dragon at 15:05 and picked up another kill. 4-1 OMG.
Uzi downed a turret at 16:58 and OMG traded kills with SHR at 17:30. Cloud hooked inSec a little after 19:00, and cool killed inSec at 19:50. San killed Zero at 20:10, and Uzi killed Loveling at 20:20. He somehow managed to get away with low health.
SHR killed a dragon at 21:30. Cola died, a red turret fell, Corn died, Zero died, and San went on a killing spree between 24:30 and 25:00. Uzi pushed back, but it wasn’t enough. 10-4 OMG. Cool killed inSec at 28:10; he went on a rampage. San went on a rampage at 28:30. Corn tried to flee the exchange with almost no health. OMG’s entire roster teleported to kill him, delivering a devastating mental blow to SHR. OMG killed the Baron at 30:49. Cola died at 31:17; san was dominating. Cool destroyed an inhibitor. SHR shut down San. Cool became unstoppable at 32:20. 17-6 OMG. OMg had a 15k gold advantage. SHR had no answer.
OMG destroyed the bottom inhibitor at 35:02. Cool was dominating. Cola died at 35:20. OMG aced SHR and destroyed the Nexus at 35:43. The final score was 22-6.
inSec’s aquisition of Pantheon was, arguably, SHR’s best move in the match.
Twisted Fate
Lee Sin
Cola: Maokai
InSec: Pantheon
Corn: Ryze
Uzi: Lucian
Zero: Thresh
Gogoing: Rumble
Loveling: Kha’zix
Cool: Orianna
San: Corki
Cloud: Janna
Cola picked up Ryze for Corn. Ryze has been incredibly effective in the tournament, and it is Corn’s best champion. OMG may have misstepped in not banning him. Uzi picks up Lucian, his best champion. inSec picked up Pantheon, a bold move. And, at that, things begin to look grim for OMG. SHR needed an early lead, and OMG looked unable to prevent them from doing it.
Corn went mid with Ryze, a move that had not been seen in the tournament before. OMG and SHR met again at mid. The crowd exploded. No exchange. Uzi was almost caught and killed. OMG placed crucial wards deep in SHR territory. inSec claimed first blood at 4:15; he killed Gogoing. inSec used the gold and experience boost of the opening minutes to advance his item build. He looked unstoppable. Corn killed San at 17:55, Cool killed inSec, and Uzi killed Cloud and Loveling. 4-1 SHR. Uzi was doing what Uzi does best–ganking champions and running the field. He was 2-0-1 at 9:52. He was having a great early game.
InSec killed Loveling at 10:25; Loveling was trapped between members of SHR. He stood no chance. SHR killed the dragon at 12:52. Cola, inSec, and Cool fell at about 13:00. It had been a big thirteen minutes for SHR, but they weren’t done yet. Gogoing fell at 13:32, and Zero fell at 13:47. 8-4 SHR. Now that they were in the lead, SHR began to take more risks, placing wards and attempting enemy buffs.
Cola killed Cool at 15:06, Loveling killed Zero, and Corn killed Loveling, resulting in a killing spree. Uzi also went on a killing spree after defeating Gogoing. inSec destroyed a turret. 11-5 SHR at 15:34.
SHR killed a dragon at 17:18. Even though OMG had hit their mid-game spike, it didn’t matter. SHR was on fire.Corn had stepped up, and the team had begun to work together. It was no longer the Uzi show. It was SHR’s game to win.
An inner turret for OMG fell at 24:37, and Corn killed Gogoing at 24:58. inSec killed Loveling, and the crowd began to chant. The audience had turned on OMG. This was SHR’s shining moment.
OMG killed a dragon at 23:49, but it wasn’t enough to make a difference. They moved on to the Baron. inSec used his ultimate. He killed Cloud, resulting in a killing spree. Ggoing killed Zero, and Uzi went on a rampage. Corn was unstoppable. 18-6 SHR. Corn killed Cloud with inSec on the assist. SHR attempted the Baron, but they backed away. Uzi picked up a triple kill at 28:30, and inSec went on a rampage. SHR finally killed the Baron at 28:38. With Uzi now overpowered, a 20k gold advantage, and perfect item builds across the board, SHR had begun killing at will. 23-6 SHR. They began one-shotting minions.
InSec became unstoppable at 30:50, and Uzi became legendary. The middle inhibitor fell. Corn killed Loveling at 31:40; he was shut down a few seconds later. Despite a four versus one disadvantage, Corn still managed a kill. Uzi gained legendary status again with a triple kill at 32:04 29-8 SHR. The OMG Nexus fell at 33:38 with a final score of 31-9 SHR.
Uzi, looking sly amid handshakes.
Star Horn Royal club defeated OMG 3-2 in longest, most exciting best of five in the tournament. Uzi was not only the first player in the history of League of Legends to attend two finals matches–he was the first two do it in two back-to-back tournaments. As he rose from his game station, Uzi was at a loss for words, smiling in disbelief. He shook his head, choked back tears, nodded, and raised his bottle of water to the audience. The audience erupted.
Imp. He’s much fiercer than he looks.
From here, Star Horn Royal Club will face off against Samsung White in the finals tomorrow morning at 2:45 EST. It will be a tough match for SHR, arguably the toughest match of the tournament. White has only lost one match in the World Championship series this year, and they look almost unbeatable. They are quick, aggressive, and hard to kill. Royal Club will have to be faster if they plan on gaining an edge over White. It will be an incredible showdown.
Until then, though, stay tuned to MMOGames for all things Worlds and League of Legends.