Last week’s match between Star Horn Royal Club and OMG was one of the longest, most intense matches in the tournament. With over six hours of gameplay, it is hard to watch the entire thing in one sitting. But, in case you missed Sunday morning’s match (or you just can’t find enough time to watch the entire thing), here is a complete recap of the match.
Gogoing, looking as cool as ever.
Both teams looked very solid going into the final semifinal match. After losing to Star Horn Royal Club in the LPL earlier this year, Gogoing was out for blood. In a pregame interview, he said, “Royal Club is a major rival of ours…. If we work hard and keep our focus, we should have our revenge.”
After a long, shaky road to the semis, Gogoing had become the glue that held OMG together. With a 3-3 record, they barely escaped the group phase. In the quarterfinals, the team substituted dada777 with Cloud. With Cloud’s help, Gogoing delivered one of the most impressive top lane performances in the tournament. They defeated Najin White Shield 3-0. And they planned to do the same to Star Horn Royal Club.
Their coach, Titi, was fearless. He said, “I am pretty confident with all of the OMG players… and I am confident that we will win.”
Star Horn Royal, however, had different plans. The Season 3 runner-up would settle for nothing less than a seat in the Season 4 finals. Uzi had reconstructed his team from scratch, and everyone looked hungry. In the past, Uzi had been able to carry an entire team by himself, but this year the team played as a unit. The superstar had surrounded himself with superstars.
That said, the commentators and the fans were divided over picks. Krepo, Montecristo, and Phreak picked OMG to win the match 3-2. Doublelift, citing a free pass from Najin White Shield, was not convinced that OMG was capable of pushing through to finals. He picked Star Horn Royal 3-2. The fans agreed with him, picking Star Horn Royal over OMG 52% to 48%.
Fans going wild for OMG in the opening minutes of the match.
Lee Sin
Cola: Irelia
InSec: Jarvan IV
Corn: Orianna
Uzi: Tristana
Zero: Zilean
Gogoing: Rumble
Loveling: Kha’zix
Cool: Jayce
San: Lucian
Cloud: Thresh
Out of the gate, OMG targeted inSec, banning Lee Sin early. Loveling picked up Kha’zix, another one of inSec’s strong champions. InSec teased Yasuo for a minute, taunting OMG. He then dropped it for Jarvan IV. San showed Twitch, but he chose Lucian. Cool picked Jayce, a champion that yielded him an 18 KDA versus Najin White Shield. While SHR were very conservative in their champion selections, OMG was preparing for a bloodbath.
Uzi, nervous or ready?
Cool immediately called out SHR in the opening seconds, making a quick gank move early. It failed, but the message was clear–OMG wasn’t playing around.
OMG finished placing wards in the opening minutes, gaining them excellent vision. Both teams gathered. OMG made a five-man push at 1:30. SHR countered. Cloud went low on health wt 3:00, but he escaped. Another exchange at 4:00 almost claimed Zero. The first five minutes were aggressive and close. But no deaths.
A two for one exchange at 8:00 ended the dry spell. Zero went down, followed by Cloud and Uzi. Cola tried to make a move to save them, but he was too late. He retreated. 1-2 OMG; they looked as strong as ever. Uzi, on the other hand, was miles behind in both good and experience.
OMG attempted to kill the dragon at 11:24. They tripped the wards, and SHR blocked them. OMG downed the dragon, but they lost Cloud. inSec, Zero, and Uzi fell to Loveling at 12:30. Triple Kill. OMG was now in the driver’s seat. Uzi and inSec had been crippled beyond recovery, and the dragon had given them enough of a gold lead to carry them the rest of the game. They downed two turrets at 12:42, and, with that, SHR’s world began to implode.
San began to chase Corn shortly after 14:00. SHR trapped him. inSec fell at 14:38, but San was shut down. 3-7 OMG. They took two more turrets at 15:24. Gogoing reached level 11 at 16:00, and the dragon was ready to respawn. OMG was overpowered with great ward placement and an abundance of gold. SHR had no tower upon which they could fall.
OMG attacked the dragon a little after 17:00. Corn tried to anchor and steal it at the last second, but he failed. The dragon fell at 17:28, and Corn fell at 17:34. Loveling was on a rampage. Zero and Cola died at 17:50; 4-11 OMG.
At 20:00, SHR attempted five-man push into OMG territory. OMG countered. Loveling dominated at 21:20, increasing OMG’s lead to 4-13. OMG downed a tower at 21:31, and they killed the Baron at 21:52. Loveling achieved godlike at 23:45. At this point, OMG looked as good (if not better) than Samsung White.
They destroyed a bottom inhibitor turret at 23:53, killed another dragon at 24:42, and downed inSec at 24:43. Zero died at 25:08. San went on a killing spree. OMG aced SHR at 25:20. Gogoing became unstoppable. The blue inhibitor fell at 25:30. Loveling achieved legendary status. The inner mid turret fell at 27:00. Using Cloud as bait, OMG ganked cool at 27:40. Double kill. Another turret fell at 27:57, shortly followed by another turret and two inhibitors. OMG placed a ward in SHR’s base . Cloud fell at 29:00, but Gogoing achieved godlike. The Nexus fell at 29:17; the final score was 6-23 OMG.
Star Horn Royal looked worried but not shaken. Uzi joked before the game that SHR should lose two games before making awinning push. At this point, that appeared to be the plan. Imp, the AD Carry for Samsung White, had another idea. He blamed overconfidence. In an interview before Game Two, he said, “I do think Uzi is the best ADC in the world… but I think that [his pride] might backfire for his team.” Regardless, OMG performed incredibly in the first game. Star Horn Royal Club needed to make adjustments.
Imp discussing SHR and Uzi.
Cola: Dr. Mundo
InSec: Kha’zix
Corn: Lulu
Uzi: Lucian
Zero: Thresh
Gogoing: Rumble
Loveling: Lee Sin
Cool: Jayce
San: Corki
Cloud: Morgana
InSec picked up Lucian in the the first round for Uzi–a big blow for San. Cola picked up Dr. Mundo to tank. The acquisition of Mundo was a risky move for SHR; the champion was 1-2 so far in tournament play this year. Onlookers were curious to see how Cola would use it. San picked up Corki to counter Lucian. All in all, OMG still managed to build a strong, aggressive roster. SHR had their work cut out for them.
OMG after game one. They look relieved.
Both teams moved quickly to the mid, laying wards. Uzi and Zero pushed OMG back in the bottom at 3:10. Other than that, things were quiet. A five versus five exchange at 5:00 was fruitless. OMG laid great wards, though, gaining vision but losing a lane.
SHR attempted the dragon at 7:00. Cool tried to steal it, but he was unsuccessful. Too early. The dragon fell at 7:35. San downed a turret at 8:15.
Another exchange at 10:00 broke the silence. Uzi claimed first blood over Loveling at 10:20, and Cloud fell at 10:44. 0-2 SHR.
OMG claimed their second turret at 11:55. Gogoing killed Cola at 12:06. Cool picked up a blue buff at 12:45, and Uzi began dominating the bottom lane at 14:00. OMG attempted a dragon shortly thereafter. Zero pushed back. Corn fell at 15:50, followed by inSec at 16:09 and Zero at 16:16. Uzi killed Gogoing at 16:22, but OMG killed the dragon at 16:41. 4-3 OMG.
inSec killed Cloud a couple minutes later. 4-4; tie.
At 29:00, Cola survived a 3 vs 1 trap. OMG managed to down a turret, but they picked up no kills. From there, OMG began to shove the mid-lane. Gogoing fell at 22:55, followed by Uzi. Loveling died at 23:30. San managed a triple kill shortly after defeating inSec and Cloud. OMG defeated another dragon at 23:46. 8-7 OMG.
From there, OMG found themselves caught in a fight for a red buff. Cool killed inSec at 25:00. They began to push for SHR’s base. Corn died at 25:12. 10-7 OMG. They retreated. SHR pushed into OMG territory. Corn killed Loveling at 26:27, and Uzi destroyed a turret at 26:42. OMG tried to attack the Baron at 27:00, but SHR called them out. OMG laid ward on the Baron. The dragon respawned. OMG tried the Baron again. Zero blocked. Cloud died at 30:02, Cool died at 30:15, and Gogoing died at 30:22. SHR killed the Baron at 30:50, and Loveling died again at 30:56. And, with that, SHR finally gained enough momentum to control the match.
OMG killed a dragon at 32:29, but SHR pushed back. Uzi downed a turret at 33:19, and corn downed another turret forty seconds later. Dr. Mundo hit level 17. OMG attacked the Baron a little later, but they were out of ward range. SHR split OMG. They regained composure and pushed SHR out. SHR retaliated by pushing mid, taking OMG away from the Baron. OMG tried the Baron about a minute later, but SHR pushed them out again. San was unstoppable at about 40:00, Corn went on a killing spree. San started dominating a little later when he killed Uzi. 13-14 SHR. They killed the Baron shortly after the exchange, and they downed a dragon at 41:30.
There was a battle for the bottom. Cloud died at 43:05. SHR pushed into OMG’s base. Uzi destroyed a turret at 43:35. An inhibitor followed a second later. 13-16 SHR. Uzi killed Loveling at 45:50, but he was shut down at 46:05. Corn was unstoppable. San was godlike. The OMG Nexus fell at 46:20 with a final score of 15-20.
To see the rest of the most intense match of the 2014 League of Legends World Championships head over to Part 2.