Hyper Farming: Finding a Client (Part 3 of 3)

Alright so you have your farms set up and are ready to start selling.  There are a few things that are important to remember.

  1.  There are often channels (chat rooms) in any kingdom specifically for selling RSS, shouldn't be hard to find and often are populated by people who are actually in it to buy and trade RSS not screw you over.  They are often moderated and people keep the community clean of scammers.
  2.  If you are trading for gold gifts or rss make sure that things are staying even as you make the transfers and make sure you know if the amount you are trading for is pre/post tax. Silver is another matter since the entire trade is done all at once, same with any paypal sales or transactions try to arrange for half up front/half after.  Obviously this isnt necessary with someone you already have a good relationship with.
  3.  Always teleport to your client until it is someone you really trust.  When someone comes to you they come to where your farms are, at which point they may decide to just set up shop for a while and take as much as possible without paying.  If you are big enough to fight them off then great but often the people you deal with will be 150 million+ power monsters and are happy to hit everything you have a few times and then shield, waiting for opportune times to quick take your RSS.  You will probably take enough losses from randoms, no need to deliver yourself to someone who just wants to camp out and take everything they can.
  4.  Go big or go home, generally I would say dont advetise/sell under 100 million, you want to land clients who are going to buy multiple times, that means big spenders and it generally means people who are going to be burning through hundreds of millions of RSS, make yourself someone who can supply a heavy hitter and youll never go short.

5, This is the big one, BE PATIENT! You'll have to take some time to find prices that work for you and what the general going rate is.  Don't undercut for the sake of moving stuff fast, you're only hurting yourself in the long run.  The best times to sell are during/after big events  KvK, coliseum, or epic wonder events are AWESOME for selling since people lose troops by the thousands, so dont worry too much if the RSS seems to be piling up without a buyer.  People are going to need it, even food.  I had over a billion food saved and suddenly a regular of mine needed it.  People always will need RSS so just give it time and dont throw away RSS for super cheap just because you think it wont move.  It will, just keep shielded and wait for your opportunity.

Hopefully everything is going well and you guys are developing your farms!  Next time I'll talk about tax free silver transfers, some general pricing tips, and getting the most out of your gold or buying gold packs!

Contributed by Dan

P.S. Aren't these posts amazing!? Make sure to comment tell Dan he is awesome if you like his posts -Navi