24 New Profile Images

Profile Image Best Face Forward Banner

Customize Your Character Profile Image

Game of War just released 24 new profile images for your heroes. It's refreshing to see Game of War beginning to round out some of the softer elements of the game. Here's the blog post if you haven't seen it already:

Customize Your Character

If you want to "put your best face forward" you can choose from one of the 24 options below by using a "Change Profile Image" item in your store.

New Profile Images 2 New Profile Images 1

I was a little confused when I first tried changing mine because I thought it would change my Hero Avatar, but it did not. Below are the Hero Avatars:

Hero Avatars Hero Avatars (2)

When you "Change Profile Image" your Hero in your Stronghold view and Hero Gear view will stay the same, but your Profile image someone sees when click on your Stronghold will be changed. For example, here's what it looks like below:

Change Profile Image

Do you like the new profile images?

