Score More Points During A KvK

Maximize Your Points During a KvK
Here is a post written by a magical bag of donuts. Upon further questioning, the bag of donuts did indeed go to Hogwarts, where he learned to play mobile muggle games...
"Racking up big points during kill events for mid level players can be achieved in a few different ways
- Tile hits, hands down the best and most efficient way to reduce your opponent to zero, remember to always march 3 times what you estimate is on the tile, and pad your numbers with meat shields, a 90:10 ratio – T4/T3 or T3/T2, etc, and hero use is almost mandatory.
- Rally tracking. – this takes a bit of recon, but if you take the time to watch your opponent and track rallies, you can port in and hit them before the rally returns to eliminate traps, and then time marches to hit while the rally is returning. Rally size can be determined by enemies’ SH level. A SH18 max rally size is 150k T3 Troops. I placed second overall in Kingdom kill event with my SH18 alt using this tactic early Monday morning. (Pay attention to Bracket ranks. A SH18 competes with SH15-18, and is typically a guaranteed placement, but a SH19 competes against 21s which is ludicrous.)
- Defense. People underestimate the use of traps and meatshields, but as long as you aren’t taking a rally, take a hit- make sure you have traps and hero is set to defend. The beauty of taking a hit with large contigency of T1 (make sure T1 troop total matches hospital beds) is, they instant heal, so you pop right back up, and the enemy has to destroy all your T2 traps before he kills any troops.
Thats it from me."
Contributed by BagofDonuts
What do you guys think, is this guy full of donuts, or does he actually know what he's talking about?
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p.s. Madsop has 2 other good strategies outlined in the comments below.