|LM| on: 7 Reasons The Super Wonder Is Extremely Difficult

Super Wonder Dragon

|LM| on: 7 Reasons The Super Wonder Is Extremely Difficult

After the last interviews we've done with some of the top players in the game: Kuran, Wahid, and Stayalive, a lot of people commented about wanting to hear from |LM|. He is proclaimed by the community to be one of the best, and he proves it each month through his leadership in assisting D:V conquer the Super Wonder.

This won't be a direct interview about LM specifically though. This time we wanted to discuss a topic that we at Real Tips thought a lot players don't quite understand.

Fighting In The Super Wonder Isn't Only About $

This is a misconception that a lot of players have, and today we are here to clear things up.

1. Teamwork Is Everything

"Teamwork is everything for the Super Wonder, I mean absolutely everything. It's a very common misconception that one could just buy all the best gear, all the best packs, and become emperor. It takes weeks, even months of planning to cover every single aspect."

Think about your own alliance and how much time and energy it takes to coordinate a simple kill event for a day or two. Now imagine trying to whip your members into shape for fighting against 400+ highly coordinated billion power players in the Super Wonder...

2. Planning And Performing Is Key To Building A Team

"Planning is an ongoing process and our team grows weekly. We all socialize and talk strategy daily. Our team started out small of course but grows consistently after each consecutive SW win. Those who watch see the complexity and want to be a part of it so they can learn new strategies and meet new players. All this ties into making sure we have the man power to fill our alliances we go to battle with. AT LEAST two teams of 50 members is required."

On top of choosing leaders, coordinating strikes, training troops, and recruiting members, alliances who fight in the SW have to stay up to date on the latest Core Gear releases. Fortunately, the hard work has paid off for D:V and supporting alliances because each time they win, they gain more valuable team members to help wade out the long 4 day war of the SW.

3. Core Crafting Is An Essential Team Effort

"Another important aspect is keeping up with current core gear and gems. It's absolutely essential we know what we could be up against and plan for it accordingly. Gear changes monthly with MZ so it's something we talk about daily. We don't have one mastermind, instead we combine our knowledge and testing to decide what's best."

The large majority of players don't have core gear, although they have heard rumors of how complicated and powerful core can be. MZ releases new cores about twice a month now, and each time they do, the combination possibilities increase. What used to be the best core combination is often weaker than the newly released cores.

4. Each Alliance Member Has A Role

"There are tons of roles and each one equally important as the other. There are traffic directors, blockers, specialized reinforcers, speeders, rally fillers, and your emperor."

 The roles are interdependent, they depend on each other to capture and hold the SW. I've personally been in the Line Chat rooms for Super Wonder coordination, and often times the biggest struggle is finding enough players to fill a full rally. Without those players, for example, all the rest of the roles are helpless.

5. Blockers Need Very Strong Core

"Blockers make sure the enemies front runner for emperor do not gain time. Every second gained at the SW is crucial for the team's emperor since the overall winner is the person who sits in the SW the longest. You need blockers just as much as you need an emperor to ensure that the opponent emperor does not earn time. Blockers also block other blockers from knocking our emp out. Althouogh blockers on both teams have to be careful because when a blocker hits an emperor on either team, it's likely that they might lose their hero. Blockers cancel a lot because the emperors always have the best of the best cores."

If you are a blocker, you are a boss.

6. A Good Understanding of Game Mechanics is Required

"I would say in order to compete in the SW one should have some rally experience, certainly wonder battle experience, and an above average understand of game mechanics. For example, how to craft great core gear, use appropriate gems, clearly understand the weaknesses of each troop type, etc.

Once your team is fluid at taking your kingdom wonder consistently, only then can you consider the large leap to the SW. Use these new events created by Machine Zone to practice.

7. Spies Are Certain

"We know we have spies but we come to accept it. There is really nothing we can do about it because it's not worth the witch hunt. In the end you are going to lose some players in the process of the witch hunt and it's not worth losing to find one spy. When you have a team as large as ours it's nearly impossible for one not to slip in. Accusing 25 people in order to find one guy is not fun."

The common safeguard against spies is have specific chat room for confidential war plans and maneuvers. Try not to keep anything too important being discussed in AC.

Final Shout Out to His Team

LM wanted to give a final shout out to his team and say that "They are some of the most talented players I have ever seen. It seems like every team member has a different skill set to offer, and that no one person far exceeds the skill level of another."

