Battle Tested: Health vs. Defense vs. Attack and Combinations

health defense attack

Comparing Troop Health, Defense, Attack and Combinations

This is the 2nd post in the series of Battle Tested articles. This is another one of THE MOST controversial topics in Game of War and we are here once again to show you the truth with real battle tests, with real troops, and with real numbers.

Rallies are no doubt becoming a MUCH larger part of Game of War, but how do you choose which boost to turn on and which gear to equip when you are trying to kill the maximum amount of troops? In the recent poll over 50% of people were wrong about the best combination. We'll show you the right answer...

Hi everyone, General Bow here again. Lots of people have asked me which stats matter most when attacking to kill the most troops and lose the least amount of troops. To test this, I used two identical accounts with every stat and research identical, just like the last set of battle tests.  The tests will represent a max march of 375K troops hitting a stronghold with 3x the amount of troops as the attacker.

The Baseline

Attacker: 3,750 troops

Defender: 11,268 troops

To get a base line of kills and losses I attacked the stronghold with no stats on both the attacker and the defender.  Test # 1 shows the results.

Spreadsheet of Results

health vs defense vs attack 2

 Analysis From An Attacker Perspective

When looking at a single boost alone:

  1. Defense is the least effective because you lose the most troops and kill the same as health (Test #2)
  2. Health boost is best if you are trying to preserve your troops because you save 9 more than when using defense and 63 more than when using attack. (Test #3)
  3. Attack give you 96 more kills than health or defense, but costs you 63 more troops or 57 more troops. (Test #4)

When looking at combinations:troop_health

  1. Attack and Health gives equal kills as Attack and Defense, but results in less deaths (Test #5,6)
  2. Health and Defense results in less kills and more deaths than the other two combinations so never use it. ha. (Test #7)

Conclusion: Attack and Health is the best combination for attackers.ri_troop_attack

What You Guys Said Was Best

Out of 640 votes, you guys said:

Health and Defense 46%

Health and Attack 39%

Attack and Defense 15%

Uh oh... It looks like a lot of people didn't know the correct answer (61%), they should become members before they lose any more troops! Lucky you guys who get to read this 😉

