Stayalive posted on his Instagram once again today reaching out to Machine Zone to make some changes to the game. We posted his requests back in July here, but a lot of them haven't been implemented yet.
Here's what Stayalive has to say:
"An update for all gow players, apparently MZ needs to put more efforts to enhance game features and the performance. Hundreds are quitting and we're not far to take such decision."
Before moving reading any further, players must know that Stayalive loves Game of War and wants to keep playing it. He's invested tons of money and time so the last thing he wants is to stop. We are in frequent contact with him here at Real Tips and it's his favorite mobile game by far. With that being said, he does wish for some changes to take place. Those changes are described below in an easy to read format.
Update for our requests I posted, followed by thoughts on the progress of each of them.
"Increase March Size in rallies"
- This has not been changed.
"Tap all RSS feature."
- This was promised before the end of July and it is now mid-August without it being introduced.
"Make KvK's cheaper to finish."
- KvK's are very difficult to finish at nearly every level of game play.
"Make Infernos 'easier' to finish."
- Inferno events are structured very poorly.
"During a KE, make kingdom wonder, like SW."
- It's been said it is currently being designed.
"More Kill events."
- I love the power destroy kill event system, but loathe the tier based structure. Another concern I had was with this most recent tournament, it has allowed some kingdoms to qualify with one point, and other to not qualify when they had 11 points.
"After each KvK showing the points scored in the history of event. Not only the names."
"Lock kingdoms when the elimination rounds begin."
- Kingdoms are locked, but cheating during tournaments is constant.
"Resource Tiles became useless."
- Resource tiles are now able to be protected, which is nice, but the resources given are still pretty irrelevant compared to the cost of the most researches.
"Increase the materials/cores/pieces dropped in chests."
- With the general's set, it took $5000 to get 1 lvl 6 piece. That is unreasonable for any player.
- Additionally, have more cores and pieces unlocked at once. The limit was created when cores and pieces were first introduced, now it's hard to get all the pieces and cores to craft without having to switch them every few minutes, which is extremely time consuming.
"Make smaller packs. Bring back the $49.99 packs."
- I have yet to see any smaller size packs.
"Increase Inventory Slots."
- Inventory slots have doubled.
"Slow down the release of new cores and pieces."
- We spoke still about it in our second email, and yesterday new gear was released. In July, 4 sets were introduced. In August, only new helmets have been released, which is a pretty nice thing.
"Drops of treasure maps needs to be increased."
- Drops have increased which is nice (doubled according to you guys). Unfortunately the time to complete digs has also recently doubled, which is pretty pointless.
"Reopen Coliseum."
- Though reopening the coliseum is always nice to see, it is occurring on a weekday when many are working. Also, it was sad to see that the hourly Athens gifts were gone, and the events there were not very rewarding at all. Monsters were hard to hit, as they did not respawn quickly.
"Other Thoughts"
- The core glitch, which they told me was fixed mid-July, is still not fixed. I, along with many others, lost their heroes due to this glitch at the SW. It is not fixed, though it should be.
- Probably the biggest issue: LAG! My game lags terribly, and regardless of how great my internet is and how new my device is, it takes at least 10 minutes to load messages and reports on my primary account.
- By the way, last we spoke to MZ, they requested feedback on some information about March increase and kingdom merging. I feel both are inevitable and essential to continuing to have the game prosper.
- MZ should start caring about their game, and try to fix the lag and improve the overall quality before they lose my, along with many others, interest. There's no reason for me to keep spending on a game, when the developers don't act like they care about it.
As always, I appreciate and would like to thank you guys for all the support and I hope I can improve the game and make it enjoyable for all.

You can follow Stayalive on his instagram at stayalilve_77
MZ has been releasing a lot of new features that they probably had in the works since before Stayalive reached out to them in July. It will be interesting to see how MZ reacts to constructive feedback from their biggest player. Who knows they could be working on what Stayalive suggested as we speak.
To be continued...