How to Build Minecraft Circuits and Machines with Minecart Tracks - For DummiesMinecarts and rails are Minecraft features often used for transporting players. However, they can also perform a lot of mechanical feats better than the usual redstone items. Minecarts are entities that can roll quickly along minecart rails. They can turn, go up and down slants, and even derail (tho
How to Manage Minecraft Entities with Redstone Circuits - For DummiesSometimes you want a Minecraft contraption to involve entities. You may want to throw an item into a machine that drops it on a random tile in a chance game, or you may want to channel the zombies from a dungeon into your neighbor’s house. Though accomplishing this task sometimes requires no r
How to Push Powerful Blocks in Minecraft with Piston Machines - For DummiesOf course, pistons in Minecraft don’t have to be used solely for output — you can actually use them as integral components in your circuits. For example, if redstone runs up the side of a block, you can break the connection by pushing a block in its path. However, there are a couple bloc
How to Build Item-Based Circuits in Minecraft - For DummiesYou can design a number of interesting circuits to move items around in Minecraft and gain some advantage as a result. Take a look at these examples to get started.
Automatic furnaces
A furnace is an essential part of any game in Survival mode: By placing an item in one slot of the furnace and fuel
How to Construct a Loop in Minecraft - For DummiesThough a loop can encompass your entire Minecraft device, the simplest loops are small machines that oscillate between two states and can be connected to the rest of your contraption. Here are three basic loops that you can hook up to any input in order to make your machine flip back and forth betwe
The Laws of Minecraft Redstone - For DummiesEvery Minecraft redstone mechanism has a different set of properties that determine how it acts. You should understand the relationships between their properties. After you work with redstone for a while, the form and function of your tools can become fairly intuitive. Until then, you can use this i
Essential Minecraft Redstone Devices - For DummiesTo get you started with the concepts of redstone programming, here are a couple of helpful subtopics to apply in your Minecraft world, either as standalone machines or combined with other circuits. These machines can be implemented fairly easily, but they apply redstone connections in interesting wa
How to Connect Minecraft Machines with Redstone - For DummiesOf course, you can do many more things in Minecraft with mechanisms such as levers and doors. You can activate mechanisms from afar or connect them to various programs and functions. Here are some basic examples for doing this.
Long-distance connections
One of the most direct applications of redston
How to Power Minecraft Machines with Redstone - For DummiesWhile there are mechanisms that can power redstone devices in Minecraft, there are also some mechanisms that can be powered by redstone. When these mechanisms are powered, they perform certain actions:
Dispenser: This block can hold as many as nine stacks of items. When powered, it launches a ran
How to Use Redstone Comparators in Minecraft - For DummiesThe tricky device known as a redstone comparator has many different properties and capabilities for your Minecraft needs. It compares two different redstone currents — one is behind the comparator, and one is to the side. The comparator has two settings: One passes on the back current only if
How to Make and Use Redstone Repeaters in Minecraft - For DummiesIn Minecraft, the relationship between redstone dust and redstone torches is elegant in its simplicity because you can make so many different machines by simply combining these two items with blocks — however, redstone repeaters make the work a lot easier.
Repeaters are small and versatile an
How to Make and Use Redstone Torches in Minecraft - For DummiesRedstone torches are useful tools for making more complex machines in Minecraft. They’re also cheap, costing only a lump of redstone dust and a stick. The simplest use for a redstone torch is as a constant source of power.
After you place it in your world, it immediately begins glowing with e
10 Essential Minecraft Ingredients - For DummiesWith more than 200 Minecraft recipes, including smelting and brewing recipes, a handful of ingredients are common across several types of recipes. Here are the ten essential ingredients that you need to acquire.
Building the basics with wood
Wood is the basic ingredient that interlinks all craftable
How to Make Brewing Tools in Minecraft - For DummiesIf you want to survive in Minecraft, you’ll want to eventually get into brewing. Brewing potions enables you to do anything from increasing your life, to speeding up your step, or to even seeing in the dark. Check out some of the really cool things you can do to improve your game using potions
How to Enchant a Tool or Armor in Minecraft - For DummiesThe availability of enchantments in Minecraft ranges from low to high and requires Experience points and bookshelves. To reach the highest levels of enchantment, 15 bookshelves need to surround your enchantment table. (However, the bookshelves don’t have to be connected.)
To achieve a lower en
How to Apply Dye to Minecraft Items - For DummiesYou can apply any dye to wool, sheep, the collar of tame wolves, firework stars, leather armor, glass, and clay in Minecraft. When you want to dye an item, you can choose any color you like for the dye part of the recipe. Keep reading to find out how to dye all these different items.
Dyeing wool and
How to Create Minecraft’s 16 Dyes - For DummiesMinecraft has a dye for every color in the rainbow. (You can even use dyed blocks to build rainbows, among other things.) Here, you will find recipes for each dye.
Starting with bonemeal
Bonemeal is the color white in Minecraft. Because wool is commonly white, bonemeal is usually used as a dye ingre
How to Build from Ocean Monuments in Minecraft with Prismarine - For DummiesThe ocean monuments from the Release 1.8 Minecraft update introduce 4 new blocks (prismarine, prismarine bricks, dark prismarine, and sea lantern), 2 new mobs (guardians and elder guardians), and 2 new items (prismarine shards, prismarine crystals). You can use these items to craft 3 of the 4 new bl
How to Craft Slabs in Minecraft - For DummiesAll stone blocks in Minecraft can be crafted into slabs. Slabs are half-blocks and can be placed upside-down, in order to put things, such as redstone, underneath them (slabs only take up 1/2 block space, meaning there is an empty space between them and the adjacent blocks around them). To place a s
Ender Chests and Eye of Ender in Minecraft - For DummiesHere are a couple of neat tricks that can be useful in Minecraft. Check here to find out what an ender chest and the eye of ender can do for you.
Sharing with an ender chest
An ender chest holds items just like normal chests, but shares that inventory with other ender chests that are placed anywhere
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