How to Remix Other People’s Minecraft Mods - For Dummies

One of the great things about Minecraft modding is that everyone can add their own spin on things. Just as you share your own mods, you should check out what other people have made, too. On your home page, click on the Find a Mod button.


Thousands of people from around the world are sharing their mods every day. Some of them are shown here.


Browse the list of mods, and click on a mod that you find interesting. You can read its description to find out more and then click the Code button to make a copy of it in your own LearnToMod account.

An extra challenge for you is to try to figure out how to add something neat to a mod that someone else has made. Follow these steps:

  1. Test the mod to see what it does, and compare that to what it is supposed to do.

  2. Read the code, and draw it out. (It’s sort of the reverse step of designing code.)

  3. Design one addition to the code and figure out where it should go (for example, in its own function or inside another function).

  4. As you add code, test, test, test!

After you have remixed the mod, share it with everyone else on the LearnToMod site to see how other coders can take it even further.