Stage 1: Complete the Tutorial and Training Missions Delete
When you first start the game it offers you the tutorial. You can complete it or leave it for later if you wish to jump right into the action. The tutorial can be accessed from the menu by simply pressing

The training missions will teach you the basic skills how to control vehicles and heroes. These are simple and shouldn't cause any trouble.
There are two trophies to keep an eye on:
Safety ain't the point of a joy ride and
Best star pilot in the galaxy.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
All right, I'll give it a try
Earn a star on all training missions
Safety ain't the point of a joyride
Take no damage in the Endor Chase mission
Best star pilot in the galaxy
Destroy 10 TIE fighters within 2 minutes on the Beggar's Canyon mission
Do… or do not. There is no try
Complete the Tutorial
Stage 2: Blast the Rebel Scum! (Play Multiplayer) Delete
There are trophies to earn in all of Battlefront's multiplayer modes, so feel to start with whatever suits you the best. You should start to work on challenges early on. These will net you some extra experience points and you will need to complete 25 for the

Determined trophy.
The game has a lot of different blasters which will all be effective in different situations. The DH-17 blaster pistol and the CA-87 shock blaster are great for close range combat and smaller maps. E-11 Blaster rifle for medium range situations and the powerful T-21B for long range battles. Of course you should try every weapon and see what suits your playstyle the best. In modes like Walker Assault and Supremacy the conditions may change during the fight so you might consider switching weapons as you progress to different sections of the map.
Use the star cards to your advantage. The Jump Pack is excellent for flanking enemies, getting away from tricky situations and reaching objectives faster. Personal Shield is great for capturing uplinks, pods, droids and control points. Ion Torpedo is highly effective against AT-ST's. Thermal Detonator has a fairly large blast radius for a normal grenade. You can also choose the impact grenade that detonates right away, but has a smaller blast radius. This grenade is more effective for small maps and modes like Drop Zone. You might considering replacing the Grenade later with Barrage which is a grenade launcher. Don't forget to equip a
trait card. This is different then the 3 star cards and can be equipped simultaneously.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
A New Hope
Play every Multiplayer game mode
in a galaxy far, far away….
Win one match in each Multiplayer game mode
Never tell me the odds!
Successfully perform Cooling Flush 10 times (Multiplayer)
I suggest a new strategy
Use a partner's Star Card hand 10 times (Multiplayer)
Shoot first
Be the first in a match to earn a kill (Multiplayer)
Great shot, kid!
Kill an enemy who is using a Jump Pack (Multiplayer)
A cunning warrior
Reach level 3 once with any Trait (Multiplayer)
Don't underestimate the Force
Earn a total of 100 kills while playing as a hero (Multiplayer)
Crush them with one swift stroke…
Trample 25 soldiers with an AT-ST (Multiplayer)
That got him!
Use a tow cable to destroy an enemy AT-AT in Walker Assault
Hold the line!
Kill 10 enemies while attacking or defending a control point in Supremacy
Stay on target
Kill 10 enemies in a match of Fighter Squadron
What's the cargo?
Kill 10 enemies carrying the cargo in Cargo
Playing the objective
Have the most kills in a match of Blast
The Force is strong with this one
Earn 10 kills in a match as any hero on Hero Hunt
I've been waiting for you
Kill 10 enemies trying to claim your team's pod in Drop Zone
"Gonk? Gonk!"
Capture three droids in a match of Droid Run
The power of the Force
Defeat another hero while playing as any hero on Heroes vs Villains
When 900 years old you reach…
Reach Rank 50
Earn any diorama figurine in the game
Tell Jabba that I've got his money
Earn a total of 25 000 credits (Multiplayer)
Earn 100 Accomplishments
Complete 25 Challenges
Don't get cocky
Defeat both the Millennium Falcon and Slave I
A tremor in the Force
Play once as all of the different heroes (Multiplayer)
Precision shot
Get 10 headshots with the Cycler Rifle (Multiplayer)
Judge me by my size, do you?
Reach Rank 25
Not bad for a little furball
Get hit in the head by a rock from an Ewok on Endor
Walker defender
Destroy a Y-wing in Walker Assault
Stage 3: Complete Battle and Survival Missions Delete
Some of these can be quite tricky, but have no fear there's a solution for all of them! Most of the time the best plan is to get an infantry turret or a blaster cannon and camp at a spot where enemies cant get behind you. More information is contained in the related trophies below.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Together we can rule the galaxy
Complete any mission with a friend
Your journey has only started
Complete all missions
Earn all mission stars on Master difficulty
On the ball
Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty within 35 minutes
Scrap collector
Earn any collectible Star
New Recruit
Complete any mission
Impressive. Most impressive.
Earn a total of 5 stars from Battle missions
Off to a good start
Win any Battle mission on Normal difficulty against the AI
Earn a total of 5 stars from Survival missions
Ackbar's Elite
Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty without dying

Platinum Trophy
Collect all other STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Trophies
Ultra Rare

A New Hope
Play every Multiplayer game mode

Multiplayer Only
To earn this trophy, you'll simply need to play every multiplayer game mode that shipped with the base game. The modes are: Supremacy, Walker Assault, Fighter Squadron, Blast, Cargo, Drop Zone, Droid Run, Hero Hunt, & Heroes vs. Villains.
in a galaxy far, far away.... for more information about the game modes.

in a galaxy far, far away….
Win one match in each Multiplayer game mode

Multiplayer Only
This trophy requires you to win a match in each multiplayer game mode that came with the base game. If you're having trouble winning, just keep playing, eventually you'll win. The only mode that will cause trouble for some people is Hero Hunt. Take a look at that game mode in the list below for some helpful tips on winning that game mode.
Game types and their objectives:
- Supremacy - The objective is to hold control points. The team who has the most control points at the end of the round will win.
- Walker Assault - The Rebels are trying to capture uplinks so they can get Y-Wing support to deactivate AT-AT shields. Once the Y-Wings attack the walkers the rebels objective is to focus fire on the AT-AT's and destroy them. The Imperial objective is to defend the uplinks from being activated and stop the Rebels from destroying the AT-AT's.
- Fighter Squadron - You will fly a star fighter. The objective is to destroy the enemy fighters and transport vehicles. The score limit is 200.
- Blast - Classic Team Deathmatch. The first team to reach 100 kills will win.
- Cargo - Classic Capture the Flag. In this game you don't have to have your cargo (flag) at your base to be able to capture enemy cargo.
- Drop Zone - You will battle for Drop Pods landing around the map. The team who claims the most Pod's wins.
- Droid Run - The objective is to claim all the droids as your own. The droids slowly walk around the map so the situations can change as the match progresses.
- Hero Hunt - One player is the hero and the rest are trying to kill the hero. Once you kill the hero you will become one. So it's kind of like Deathmatch. Getting the hero kill can be difficult since everyone is going for the kill. Once you get to play as the hero a good tip is to find an indoors location or a place where people cant flank you and keep killing the players rushing to kill you. The person with most kills at the end of the timer will win.
- Heroes vs. Villains - The objective is to kill all the enemy heroes. The heroes wont respawn so if a hero dies they are out of the game for the round and will spawn as a soldier to aid with the fight.

Never tell me the odds!
Successfully perform Cooling Flush 10 times (Multiplayer)

Instead of worrying about reloading ammo, the Star Wars universe has blasters which can fire without the need to reload, that being said if you fire too rapidly for too long your blaster will overheat! If your blaster overheats, you'll have the option to perform a cooling flush, to perform a cooling flush use the

button to stop the marker on the yellow bar. This is likely going to be one of the first trophies you'll earn in the game.

I suggest a new strategy
Use a partner's Star Card hand 10 times (Multiplayer)

Multiplayer Only
You can invite a friend to be your partner in Star Wars Battlefront, or if you're playing on your own the game will assign you a random partner. Every time you respawn you can select your cards. Pick your partners cards instead.
Star Cards are earned by leveling in the multiplayer. You can assign them from the main menu in the 'collect' menu or before matches, however for this trophy you don't need to have your own cards, so just use your partners. This can be a valuable tactic if your partner is high leveled and has better Star Cards then you. This way you can get access to higher level equipment from the start!
After using a partner's set of Star Cards 10 times, this trophy is yours.

Shoot first
Be the first in a match to earn a kill (Multiplayer)

Multiplayer Only
When the game starts, immediately rush to the direction of your enemy spawn and be the first to kill an enemy. If you manage to get the first kill in the match, this trophy will unlock. This should unlock naturally while trying to obtain all of the other trophies in the game.

Great shot, kid!
Kill an enemy who is using a Jump Pack (Multiplayer)

Multiplayer Only
There's a chance you'll kill an enemy using a Jump Pack naturally just by playing the game. This can be done by simply shooting them or using a more powerful approach like a Thermal Detonator (Power-up).
If you're having trouble with this trophy though, you can make a Gaming Session to find someone to help you with this. You will need to be in separate teams to boost this. To get on different sides with your friend let them join a game first and follow them later from their profile for a chance to be on the enemy team.

A cunning warrior
Reach level 3 once with any Trait (Multiplayer)

Multiplayer Only
The first thing you need to do to get this trophy is equip a trait card. You can't unlock this trophy right away because you first need to unlock trait cards. You can see all the unlock levels in game by going to 'Collect' -> 'Unlocks' -> 'Star Cards'. These cards cost 7,000 game currency which you get by playing matches and earning mission stars.
The trait cards are bonuses that give you extra abilities once you earn more levels to them. They go from levels 1-3. They can be anything from decreasing explosive damage to having a 100% chance to earn a power-up with a kill.
Equip any trait card of your choosing. Reaching level 3 will be simple. You need a killstreak of 6. If you die the level will reset to 2. The scout trait card is excellent for flanking enemies because it hides you on the minimap.

Don't underestimate the Force
Earn a total of 100 kills while playing as a hero (Multiplayer)

Multiplayer Only
This trophy requires you to get 100 kills with a hero (such as Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader).
Heroes vs. Villains is a great mode to earn this trophy. You will be able to play as all the heroes and earn this trophy in no time.

Crush them with one swift stroke…
Trample 25 soldiers with an AT-ST (Multiplayer)
Ultra Rare

Multiplayer Only
To earn this you will have to kill 25 enemies by walking over them with the AT-ST. One of the best places to do this is by playing Walker Assault. Preferably the first phase in Hoth. The pickup will spawn in the beginning near the fallen AT-AT next to the hills on the right. You won't necessarily want to try to walk over every single enemy. It's good to fire on guys further away and try to step on groups of enemies that are going for the objective. You don't have to get 25 kills in one game, so no worries, eventually it will unlock.
Take a look at this tips and tricks article from
IGN to see where the AT-ST power-up is located: Tips & Tricks Guide.

That got him!
Use a tow cable to destroy an enemy AT-AT in Walker Assault

Multiplayer Only
To do this you will need the T-47 Airspeeder vehicle power-up at the 3rd and last phase of the battle. The power-up is easy to recognize, it looks like an Airspeeder and two of them will spawn at the same time.
If you are having trouble then it's suggested that you do the training mission
Invasion. This will teach you how to tow cable AT-AT's. You need to keep the ship in the middle of the meter using the right analogue stick. Also if you don't know what an Airspeeder looks like, it's the vehicle you fly in this training mission.
That Got Him Video Guide
Credit to InFlameBoy for the video.

Hold the line!
Kill 10 enemies while attacking or defending a control point in Supremacy

Multiplayer Only
The objective is Supremacy is to capture control points and push the enemy team back. The team who has the most control points at the end of the game will win. To earn this trophy you have to be in the control capture area and kill enemies. The capture areas are easy to recognize, they are large circle-shaped areas on the map.

Stay on target
Kill 10 enemies in a match of Fighter Squadron

Multiplayer Only
This can be a little difficult if you're not a good pilot. The A.I. fighters don't count for this trophy so you need to get 10 human player kills. The Millennium Falcon and Slave I are very powerful and take fighters down quickly so if you are having difficulty try looking for a Hero pickup near the ground. You don't have to use a Hero Vehicle if you can manage without one. Right now the Rebel fighters are a lot more powerful then the Imperials so getting it on their side will be easy if you know what you're doing. Just focus your fire on the Human Players. Real players have name tags so you can tell the difference between players and A.I. Move your crosshair on top of a target to see if they are Human or A.I. Focus your blaster fire and shoot missiles on them.
Take look at this useful Hero token location guide by
IGN if you have trouble finding them: Hero Token Locations Guide.

What's the cargo?
Kill 10 enemies carrying the cargo in Cargo

Multiplayer Only
Cargo is a game mode similar to capture the flag. You will need to "kill" the enemy cargo carrier 10 times for this trophy. It doesn't have to be in one game.

Playing the objective
Have the most kills in a match of Blast

Multiplayer OnlyBuggy
This trophy simply requires you to be the person with the most kills after completing a match of the Blast game mode (the game's version of Team Deathmatch).
Buggy: Many players are having trouble unlocking this trophy right at the moment. It's reported that if you have the most kills at the end of the round when the time runs out the trophy will unlock. If the max ticket limit is reached you won't unlock this trophy. However this trophy doesn't glitch for everyone so you might be in luck and unlock it without any trouble at all.

The Force is strong with this one
Earn 10 kills in a match as any hero on Hero Hunt

Multiplayer Only
The objective in Hero Hunt is to hunt down the Hero and kill them. The player who kills the Hero becomes one. It's kind of like Deathmatch. You will race other players to kill the hero and defend yourself when you become one. It can be tricky to kill a hero because everyone is trying to do it. Once you become one it's suggested that you stay indoors or stay at a place where enemies can't flank you. Earn 10 kills in
a single match as a Hero to earn this trophy.

I've been waiting for you
Kill 10 enemies trying to claim your team's pod in Drop Zone
Very Rare

Multiplayer Only
When playing Drop Zone, you'll be battling for drop pods landing around the map. The team who claims the most Pods wins. You need to kill 10 enemies trying to claim Pod's to earn this trophy. Once your team is defending a Pod, stay in the vicinity and take out enemies who are attempting to claim it.

"Gonk? Gonk!"
Capture three droids in a match of Droid Run

Multiplayer Only
The objective of Droid Run is to claim all the droids as your own. The droids slowly walk around the map so the situations can change as the match progresses. Rush to the objective and capture as many droids as you can. You will need to get 3 in one game to unlock this trophy.

The power of the Force
Defeat another hero while playing as any hero on Heroes vs Villains

Multiplayer Only
In Heroes vs. Villains the objective is to kill all of the enemy heroes. The Heroes won't respawn so if a Hero dies they are out of the game for the round and will spawn as a soldier to aid with the fight. You will need to kill a Hero as a Hero. It's simple because eventually you will respawn as one and you will be fighting other Heroes most of the time. Keep playing this game mode and you're sure to get this trophy naturally.

When 900 years old you reach…
Reach Rank 50
Ultra Rare

GrindMultiplayer Only
To reach rank 50 you will need to earn experience points. You will earn most of it by going for the other trophies, but you might need to grind a bit after you are done. The best way to earn experience is to complete challenges. You always have 3 challenges running. They can be anything from killing a set number of enemies with a certain weapon or winning 3 times in a game mode. If you have a challenge that you don't like or it feels too long to complete you can change it by buying a new one for 500 in-game currency. To buy new ones go to your stats, the challenges are shown there.
Play the match types you enjoy. There isn't any mode that has the ultimate best experience outcome. If you prefer the easy way you can always play Fighter Squadron and kill the A.I. opponents for easy experience.

Earn any diorama figurine in the game

This will unlock when you reach level 10. This is going to be one of the first trophies you'll earn. Optionally there's probably some other objective you can go for, but that really isn't necessary.

Tell Jabba that I've got his money
Earn a total of 25 000 credits (Multiplayer)

To earn this trophy you need to earn 25,000 credits, the game's in-game currency. It's earned by completing multiplayer matches or by earning mission stars. You don't have to hold it all at once, so don't be afraid to spend it!

Earn 100 Accomplishments

Multiplayer OnlyGrind
This trophy should unlock by normal play. Accomplishments are additional tasks, they are different then challenges. They can be anything from earning 10 kills with a blaster rifle in a single match or getting 25 kills, for example. You'll probably unlock one or two accomplishments with almost every match, so this trophy will likely unlock pretty early on.

Complete 25 Challenges

Multiplayer OnlyGrind
You always have 3 challenges running. They can be anything from killing a set number of enemies with a certain weapon or winning 3 times in a game mode. You should keep doing these because they will give you extra experience points.
If you have a challenge that you don't like or it feels too long to complete you can change it by buying a new one for 500 in-game currency. To buy new ones go to your stats, the challenges are shown there.

Don't get cocky
Defeat both the Millennium Falcon and Slave I

Multiplayer Only
You can get this trophy in Fighter Squadron. It's easier to find a Hero vehicle pickup and attempt to take the other vehicles down that way. Millennium Falcon and Slave I can both take a lot of damage and it might take several attempts to get this if many players are firing the target at the same time.
You can also try crashing your hero vehicle to the other, but please be warned that the crash doesn't always give you the kill. It seems to be a bit of a lottery who gets the kill.
Take look at this useful Hero token location guide by
IGN if you have trouble finding them: Hero Token Locations Guide.

A tremor in the Force
Play once as all of the different heroes (Multiplayer)

Multiplayer Only
The easiest way to play once as every hero is to play the Heroes vs. Villains game mode. You will randomly play as all the characters and this way you don't need to search for Hero Power-up's.

Together we can rule the galaxy
Complete any mission with a friend

Team up with a friend to complete a mission. If you're looking for someone to help you with this then you can consider finding or creating a Gaming Session on this site to look for help! The trophy can also be earned splitscreen with a friend. It can be done on any mission and difficulty of your choosing.

Your journey has only started
Complete all missions
Very Rare

Co‑Op or Solo
To unlock this trophy you have to complete ALL the missions. The difficulty doesn't matter. The training missions also count towards this trophy.
If you're looking for someone to help you with this then you can consider finding or creating a Gaming Session.

Earn all mission stars on Master difficulty
Ultra Rare

Co‑Op or Solo
The trophy description can be a little confusing. You basically have to do is exactly what it says. Beat all missions on Master difficulty. You don't have to collect all the stars from the missions. So the Hard difficulty run without dying can be ignored for example. Most missions are fairly easy and shouldn't cause too much trouble. It's easiest done with a co-op partner. If you're looking for someone to help you with this then you can consider finding or creating a Gaming Session.
A good thing to remember is that if you die, you can wait for your friend to finish the round instead of spending a life. All the maps have a spot where you can camp in cover to take out most of the enemies. In Sullust it's not as simple, but we'll get to that in a bit. The blaster cannon is your savior and it's pretty essential to use. Infantry and vehicle turrets can also be very useful. What you should do with the drop pods is to leave one enemy alive and then claim them. The enemy you leave alive is preferably a Viper Probe Droid because they don't try to claim the pods. You can just avoid them and you should also use these situations to pick up hearts and charge pickups. If you have completed the mission before on Hard difficulty you can use your multiplayer Star Cards. Ion Torpedo is almost necessary for the AT-ST's. If you get drops such as Smart Rockets or Orbital Strike use them on AT-ST's. It's recommended to use the DH-17 Blaster Pistol in the missions because it has high damage on close range and will deal with Imperials quickly, but of course if you like another weapon more, feel free to use it!
About Sullust survival. Take a look at the picture below. You'll want to place a Blaster cannon here and camp in this location. "EEK! But wont the tie fighters be able to hit me?" you ask? The trick is here. If you are in this location when the round starts. The tie fighters will just fly far in the sky and ignore you, but you have to be careful not to leave this corner or they will start firing. It's very important to this tactic that before the tie fighters spawn you get to this place if you are somewhere picking up pods or doing something else. Also this place is great for destroying the AT-ST's with your Ion Torpedo. All of the AT-ST's won't stay behind. So you will have to deal with most of the imperials quickly and preferably deal a lot of damage to walkers from this place before they get close. Once you've killed the imperials you and your partner should rush into the back of the hangar. If any AT-ST's remain, destroy them by playing cat and mouse around the fuel tank at the back. Finally use your Ion Torpedo's to destroy the tie fighters. A lot of people like to use the Turbo Lasers, but 3 tie fighters can easily destroy it so it's safer to try and destroy them like this. Once you have about two tie fighters left you can use it if you'd like. If you can't get the blaster cannon power-up then it's recommended to restart the mission, but it can also be done without it, however that is going to be more difficult.
The other survival missions are a lot easier because there is no tie fighters firing from above. So you shouldn't have much trouble beating them.
You will have to deal with the Battle missions on your own. For the Hero Battles you'll want to use Princess Leia or Emperor Palpatine because they have the ability to give a health pickup. That ability makes these missions very easy.
Normal Battles can be more tricky. The tactic here is to simply find a good place to hide behind, get an infantry turret to cover the other side while you shoot to the other and also take care of infantry turrets leftovers. All maps have something to hide behind. Hoth is hard because there isn't really a clear location to hide in. Go to the back of the cave and find a corner to cover your left/right while using a blaster cannon and an infantry turret to deal with the enemy. Personal shield is great for picking up the tokens. Below is a video to show a tactic. This method works in all maps. You can also die once. The enemy team gets 20 points for killing you. It's easier to do this without the A.I. support so they wont die and give the enemy extra points.
Tatooine Battle Mission - Master Difficulty

On the ball
Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty within 35 minutes
Very Rare

Co‑Op or Solo
35 Minutes is a fair amount of time so getting this trophy shouldn't be too difficult. Hoth is the easiest survival map to do this. You have to be aggressive and not waste time. You can still camp at the back (See
Ackbar's Elite) but make sure to move out a bit to take down most of the enemies and only go there when a lot of enemies attack because it will take time for the enemies to get there and some won't come there at all like Viper Probe Droids, Snipers, Jump Troopers, and naturally AT-ST's. You can spend lives in this run so there's no worry.

Precision shot
Get 10 headshots with the Cycler Rifle (Multiplayer)
Very Rare

Multiplayer Only
If you played the Battlefront beta and eagerly waited to unlock this weapon you are going to be disappointed. This card has been nerfed and it's now officially the worst weapon in the game. The bullet is slow, wont fly straight, and as a sniper rifle it's a complete joke. One way to get the trophy is by flanking people from behind and shooting them at close range when they are standing still focused on something else. You might consider boosting this if espionage tactics aren't for you.

Scrap collector
Earn any collectible Star

Co‑Op or Solo
To earn this you will need to find all the collectibles from one Mission. That is 5 in one run. If you fail you have to pick them up again. Some Missions have harder collectibles, but most of them are obvious and easy. You only need to find these from one mission.
If you are having trouble here is a useful guide from
GamesRadar: Collectibles Location Guide. Alternatively, you can check out the video guide which shows all of the collectibles in the game below.
All Collectibles - Video Guide
Credit to PowerPyx for the video.

All right, I'll give it a try
Earn a star on all training missions

You don't have to earn all of the stars to earn this trophy, just one per mission so this is an extremely easy trophy to get and it will unlock by simply playing through the training missions. You can see the star requirements before you start the mission, so check them out and aim to complete at least one of them.

Safety ain't the point of a joyride
Take no damage in the Endor Chase mission

Taking no damage in the Endor Chase mission might take a few tries, but it's fairly easy. Focus on staying on the road and avoid all of the obstacles. You don't have to kill all the Rebels, so just ignore them. Just stay in the clear and avoid using the boost because you aren't in a rush. Below is a video if you'd like to get a visual on the route.
Endor Chase Mission (No Damage)

Best star pilot in the galaxy
Destroy 10 TIE fighters within 2 minutes on the Beggar's Canyon mission

Beggar's Canyon is one of the training missions. You will learn to fly a star fighter. Early on in the mission you will face some TIE Fighters after you've learned to control the fighter. Focus your fire on the TIE Fighters and kill them as quickly as you can. More will respawn so don't waste time. Keep destroying them until the trophy unlocks.

New Recruit
Complete any mission

Co‑Op or Solo
You will earn this for simply completing your first mission. It can be any mission and difficulty setting you'd like.

Impressive. Most impressive.
Earn a total of 5 stars from Battle missions
Very Rare

Co‑Op or Solo
This trophy requires you to earn 5 stars total from Battle Missions. It does not have to be five stars from a single mission, you can earn any stars you'd like from several Battle Missions to unlock this trophy.
Every mission has 5 stars to earn:
- Complete the mission on normal difficulty
- Complete the mission on hard difficulty
- Complete the mission on hard difficulty without dying
- Complete the mission on master difficulty
- Find the collectibles
Once you've earned 5 stars from playing Battle Missions, this trophy is yours.

Off to a good start
Win any Battle mission on Normal difficulty against the AI

Complete a Battle mission on normal difficulty to unlock this trophy.

Earn a total of 5 stars from Survival missions

Co‑Op or Solo
This trophy requires you to earn 5 stars total from Survival Missions. It does not have to be five stars from a single mission, you can earn any stars you'd like from several Survival Missions to unlock this trophy.
Every mission has 5 stars to earn:
- Complete the mission on normal difficulty
- Complete the mission on hard difficulty
- Complete the mission on hard difficulty without dying
- Complete the mission on master difficulty
- Find the collectibles
Once you've earned 5 stars from playing Survival Missions, this trophy is yours.

Ackbar's Elite
Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty without dying
Ultra Rare

Co‑Op or Solo
This is easiest to get on Hoth. You need to get a blaster cannon and place it to the location shown in the picture below. Stay in this location and take care of all the enemies. Some enemies like Viper Probe Droids, Snipers, and Jump Troopers won't come in so you have to go kill them from the door. Additionally, at times the enemies just get stuck in the back and won't come, so you'll need to carefully lure them out. Once they start coming, run back to the turret. Overall it's pretty easy, just stay cautious and you're sure to get the trophy.
If you wish to do this with a co-op partner use the same method. Have the player who's getting the trophy camp at the room to the left while the other takes care of the enemies. This way if the player killing the enemies dies the camper can still unlock the trophy.

Do… or do not. There is no try
Complete the Tutorial

You can access the tutorial from the main menu by pressing the

button. All you'll need to do is complete the tutorial and this trophy is yours.

Judge me by my size, do you?
Reach Rank 25

GrindMultiplayer Only

When 900 years old you reach
for more information on ranking up.

Not bad for a little furball
Get hit in the head by a rock from an Ewok on Endor

This is a bit of a random trophy, but won't be hard to unlock. You might have unlocked it already without even knowing. When playing on Endor you will see a bunch of Ewoks running around. These are the little furry creatures. Sometimes they will throw rocks at you. The map you need to play in is the Forest Moon of Endor which is in the Supremacy and Walker Assault playlists. Keep playing the map and sooner or later you will get this without even trying. If you really can't get it, then try staying near the treehouses as an Imperial.

Walker defender
Destroy a Y-wing in Walker Assault

Y-wing's arrive in Walker Assault during the phase when Rebels attack the AT-AT's. The easiest method is to take a tie fighter power-up and shoot one down. To get a fighter you will need to pick up a power-up that has an icon of a TIE Fighter. You will quickly learn what these look like and where to find them once you play the game more. They are easy to notice and show through walls and objects. The Y-wings you need to destroy are the A.I. ships bombing the Walker. Take a look at the trophy picture if you don't know what they look like.
An even easier way to destroy a Y-wing is to use an Ion Torpedo (equip it as your star card on the imperial side). Once they arrive, lock your Ion Torpedo onto the Y-Wing and shoot it down.