Stage 1: Beat the Game and Find all the Collectables Delete
Welcome, Spartan. Begin your journey on any difficulty and watch Kratos' wrath unfold before your eyes.
This stage should not be difficult (especially playing on easy difficulty) and will probably take the most time, however it will also give you most of the trophies. You will need to be mindful of the time limited

15 Min Fight Scene and the glitchy

Boss Batch 3. A large portion of the trophies here are story-related and not missable.
It is important to try and collect most of the red orb chests throughout the game for completing

Blowin' Your Wad, while also keeping track and finding all 18 Phoenix Feathers and Gorgon Eyes, all 3 Uber Chests and at least 2 Urns of Power. Refer to

Eye Can't Believe It for a link to a very useful collectables guide so that you don't miss anything during your playthrough, as many chests can't be backtracked once you reach certain checkpoints.
There are also several miscellaneous trophies that can be obtained during this stage, however you may get them naturally during the playthrough. The only miscellaneous trophy that you should watch out for in this stage is

Super Sized. If you miss any of the other trophies you can still mop them up in the last stage.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
Breaking Wind
Acquire Typhon's Bane
Big, Tuff, Buff and Rough
Acquire Rage of the Titans
Blue Balls
Acquire Cronos' Rage
Acquire the Golden Fleece
Rock their World
Acquire the Head of Euryale
Learning to Fly
Acquire the Icarus Wings
Shaky Ground
Acquire Atlas Quake
Death from Above 2009
Defeat the Dark Rider for the first time
Climb from the pit of Hades
Rock Hard
Defeat the Titan Minotaur inside Atlas
Pick'n on the Little Guy
Win the battle outside of the Palace of the Fates
Watcha Got on the Hot Plate?
Solve the riddle of the Fire Phoenix Statue
Whip it Good
Whip the Steeds of Time
Lift with Your Knees
Topple the Temple in the Bog of the Forgotten
Cross the collapsing Grapple Bridge
Stone and Shatter 30 Enemies
Super Sized
Get a 500 Hits Combo
Hitting Your Stride
Power up any item
Eye Can't Believe it
Collect all the Gorgon Eyes
Go Make a Pillow!
Collect all the Phoenix Feathers
Boss Batch 1
Kill the Colossus of Rhodes, the Dark Rider, and Theseus
Boss Batch 2
Kill the Barbarian King, Euryale, and Perseus
Boss Batch 3
Kill the Kraken and all three Sisters of Fate
Daddy Issues
Defeat Zeus
Rise and SHINE
Awaken the Phoenix
Spread 'Em
Open the wings of the Temple of the Fates
Shine King
Open the door to the Temple of Euryale
Blowin' Your Wad
Max out all Weapons and Magic
The End Begins
Beat the Game on any Difficulty
15 Min Fight Scene
Battle your way to the Loom Chamber in under 10 minutes
You Know the Germans Make Good Stuff...
Collect all Uber Chests
Stage 2: Beat the 'Challenge of the Titans' Delete
Once you have beaten the game, select the 'Treasures' option from the main menu and then select 'Challenge of the Titans'.
Since this is the second title of the God of War HD Collection, most of you will have already played the first title and be familiar with this mode. You will need to beat 7 challenges of varying difficulty (as opposed to 10 challenges in the original). After beating the first challenge, the second challenge will be unlocked and so on down the list. Simply beating every challenge once is enough to unlock

Bleeding Thumbs.
You can also get

Eye Sore by beating Challenge #1 repeatedly and

Stoner during Challenge #3 if you did not get it during Stage 1.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
Bleeding Thumbs
Beat the Challenge of the Titans
Stage 3: Clean up any Remaining Trophies Delete
By this stage you should have most of the trophies and only a few remaining. The remaining trophies are quick and easy to obtain, after which you will have your shiny new platinum.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Trophy of Gaia
Unlock all God of War® II Trophies
Stone and Shatter 30 Enemies
Eye Sore
Collect 20 Cyclops Eyes
Feel the Urn
Collect and use at least 2 Urns of Power
Tips - Weapon Attacks & Powers
The following are some of the useful weapon attacks and magic powers in the game, which are also mentioned throughout this guide. This is to provide quick reference on how to use them. Note that some of the attacks cannot be used until you have leveled up that particular weapon/power. For every level you increase with red orbs, you will receive more attacks and your powers will become stronger.
Note: If you have played God of War II on the PS2, the controls are the same in this version.
Blades of Athena
Plume of Prometheus
A fast combo that ends with a powerful finish.


Cyclone of Chaos
Rapidly spinning blades that can hit all targets within range multple times.
This can also be done in the air.

Spirit of Hercules
A very powerful, but slow, combo that launches enemies into the air.


Athena's Wrath
While you are evading, create an explosion on the ground to launch enemies
in front of you into the air.

Tartarus Rage
Swings your blades downwards onto enemies, which also launches them
into the air.

Blade of Olympus
Divine Absolution
Stabs an enemy multiple times.

Divine Retribution
Fires a powerful blast at an enemy.

Divine Sacrifice
Summons a sphere that surrounds Kratos and absorbs orbs from enemies that are next to it.

Cronos' Rage

An area damage effect that creates lightning orbs, hitting all
surrounding enemies.
Head of Euryale

Single or multiple enemies can be targeted, which will turn them
into stone for a short time, making them easier to kill.

+ Hold
Atlas Quake

A powerful area damage effect, which also knocks back enemies.

, Tap
Typhon's Bane

Ranged bow attack that can target only single enemies at a time.

Rage of the Titans

Kratos becomes immune to all damage and all of your attacks do double the damage, until the meter runs out.
It can be turned off and on at any time by pressing the same
buttons again, as long as the meter is partially filled.


Trophy of Gaia
Unlock all God of War® II Trophies

Breaking Wind
Acquire Typhon's Bane

Typhon's Bane is acquired in Typhon's Cavern, at the Lair of the Titan, not long after you jump off Pegasus when he becomes trapped. You will need to get past a section where Typhon blows icy wind at you. After this you will need to lift a large stalactite out of the ground. Run up the fallen stalactite and press

to rip out Typhon's eye and you will receive Typhon's Bane.

Big, Tuff, Buff and Rough
Acquire Rage of the Titans

Rage of the Titans is acquired shortly after acquiring Typhon's Bane in the cavern, and just before leaving the Lair of the Titan. When you have exited the cavern, you will need to use Typhon's Bane to shoot Prometheus while he is hanging from a chain, above a firepit. Once you shoot him down, a short cutscene will play after which you will receive the Rage of the Titans.

Blue Balls
Acquire Cronos' Rage

Cronos' Rage is acquired at the Steeds of Time, after you have killed Theseus (
by thoroughly bashing his face in) and obtained the Horse Keeper's Key, in order to unlock a door. Behind this door there is a small shrine to the Titan Cronos. A short cutscene will play here where Cronos will appear as a hologram and speak to Kratos, and then give him Cronos' Rage.
Note: This is also the same area where it is recommended to get

Super Sized.

Acquire the Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece is acquired in the Bog of the Forgotten, just before entering the Temple of Euryale. You will come to an area where there will be a dying soldier that you need to pick up (

) and throw in the rotating gear/belt, which breaks it. You will then enter an area where a Cerberus (three-headed beast) is eating a soldier. This battle is quite easy and you'll need to do the usual

prompt and QTE in order to finish it off. Kratos will reach inside its mouth and pull out the Golden Fleece.

Rock their World
Acquire the Head of Euryale

The Head of Euryale is acquired shortly after entering the Temple of Euyale. Once you have traversed the ceiling with the spinning blades, you will jump down into a new area with a stone altar that has a book on top of it. Press

to read the book and get ready for a surprise! This battle is fairly easy. Once you have defeated Euryale and sliced off its head, you'll have acquired the Head of Euryale (
This is basically a similar version of Medusa's Gaze that you get in the first God of War. You will need to use this power to obtain another trophy. Refer to

Stoner for more details.

Learning to Fly
Acquire the Icarus Wings

The Icarus Wings are acquired after traversing the falling pillars in the Crossing of the Lowlands (after you find the Spear of Destiny), in the Great Chasm. Once you reach the Great Chasm and jump over a broken part of the bridge, a cutscene will play where you will meet Icarus. Kratos will be knocked off the bridge and you will need to complete a QTE sequence here requiring you to repeatedly bash Icarus in the face, after which Kratos rips off Icarus's Wings and uses them for himself.
What a badass.

Shaky Ground
Acquire Atlas Quake

Atlas Quake is acquired when you are on Atlas, just before you go back to the Great Chasm. After passing a series of obstacles on Atlas, you will need to break a chain, which will trigger various cutscenes depicting the Great War between the Gods and the Titans. Once the cutscene is finished you will have acquired Atlas Quake.

Death from Above 2009
Defeat the Dark Rider for the first time

Near the beginning of the game you'll be riding Pegasus towards the Island of Creation (where you will spend most of the game). During the flight you will be attacked by Griffins that you must defeat. Shortly after this, a cutscene will play where the Dark Rider (holding the Spear of Destiny) will fly infront of you and try to knock you off Pegasus. The trophy should pop any time between this and when you jump off Pegasus. The description is a bit confusing as you don't actually 'defeat' the Dark Rider here.

Climb from the pit of Hades

Shortly after beginning the game, Kratos will get stabbed by Zeus and a series of cutscenes will play that result in Kratos being dragged down to the pit of Hades. Once you regain control of Kratos you'll have to fight off a bunch of hands (
or whatever they are) and climb out of a hole in the ground. The hole will seal shut and the trophy should pop here. This will mostly likely be the first trophy you receive (unless you get

Super Sized before this).

Rock Hard
Defeat the Titan Minotaur inside Atlas

While you are on Atlas, you will reach a section where there is a large platform surrounded by lava. As soon as you provoke the 'pile of rocks' on the left side of this platform, a Titan Minotaur will awaken. You will need to keep attacking it until you see lava filling across the platform, where you will have to jump and grab onto the wall next to it and hold on, while also dodging rocks that the Minotaur throws at you. Once the lava disappears, jump back onto the platform and give the Minotaur a few more good hits and it will be defeated.

Pick'n on the Little Guy
Win the battle outside of the Palace of the Fates

Once you have received the Rage of the Titans and Atlas has taken you back to the Great Chasm, you will see the Palace of the Fates in the distance in front of you. Jump across the platforms and glide down to the entrance of the palace, and pull the lever underneath the ramp that leads to the gate. As soon as you do this, the ramp will descend into the ground and enemies will start spawning. Defeat all the enemies here and the trophy will pop.

Watcha Got on the Hot Plate?
Solve the riddle of the Fire Phoenix Statue

While you are inside the Palace of the Fates, you will come across a section where you need to swim through some watery 'blood'. Once you jump out of the 'blood', a short cutscene will play showing you the layout of a puzzle with a frozen phoenix in the centre of the room. First, climb onto the ceiling and hack at all the pieces of ice sticking out from it, which should produce small beams of light hitting the floor. Now jump down behind the statue and pull the lever, which will produce fire that melts the ice and reveals a mirror. Grab this mirror and push it all the way to left of the statue underneath a beam of light. This will reflect the beam of light in front of the statue.
Once you've done that, go over to the right side of the room and rotate the three levers so that they match up and
form a half moon. This will melt the ice that covers the statue, making it rotatable. Now simply jump down next to the Phoenix statue and rotate the lever around to face each patch of ice surrounding the room and melt each one by pulling the lever from the back of the statue. You will eventually melt the ice that reveals a door to exit the room.
For further reference, view this potato quality video guide below.
Frozen Phoenix Puzzle - Video Guide

Whip it Good
Whip the Steeds of Time

After you have acquired Cronos' Rage at the Steeds of Time, you will then come across a section with four different coloured levers (yellow, green, red, and blue). Rotate the green lever first and then head to your left. Climb on top of the steeds head and place the Horse Keeper's Key here, which will unlock the bridle. Go back to the levers and rotate the red lever. This time head to your right and undo the red bridle on the steeds head with the key. Now do the same thing for the remaining yellow and blue bridles. Once you are done, go back to the centre of where the levers used to be and then press the

That wasn't hard at all was it?
For those that are actually struggling with this, take a look at the potato quality video below.
Steeds of Time Puzzle - Video Guide

Lift with Your Knees
Topple the Temple in the Bog of the Forgotten

Shortly after defeating the Titan Minotaur in the Bog of the Forgotten, you will need to slow time to run across a spinning gear. After this section, you'll need to break some statues revealing a small pillar that you can push. Once you come out the other side, you will see another small pillar inside of a small temple. Pull the pillar back so that you can push the previous one into the temple. Now push them both to the other side, and lift the temple by pressing

and rapidly tap

. You have now toppled the templed.

Cross the collapsing Grapple Bridge

After acquiring the Spear of Destiny and defeating the enemies that spawn there, use the Fate's statue to slow down time and then jump over the broken bridge to the checkpoint. You'll now be at the Crossing of the Lowlands. Press and hold

to swing from pillar to pillar (letting go of

to release) in order to jump across all of them before they topple to the ground. Once you have completed this section and are at the other side, the trophy will pop.

Stone and Shatter 30 Enemies

You will receive the Head of Euryale power once you have defeated Euryale, at the Temple of Euryale. To use this power hold

and then use the

stick to target it at your desired enemy then hold

until they have been turned to stone. Once this happens, you will have a short amount of time to destroy (or shatter) the enemy which will instantly kill them. If you don't manage to kill them in time, they will break out and you will have to 'stone' them again. Kill 30 enemies with this power and the trophy will unlock.
Note: You can also get this during Challenge #3 of

Bleeding Thumbs, if you don't get it throughout the main game.

Super Sized
Get a 500 Hits Combo

There are 2 sections where you can get this trophy:
- At the very start of the game, as soon as you gain control of Kratos and become surrounded by enemies, press
, then rapidly tap
to use Poseidon's Rage. Keep spamming this power until you get a 500 hit combo and the trophy pops.
- After unlocking a door at the Steeds of Time, a short cutscene will play where Cronos will speak to Kratos and then give him the Cronos' Rage power. As soon as the cutscene finishes, loads of enemies will begin to spawn making this the perfect opportunity to spam Cronos' Rage (
) until you get a 500 hit combo. You also have unlimited magic in this section so you not need to worry about running out, just continue spamming the power.

Hitting Your Stride
Power up any item

You can unlock this trophy early on in the game when you receive Typhon's Bane, or you can get it by simply upgrading your Blades of Athena. You will be notified when you are able to power up an item. You will also get this trophy naturally on the way to

Blowin' Your Wad.
Get it? Heh.

Eye Can't Believe it
Collect all the Gorgon Eyes

There are 18 Gorgon Eyes to be collected throughout the game. They are found inside unmarked item chests that do not have any specific colour on them. For every 6 Gorgon Eyes found, your health meter will increase slightly, until you have found all 18 and therefore your health meter cannot be upgraded any further. There is room for error here, as there a few more than 18 chests that can contain Gorgon Eyes. Once you have all 18, the chests that would have contained the eyes will instead have red orbs.
Some of these chests are partially or fully hidden and aren't in your line of sight, and can be easily missed. I highly recommend this detailed collectables guide made by
Mookiethebold at
GameFAQs, to assist with finding every single chest in the game during your playthrough.

Go Make a Pillow!
Collect all the Phoenix Feathers

There are 18 Phoenix Feathers to be collected throughout the game. They are found inside unmarked item chests that do not have any specific colour on them. For every 6 Phoenix Feathers found, your magic meter will increase slightly, until you have found all 18 and therefore your magic meter cannot be upgraded any further. There is room for error here, as there a few more than 18 chests that can contain Gorgon Eyes. Once you have all 18, the chests that would have contained the eyes will instead have red orbs.
Some of these chests are partially or fully hidden and aren't in your line of sight, and can be easily missed. Refer to the detailed collectables guide mention under

Eye Can't Believe It, so that you don't miss any of these chests.

Eye Sore
Collect 20 Cyclops Eyes

While you are fighting a Cyclops, you will get a

prompt. Pressing this will initiate a short QTE sequence that results in Kratos ripping out the Cyclops' eye. There aren't too many Cyclops' found throughout the main game, so you will have to get this after beating the game. For the quickest way to obtain this trophy, repeat Challenge #1 of

Bleeding Thumbs, and also
make sure that you save after collecting each eye, otherwise it won't count.

Boss Batch 1
Kill the Colossus of Rhodes, the Dark Rider, and Theseus

You will get this trophy once you have defeated each of the following bosses:
- Colossus of Rhodes - This boss is encountered at Rhodes, in the very beginning stage of the game. He is the giant living statue with glowing blue eyes. You will encounter several battle sequences with this boss, which will end once you have destroyed the Colossus from the inside and jumped out of its mouth. These sequences are fairly easy and you shouldn't have any problems.
- Dark Rider - You will encounter this boss 2 times, the second of which will result in its defeat. Once you have left the Lair of the Titan and are back to riding Pegasus, Griffin Riders will attack you. Once you have killed them, you will need to kill the Dark Rider by performing QTE sequences.
- Theseus - This boss is encountered once you reach the Steeds of Time. A cutscene will play here after which you will need to shoot him with Typhon's Bane to defeat him, in order to prove who is the greatest warrior in all of Greece (and to get the Horse Keeper's Key). When he drops down, perform the QTE sequence and use the door to bash his brains in.

Boss Batch 2
Kill the Barbarian King, Euryale, and Perseus

You will get this trophy once you have defeated each of the following bosses:
- Alrik, the Barbarian King - This boss is encountered in the Bog of the Forgotten, just after you enter it for the very first time. He will be riding a large demonic steed and carrying a giant hammer. Once Alrik is defeated, you will receive the Barbarian Hammer. This is a powerful melee weapon, but quite slow.
- Euryale - You will encounter this fat ugly turd inside the Temple of Euryale, after battling through the Bog of the Forgotten. After traversing a ceiling with spinning blades, you will jump down into an area with a book sitting on top of a stone altar. Once you have read the book, Euryale will crash through the wall and attack. Once it is defeated, you will receive the Head of Euryale power.
- Perseus - This boss is encountered in a bathing chamber in the Hall of Atropos, shortly after the sequence where you need to slow down time to run across some large roots. Perseus is the half brother of Kratos and has gone slightly mad in the chamber. After a short fight you will defeat him in stunning fashion.

Boss Batch 3
Kill the Kraken and all three Sisters of Fate

You will get this trophy once you have defeated each of the following bosses:
- Kraken - Once you have awakened the Phoenix from its chamber at the Palace of the Fates, you will have to traverse a short puzzle section where you will rotate a lever that raises the two large pillars near the phoenix. Right after this you will fight a mystery enemy (who could it be?) in the dark, and a cutscene will play once they are defeated. During this cutscene the Kraken will rise up between the two pillars you raised beforehand. You essentially need to attack at its tentacles and place the dead soldier onto the pressure plate on each side, then jump onto the steam vent. This fight shouldn't be difficult. Read the important note below.
- Lahkesis (1st Sister of Fate) - You will encounter this Sister of Fate (and her boobs) shortly after defeating the Kraken, at the Throne of Lahkesis. It's important that you swing to jump up and press
when prompted, as this is the only way to further the battle into the next sequence, where a cutscene will play introducing Atrophos.
- Atrophos (2nd Sister of Fate) - The battle with Atrophos occurs right after the battle with Lahkesis, and takes place on the giant sword (Blade of the Gods) you encountered earlier in the original God of War. While you fight off some minions, you will need to use the Golden Fleece to redirect her ranged attacks until the
prompt appears, after which you will do a short QTE ending in a cutscene, leading to the next battle.
- Lahkesis & Atrophos - After the cutscene, you will be back at the Throne of Lahkesis and will need to do battle once more. Once Lahkesis is downed, you need to slow down time and run to the mirror where Atrophos is and use Cronos' Rage to seal the mirror. Now destroy the mirror with your weapon. Repeat this again for the second mirror. Once you have destroyed both mirrors you will get a
prompt, initiating a QTE sequence. Once it is complete, both sisters will become trapped in the mirror. Destroy the third and final mirror to end the battle.
- Clotho (3rd Sister of Fate) - If you thought Euryale was a fat ugly turd, this turd is even fatter and uglier. This boss is located in the Loom Chamber, which is entered once you have finished a lengthy battle occuring shortly after defeating the previous Sisters of Fate. Refer to
15 Min Fight Scene for the battle before the Loom Chamber. Before you are able to battle Clotho, you need to climb to the top by traversing a series of short puzzles. Once you have reached the top, (you will realise how ugly this turd is) you will need to free the pole connected to the lever on the right side and then pull the lever onto the third slot from the right. Pull the lever in the centre and this will bring up the blade used to kill Clotho. Rotate the blade and initiate the QTE sequence. Once Clotho is defeated the trophy should pop.
Note: This trophy is glitched. In order to prevent yourself from missing out on this trophy, you must fight through and defeat the Kraken, and then all three Sisters of Fate until you have defeated Clotho in the Loom Chamber, all in one sitting without qutting. This is because if you save and quit any time between these boss battles, you may not receive the trophy.

Daddy Issues
Defeat Zeus

After you have defeated Clotho (the final Sister of Fate) and then time travelled to the past, you will encounter Zeus. This will be the final battle in the game. It is not that difficult, just attack the crap out of him and perform all the QTE's and prompts where necessary, and you will eventually defeat him, unlocking the trophy.

Rise and SHINE
Awaken the Phoenix

The Phoenix is awakened after you've descended into the depths of the Phoenix Chamber, shortly before the fight with the Kraken. After you have traversed through the chamber and solved all of the puzzles and defeated the enemies, you will need to climb a spiral staircase and then unlock a door. Once you are outside and have blown the horn, the Phoenix will rise and the trophy will pop.

Spread 'Em
Open the wings of the Temple of the Fates

Throughout the game you will need to kill 2 Translators. The second and last Translator is found in the Auditorium of Atropos, where you will need to use a Fate's statue to slow time and stop him from jumping off a cliff (
what a hero). Kratos will make the Translator read the book on the altar and then bash his brains in (
ok, not really a hero). This will trigger the wings of the Temple of the Fates opening, and the trophy will pop.

Shine King
Open the door to the Temple of Euryale

This trophy is received after you have battled through the Bog of the Forgotten. After acquiring the Golden Fleece from the Cerebus, you will need to use it in order to deflect (rapidly tapping

) the Gorgons gaze at the door to the entrance of the Temple of Euryale. Now smash through the door and the trophy should pop.

Blowin' Your Wad
Max out all Weapons and Magic

If you've been collecting all of the chests (especially all of the red orb chests) noted in the collectables guide mentioned under

Eye Can't Believe It, you should get this trophy just before or around the time you face the Kraken at the Palace of the Fates. If you don't collect enough chests/red orbs to get this trophy during your main game playthrough, don't worry because your red orbs carry over to the New Game Plus (Bonus play) and the Arena.
*Note: The Blade of Olympus is the only weapon/magic that isn't required for this trophy. However, it is recommended to upgrade it, as it potentially makes

Bleeding Thumbs easier due to it being one of the stronger weapons in the game.
The following list contains all Weapons and Magic for this trophy, and the amount of red orbs required for each upgrade:
Blades of Athena:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 2,750 orbs
- Level 3 - 5,250 orbs
Barbarian Hammer:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 4,500 orbs
- Level 3 - 17,500 orbs
Spear of Destiny:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 3,750 orbs
- Level 3 - 12,500 orbs
Blade of Olympus*:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 9,000 orbs
- Level 3 - 25,000 orbs
- Level 4 - 9,500 orbs
- Level 5 - 13,500 orbs
Weapon upgrades total (excluding Blade of Olympus): 69,250
Typhon's Bane:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 2,500 orbs
- Level 3 - 12,500 orbs
Cronos' Rage:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 3,350 orbs
- Level 3 - 15,000 orbs
Head of Euryale:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 4,000 orbs
- Level 3 - 8,000 orbs
Atlas Quake:
- Level 1 - N/A
- Level 2 - 4,500 orbs
- Level 3 - 10,000 orbs
Power upgrades total: 59,850
Total red orbs required for trophy: 129,100

The End Begins
Beat the Game on any Difficulty

This trophy is pretty self-explanatory, you'll just have to finish the game. Game difficulty obviously does not matter here. You will get this trophy after defeating Zeus and then watching the final cutscene sequence.

Feel the Urn
Collect and use at least 2 Urns of Power

Urns of Power are magic items that give you special abilities, but can only be activated once you've finished the game. There are 6 different Urns of Power, only 4 of which can be found throughout the main game. The other 2 Urns of Power are received once you have beaten the Challenge of the Titans under various rankings. For this trophy, you
only need to collect at least 2 of the Urns. Once you have at least 2 Urns and have beaten the main game, start a New Game + (Bonus play). Once you gain control of Kratos at the beginning, open up the 'Power Up' menu and press

3 times to switch to the 'Status' menu. You will notice under 'Urns of Power' that you are now able to turn on any Urns that you have previously collected. Simply turn on at least 2 of these and get back to the game, and the trophy will pop.
Note: The 4 Urns located throughout the main game are included in the collectables guide link in

Eye Can't Believe It.
Urn Locations & Abilities
The following are the locations of all 6 Urns and their abilities:
Urn of Gaia
- Location: Rhodes Palace in Rhodes.
- Ability: Gain 10x the amount of red orbs.
- This Urn is found in the area with the various gates and long hallways. There will be a stone block with a small bird statue on top of it. Destroy the bird statue and before moving into the room ahead, push the block to the right into a long hallway. Move it down the long hallway right up against the wall. Now climb on top of the block and jump up to reach the Urn and 2 other chests.
Urn of the Gorgons
- Location: River of the Forgotten (Bog of the Forgotten).
- Ability: Attacking enemies with any weapon will automatically turn them to stone.
- After acquiring the Golden Fleece and before you enter the Temple of Euryale, go back to the rotating belt that has Gorgon statues on the walls that constantly shoot beams. Press
to redirect each beam, which will break the wall where the statue is and you will find a chest. There are 3 separate walls to be broken here, and the Urn will be in the second wall.
Urn of Olympus
- Location: The Edge of Creation in the Hall of Atropos.
- Ability: Infinite magic meter.
- Just before traversing the Crossing of the Lowlands, go back to the Fate's statue next to where you acquired the Spear of Destiny. Move the Fate's statue down the ramp and as close as you can to the water. Slow down time and quickly move across the water and into the room that has a large pressure plate in front of it. The Urn will be here with a few other chests.
Urn of Prometheus
- Location: Atlas
- Ability: Infinite Rage of the Titans meter.
- While you are climbing across Atlas and are in the section where you need to cross the ceiling, there will be a stalaclite that you can break, which reveals a small hole in the ceiling that you can climb into. Climb up through the hole and the chest will be here. This is just before the gliding section.
Urn of the Fates
- Received after getting an overall ranking of 'Mortal' in the Challenge of the Titans.
- Ability: Allows a longer time to chain together combos while slowing down enemies for a short time.
Urn of Poseidon
- Received after getting an overall ranking of 'Spartan' in the Challenge of the Titans.
- Ability: Replace Cronos' Rage with Poseidon's Rage.

Bleeding Thumbs
Beat the Challenge of the Titans

This mode is unlocked once you have completed the game on any difficulty, and is located under 'Treasures' at the Main Menu screen. You must complete all 7 challenges in this mode, under any rank, to obtain the trophy. Unlike the first God of War, you don't need to beat all the challenges in one sitting, as your progress is saved after beating each one.
This trophy is the most difficult to obtain, however with the following explanations and video guides you should not have too many problems. Also note that there are different ways to approach the challenges other than the ones shown below.
Challenge 1 - Blind Fury
- Description: Rip out the Cyclops' eye before time runs out.
- Simply spam Cronos' Rage or Atlas Quake (both
) on the Cyclops until the
prompt appears above its head for you to press. As soon as you do this you must quickly perform a randomly generated QTE. If performed successfully, you will rip out the eye. The other smaller enemies can be ignored here.
- Note: This can be repeated multiple times in order to earn
Eye Sore.
Challenge 2 - Death From Above
- Description: Kill at least 10 enemies in the air before time runs out.
- For this challenge you will want to use Apollo's Ascension (
) to lift each enemy in the air and then promptly spam Cyclone of Chaos (
), to kill the enemy whilst you are both airborne. You may need to repeat this process multiple times on each enemy until they die, but making sure that the killing blow is dealt only while they are in the air, otherwise it will not count.
- Once you've killed a few enemies, Gorgons will start to spawn (one at a time) so you'll need to be careful as they have the ability to stone shatter you instantly when you are airborne. The best way to avoid this is to either kill the Gorgon first when it spawns and then continue the airborne killing method, or use the method on the Gorgons themselves if you feel you are skilled enough. Keep repeating the air kill method until time runs out and you should have well over 10 kills.
Challenge 3 - Gorgon Graveyard
- Description: Stone shatter at least 25 enemies before time runs out.
- This one is a bit tough. You will need to roll next to the Gorgon and quickly press
in order for Kratos to attempt a grab on her, which will make the Gorgon jump away and use her gaze attack. As soon as she does this, you must time a block (
) just before the gaze hits you and then instantly press a randomly prompted button (just as you did during your playthrough, when acquiring the Golden Fleece), which results in every enemy that is within range turning to stone. When this happens you must try to kill every stoned enemy except for the Gorgon (you need her alive to keep stone shattering enemies) before they break free. Once you have shattered enough enemies, keep killing with this method or run/roll around until the timer runs out.
- You don't need to worry about killing the Harpies as they die instantly as soon as they are stoned. You will also need to be careful of the Cyclops' that spawn as they have a wider range of attack than the smaller enemies. They are best dodged by rolling out of the way and then quickly grabbing the Gorgon in order to perform a stone shatter.
- Note: If you have not yet obtained
Stoner then you can do so in this challenge.
Challenge 4 - Protect the Weak
- Description: Defend the Translator from being killed. The Translator's health will drain outside of the ring.
- The Translator is the man kneeling before you within small ring in front of the Fate's statue. The key to this challenge is to stop enemies from getting close to him (he dies quite easily) as they will then be able to attack him. For this challenge you'll need to use the statue to slow time (
) in order to safely move the Translator, as the ring surrounding him will change location 2 times and he will die if he is kept out of the ring too long. If you're having trouble you can also just spam slowing time after every couple of kills.
- Your weapon to victory here is the Blade of Olympus, as it's arguably the strongest weapon, however you can use your Blades of Athena if you feel you are skilled enough. Use Cronos' Rage and your other powers sparingly if needed as you have limited magic. I would also recommend that Rage of the Titans power be used on the Satyrs if you're having trouble. The most important thing is to keep your eye on the Translator at all times while killing enemies as you may not notice the ring switching location, and thus you will fail.
Challenge 1 - 4 Video Guide
Challenge 5 - Reap the Rewards
- Description: Rack up big combos and collect at least 500 orbs before time runs out.
- Quite a simple challenge. The key is to score as many combos as possible in order to increase the amount of red orbs collected. You should try to stay on the move and not get hit as you cannot heal. The most useful strategy for this challenge is to use Divine Sacrifice (
) with the Blade of Olympus. This makes the challenge very easy and you should have over 500 red orbs easily before time runs out.
Challenge 6 - Survival of the Fittest
- Description: The gods have cursed you and are taking away your health. Kill all your enemies to survive.
- This is the longest challenge of them all (about 8-10 minutes). You will notice that your health bar will slowly decrease over time, so it's important to try and get hit as little as possible. Start off by staying near the centre of the arena and casually spamming Cronos' Rage and Atlas Quake while using your weapon, as many of the enemies will drop blue orbs giving you magic. You will need to watch out for their attacks and block (
) while you continue using your powers. Once there are 1 or 2 enemies in the arena it's best to use Plume of Prometheus (
) with the Blades of Athena, in order to conserve magic.
- About 2 minutes into the challenge, Minotaurs will start spawning. It is very important that you press
when it appears above a Minotaurs head and play the short QTE sequence, because this will regenerate your health. For the other enemies, keep using your Blade of Olympus/Blades of Athena for single enemies, while modestly using both Cronos' Rage and Atlas Quake for when there are larger number of enemies. Be patient and keep killing all the enemies that spawn as this takes a while to finish. It will end. Eventually.
Challenge 7 - Perfection is Divine
- Kill all your enemies without being hit.
- This is the toughest challenge and may give you a headache. You'll notice there are 5 Skeletons and a Titan Minotaur in the arena. The Skeletons will rise as soon as you begin the challenge, however the Titan Minotaur won't wake up and attack you unless you provoke it. The video below shows a different strategy to the one that will be explained.
- The easiest way by far that I found to beat this challenge is to do the following:
- Kill the 5 Skeletons first, as other enemies will not spawn until all 5 are killed. The best way to kill them is to get out your Blade of Olympus (fully upgraded) and hit them a couple of times and then use the
prompt when it appears, to instantly kill each Skeleton. Be careful not to awaken the Titan Minotaur here.
- As soon as you finish off the last Skeleton, run behind the Titan Minotaur while activating Cronos' Rage, and it will awaken. Stay behind it while attacking it with your Blade of Olympus and use Cronos' Rage every 2 seconds or so. You will notice that the Titan Minotaur will be attacking everything infront of it, killing some enemies for you while you attack it from behind ;). Keep using Cronos' Rage until the
prompt appears, but don't press it; instead use Cronos' Rage one more time which should kill it.
- Now there should be only 2 types of enemy left, High Priests (the ones holding scrolls) and Beast Lords (the other little guys). You should still have about half of your magic meter left, so you can use Cronos' Rage here if you're surrounded. Kill the High Priests by initiating a grapple with them where you need to tap
rapidly, this will throw them in the air. When they land repeat this again and then finish them off with your Blade of Olympus. If there are any surrounding Beast Lords, just use Cronos' Rage to kill them.
Once you have killed the last High Priest/Beast Lord, the trophy will pop.
Challenge 5 - 7 Video Guide
Credit to HumanVersusVideoGames for the video guides.

15 Min Fight Scene
Battle your way to the Loom Chamber in under 10 minutes

Time LimitedMissable
The Loom Chamber is located at The Temple of Fates, just after the Inner Sanctum section. You will notice the third Sister of Fate called Clotho (large ugly bloated creature) staring at you through the window just before you enter the chamber. Refer to the video below for a better understanding.
This trophy is actually pretty simple. There is not a specific strategy for this trophy other than to try and push through and kill all the enemies in the chamber as quickly as you can. 10 minutes should be plenty of time. You will most likely get this without really trying (unless for some reason you leave the game running midway through the sequence and go to the toilet or something).
15 Min Fight Scene Video Guide

You Know the Germans Make Good Stuff...
Collect all Uber Chests

There are 3 Uber chests located throughout the game. These are special chests that look different from your usual item/orb chests (refer to video below). Each of these chests gives you something different; a large quantity of red orbs, a permanent increase to the health meter, or a permanent increase to the magic meter. The collectables guide link under the

Eye Can't Believe It trophy also includes these chests.
The following are the chests locations and the order in which they should be found:
Uber chest: Red Orbs
- Once you have slain Euryale and acquired its head, you will eventually go back up a spiral staircase to arrive back at Destiny's Atrium (where you have a view of the Temple of Euryale in the distance). Run back towards where the giant barrier used to be, to get back to the Bog of the Forgotten (this is where you defeated the Barbarian King). Run forward a bit further and the Uber chest will have appeared here next to a regular chest.
- Note: You can view this at 5:36 in the video below.
Uber chest: Health
- This one is a bit tricky. This chest is found near the Auditorium of Atropos, just after The West Auditorium. You will jump down to an area just after a checkpoint and see a Fate's statue (that slows time) here to your left. You will then need to push it down the curvy hallway to the entrance of the Auditorium of Atropos (with the gate next to a balcony). A short cutscene will play here where a Translator will throw himself off a cliff. Once the cutscene ends, pull the lever to the left of the screen which will open the gate, and then quickly move the Fate's statue underneath the gate to hold it up.
- Now comes the tricky part. Run inside and over to your left is a mirror that reverses time. Run through the mirror and instantly press
to slow time and quickly run (rolling may be faster) back to where the Fate's statue was originally located. The Uber chest will now have appeared there in its place. You must be very quick about this and get to this spot before you hear the Translator jump. It's best to make a save at the above mentioned checkpoint in case you fail.
- Note: You can view this at 8:56 in the video below.
Uber chest: Magic
- This chest can be found shortly after finding the second Uber chest (Health). It is located in the Entrance to the Underground, just before the room with the rotating spike pillars. You'll reach a section where you have to shimmy across a long rope that is broken by an enemy archer. Once you have defeated the enemies here, you'll need to go across the ceiling and drop down to an area with 2 chests (magic and health). Kill the enemies that spawn here and then go right and you will see a steam vent for you to fly on. Instead of doing that, use Typhon's Bane (Hold
) and shoot at the glowing circle through the steam about 5-6 times, breaking the secret wall. Now fly over and drop down through the broken wall to get the last Uber chest.
- Note: You can view this at 9:52 in the video below.
Hidden Chests Video Guide