Game Patch
For the Japanese version of the game, you should install the latest patch to fix game bugs and use some functions in the game (such as Fast-forward dialogue). It appears as though the Western version already has it in the game.
Spoiler Warning
Since this guide is an overall walkthrough, story will be somewhat covered including boss information. Don't worry though, specifics about the story won't be mentioned here, just quests and bosses you need to take care of during the gameplay.
English Translation
Some translations may not be absolutely correct since Japanese and English are not my primary language. The guide will be updated with information about the Western version or a new thread will be made specifically for the Western version if necessary. The purpose of English translations are to help players if they have questions about particular items or quests by just mentioning the English name, instead of copy and pasting Japanese words into the guide.
New Game Plus save data was used without carrying note info over to make this guide, so some info may not be accurate. Eveything will be double checked sometimes after the Western version releases.
Normal Playthrough
Since this game requires at least 2 playthroughs to get the platinum trophy, you should start the game on Normal difficulty so your level, item, and note info will be carried over to next playthrough which is Nightmare mode (only if you decide to carry them over to the next playthrough when you start New Game Plus). Most of the boss fights are pretty easy on Normal mode, so it's highly recommended that you play this difficulty mode. Currently, the strategy to fight them efficiently may not be listed, but they will be sometime after the Western version of the game releases. If you have problems fighting against certain bosses then you can ask questions about it in the guide comments area so I or other players can help, however, if you decide to start Nightmare mode instead, then you should make a new thread to ask a question since Nightmare Mode isn't recommended for everyone (Though there are people who like a challenge, it would be harder to get help from other people by doing that).
Quest-related Items
Since this game is pretty straightforward in doing quests, quest-related items aren't listed because for most of time you only need to talk to certain people to exchange, give, or receive the item to complete the quest. However, if there is a required item which you need to defeat the monsters in order to have it then they will be listed.
Color Code
Some items are labeled in
Bold with red color to indicate that they are required for certain trophies, so you should pay attention and don't ever sell any of those items. Treasure chests are labeled as a red number on the map, while other things are labeled as a random color.
In-Game Map
The current maps will be replaced when in-game screenshots of the in-game maps are taken later.
Weapon and Armor
New weapon, armor, and accessories are available whenever you arrive in a new town.
Treasure Hunter Trophy
You must open the treasure chest whenever you explore the new areas, there are maps available that show the location where you can find these treasure chests. You can equip the
Detection [探知] quartz which shows the treasure chest locations on in-game maps. This quartz is really helpful since this guide doesn't cover the map in towns which may have some hidden treasure chests, but they will be mentioned in the guide.
Battle Master Trophy
Whenever you fight against new enemies, make sure you scan them once by using the Battle Scope [
バトルスコープ] item (which can be purchased at shop in any town), or
Elliot and
Emma's Craft [
Super Fishing King Trophy
You must catch fish whenever you see a
Fishing Spot in the town or on the map. Make sure you save the game before attempting to catch fish because you may not catch a new fish.
Character Master Trophy
Talk to every student, instructor, and maid (in Trista) at least once to register their profile in
Character Notes, because some NPC's character note updates will also update other NPC's character notes, however, that NPC's note is not available until you talk to them once.
Book Mania Trophy
Just follow the guide, then you will receive all
Book Note info.
Recipe Note
Just follow the guide, then you will receive all
Recipe Note info. However, you still need to
fill out all food items in every recipe note to get certain
Master Quartz.

Switch leader / Link character (in-battle)

Access to certain Note (depending on your shortcut choice, default is Main Note)

Hold to run / Switch character (in-battle)

Access to certain Note (depending on your shortcut choice, default is Recipe Note)

Access to previous Note

Current Map / Quick Save Access (if in Camp Menu) / Skip battle animation

Travel Menu

Access to Camp Menu / Open S-Break menu (in-battle) / Ride a horse while in Travel Menu (on the map)

To confirm/ Talk / Attack the enemy while on horseback (stand next to the enemy) / Field attack

To cancel / Hold to walk / To dismount / Fast-forward dialogue/scenes (need to install the patch)

Face the character's direction

Zoom in / Top character in S-Break menu

Turn left / Left character in S-Break menu

Zoom out / Bottom character in S-Break menu

Turn right / Right character in S-Break menu
Note: The Western version of the game uses

to confirm and

to cancel (basically, just switch the buttons).
Trophy Guide
Here is the Trophy Guide of this game:
Prologue: Thors Military Academy [序章 トールズ士官学院]
August 31 - Garrelia Fortress [ガレリア要塞]
1. Event Battle
2. Defeat the enemies on your way (or skip it)
3. Opening movie after you defeat the bosses 2x [
March 31
1. After you arrive to Trista City then
[Military Academy Admission] is unlocked, there are some events which you are able to see:
- Event with Alisa [アリサ] (Station)
- Event with Fie [フィー] (Park)
- Event with Gaius [ガイウス] (Chapel)
- Event with Laura [ラウラ] (North of city)
- Event with Jusis [ユーシス] (In front of Thors Military Academy)
- Event with Georges [ジョルジュ] and Student Council President Towa [トワ] (After you enter the school gate)
2. Go to
Old School Building [旧校舎] after the Ceremony
In the basement, you will receice the equipment and item (if Newgame+) and Master Quartz
Force [
フォース]. You also need to equip this master quartz (open menu -> Orbment -> Quartz -> Master Quartz)
3. Explore the
Old School Building Underground - Floor 1 [旧校舎地下・第1層]
- Eliot [エリオット] and Gaius join the party
- Voice Note and Combat Note are available after defeating the enemy first time
- Open the first treasure chest
- Recovery Device's description will be explained when you reach it
- Arts' description is introduced after defeating enemies second time
- Craft's description is introduced after defeating enemies third time
- Encounter the girls in second area
- Depending on your choice, Machias [マキアス] or Jusis will join the party (it doesn't affect the story anyway, so just choose the one you like, top choice -> Machias will remain in the party, bottom choice -> Jusis doesn't join the party)
- Boss Battle [イグルートガルム] (the boss has 2 forms) when you exit the third area
Old School Building - First Layer Map 1

Starting Point
(1) Treasure Chest: 50x each type of Sepith [
(2) Treasure Chest: Needle Shot [
(3) Examine the
Recovery Device
Old School Building - First Layer Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: Tear [
(2) Event with Machias and Jusis
Old School Building - First Layer Map 3

(1) Treasure Chest: 50x each type of Sepith [
(2) Treasure Chest: Avoidance 1 [
4. Save Confirmation Screen is available after the opening movie,
[Thors Military Academy] is unlocked
Chapter 1: New Semester ~First Training~ [第1章 新学期~初めての実習~]
April 17
1. Pick the choice
Nord Highlands [
ノルド高原] (
AP +1), it seems the game still gives you 1 AP even if you pick the wrong choice if (it's your first playthrough).
2. Go to Student Union Building [
- Leave the school (the facility building is introduced)
- Head to Student Union Building, you will encounter Crow [クロウ] (just pick any choice)
- Go to Student Council Room on 2nd floor (Character Note is available)
3. At night, you have to give student handbook to everyone. The guys' rooms are on 2nd floor, while the girls' room are on 3rd floor. Then go back to your room (201) to rest.
April 18 (Free Activity Day)
1. Confirm all the quests: Red -> Main Quest (Required), Blue -> Subquest (Optional) (
Quest Note is available).
- Old Schoolhouse Mystery [旧校舎地下の調査] (5 AP)
- Orbal Delivery [導力器の配達] (4 AP)
- A Noteworthy Loss [落とした学生手帳] (4 AP)
2. When you leave the Third Dormitory, the
Travel Menu 
is available.
3. Miscellaneous
- Buy the Imperial Chronicle - Issue 1 [帝国時報・第1号] at Keynes' Bookstore [ケインズ書房] or Cooperative Store in Student Union Building [学生会館]
- Receive The Red Moon's Rose Vol. 1 [赤い月のロゼ1巻] from Keynes [ケインズ] in Keynes' Bookstore [ケインズ書房]
- Receive Beginner Rod [リトルシューター] from Kenneth [ケネス] on the bridge, you can catch fish at Trista River and Trista Pond (School Building's backyard)
- Head to Library [図書館] to read Empire Railway History [帝国鉄道史] from the left bookshelf on 1st floor (next to the stair)
- Buy Master Quartz Sceptre [セプター] in from Georges [ジョルジュ] in Technology Building [技術棟]
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 2)
- Eliot (Third Dormitory's 2nd floor) (Character Note updated)
- Laura (Gymnasium's pool)
- Machias (on the table outside of Cafe & Inn Kirsche)
A Noteworthy Loss [落とした学生手帳] (Optional)
- Talk to Collet [コレット] in Student Union Building [学生会館] to accept the quest
- Examine the student notebook on the chair at resting area on 2nd floor of school building
- Give the student notebook to Collet to complete the quest (Reward: Silver Chain [シルバーチェイン])
Orbal Delivery [導力器の配達] (Required)
- Talk to Georges [ジョルジュ] in Technology Building [技術棟]
- Talk to Nicholas [ニコラス] in Domestic Room on School Building's 2nd floor (receive the recipe #1 Simple Omelet [お手軽オムレツ], Recipe Note is available)
- Talk to the owner of Pawnshop Micht [質屋≪ミヒュト≫]
- Talk to receptionist Lara [受付嬢ララに] in Radio Station [ラジオ局]
- Talk to Georges to complete the quest (Reward: Orbal Radio [導力ラジオ]) (Workshop Menu is available)
Old Schoolhouse Mystery [旧校舎地下の調査] (Required)
- Talk to the Principal Vandyck [ヴァンダイク学院長] in Principal's Office on School Building's 1st floor
- Head to Old School Building [旧校舎] then open the door to go inside the building
- Choose team members (Eliot and Gaius) then explore Old School Building Basement's First Layer, you need to set the Link then fight the first enemy (Open Camp Menu -> Tactics -> Set Link)
- There is a Fishing Spot in this area
- Defeat the boss [ミノスデーモン]. You can go back to the entrance by examine the round device (Teleport Device)
- Exit the Old School Building to complete the quest (Reward: Sealing Skill Blade [封技の刃])
Old School Building - First Layer Map

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: 100x each type of Sepith [
(2) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
(3) Treasure Chest: White Lens [
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 1)
- Alisa (School Ground)
- Towa (Student Council Room)
Blown Spice's Sourcing [切れた調味料の調達] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to Fred [フレッド] in Cafe & Inn Kirsche [喫茶・宿泊≪キルシェ≫] to accept the quest
- Talk to Nicholas [ニコラス] in Domestic Room on School Building's 2nd floor (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Ramsay [ラムゼイ] on 1st floor in Student Union Building [学生会館]
- Talk to Fred to complete the quest (Reward: 3x Crispy Pizza [クリスピーピザ])
10. Talk to Lotte [
ロッテ] in front of the
First Dormitory (
Character Note updated)
11. Return to the Third Dormitory
April 21 (Practice Test)
Party: Rean, Gaius, and Eliot.
Condition: Victory without allowing any casualties [
誰も戦闘不能にならずに勝利] (
AP +1)
2. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
23 AP (Total:
23 AP) (
Reward: Information [
April 24 (Special Training Day 1)
Party: Rean, Alisa, Eliot, and Laura. Head to Trista Station, then talk to the staff at Trista Station Office to buy tickets
2. If you talk to Eliot [
エリオット] then Blade [
ブレード] mini game is available. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you still gain
50 Link EXP to specific character who is playing card with you (Link EXP is only available for each character per game). Choose to stop the conversation [
会話をやめる] to arrive in Celdic [
3. Confirm the quests:
- Search the Monster of East Celdic Road [東ケルディック街道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- Replacement of Broken Road Lamp [壊れた街道灯の交換] (4+1 AP)
- Medicine's Material Sourcing [薬の材料調達] (4 AP)
4. Talk to instructor
Sara [
サラ教官] at the counter in Inn Weathercock
5. Miscellaneous
- Talk to the landlady Magotto [女将マゴット] twice in the Inn Weathercock [宿酒場≪風見亭≫] to receive the recipe #2 Sweet Cookie [スイートクッキー]
- Talk to little maid Anita [アニタ] on the East side of Celdic Grand Market to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 2 [赤い月のロゼ2巻]
- Buy Kaneria Paperback Edition 1 [カーネリア文庫版1] and Kaneria Paperback Edition 2 [カーネリア文庫版2] from Imported Goods and Food Tommy [輸入雑貨・食品≪トミィ≫] on West side of Celdic Grand Market
- Buy Sitting Micky [おすわりみっしぃ] from one of the stalls at Celdic Grand Market (you must keep it until Epilogue)
Replacement of Broken Road Lamp [壊れた街道灯の交換] (Required)
- Talk to Samus [サムス] in Arms & Orbal Factory Oddvin [武具・工房≪オドウィン≫] to accept the quest
- Explore the West Celdic Road [西ケルディック街道], there is a Fishing Spot in West Celdic Road 2
- Input the right code [466515] to examine the Road Lamp in West Celdic Road 2 area. (AP +1)
- Talk to Samus to complete the quest (Reward: Detection [探知])
Note: From now on, you should equip this quartz
Detection on main character
Rean so it can show you every treasure chest and monster on the map.
West Celdic Road Map 1

(1) Treasure Chest: 100x each type of Sepith [
(2) Treasure Chest: EP1 [
(3) The
Monster (
Quest: Search the Monster of West Celdic Road [
West Celdic Road Map 2

Fishing Spot
(1) Road Lamp (
Quest: Replacement of Broken Road Lamp [
(2) Treasure Chest: Aqua Breed [
(3) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
(5) Treasure Chest: EP Charge II [
Medicine's Material Sourcing [薬の材料調達] (Optional)
- Talk to priest Jiruberu [ジルベル教区] in the Chapel to accept the quest
- Talk to elder Flint [フリント老人] on the West side of Celdic Grand Market
- Talk to Paul [ポール] in the Farmhouse at West Celdic Road 2
- Report to priest to complete the quest (Reward: 3x Tiara Medicine [ティアラの薬] and 3x Athelas Medicine [アセラスの薬])
Search the Monster of East Celdic Road [東ケルディック街道の手配魔獣] (Required)
- Explore the East Celdic Road [東ケルディック街道]
- Talk to elderly farmer in the Farmhouse at East Cedic Road 1
- There is a Fishing Spot in the first area
- Defeat the Monster [スケイリーダイナ] on the hill in East Celdic Road 2
- Report the quest to the elderly farmer (Reward: Food Ingredients [食材多数])
East Celdic Road Map 1

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: EP Charge I [
(2) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(3) Treasure Chest: Vicarious Muppet [
East Celdic Road Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: Tiara Medicine [
(2) Treasure Chest:
HP1 [
(3) Treasure Chest: Celastrol Medicine [
(4) Treasure Chest: Earth Lance [
(5) The
Monster (
Quest: Search the Monster of East Celdic Road [
9. Make sure you talk to Chisel [
チゼル] in the Farmhouse to receive the
recipe #3 Whole Juice [
丸絞りジュース] before return to Inn Weathercock for an Event at Celdic Grand Market
Grand Market Merchant's Experience [大市商人の体験] (Hidden) (3+2 AP)
- Talk to merchant Raimon [商人ライモン] on the Southwest of Celdic Grand Market to accept the quest
- First customer - Sell at 35 Mira [35ミラで売る]
- Second customer - Sell at 900 Mira [900ミラで売る] and 20% off for cheese [2割引のチーズをつける]
- Third customer - Sell six at 60 Mira [6つを60ミラで売る]
- If you choose correct choices above (AP +2)
- The quest completed (Reward: Coral Bracelet [コーラルブレス] and Marble Bracelet [マーブルブレス])
11. Return to Inn Weathercock to call it a night. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
18 AP (Total:
41 AP)
April 25 (Special Training Day 2)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Search the Monster of West Celdic Road [西ケルディック街道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- Lost Wallet [落し物の財布] (4 AP)
2. View these Events:
- Event at Celdic Grand Market
- Talk to merchant Heinz [商人ハインツ]
- Talk to merchant Marco [商人マルコ]
- Pick the choice Leading National Army [領邦軍] (AP +1)
- Event at Leading National Army Place [領邦軍詰所]
- Talk to Mina [ミナ] in front of Chapel
- Talk to Johnson [ジョンソン] who sits next to Western Exist of Celdic
Lost Wallet [落し物の財布] (Optional)
- Talk to merchant Lizzie [商人リジー] at the stall nearby Celdic Grand Market entrance to accept the quest
- Talk to staff at Celdic Station
- Talk to landlady Magotto [女将マゴット] in Inn Weathercock
- Talk to Tableau [タブロー] at resting area on Northwest of Celdic Grand Market
- Talk to traveler Annabelle [旅行者アナベル] in the Chapel (Reward: Picker Doll [ピッカードール])
Search the Monster of West Celdic Road [西ケルディック街道の手配魔獣] (Optional)
- Defeat the monster [ズウォーダー] at Southwest of West Celdic Road 1
- Report to padrone Otto [オットー元締め] in padrone house [元締め宅] in Celdic (Reward: 5x U Materials [Uマテリアル5])
5. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Robin [ロビン] in Farmhouse at West Celdic Road 2 to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 3 [赤い月のロゼ3巻]
6. Head to
Lunaria Nature Park [
ルナリア自然公園] on the
North Exist of West Celdic Road 2
- Explore Lunaria Nature Park
- Event Battle after you reach at the end of Lunaria Nature Park Area 3
- First Boss Fight: Fake Janitor x4 [偽管理員]
- Second Boss Fight: Gurunoja [グルノージャ] and Godiossa x2 [ゴーディオッサー]
Lunaria Nature Park Map 1

Recovery Device
(2) Treasure Chest: 100x each type of Sepith [
(3) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
(4) Treasure Chest: Citrus Bottle [
Lunaria Nature Park Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: Tiara Medicine [
(2) Treasure Chest: Air Strike [
(3) Treasure Chest: Coral Ring [
(4) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine [
Lunaria Nature Park Map 3

(1) Treasure Chest: Heat Wave [
ヒートウェイブ] (
(2) Treasure Chest: Tiara Medicine [
(3) Treasure Chest: Galt Sphere [
Recovery Device
7. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
14 AP (Total:
55 AP) (
Reward: Indomitable Emblem [
[New Semester ~First Training~] will be unlocked. If you get 55 AP in total then
[Special Honor Student] is also unlocked at
Chapter Result screen, then you can save the game.
Chapter 2: The Beautiful Jade City [第2章 麗しき翡翠の都]
May 22
1. Pick the 2nd choice, Orbment Communication [
導力通信] in class (
AP +1)
2. Talk to Caspar [
カスパル] at the
Swimming Pool room in the Gymnasium [
ギムナジウム] (
Character Note updated)
Extra Event: Talk to Fie nearby Old School Building (
Fie and Emma [
's Link EXP +50)
4. After you leave the school area, you will encounter
Crow in front of school gate. Pick the 2nd choice Drawstring Bag [
持っていた巾着バッグ] (
AP +1)
5. Return to Rean's room (201) to call it a night
May 23 (Free Activity Day)
1. Confirm the quests from mailbox
- Old Schoolhouse Mystery 2 [旧校舎地下の調査2] (5 AP)
- Request of Proxy Teacher [代理教師の要請] (3+2 AP)
- Delivery of Instructor's Book [教官用図書の配達] (4 AP)
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 2)
- Emma (Keynes' Bookstore)
- Gaius (Art Room on 2nd floor of Thors Military Academy) (Character Note updated)
- Crow (Cafe & Inn Kirsche) (Character Note updated)
- Sara (the Third Dormitory's 3rd floor)
3. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Georges [ジョルジュ] in Technology Building (Character Note updated)
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 2 [帝国時報・第2号] in Keynes's Bookstore (accept the quest Delivery of Instructor's Book [教官用図書の配達] then talk to Keynes again to buy the book) or at Cooperative Store in Student Union Building
- Buy Cooking Sandwich book [俺の料理・サンド] from Keynes's Bookstore, then use it as consuming item to receive the recipe #4 Tomato Sandwich [トマトサンド]
- Head to Library [図書館] to read Imperial Legend on Top Tradition [帝国の伝説・伝承 上] from the left bookshelf
- Buy Master Quartz Wing [ウイング] in Technology Building
Delivery of Instructor's Book [教官用図書の配達] (Optional)
- Talk to Keynes [ケインズ] in Keynes' Bookstore to accept the request (you already talked to him in step 3)
- Talk to instructor Thomas [トマス教官] in Library [図書館]
- Talk to vice-principal Heinrich [ハインリッヒ教頭] in Instructor's Room on first floor of school building
- Talk to instructor Mary [メアリー教官] in Music Room on second floor of school building
- Talk to instructor Makarov [マカロフ教官] on the rooftop [屋上] of school building
- Talk to instructor Sara [サラ教官] in room 301 of the Third Dormitory
- Report to Keynes to complete the quest (Reward: 3x Makie [撒き餌])
Request of Proxy Teacher [代理教師の要請] (Optional)
- Talk to Crane [クレイン] on the first floor of the Second Dormitory (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Melissa [メリッサ] in Trista Mansion [トリスタ邸宅] to agree to teach the kid
- Answer 1: 2nd choice - About 50 Years Ago [約50年前]
- Answer 2: 1st choice - C - Dr. Epstein [C・エプスタイン博士]
- Answer 3: 3rd choice - Pyrotechnic Weapons such as Guns and Cannons [火薬式の銃や大砲などの武器]
- If you pick above choices (AP +2) (Reward: 2000 Mira)
Old Schoolhouse Mystery 2 [旧校舎地下の調査2] (Required)
- Head to Old School Building [旧校舎] then open the door to go inside the building
- Choose team members (Alisa, Laura, Eliot, and Gaius) then choose Second Layer [第2層] from the elevator's control panel
- Explore the Old School Building Basement's Second Layer
- Save the game before you open the Treasure Chest #2
- Open it then use the character who has S-break skill with a circle-range (or wide range) attack to kill eight enemies (
[Eight Headed Destruction] is unlocked)
- Defeat the boss x3 [ケルビムゲイト]
- Leave the Old School Building to complete the quest (Reward: Cure [治癒])
Old School Building - Second Layer Map

(1) Treasure Chest: Floral Bottle [
(2) Treasure Chest: Death [
死神] (
(3) Treasure Chest: EP Charge II [
The Lever (open the path below)
The Lever (open the path on East side)
(6) Treasure Chest: 150x each type of Sepith [
Receipt of Flower Arrangement [生花の受け取り] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to Linde [リンデ] to accept the quest in Art Room on 2nd floor of School Building
- Event when to go to City's Park
- Talk to Jane [ジェーン] at Gardening Shop Jane nearby the Park
- Talk to Linde to complete the quest (Reward: Warm Sock [ぽかぽかソックス] and Cool Belt [ひんやりベルト]) (Character Note Updated)
- Talk to her twin sister Vivi [ヴィヴィ] who stands next to Linde if you didn't register her profile yet (Character Note Updated)
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 1)
- Jusis (Library)
- Fie (Resting area on 2nd floor of School Building)
9. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Angelica [アンゼリカ] in Student Council Room in Student Union Building (Character Note Updated)
- Talk to instructor Sara [サラ教官] in Pawnshop Micht [質屋≪ミヒュト≫] (Character Note Updated)
10. Return to
the Third Dormitory for an Event
May 26 (Practice Test)
Party: Rean, Gaius, Alisa, and Laura.
Condition: Cancel the enemy's Arts [
アーツを駆動解除] (
AP +1)
Party: Rean, Machias, and Jusis.
Condition: None (it's a Losing Event so don't try too hard to win since it's impossible, however,
make sure you scan instructor Sara once for
Battle Note)
3. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
25 AP (Total:
80 AP) (
Reward: Shiny Clock [
May 29 (Special Training Day 1)
Party: Rean, Emma, Fie, Jusis, and Machias. Head to
Trista Station, then talk to the staff at Trista Station Office to buy tickets
2. After some conversation in the train, your party will arrive at
Bareahard [
バリアハート], then everyone will stay at
Hotel Esmeralda [
3. Confirm the quests:
- Search the Monster of Aurochs Canyon Road [オーロックス峡谷道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- Impure Semi-precious Stones [穢れなき半貴石] (4 AP)
- Bath Salt's Sourcing [バスソルトの調達] (4 AP)
4. Miscellaneous
- Buy Kaneria Paperback Edition 3 [カーネリア文庫版3] and Kaneria Paperback Edition 4 [カーネリア文庫版4] at Bookshop Fortnum [フォートナム書店] on 2nd floor of Luxury Store Christie's [高級ストア≪クリスティーズ≫]
- Talk to Rhona [ローナ] to receive recipe #5 Savory Herb Tea [味わいハーブティー] in Mansion 2 [邸宅2] of Aristocracy District [貴族街]
- There is a Fishing Spot under the stair in Central Square [中央広場]
Impure Semi-precious Stones [穢れなき半貴石] (Required)
- Talk to Brook [ブルック] to accept the quest in Jewelry Factory Turner [≪ターナー宝飾店≫] of Artisan's Street [職人通り]
- Examine the tree at the center of the map of North Kreuzen Highway [北クロイツェン街道] to get Dryad Tear [ドリアード・ティア]
- There is a Fishing Spot in this area
- Report to Brook to complete the quest (Reward: Luck [幸運])
North Kreuzen Highway Map

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: Curia [
(2) Treasure Chest: Celastrol Medicine [
(3) Treasure Chest: 150x each type of Sepith [
(4) Dryad Tear (
Quest: Impure Semi-precious Stones [
(5) The Monster (
Quest: Search the Monster of North Kreuzen Highway [
Bath Salt's Sourcing [バスソルトの調達] (Optional)
- Talk to Hassan [ハサン] to accept the quest (South side of Restaurant Sorciere [≪ソルシエラ≫]) in Central Square [中央広場]
- You need to obtain the Pink Salt [ピンクソルト] which you can get it in Aurochs Canyon Road 3 so temporarily leave this quest until you reach that area in step 7
- Report to Hassan after you have Pink Salt to complete the quest (Reward: Silver Hourglass [銀の砂時計])
Search the Monster of Aurochs Canyon Road [オーロックス峡谷道の手配魔獣] (Required)
- Explore the Aurochs Canyon Road [オーロックス峡谷道]
- Put Jusis and Machias in Attack Member party when you plan to fight the Monster [フェイトスピナー], Rean will be removed from the Attack Member party.
- Make sure you get Pink Salt for Bath Salt's Sourcing quest in Aurochs Canyon Road 3
- Go to Aurochs Fort [オーロックス砦] to report to the soldiers who are at the entrance to complete the quest (Reward: Spark Arrow [スパークアロー])
Aurochs Canyon Road Map 1

(1) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
Aurochs Canyon Road Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: 150x each type of Sepith [
(2) Treasure Chest: Summer Breeze [
薫風] (
(3) Treasure Chest: Dark Blade [
(4) The
Monster (
Quest: Search the Monster of Aurochs Canyon Road [
Aurochs Canyon Road Map 3

(1) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(2) Treasure Chest: Spirit 2 [
Pink Salt (
Quest: Bath Salt's Sourcing [
8. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Fumy [フーミィ] to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 4 [赤い月のロゼ4巻] at Resting Area of Aurochs Fort
9. Return to Bareahard
- Make sure you report to Hassan to complete the quest
- Event at Hotel Esmeralda [≪ホテル・エスメラルダ≫]
10. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
12 AP (Total:
92 AP)
May 30 (Special Training Day 2)
1. Confirm the quests at the hotel:
- Search the Monster of North Kreuzen Highway [北クロイツェン街道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- Nostalgia Menu [懐かしのメニュー] (4 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Annette [アネット] who sit on the bench nearby the North Exit of Station Road [駅前通り] to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 5 [赤い月のロゼ5巻]
- Buy some Fresh Milk [新鮮ミルク] from General Goods Henderson & CO. [ヘンダーソン] of Luxury Store Christie's [高級ストア≪クリスティーズ≫] to give the cat in the following chapters. You can buy more to make the foods from Recipe Note later.
- Buy Frog Strap [ケロケロストラップ] at General Goods Henderson & CO. [ヘンダーソン] (you must keep it until Epilogue)
Traveler's Escort [旅行者の護送] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to Anton [アントン] who stands nearby Aurochs Fort Road's entrance to accept the quest
- Escort him back to Bareahard to complete the quest (Reward: Napping Micky [うたたねみっしぃ])
Nostalgia Menu [懐かしのメニュー] (Optional)
- Talk to Hammond [ハモンド] to accept the quest in Restaurant Sorciere [≪ソルシエラ≫]) of Central Square [中央広場]
- Go to Bareahard Cathedral [バリアハート大聖堂で] to receive Healing Herbs [キュアハーブ] from Sister Tatiana [シスター・タチアナ]
- If you have 5x Monster's Fats [魔獣の油脂] then you can complete this quest soon, otherwise, you can hunt this item by killing the monsters in North Kreuzen Highway [北クロイツェン街道], every monster appears on the map can drop this item (make sure you don't kill the Monster from the quest in step 5)
- Report to Hammond to complete the quest (Reward: Recipe #6 Creamy Chowder [クリーミーチャウダー])
Search the Monster of North Kreuzen Highway [北クロイツェン街道の手配魔獣] (Required)
- Defeat the Monster at the North of North Kreuzen Highway [北クロイツェン街道]
- Go back to Bareahard for an Event => Machias leaves the party (Reward: Earth Bell [地言鈴])
6. Go to Public City Underground Waterway [
公都地下水路] (under the stair of Bareahard Station [
- Make sure you finish everything enter Public City Underground Waterway because you can't exist once you enter this place
- Explore the Public City Underground Waterway
- Fight 2x Leading National Army Soldiers [領邦軍兵士] after you rescue Machias => Machias joins in the party after that
- Fight the Bosses [ガザックドーベンB] and [ガザックドーベンR]
- Rufus and instructor Sara will rescue the party from those Leading National Army Soldiers
City Underground Waterway Map 1

Recovery Device
(2) Treasure Chest: Zeruma Power [
The Lever
City Underground Waterway Map 2

Jusis joins in the party
(2) Treasure Chest: Tiara [
ティアラ] (
outside of this area)
(3) Treasure Chest: La Crest [
(4) Treasure Chest: Neriki [
練気] (
(5) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine [
City Underground Waterway Map 3

(1) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
(2) Treasure Chest: Silver Thorn [
The Lever
(4) Treasure Chest: EP Charge II [
(5) Treasure Chest: Drive 1 [
7. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
18 AP (Total:
110 AP) (
Reward: Discipline Emblem [
55 AP in total for
S rank at
Chapter Result screen,
[The Beautiful City of Jade] will be unlocked at Save Confirmation screen.
Chapter 3: Beyond the Railway ~Azure Earth~ [第3章 鉄路を越えて~蒼弩の大地~]
June 15 (Test Preparation)
1. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Clara [クララ] who is in the Art Room on the 2nd floor of School Building (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Theresa [テレジア] on the 1st floor of Library [図書館] (Character Note updated)
- Read Modern Sport [近代スポーツ] on the left bookshelf
- Feed the cat with Fresh Milk [新鮮ミルク] on the 2nd floor of Library
- Buy Master Quartz Moebius [メビウス] in the Technology Building
2. Preparing for Midterm Test Events
- Talk to instructor Thomas [トマス教官] on 2nd floor in Library
- Examine the Southwest bookshelf on 2nd floor in Library
- Talk to instructor Makarov [マカロフ教官] at East side of hallway on 1st floor in School Building
- Talk to instructor Mary [メアリー教官] in Infirmary on 1st floor in School Building
- Examine the bookshelf in the Music Room on 2nd floor in School Building
- Talk to Beryl [べリル] on the rooftop of School Building
- Talk to Becky [ベッキー] and Hugo [ヒューゴ] in front of School Building
- Examine the book placed on the Southwest bench on 1st floor in Gymnasium [ギムナジウム]
- Talk to Vivi [ヴィヴィ] and Linde [リンデに] on 1st floor in Student Union Building
- Examine the Northwest bookshelf in Literary Club room on 2nd floor in Student Union Building
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 3) (
Study Event)
- Alisa and Laura (2nd floor in Gymnasium)
- Crow (Technology Building)
- Emma and Fie (1st floor in Student Union Building)
- Towa (Student Council Room)
- Eliot and Machias (1st floor in Library)
- Jusis and Gaius (resting area on 2nd floor in School Building)
4. Story progress after you see above Events and use all Bonding Points
June 16~19 (Midterm Test)
1. Select the right answer for these questions:
- Imperial History Question [帝国史の問題] => Year 952, July [952年、7月]
- Arts Question [芸術の問題] => Sketch [スケッチ]
- Military Science Question [軍事学の問題] => Armored Unit [機甲部隊]
- Orbment Mechanics Question [導力学の問題] => ③ Internal Mechanism's Magic Phenomeon Expression [③内部機構のみで魔法現象を発現]
- Political Economy Question [政治経済の問題] => Imperial Traffic Act [帝国交通法]
- Practical Technology Question [実践技術の問題] => [B→D→A→C]
2. Event at the end of the day
June 20 (Free Activity Day)
1. Confirm the quests from mailbox:
- Old Schoolhouse Mystery 3 [旧校舎地下の調査3] (5 AP)
- Orbment Bike's Capacity Test [導力バイクの能力テスト] (3+2 AP)
- Secret Sender [まだ見ぬ差出人] (4 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Buy the Imperial Chronicle - Issue 3 [帝国時報・第3号] at Keynes' Bookstore [ケインズ書房] or Cooperative Store in Student Union Building [学生会館]
- Talk to Hanna [ハンナ] to receive recipe #7 Berry Tart [ベリータルト] in Trista-House [トリスタ・民家] (West side of Trista)
- Feed the cat on the bench in front of the Second Dormitory
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 3) (
Since you don't have enough Bonding Point to update Character Note, make sure you to choose the remaining person in 2nd playthrough)
- Alisa (Terminal Room on 2nd floor in School Building) (Character Note - Sharon [シャロン] updated)
- Eliot (Music Room)
- Laura (General Goods Brandon [食品・雑貨≪ブランドン商店≫]) (Character Note updated)
- Machias (Secondary Chess Club on 2nd floor in Student Union Building)
- Jusis (Sport Ground [グラウンド ]) (Character Note updated)
- Fie (in front of Gardening Shop Jane)
- Towa (Conference Room on 1st floor in School Building) (Character Note updated)
Secret Sender [まだ見ぬ差出人] (Optional)
- Talk to Vincent [ヴィンセント] who stands nearby Sport Ground's Storehouse to accept the quest
- Talk to Jane [ジェーン] at Gardening Shop Jane nearby the Park
- Talk to Rojinu [ロジーヌ] who sweep the ground in front of Chapel
- Talk to Beryl [べリル] in Occult Study Group room on 2nd floor in Student Union Building
- Talk to Vivi [ヴィヴィ] at Garden (right side of Gymnasium Building)
- Report to Vincent to complete the quest (Reward: Prismatic Cape [プリズムケープ]) (Character Note updated)
Orbment Bike's Capacity Test [導力バイクの能力テスト] (Required)
- Talk to Angelica [アンゼリカ] in Technology Building [技術棟] to accept the quest
- First Selection: 2nd choice - Release the lever slowly and steadily [レバーをゆっくりじわっと放す]
- Second Selection: 2nd choice - Grab quickly then release slowly [すばやく握って、ゆっくり放す]
- Third Selection: 2nd choice - Strong forward, lightly follow [前を強めで後ろは軽め]
- If you pick above choices (AP +2) (Reward: Shiny Clock [耀脈])
Old Schoolhouse Mystery 3 [旧校舎地下の調査3] (Required)
- Head to Old School Building [旧校舎] then open the door to go inside the building
- Choose team members then choose Third Layer [第3層] from the elevator's control panel
- Explore the Third Layer areas, there is a Fishing Spot in 1st area
- Defeat 3x Bosses [ピットデーモン] at the end of 2nd area
- Leave the Old School Building to complete the quest (Reward: Victory Headband [必勝ハチマキ])
Old School Building - Third Layer Map 1

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: EP Charge II [
The Switch
The Switch
(4) Treasure Chest: 200x each type of Sepith [
(5) Treasure Chest: Holy Chain [
The Switch
Old School Building - Third Layer Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: Black Bangle [
The Switch
The Switch
(4) Treasure Chest: Master Quartz Aries [
アリエス] or Zeramu Powder [
ゼラムパウダー] (if you already got Aries [
アリエス] in the 1st playthrough) (
(5) Treasure Chest: Makie [
Precious Sticker [大切なステッカー] (4 AP) (Hidden)
- Talk to Munch [ムンク] who is at Courtyard [中庭]
- Examine the Northwest container which locates outside of Technology Building
- Examine the North tree which is locates at Sport Ground [グラウンド]
- Examine the item at Old School Building Road's entrance
- Report to Munch to complete the quest (Reward: Blue Pendulum [ブルーペンデュラム]) (Character Note updated)
8. Miscellaneous
- Feed the cat on the rooftop of School Building
- Talk to Rex [レックス] and Fidelio [フィデリオ] twice in Photography Club room on 2nd floor in Student Union Building (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Hugo [ヒューゴ] in Cafe & Inn Kirsche [喫茶・宿泊≪キルシェ≫] (Character Note updated)
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 1)
- Emma (Library)
- Gaius (Keynes' Bookstore)
10. Return to the
Third Dormitory
June 23 (Practice Test)
1. The announcement of Midterm Examination result, if you pick correct choices (
AP +3)
2. Select the team members (
only Eliot, Machias, and Gaius are available).
Conditions: (
AP +2)
- Victory without allowing any casualties [誰も戦闘不能にならずに勝利]
- Victory without using the Arts [アーツを使わずに戦闘に勝利]
3. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
30 AP (Total:
140 AP) (
Reward: Machine Tool [
June 26 (Special Training Day 1)
1. Miscellaneous
- Feed the cat at the Park (if you didn't feed her three times in this chapter)
- Buy any Book or go fishing if you didn't do them yet
Party: Rean, Alisa, Emma, Gaius, and Jusis. Head to Trista Station, then talk to the staff at Trista Station Office to buy tickets
3. Event at
Roer Station
4. After you leave
The Gate of Zender [
ゼンダ―門], the army will provide your party the horses. (
Note: in the following days, if you want to ride the horse on highlands, press


5. Head to
Nomadic Village [
ノルドの集落] from
Nord Highlands [
June 27 (Special Training Day 2)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Request from The Gate of Zender [ゼンダー門からの要請] (4 AP)
- Medicinal Herbs' Sourcing [薬草の調達] (4 AP)
- Delivery to the Watchtower [監視塔への配達] (4 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Seeda [シーダ] to receive recipe #8 Milk Porridge [ミルク粥] in Worzel House [ウォーゼル家]
- Buy Kaneria Paperback Edition 5 [カーネリア文庫版5] at Aunt Kirute Shop [キルテおばさんの店] in Trading Post [交易所] (accept her quest Delivery to the Watchtower [監視塔への配達] then talk to her again to buy the book)
Delivery to the Watchtower [監視塔への配達] (Optional)
- Talk to Kirute [キルテ] in Trading Post [交易所] to accept the quest (you already did in step 2)
- Leave this quest temporarily since you will reach the Watchtower in following quest
Medicinal Herbs' Sourcing [薬草の調達] (Required)
- Talk to Amr [アムル] to accept the quest in Pharmaceutical Master's House [薬師の家]
- Head to Southern Nord Highlands [ルド高原・南部] to collect 5x Epona Grass [エポナ草] (Yellow Plant)
Southern Nord Highlands Map

The Beast (
Quest: Request from The Gate of Zender [
The Event (on
June 28)
Epona Grass (
Quest: Medicinal Herbs' Sourcing [
The Sheep (
Quest: Search for the Lost Sheep [
(X) Move here within the time limit (on
June 28)
(1) Treasure Chest: Vermilion Bird Blade [
朱雀刃] (
(2) Treasure Chest: Fluffy Stall [
(3) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
(4) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
(5) Treasure Chest: Chrono Drive [
(6) Treasure Chest: Flame Tan [
フレイムタン] (
(7) Treasure Chest: 200x each type of Sepith [
(8) Treasure Chest: Saint Force [
5. While collecting Epona Grass, you can do other quests as well
- Head to Watchtower [監視塔] on the Southeast of Southern Nord Highlands
- Talk to the soldier who guarding the door for the quest Delivery to the Watchtower [監視塔への配達]
- Talk to soldier Manning [兵士マニング] to receive the book Red Moon's Rose Vol. 6 [赤い月のロゼ6巻]
- Head to The Gate of Zender [ゼンダ―門] on the Southwest of Southern Nord Highlands, then go to Canteen to talk to Marx [マルクス] twice to recipe #9 Crispy Pizza [クリスピーピザ]
Request from The Gate of Zender [ゼンダー門からの要請] (Required)
- Talk to Lieutenant General Zechs [ゼクス中将] in Commander Room
- Head to Southern Nord Highlands to defeat the Beast (B on the map)
- Automatically return to The Gate of Zender [ゼンダ―門] after you defeat the Beast (Reward: Yabujin's Fang [破迅の牙])
7. Head back to
Nomadic Village [
ノルドの集落] (make sure you collect 5x Epona Grasses on your way)
- Report to Kirute [キルテ] to complete the quest Delivery to the Watchtower [監視塔への配達] (Reward: Food Ingredients [食材多数])
- Report to Amr [アムル] to complete the quest Medicinal Herbs' Sourcing [薬草の調達] (Reward: Nice Smell [美臭])
8. Event at
Worzel House [
ウォーゼル家], then confirm the quests:
- Protecting the Photographer [カメラマンの保護] (4 AP)
- Search for the Lost Sheep [迷える羊の捜索] (4 AP)
- Special Class for the Children [子供たちへの特別授業] (3+2 AP)
Protecting the Photographer [カメラマンの保護] (Required)
- Talk to the the elder in Village Elder's House [集落・長老の家]
- Head to Northern Nord Highlands [ノルド高原・北部] to meet the photographer Norton [ノートン] (P on the map)
- Select Wait here until you finished [ここで取材が終わるのを待つ]
- Automatically return to Nomadic Village (Reward: Nord Cloth [ノルドクロス])
Northern Nord Highlands Map

The Beast (
Quest: Search the Beast of Northern Nord Highlands [
ノルド高原・北部の手配魔獣]) (on
June 28)
Fishing Spot
The Photographer (
Quest: Protecting the Photographer [
The Sheep (
Quest: Search for the Lost Sheep [
(1) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
(2) Treasure Chest: Dark Matter [
(3) Treasure Chest: Earth Glow [
(4) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(5) Treasure Chest: Warrior Gain [
(6) Treasure Chest: Fertility [
豊穣] (
(7) Treasure Chest: 200x each type of Sepith [
(8) Treasure Chest: White Tiger Blade [
白虎刃] (
Special Class for the Children [子供たちへの特別授業] (Optional)
- Talk to grandmother Jedah [ジェダ婆様] to accept the quest
- First Selection: 2nd choice - Approximately 8 hours [約8時間]
- Second Selection: 3rd choice - Approximately 80,000 people [約80万人]
- Third Selection: 2nd choice - Approximately 220 years ago [およそ220年前]
- Fourth Selection: Any choice (it doesn't matter which choice you pick, I picked the 1st choice)
- If you select above answers (AP +2) (Reward: Yellow Pendulum [イエローペンデュラム])
Search for the Lost Sheep [迷える羊の捜索] (Optional)
- Talk to Watari [ワタリ] to accept the quest on Southeast of the village then search for these lost sheep
- 3 Sheep in Northern Nord Highlands (S on the map) (you need to fight one battle to rescue the sheep)
- There is a Fishing Spot in Northern Nord Highlands
- 2 Sheep in Southern Nord Highlands (S on the map) (leave the one on West alone then head to the Canteen of The Gate of Zender [ゼンダ―門] to talk to Sharu [シャル]
Thought on Bridge Building [想いの架け橋] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to little girl Sharu [シャル] twice in Canteen of The Gate of Zender [ゼンダ―門] (you already did in step 11)
- Go to Southern Nord Highlands to search for the sheep on the West side for the quest Search for the Lost Sheep [迷える羊の捜索]
- After you find the 5th sheep then you will return to the Nomadic Village automatically (Reward: Food Ingredients [食材多数])
- Talk to Toma [トーマ] who stands nearby North Exit of the village
- Report to Sharu to complete the quest (Reward: Special Pizza [スペシャルピザ])
13. Go to
Lake Lacrima [
ラクリマ湖] (
Northwest side) from Northern
Nord Highlands
- There is a Fishing Spot at the bridge
- Go to the cabin for the Event
- Exit the cabin to go back to Nomadic Village
14. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
29 AP (Total:
169 AP) (
Reward: Excellent Talent Emblem [
英気の徽章]). You can save the game at Save Confirmation screen.
June 28 (Special Training Day 3)
1. Confirm the quest:
- Search the Beast of Northern Nord Highlands [ノルド高原・北部の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
2. Head to
The Gate of Zender [
ゼンダ―門] then you will move to Watchtower [
監視塔] automatically
3. Examine the places and talk to the soldiers at Watchtower area (check the
(!) on the map) then choose these answers:
- First Selection: 3rd choice - Around 3:00 AM [午前3:00頃]
- Second Selection: 2nd choice - Weapon was used in bombardment [砲撃に使われた兵器]
- If you choose above answers (AP +1)
4. Head to the Southeast corner of Southern
Nord Highlands (
E on the map) then climb the ladder to reach the weapon
5. Head back for for the Event which you need to chase the mysterious flying object within 2 minutes. You need to rush to the
Stone Pillars area (
X on the map), it only takes you less than 1 minutes 30 seconds to catch up that mysterious flying object. If you succeed in reaching there within time limit (
AP +1).
6. Make sure you already prepare the equipment and quartz for the boss fight. If so, run toward to the target to fight against
Millium [
ミリアム]. She will join the party after you defeat her. Then you will go back to
Nomadic Village automatically.
7. Miscellaneous
- Talk to soldier Hoover [フーバー] who stands on the top of the Tank at The Gate of Zender to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 7 [赤い月のロゼ7巻]
Search the Beast of Northern Nord Highlands [ノルド高原・北部の手配魔獣] (Optional)
- Defeat the Beast on Southwest of Northern Nord Highlands (B on the map)
- Report to Lacan [ラカン] to complete the quest (Reward: 5x Tiararu Medicine [ティアラルの薬] and EP Charge II [EPチャージII])
9. Head to
Ancient Quarry [
石切り場] (
Northeast) from Northern
Nord Highlands
- Use Millium's field attack to destroy the door to enter Ancient Quarry
- Explore the Ancient Quarry
- Head to the North area of Ancient Quarry
- First Boss Fight: Gideon [Gギデオン] and 4x [猟兵崩れ]
- Second Boss Fight: [ギノシャ・ザナク] and 4x [ゼスウィア]
- You can save the game at Save Confirmation screen
Ancient Quarry Map

(1) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine [
Breakable Door
(3) Treasure Chest: EP Conservation 2 [
(4) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
(5) Treasure Chest: Yabureil's Fang [
(6) Treasure Chest: Drive 2 [
Breakable Door
Recovery Device
June 29
1. Nothing to do. Your party will say farawell to Gaius's family and everyone
2. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
13 AP (Total:
182 AP).
72 AP in total for
S rank at
Chapter Result screen,
[Beyond the Railway ~Azure Earth~] will be unlocked at Save Confirmation screen.
Chapter 4: The Scarlet Capital ~Summer Solstice Festival~ [第4章 緋の帝都~夏至祭~]
July 17
Swimming Race. You should
try not to miss the hit in order to win. You can rematch as many times as you want, if you won 1st place (
AP +3)
2. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Kenneth [ケネス] who is in Imperial Fishing Club room on the 2nd floor in the Student Union Building (Character Note updated) (you can use fishing point to trade his items)
- Talk to Sharon [シャロン] on 1st floor hallway in School Building (Character Note updated)
- Read the Imperial Legend on Mid Tradition [帝国の伝説・伝承 中] on left bookshelf in Library
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 4 [帝国時報・第4号] in Keynes's Bookstore (on July 18) or at Cooperative Store in Student Union Building (on July 17)
- Buy Master Quartz Criminal [クリミナル] in Technology Building
3. Return to the
Third Dormitory from School Gate (
Extra Event: there is an event of Emma and black cat nearby
Sport Ground's Storehouse,
Emma's Link EXP +50)
4. Rest in Rean's room (
Extra Event: if you didn't see the event in
step 3, then you will see an event in
Emma's room 304)
July 18 (Free Activity Day)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Old Schoolhouse Mystery 4 [旧校舎地下の調査4] (5 AP)
- Childhood Friend's True Feeling [幼馴染の本心] (3+2 AP)
- Hidden Camera's Exposing [隠し撮り写真の摘発] (4 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Talk to president Towa in Student Council Room (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Edel [エーデル] who is at Garden Club's field next to Gymnasium (Character Note updated)
- Buy the book My Cooking - Coffee [俺の料理・珈琲] in Keynes' Bookstore [ケインズ書房], then use it to receive the recipe #10 Roasted Coffee [焙煎コーヒー]
- Feed the cat on 2nd floor in Cafe & Inn Kirsche [喫茶・宿泊≪キルシェ≫]
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 3)
- Alisa (Boutique Le Sage [ブティック≪ル・サージュ≫]) (Character Note updated)
- Machias (Cafe & Inn Kirsche)
- Emma (Literary Club) (Character Note - Dorothée [ドロテ] updated)
- Jusis (Student Union Building's Canteen area)
- Fie (Infirmary)
- Gaius (Third Dormitory's room 204)
- Sara (Trista's Southeast Exit)
Hidden Camera's Exposing [隠し撮り写真の摘発] (Optional)
- Talk to Fidelio [フィデリオ] to accept the quest in Photography Club room in Student Union Building
- Spot Rex [レックス] who stands nearby Sport Ground's Storehouse
- Spot Rex at entrance of Old School Building
- Enter the Auditorium Building [講堂] from Southwest of School Building
- Spot Rex in the Northwest room, then follow him to 2nd floor hallway on Northwest (Reward: Green Pendulum [グリーンペンデュラム]) (Character Note updated)
Childhood Friend's True Feeling [幼馴染の本心] (Optional)
- Talk to Bridget [ブリジット] to accept the quest in the First Dormitory
- Talk to Friedel [フリーデル] and Loggins [ロギンス] in Training Hall room in Gymnasium
- Talk to Alan [アラン] on Southeast of Sport Ground
- Condition:
- Alan deals the killing blow on the target [アランが戦術殻にトドメを刺す] (AP +1)
- Alan survives during the combat [戦闘勝利時にアランが生存] (AP +1)
- The quest is completed after you finish this battle (Character Note updated)
- You will receive a message from instructor Neithardt [ナイトハルト教官]
- Talk to Bridget to receive your reward (Reward: Water Bell [水言鈴]) (Character Note updated)
Swimming Training [水練の稽古] (Hidden) (4+1 AP)
- Talk to instructor Neithardt [ナイトハルト教官] in Instructor's Room to accept the swimming practice
- Select one of classmates as your partner: Jusis, Machias, Eliot, and Gaius (Link EXP +100)
- You can rematch as many times as you want, if you won 1st place (AP +1) (Reward: 5x Tiararu Medicine [ティアラルの薬])
Old Schoolhouse Mystery 4 [旧校舎地下の調査4] (Required)
- Head to Old School Building [旧校舎] then open the door to go inside the building
- Choose team members (you can't put Laura and Fie in same team, so select one of them) then choose Fourth Layer [第4層] from the elevator's control panel
- Explore the Fourth Layer areas, there is a Fishing Spot in 1st area
- Defeat 3x Bosses [セラフィムゲイト] at the end of 2nd area
- Leave the Old School Building to complete the quest (Reward: Dragon Eye [龍眼])
Old School Building - Fourth Layer Map 1

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
(2) Treasure Chest: Avoidance 2 [
Corrupted Pillars (
Laura or
Machias can destroy it)
(4) Treasure Chest: 250x each type of Sepith [
Old School Building - Fourth Layer Map 2

The Lever (open the South passage)
(2) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(3) Treasure Chest: Melty Rise [
(4) Treasure Chest: Evergreen [
エヴァーグリーン] (
Oriental Writing Style [東方風の筆] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to janitor Giler [用務員ガイラー] who stands in front of Incineration (on the left side of Sport Ground's entrance) to accept the quest
- Talk to principal Vandyck [ヴァンダイク学院長] in Principal's Office to complete the quest (Reward: Holy Sphere [ホーリースフィア]) (Character Note updated)
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 1)
- Eliot (Music Room)
- Laura (Training Hall)
10. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Friedel [フリーデル] on 2nd floor in Gymnasium (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Georges [ジョルジュ] in Technology Building (Character Note updated)
- Feed the cat on School Building's rooftop
11. Event when you leave the School Gate,
Elise [
エリゼ] will run away after that so your task is looking for her:
- Talk to president Towa in Student Council Room
- Talk to Laura in Gymnasium
- Talk to Fie on Sport Ground (next to Storehouse)
- Meet Crow when you leave the School Gate
- Fight the boss [オル・ガディア] (It's an easy battle since Rean is in Hyper Mode)
- Crow will join the fight after you reduce the boss's HP by half
- Save the game at Save Confirmation screen
July 21 (Practice Test)
1. Select one member as your partner (
Laura and Fie are unavailable)
2. Your opponents will be
Laura and Fie so make sure you are ready for the fight
Condition: (
AP +2)
- Victory without using item [アイテムを使わずに勝利]
- Activate a S-Break [Sクラフトを発動させる]
3. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
32 AP (Total:
214 AP) (
Reward: Wind Bell [
July 24 (Special Training Day 1)
1. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Patrick [パトリック] who stands in front of the First Dormitory's entrance (Character Note updated)
- If you already feed the cat twice in this chapter then you can receive [ゼラムパウダー] from her at the Park [公園].
Party: Rean, Fie, Eliot, Machias, and Laura. Head to Trista Station, then talk to the staff at Trista Station Office to buy tickets
3. Event at
Heimdallr Central Station and
Train Military Police's office
4. Enter
Craig's House [
クレイグ家] on the
East of
Alto Street [
5. Enter the Old Guild Branch [
旧ギルド支部] on the
West of
Alto Street [
6. Confirm the quests:
- Search the Beast of Imperial Underground Passage [帝都地下道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- Lost Handmade Hat [手作り帽子の落し物] (4 AP)
- Summer Solstice Festival's Assistance [夏至祭関連取材の手伝い] (4 AP)
- Amber Love [琥珀の愛] (4 AP)
7. Miscellaneous (
Note: You need to take the
railbus or use
Travel Menu to go to other places)
- Talk to Rinoie [リノイエ] at General Foods "Weston House" counter in department store Plaza Bifrost [百貨店《プラザ・ビフストロ》] to receive the recipe #11 Tomato Gratin [トマトグラタン] on Vainqueur Street [ヴァンクール通り]
- Buy Kaneria Paperback Edition 6 [カーネリア文庫版6], Kaneria Paperback Edition 7 [カーネリア文庫版7], and Kaneria Paperback Edition 8 [カーネリア文庫版8] at Bookstore "Alterna" [ブックストア《オルタナ》] in department store Plaza Bifrost
Summer Solstice Festival's Assistance [夏至祭関連取材の手伝い] (Required)
- Talk to receptionist Citron [受付嬢シトロン] in Imperial Chronicle Company [帝国時報社] on Vainqueur Street [ヴァンクール通り]
- Talk to Rinoie [リノイエ] at General Foods "Weston House" in department store Plaza Bifrost
- Talk to Greg [グレッグ] at Cafe Space "Mimosa" on 2nd floor in Plaza Bifrost
- Talk to Watson [ワトソン] in Weapon Armory Shop Watson [ワトソン武器商会]
- Talk to Johan [ジョアン] in Orbal Factory Lumiere [リュミエール]
- Talk to Keirisu [ケイリス] in Boutique Le Sage [ブティック≪ル・サージュ≫]
- Report to receptionist Citron to complete the quest (Reward: Tiger Prestige [虎威])
Amber Love [琥珀の愛] (Optional)
- Talk to elder Heming [ヘミング老人] at the counter in Concert Cafe Etoile [音楽喫茶≪エトワール≫] on Alto Street [アルト通り] to accept the quest
- Talk to Fiona [フィオナ] in Craig's House [クレイグ家]
- Talk to receptionist Syria [受付嬢シリア] at Information desk in Plaza Bifrost on Vainqueur Street [ヴァンクール通り]
- Talk to in Nadja [ナージャ] in Used Shop Emmrod [中古屋] in Ost Area [オスト地区]
- Report to elder Heming to complete the quest (Reward: 5x Thick Puru Pudding [濃密ぷるプリン])
Lost Handmade Hat [手作り帽子の落し物] (Required)
- Talk to Jasmine [ジャスミン] at stall Home made Jelato from Southwest of Doraikerusu Square [ドライケルス広場]
- If you try to approach the palace on the North, you will encounter the other group
- Talk to Gamgee [ギャムジー] in Pub Gamgee [居酒屋≪ギャムジー≫] in Ost Area [オスト地区]
- Talk to Glace [グラッセ] in private house 1 [民家1] in this area
- Talk to Jim [ジム] who stands nearby Northwest railbus station complete the quest (Reward: 3x EP Charge II [EPチャージII], 4x Vanilla Gelato [バニラジェラート], and Lemon Gelato [レモンジェラート])
Search the Beast of Imperial Underground Passage [帝都地下道の手配魔獣] (Required)
- Talk to Ellington [エリントン] at reception desk in hotel Der Himmel [ホテル《デア=ヒンメル》locates in Garnier District [ガルニエ地区]
- Head outside for the group discussion
- Go back hotel Der Himmel to talk to manager Noble [ノーブル支配人]
- Enter the Southwest door to reach the underground passage
- Put Fie and Laura in Attack Member party when you plan to fight the Beast in 2nd area, Rean will be removed from the Attack Member party.
- You will discover the hidden passage leads to Mater Park [マーテル公園] when you leave the area
- There is a Fishing Spot at Northwest of Mater Park
- Talk to Roberto [ロベルト] who sits on the nearby bench to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 8 [赤い月のロゼ8巻]
- The quest is complete when you reach the three students who playing musical instrument (Reward: 500x Sepith [セピス])
Imperial Underground Passage Map 1

Recovery Device
(2) Treasure Chest: Shiny Grass [
(3) Treasure Chest: Ground Press [
The Switch
(5) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine [
(6) Treasure Chest: Black Tortoise Blade [
玄武刃] (
(7) Treasure Chest: 250x each type of Sepith [
Imperial Underground Passage Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
(2) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
Recovery Device
The Beast (
Quest: Search the Beast of Imperial Underground Passage [
Hidden Passage
(6) Treasure Chest: Tiara Medicine [
(7) Treasure Chest: Fortuna [
Recovery Device
12. At night, head to
Mater Park [
マーテル公園] (make sure you have strong equipment on
Fie and Laura)
- Go to Northeast area to see Fie vs. Laura Event
- Your opponents will be Rean and Machias, just use S-Break to finish the battle quickly
- After the battle, Fie and Laura will receive +1000 Link EXP
13. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
16 AP (Total:
230 AP) (
Reward: Fighting Spirit Belt [
July 25 (Special Training Day 2)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Search the Beast of Heimdallr Port [ヘイムダル港の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- New Product Test [新製品のテスト] (4 AP)
- Search for Lost Cat [迷い猫の捜索] (4 AP)
New Product Test [新製品のテスト] (Optional)
- Talk to owner Howard [ハワード・オーナー] in Boutique Le Sage [ブティック≪ル・サージュ≫] on Vainqueur Street [ヴァンクール通り] to accept the quest
- He will give a pair of shoe [ストレガー・レディ] to Laura
- You need to report to him after walking 2000 steps or more
- You don't have to make Laura a Leader
- You can just walk around until you reach 2000 steps to complete this quest or leave it temporarily to take care other quests
Search for Lost Cat [迷い猫の捜索] (Optional)
- Talk to elder Keaton [キートン老人] in private house 2 [民家2] in Ost Area [オスト地区] to accept the quest
- Find three cats at North, East, and South location in this area (mark with (!) on the map)
- Go to Northeast location where you can see the stray cat
- Follow it to find the lost cat (Reward: Cat Strap [ニャンニャンストラップ])
Search the Beast of Heimdallr Harbor [ヘイムダル港の手配魔獣] (Required)
- Talk to foreman Danberuto [ダンベルト親方] at Heimdallr Port [ヘイムダル港]
- Head to the door on the North to enter Imperial Sewer Passage [帝都地下水道]
- There is a Fishing Spot in 1st area
- Defeat the Beast in 3rd area
- You will discover the hidden passage leads to new location when you leave the 2nd area
- The quest is complete after you proceed to next area from hidden passage (Reward: 5x U Materials [Uマテリアル])
Imperial Sewer Passage Map 1

Fishing Spot
Recovery Device
(2) Treasure Chest: 250x each type of Sepith [
(3) Treasure Chest: Tiara Medicine [
The Lever (
(5) Treasure Chest: Phantom Phobia [
(6) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
(7) Treasure Chest: Sleep Blade [
Imperial Sewer Passage Map 2

The Lever (
(2) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
(3) Treasure Chest: Aerial [
(4) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(5) Treasure Chest: Tiararu [
Hidden Passage (
after defeating the Beast)
(7) Treasure Chest: 250x each type of Sepith [
(8) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine [
(9) Treasure Chest: La Forte [
Recovery Device
Imperial Sewer Passage Map 3

(1) Treasure Chest: Hakyaku's Fang [
(2) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
The Lever (
The Lever (
(5) Treasure Chest: Master Quartz Taurus [
タウロス] or Zeramu Powder [
ゼラムパウダー] (if you already got Taurus [
タウロス] in the 1st playthrough) (
Recovery Device
The Beast (
Quest: Search the Beast of Heimdallr Port [
5. You will receive a challenge. Confirm the quest:
- Jewelry Store's Theft [宝飾店の盗難事件] (5 AP)
6. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Gamgee [ギャムジー] in Pub Gamgee [居酒屋≪ギャムジー≫] in Ost Area [オスト地区] to receive recipe #12 Fish Fry [フィッシュフライ]
- If you think you already reach 2000 steps or more, you can report to owner Howard to complete the quest New Product Test [新製品のテスト] (Reward: Sutorega Reddy [ストレガー・レディ])
Jewelry Store's Theft [宝飾店の盗難事件] (Required)
- Talk to store manager Cordelia [コーデリア店長] in jewelry store San Corries [宝飾店≪サン・コリーズ≫] in in Garnier District [ガルニエ地区]
- Examine the statue at center of Doraikerusu Square [ドライケルス広場]
- Examine the bench on Northeast in Crystal Garden [クリスタルガーデン] of Mater Park [マーテル公園]
- Examine the table on 2nd floor in Old Guild Branch [旧ギルド支部] on the West of Alto Street [アルト通り]
- Examine the top of container on Northeast in Heimdallr Port [ヘイムダル港]
- Examine the front side of railbus on Southwest
- Examine the black case in this railbus (Reward: 500x 7 types of Attribute Sepith [属性セピス])
8. Check the timetable at railbus station to go to
Sankt Area [
9. After viewing a long Event at
Gosen Garten, you can save the game at Save Confirmation screen
10. If you already saw every instructor
Sara's Bonding Events, then you can have an
Extra Event with her by selecting option "To Check" [
11. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
17 AP (Total:
247 AP)
July 26 (Special Training Day 3)
1. Miscellaneous
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 5 [帝国時報・第5号] at Bookstore "Alterna" [ブックストア《オルタナ》] in department store Plaza Bifrost on Vainqueur Street [ヴァンクール通り]
- Buy Dog Strap [ワンワンストラップ] at General Goods "Lepanto & Co." [レパント商会] (you must keep it until Epilogue)
Mistaken Luggage [取り違えられた荷物] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to Bond [ボンド] who carries a luggage in front of Plaza Bifrost
- Talk to Jonathan [ジョナサン] at stall Fresh Juice in front of hotel Der Himmel [ホテル《デア=ヒンメル》] in Garnier District [ガルニエ地区]
- Talk to the tourist [帽子の観光客] in Concert Cafe Etoile [音楽喫茶≪エトワール≫] on Alto Street [アルト通り] to complete the quest (Reward: Trotting Micky [こばしりみっしぃ])
3. You have to patrol various places:
- Talk to Crow at Cafe Space "Mimosa" on 2nd floor in Plaza Bifrost on Vainqueur Street [ヴァンクール通り]
- There is an Event at North Exit on Vainqueur Street [ヴァンクール通り]
- Talk to Tim [ミルトン] on North of Alto Street [アルト通り]
- Event with Vita at hotel Der Himmel [ホテル《デア=ヒンメル》] in Garnier District [ガルニエ地区]
- Head to Mater Park [マーテル公園] by walking through Imperial Underground Passage from hotel Der Himmel's door (AP +2)
- Go to Southeast area to see an Event with Patrick in Mater Park
- Check the door leads to Imperial Sewer Passage in Ost Area [オスト地区]
- Approach the palace on the North in Doraikerusu Square [ドライケルス広場]
- Talk to foreman Danberuto [ダンベルト親方] at Heimdallr Port [ヘイムダル港]
- Head to any place other than Mater Park after you saw all above Events
4. Check the timetable at railbus station to go to
Mater Park [
5. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Tim [ティム] on Southeast in Doraikerusu Square [ドライケルス広場] to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 9 [赤い月のロゼ9巻]
6. Talk to president
Towa on
Northwest in Doraikerusu Square [
ドライケルス広場], your party will move to
Mater Park automatically.
Gideon will summon 2x [
グレートワッシャー] to attack your party.
7. Automatically head to Imperial Captial - Underground Tomb [
- Defeat Mid-boss 2x [ガースカルプチュア]
- When you reach Gideon's location, he will summon the boss [ゾロ・アグルーガ]
- Fight against [≪C≫] (Battle Event, don't waste any item on this fight as long as your team members are strong enough to survive within 20 Turns)
Imperial Underground Passage Map 3

Starting Point
(1) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine - Large [
Recovery Device
July 29
1. Nothing to do, just view the Event with
Reise Arnor royal family and Giliath
2. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
14 AP (Total:
261 AP) (
Reward: Sutorega A1 [
79 AP in total for
S rank at
Chapter Result screen,
[The Scarlet Capital ~Summer Solstice Festival~] will be unlocked at Save Confirmation screen.
Chapter 5: The Stirring Determination [第5章 動き始めた意志]
August 18
1. Introduce new classmates
August 21
1. In the lecture, pick the 1st choice: Iron Cavalry Squad [
鉄騎隊] (
AP +1)
2. Miscellaneous
- Talk to instructor Mary [メアリー教官] in Domestic Room to receive 1st award [獅子心良友章] for filling more than half of Character Note information), talk to her again (Character Note updated)
- Talk to instructor Beatrix [ベアトリクス教官] in Infirmary to receive 2nd award [獅子心善行章] for completing more than 40 quests in Quest Note
- Talk to instructor Makarov [マカロフ教官] at Eastern Hallway on 1st floor to receive 3rd award [獅子心勇士章] for filling more than 100 Monster information in Battle Note (you only need to defeat more than 100 enemies without having fully information about them)
- Talk to Emily [エミリー] at Sport Ground [グラウンド] (Character Note updated)
- Feed the cat on the bench next to Sport Ground's Entrance
- Buy the Master Quartz Pandora [パンドラ] in Technology Building
- Read Newspaper and Radio [新聞とラジオ] on the left bookshelf in Library
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 6 [帝国時報・第6号] in Keynes's Bookstore (on August 22) or at Cooperative Store in Student Union Building (on August 21)
3. Enter
Student Council Room to receive student handbook from president
Towa, then select any two characters to form a party
4. You have to look for
Millium at these places:
- Technology Building
- Gymnasium's 2nd floor
- Sport Ground's stable house
- School Building's rooftop
5. At night, go back to Rean's room to call it a night
August 22 (Free Activity Day)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Old Schoolhouse Mystery 5 [旧校舎地下の調査5] (5 AP)
- Orbment Bike's Enhancement [導力バイクの機能拡張] (3+2 AP)
- Academy's Seven Mysteries Investigation [学院七不思議の調査] (4 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Ramsay [ラムゼイ] at Student's Canteen kitchen in Student Union Building to receive recipe #13 Custard Pudding [カスタードプリン]
- Talk to Stephan [ステファン] in Secondary Chess Club on 2nd floor in Student Union Building (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Sarifa [サリファ] in the First Dormitory (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Loggins [ロギンス] in Training Hall room in Gymnasium (Character Note updated)
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point:
- Alisa (Sport Ground) (Character Note - Ferris [フェリス] updated) (Talk to Ferris after that to update her note if you haven't talk to her once)
- Eliot (Keynes' Bookstore)
- Laura (Gymnasium) (Character Note - Monica [モニカ] updated) (Talk to Monica after that to update her note if you haven't talk to her once)
- Emma (Courtyard)
- Jusis (General Goods Brandon)
- Gaius (Cafe & Inn Kirsche)
- Millium (the Third Dormitory's room 306)
- Crow (the Second Dormitory)
Academy's Seven Mysteries Investigation [学院七不思議の調査] (Optional)
- Talk to Beryl [べリル] in Occult Study Group on Student Union Building's 2nd floor to accept the quest
- Talk to Beryl one more time to know about every mystery (make sure you select "Hear about the Academy's Seven Mysteries - 3rd mystery" [学園七不思議・その三について聞く]) (Character Note - instructor Thomas [トマス教官] updated)
- Talk to the following people:
- Clara [クララ] in Art Room
- Hibelle [ハイベル] in Trista City's Chapel
- Instructor Thomas [トマス教官] in Library
- Paula [ポーラ] at Sport Ground
- Friedel [フリーデル] in Training Hall room in Gymnasium
- Kenneth [ケネス] at Trista's pond (next to Gymnasium)
- Lotte [ロッテ] in front of the First Dormitory
- Report to Berly to complete the quest (Reward: Nightmare Blade [悪夢の刃]) (Character Note updated)
Orbment Bike's Enhancement [導力バイクの機能拡張] (Required)
- Talk to president Towa in Technology Building to accept the quest
- First Selection: 1st choice - Turn the handle to the right [ハンドルを右に切っておく]
- Second Selection: 2nd choice - Feeling turn off to the left [気持ち左に切る]
- Third Selection: 3rd choice - Hit the brake early [早めにブレーキをかける]
- If you choose above choices (AP +2) (Reward: Volcan Rain [ヴォルカンレイン])
Swimming Training - Continue [続・水練の稽古] (Hidden) (4+1 AP)
- After you completed above quests and also finished the previous quest Swimming Training [水練の稽古], you will receive a message from instructor Sara
- Talk to instructor Sara in Instructor's Room to accept the quest
- Select one of classmates as your partner: Millium, Fie, Alisa, Laura, and Emma (Link EXP +100)
- You can rematch as many times as you want, if you won 1st place (AP +1) (Reward: Zeramu Capsule [ゼラムカプセル])
Old Schoolhouse Mystery 5 [
旧校舎地下の調査5] (Required)
- Head to Old School Building [旧校舎] then open the door to go inside the building
- Choose team members (Millium and Crow are required) then choose Fifth Layer [第5層] from the elevator's control panel (you can go to Fourth Layer for an extra scene)
- Explore the Fifth Layer area, there is a Fishing Spot in 1st area
- Defeat the boss [アンスルト]
- Leave the Old School Building to complete the quest (Reward: Silver Bell [銀言鈴])
Old School Building - Fifth Layer Map 1

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: Yggdrasil [
ユグドラシエル] (
The Lever
(3) Treasure Chest: 300x each type of Sepith [
(4) Treasure Chest: Red Pendulum [
Old School Building - Fifth Layer Map 2

The Lever
(2) Treasure Chest: Freezing Blade [
(3) Treasure Chest: Defense 3 [
The Lever
(5) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine [
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point:
- Machias (Secondary Chess Club)
- Fie (Garden Club's field, contact the flower bed to accept)
- Towa (Library)
9. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Hibelle [ハイベル] in School's Music Room (Character Note updated)
- Feed the cat in Cafe & Inn Kirsche
Sleeping Boy [眠り入った男の子] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to Hanna [ハンナ] in the house on Southeast of Trista City
- Talk to Kurt [クルト] who is sleeping in Chapel, then accept the quest
- This quest will complete automatically after that (Reward: 5x Sable Royal Prime Coffee[プライムコーヒーロイヤルサブレ] and 5x Luxurious Tart [贅沢リッチタルト]) (Character Note - Rojinu [ロジーヌ] updated)
11. Go back to the
Third Dormitory
August 25 (Practice Test)
Party: Rean, Millium, and Crow. You will fight
two consecutive battles so make sure your party is ready for the fight.
First Battle: Your opponents will be
Eliot, Gaius, Machias, and Jusis
Condition: (
AP +2)
- Victory without allowing any casualties [誰も戦闘不能にならずに勝利]
- Trigger an Evasion Counter [回避カウンターを発動] (equip any accessory or quartz which boosts Evasion rate [回避率], then stay close to the opponents - such as Gaius or Jusis)
Second Battle: Your opponents will be
Fie, Laura, Alisa, and Emma
Condition: (
AP +2)
- Victory without allowing any casualties [誰も戦闘不能にならずに勝利]
- Cancel an enemy's Arts [アーツを駆動解除] (Alisa and Emma tend to use Arts)
4. After you win these battles (
AP +1) (
5 AP in total at confirmation screen)
5. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
33 AP (Total:
294 AP) (
Reward: Heaven Pearl [
August 28 (Special Training Day 1)
1. Miscellaneous
- Talk to instructor Beatrix [ベアトリクス教官] on 1st floor hallway in School Building (Character Note updated)
- If you already feed the cat twice in this chapter then you can receive [ゼラムパウダー] from her at the Park [公園]
Party: Rean, Laura, Millium, Jusis, Emma, and Gaius. Head to Trista Station, then talk to the staff at Trista Station Office to buy tickets
3. When your party arrives in
Legram [
レグラム], confirm the quests at
Bracer Guild [
- Bout with Disciple [門下生との手合わせ] (4 AP)
- Search the Beast of Ebel Road [エベル街道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- Simultaneous Replacement of Road Lamp [街道灯の一斉交換] (4 AP)
4. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Ceria [セリア] twice in Inn Aprikose [宿酒場≪アプリコーゼ≫] to receive the recipe #14 Cool Pasta Soup [涼風スープパスタ]
- Buy Kaneria Paperback Edition 9 [カーネリア文庫版9] at Watteau's Store - Goods [武具・雑貨≪ワトー商会≫]
Simultaneous Replacement of Road Lamp [街道灯の一斉交換] (Optional)
- Talk to Dankan [ダンカン] at Watteau's Store - Arms & Orbal Factory [武具・雑貨≪ワトー商会≫] to accept the quest
- Head to Ebel Road [エベル街道] to replace 14 road lamps (5 in 1st area and 9 in 2nd area)
- You can defeat the Beast in 2nd area to save time for next step
- Report to Dankan after you replaces these road lamps (Reward: Overflowing Crystal [クリスタルフラッド])
Ebel Road Map 1

Road Lamp (
Quest: Simultaneous Replacement of Road Lamp [
(1) Treasure Chest: Flame Flaw Blade [
Ebel Road Map 2

Road Lamp (
Quest: Simultaneous Replacement of Road Lamp [
(1) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(2) Treasure Chest: Abyss Shadow [
アビスシャドウ] (
(3) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
The Beast (
Quest: Search the Beast of Ebel Road [
Search the Beast of Ebel Road [エベル街道の手配魔獣] (Required)
- If you already defeated the Beast in step 5, then you can report to Tovar [トヴァル] in Bracer Guild [遊撃士協会・レグラム支部]
- If not, then you need to go back to Ebel Road 2 to defeat it (Reward: 600x Sepith [セピス])
Bout with Disciple [門下生との手合わせ] (Required)
- Talk to Kreis [クライス] at Training Room in Alsedo Material Arts Training Hall [アルゼイド流・練武場] to accept the duel
- The Attack Members are Rean, Laura, and Millium. You can select one of these 3 members to join the fight: Jusis, Gaius, and Emma
- Win the fight to complete the quest (Reward: Kirin's Fang [麒麟牙])
8. Miscellaneous
- Talk to old lady Daphne [ダフネ婆さん] in Private House 1 [民家1] to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 10 [赤い月のロゼ10巻]
9. Event at
Bracer Guild [
10. Fight against
Arseid Viscounty [
アルゼイド子爵] (
Event Battle, just keep attacking until Rean is defeated)
11. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
12 AP (Total:
306 AP)
August 29 (Special Training Day 2)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Search the Beast of Ebel Road 2 [エベル街道の手配魔獣2] (4 AP)
- Memorial's Offerings [慰霊の供え物] (4 AP)
Memorial's Offerings [慰霊の供え物] (Optional)
- Talk to Sister Seramisu [シスター・セラミス] in the Chapel to accept the quest
- Receive a White Seed [ホワイトシード] from Josef [ヨーゼフ] at kitchen in Arseid Viscounty Mansion [アルゼイド子爵邸]
- If you already have 5x Beast's Powder [魔獣の粉末] and 5x Beast's Gelatin [魔獣のゼラチン] then give them to Sister Seramisu. If not, then you can find these item by defeating the monster on Ebel Road (Scan the monsters to know which one drops these items)
- Place the offering at the statue of Legram Heroes (Reward: 3x Athelas Medicine - Large [アセラスの薬・改])
Search the Beast of Ebel Road 2 [エベル街道の手配魔獣2] (Required)
- Head to Ebel Road, once you reach the fallen tree then you can destroy it by using Laura or Millium's field attack to open new path
- Defeat the Beast in 2nd area (new path)
- Go back to Legram to complete the quest (Reward: U Materials [Uマテリアル])
Ebel Road Map 1

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: Flame Flaw Blade [
Fallen Tree
(3) Treasure Chest: Dawn Fog's Armor [
(4) Treasure Chest: 300x each type of Sepith [
(5) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
Traveler Annabelle [
旅行者アナベル] (
Quest: Search the Phantom Fish [
Ebel Road Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(2) Treasure Chest: Abyss Shadow [
アビスシャドウ] (
(3) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
Fallen Tree
(5) Treasure Chest: Shining [
The Beast (
Quest: Search the Beast of Ebel Road 2 [
Glow Grass [
グローグラス] (
Quest: Iron Cavalry Squad's Talisman [
4. Head to
Arseid Viscounty Mansion [
アルゼイド子爵邸] for the Event, then confirm the quest:
- Search the Phantom Fish [幻の魚を求めて] (4 AP)
Iron Cavalry Squad's Talisman [鉄騎隊の御守り] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to Cindy [シンディ] on South of Legram to accept the quest
- In order to save time, you can talk to Waver [ウェイバー] in Inn Aprikose [宿酒場≪アプリコーゼ≫] to accept the quest Search the Phantom Fish [幻の魚を求めて]
- Head to Ebel Road 2 (new path) to collect Glow Grass [グローグラス]
- Report to Cindy to complete the quest (Reward: Fairy Brooch [フェアリーブローチ])
Search the Phantom Fish [幻の魚を求めて] (Optional)
- If you didn't talk to Waver [ウェイバー] in step 5, then you need to talk to him in Inn Aprikose [宿酒場≪アプリコーゼ≫] to accept the quest
- Talk to traveler Annabelle [旅行者アナベル] on the bridge of Ebel Road 1
- Catch the fish #15 [ゴルドサモーナ] at Fishing Spot next to Annabelle (you should stay to catch more new fishes for Fishing Note)
- Report to Waver to complete the quest (Reward: Food Ingredients [食材多数])
7. Enter
Bracer Guild [
遊撃士協会・レグラム支部] for the Event
8. Talk to Kaveri [
ガヴェリ] at
dockside to go to
Lohengrin Castle [
ローエングリン城] to look for the children
- After you enter Lohengrin Castle, you will be attacked by some monsters
- Explore the Lohengrin Castle areas (follow the area map to get the Orb to unlock the sealed doors)
- Rescue the Children then head to the last area to fight the boss [ノスフェラトゥ] (it may be a tough battle, so make sure you save the game before process to next area)
Lohengrin Castle - Area A

Recovery Device
(6) Treasure Chest: Master Quartz Katze [
カッツェ] or Zeramu Powder [
ゼラムパウダー] (if you already got Katze [
カッツェ] in the 1st playthrough) (
(9) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine [
Lohengrin Castle - Area B

(2) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
The Orb
(4) Treasure Chest: Moon's Robe [
Lohengrin Castle - Area C

(5) Treasure Chest: 300x each type of Sepith [
(7) Treasure Chest: Fire Bell [
Lohengrin Castle - Area D

(8) Treasure Chest: Judgment Bolt [
Lohengrin Castle - Area E

The Orb
Lohengrin Castle - Area F

The Children
(12) Treasure Chest: Rasetsu Fang [
Lohengrin Castle - Area G

Recovery Device
9. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
16 AP (Total:
322 AP) (
Reward: Goulart Rocket [
August 30 (Special Training Day 3)
1. Miscellaneous
- Talk to maid Prana [プラナ] on 2nd floor in Arseid Viscounty Mansion [アルゼイド子爵邸] to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 11 [赤い月のロゼ11巻]
- Talk to Cindy [シンディ] to receive some food items
2. Head to
Legram Station to go to
Garrelia Fortress [
3. Take a tour around
Garrelia Fortress [
- Talk to instructor Sara in Briefing Room
- Talk to Emma in Guest Room
- Talk to Fie and Laura in front of Center Junction
- Buy the Imperial Chronicle - Issue 7 [帝国時報・第7号] at the counter in front of Center Junction
- Talk to instructor Neithardt [ナイトハルト教官] in front of Command Center
- Talk to Alisa and Elliot in Tank Garage
- Talk to Jusis, Gaius, and Millium on the Bridge
- Talk to Crow and Machias at Flight Port
- Head back to the fortress for the Event
4. Save the game at Save Confirmation screen
August 31 (Special Training Day 4)
1. Déjà vu? Yes, you already saw this scene in
Prologue. Instructor
Sara joins in the party.
2. Go to
Flight Port for an
Extra Event
3. Investigate the
paper on the table in the
room E-203 to receive
recipe #15 Military Hayashi Rice [
4. Fight against 2x [
ゼフィランサス] when you head outside
5. After you go to
Railway Artillery, you have to fight
two consecutive battles
- First Battle: 2x [帝国解放戦線・剣], 2x [帝国解放戦線・小銃], [トライアタッカーR2], and [トライアタッカーHG]
- Second Battle: Scarlet [S-スカーレット] and 2x [R・ゼフィランサス]
Garrelia Fortress Area 1

Recovery Device
Garrelia Fortress Area 2

(2) Treasure Chest: Spirit 3 [
Extra Event
(6) Treasure Chest: Iguanapurojion [
Recipe #15 Military Hayashi Rice [
Garrelia Fortress Area 3

(3) Treasure Chest: Zeramu Powder [
(4) Treasure Chest: Action Ability 3 [
(15) Treasure Chest: Inferno [
業火] (
Garrelia Fortress Area 4

(8) Treasure Chest: Extinction Blade [
Recovery Device
(11) Treasure Chest: 300x each type of Sepith [
(12) Treasure Chest: Deep Ocher [
ディープオーカー] (
(13) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
(14) Treasure Chest: Orange Cape [
Garrelia Fortress Area 5

Mid-boss: 2x [
Garrelia Fortress Area 6

(16) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine - Large [
(17) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
(18) Treasure Chest: Hadow [
覇道] (
Garrelia Fortress Area 7

(19) Treasure Chest: Magic Defense 3 [
Garrelia Fortress Area 8

Recovery Device
6. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
9 AP (Total:
331 AP).
70 AP in total for
S rank at
Chapter Result screen,
[The Stirring Determination] will be unlocked at Save Confirmation screen.
Chapter 6: Black and Silver ~Steel City Disturbance~ [第6章 黒と銀~鋼都動乱~]
September 15
1. Everyone prepares a plan for the
127th Military Academy Festival
September 18
1. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Collet [コレット] on 2nd floor hallway in School Building (Character Note updated)
- Talk to Vincent [ヴィンセント] on 1st floor hallway in School Building (Character Note updated)
- Read the Imperial Legend on Lower Tradition [帝国の伝説・伝承 下] on left bookshelf in Library
- Feed the cat on 2nd floor in Library
- Buy Master Quartz Megalith [メガリス] in Technology Building
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 8 [帝国時報・第8号] in Keynes's Bookstore (on September 19) or at Cooperative Store in Student Union Building
- Catch some new fishes (500+ Fishing Points are recommended)
- If you didn't receive award from the instructors, then you can report to them now (see step 2 in Chapter 5 for more detail)
2. Leave the school for the Shopping Event with
3. Go back to
Rean's room
September 19 (Free Activity Day)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Old Schoolhouse Mystery 6 [旧校舎地下の調査6] (5 AP)
- Personal Request [個人的な依頼] (3+2 AP)
- Homemade Cooking Gift [手料理のプレゼント] (3+2 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Feed the cat in front of the Second Dormitory
- Buy the book My Cooking - Steak [俺の料理・ステーキ] in Keynes' Bookstore [ケインズ書房], then use it to receive the recipe #16 Stamina Steak [スタミナステーキ]
- Talk to Paula [ポーラ] on Sport Ground (Character Note updated)
- If you already catch at least 12 different species in Fishing Note, then you can exchange Fishing Points to get these items from Kenneth [ケネス] (you must keep them until Epilogue)
- Sodi Badge [ソーディバッジ] Fishing Point Trading (30 Pts)
- Karupu Badge [カルプバッジ] Fishing Point Trading (80 Pts) (must catch at least 6 different species to unlock this accessory in trading)
- Samona Badge [サモーナバッジ] Fishing Point Trading (120 Pts) (must catch at least 12 different species to unlock this accessory in trading)
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 4) (
Since you don't have enough Bonding Point to update Character Note, make sure you to choose the remaining person in 2nd playthrough)
- Elliot (School Building's rooftop)
- Laura (Third Dormitory's room 303)
- Machias (Keynes' Bookstore) (Character Note updated)
- Emma (Third Dormitory's room 304) (Character Note updated)
- Jusis (Sport Ground)
- Fie (Garden Club's field)) (Character Note updated)
- Gaius (Art Room) (Character Note updated)
- Sara (Cafe & Inn Kirsche) (Character Note updated)
Homemade Cooking Gift [手料理のプレゼント] (Optional)
- Talk to Mint [ミント] at Student Canteen kitchen in Student Union Building to accept the quest
- She wants you to give her each food from Soup [スープ], Main Dish [メインディッシュ], and Dessert [デザート]
- You can give her any food item, however, you should aim for 8000 HP or more in total to get more AP. You need other team members to make certain food item, so wait until you reach step 6 to make these foods then leave the Old School Building to turn in them (make sure you save the game before making these foods if you don't have many ingredients)
- Buy Jewel Potage [ジュエルポタージュ] which recovers 2400 HP at 640 Mira at Student Canteen
- Let Laura, Machias, or Emma makes Heaven Somen "Rainshower" [蒼天麺《瑞雨》] which recovers 3000 HP from recipe #14 Cool Pasta Soup [涼風スープパスタ]
- Let Alisa, Machias, Emma, or Millium makes Thick Puru Pudding [濃密ぷるプリン] which recovers 2600 HP from recipe #13 Custard Pudding [カスタードプリン] (You may still have this food item if you already cleared the quest Amber Love [琥珀の愛])
- Depending on how much HP recovery in total from the food items you give her, you will receive different reward
- 3500-5700 HP => Mint Special α [ミントスペシャルα] (Reward: 30 CP recovery and 3x various monster ingredients)
- 6000-7800 HP => Mint Special β [ミントスペシャルβ] (Reward: 50 CP recovery and 5x various monster ingredients) (AP +1)
- 8000-17600 HP => Mint Special Ω [ミントスペシャルΩ] (Reward: 100 CP recovery and 10x various monster ingredients) (AP +2) (Character Note updated)
Personal Request [個人的な依頼] (Required)
- Talk to Angelica [アンゼリカ] at Training Hall in Gymnasium [ギムナジウム] to accept the duel
- If you win the fight (AP +2) (Reward: Imperial Wrath [逆鱗]) (Character Note updated)
Old Schoolhouse Mystery 6 [
旧校舎地下の調査6] (Required)
- Head to Old School Building [旧校舎] then open the door to go inside the building
- Choose team members then choose Sixth Layer [第6層] from the elevator's control panel
- Explore the Sixth Layer areas, there is a Fishing Spot in 2nd area
- Laura, Machias, or Millium can destroy the Corrupted Pillars
- Defeat the boss: 2x [エルヴァヴリア]
- Exit the Old School Building to complete the quest (Reward: Chaos [混沌])
Old School Building - Sixth Layer Map 1

(1) Treasure Chest: 350x each type of Sepith [
The Switch
(3) Treasure Chest: Holy Bracelet [
The Lever
The Switch
The Lever
Corrupted Pillars
(8) Treasure Chest: Master Quartz Juggler [
ジャグラー] or Zeramu Powder [
ゼラムパウダー] (if you already got Juggler [
ジャグラー] in the 1st playthrough) (
Old School Building - Sixth Layer Map 2

Fishing Spot
The Lever
(2) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
Corrupted Pillars
(4) Treasure Chest: Kongou Shield [
金剛盾] (
The Lever
(6) Treasure Chest: Shadow Apokurifu [
Butler's Secret [執事の隠し事] (Hidden) (3+2 AP)
- Talk to Patrick [パトリック] at Training Hall in Gymnasium (Character Note - Patrick [パトリック] updated)
- Talk to Lotte [ロッテ] in the First Dormitory
- Talk to Sharon [シャロン] at the Third Dormitory's kitchen
- Save the game to prepare for the mini game
- Talk to butler Celestin [セレスタン] in Cafe & Inn Kirsche (Character Note - butler Celestin [セレスタン] updated)
- Pay attention to the cards when he shuffles them
- Pick the one he asks (such as card 7) by selecting one of these choices: Right [右] or Left [左] (Note: the quest can be cleared even you pick the wrong choice)
- Report to Patrick to complete the quest (Reward: Silence Blue [サイレンスブルー])
- If you select the right answer (AP +2)
8. Miscellaneous
- Feed the cat on 2nd floor in Cafe & Inn Kirsche
Bonding Events (
Bonding Point: 1)
- Alisa (Sport Ground)
- Millium (Park) (Character Note updated)
- Crow (VII Classroom)
10. Head to
Terminal Room on
2nd floor in School Building, you can select
any choice
September 22 (Practice Test)
Rean and 2 selected characters of your choice. Your opponent will be instructor
Sara, so you should be careful in selecting the strong characters.
Condition: (
AP +2)
- Victory without allowing anyone in critical condition (character's HP falls below 20%) [誰もピンチにならずに戦闘に勝利]
- Victory within 40 Turns [40ターン以内に戦闘に勝利]
2. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
26 AP (Total:
357 AP) (
Reward: Aura Jacket [
September 25 (Special Training Day 1)
1. Miscellaneous
- If you already feed the cat three times in this chapter then you can receive [ゼラムパウダー] from her under the tree next to Sport Ground's entrance
2. Go to Sport Ground for an Event
3. Talk a tour around Courageous [
- Talk to Laura and captain Viscounty [アルゼイド艦長] on 5F - Bridge
- Talk to Alisa and Sharon in 1F - Hangar
- Talk to Prince Olivert Reise Arnor [オリヴァルト皇子] and lieutenant commander Muller [ミュラー少佐] on 3F - Front Deck
- Talk to instructor Sara and Tovar [トヴァル] on 3F - Rear Deck
- Event after you go back to Courageous from Rear Deck
4. Your party (Rean, Alisa, Elliot, Machias, Fie, and Crow) arrives in Roer [
ルーレ], take the escalator then enter the
Reinford Industry Group [
5. Confirm the quests:
- Search for Rare Metal [希少金属の捜索] (4 AP)
- ARCUS Communication Strength Investigation [ARCUSの通信強度調査] (4+2 AP)
- Search the Beast of Spina Secret Passage [スピナ間道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
6. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Alumina [アルミナ] twice in F Dining Bar [ダイニングバー≪F≫] on South upper layer to receive recipe #17 Tomato Cocktail [トマトカクテル]
- Buy Cat Strap [ニャンニャンストラップ] at Daily Goods Boronia [ボロニア商会] (you must keep it until Epilogue)
ARCUS Communication Strength Investigation [ARCUSの通信強度調査] (Optional)
- Talk to director Johann [ヨハン主任] in RF Store Orbments for All [RFストア] to accept the quest
- Use the Orbal Wave Measuring Device [導力波測定器] from your item inventory in these places: (it shows "Now Measuring......Completed! Orbal Wave Intensity---Lv1" on the screen)
- F Dining Bar [ダイニングバー《F》] on South upper layer
- Repair Shop Jackass [修理屋《ジャッカス》] on West upper layer
- Roer Cathedral [ルーレ大聖堂] on Northeast upper layer
- Roer Institute of Technology [ルーレ工科大学] on West upper layer
- Outside the door which is showed as [???] on the map (East upper layer)
- Note: you can complete the quest by measuring Orbal Wave in 3 places
- Report to director Johann to complete the quest (Reward: Ancient Glyph [エインシェントグリフ])
- If you measuring Orbal Wave in 5 places (AP +2)
- Talk to director Johann one more time (Character Note - instructor Makarov [マカロフ教官] updated)
Search the Beast of Spina Secret Passage [スピナ間道の手配魔獣] (Optional)
- Talk to the soldier on East upper layer
- Head to the Exit on the West of Roer
- Explore the area, there is a Fishing Spot here
- Defeat the Beast on the West side of the road
- Report to the soldier to complete the quest (Reward: 700x Sepith [セピス])
Spina Secret Passage Map

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: Thunder Pearl [
雷神珠] (
(2) Treasure Chest: Makie [
(3) Treasure Chest: Crescent Mirror [
The Beast (
Quest: Search the Beast of Spina Secret Passage [
Search for Rare Metal [希少金属の捜索] (Required)
- Talk to researcher Ratt [研究員ラット] in Roer Institute of Technology [ルーレ工科大学]
- Head to Sachsen Mountain Road [ザクセン山道] on East lower layer (next to Roer Airport)
- Explore Sachsen Mountain Road area, there is a Fishing Spot in 2nd area
- You will reach Sachsen Iron Mine [ザクセン鉄鉱山] at the end of Sachsen Mountain Road 2
- Receive a key from mine captain Rudolf [ルドルフ鉱山長] when you enter the mine
- Using that key to enter the Iron Mine - Third Tunnel [鉄鉱山・第3坑道]
- Defeat the boss [ゴルドフングス他] at lower layer
- Report to researcher Ratt to complete the quest (Reward: 10x U Materials [Uマテリアル])
Sachsen Mountain Road Map 1

(1) Treasure Chest: Petrification Blade [
(2) Treasure Chest: Cloud - Sky Lion [
(3) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
Sachsen Mountain Road Map 2

Fishing Spot
(1) Treasure Chest: Black Bell [
(2) Treasure Chest: Yabujin's Fang [
(3) Treasure Chest: 350x each type of Sepith [
(4) Treasure Chest: Heaven Pearl [
梵天珠] (
Sachsen Iron Mine Map

(1) Treasure Chest: Thousand Nova [
The Boss (
Quest: Search for Rare Metal [
10. The soldiers block the escalator's way, so you have to use the elevator on
Southwest to go down, then you will an Event about the conflict between 2 forces.
11. Take a tour around Alisa's house
- Talk to Crow and Elliot in West room on 2nd floor
- Talk to Machias and Sharon in Southeast room on 2nd floor
- Talk to Alisa in Southeast room on 1st floor
- You will see Sharon going out of the room when you reach the Piano on 2nd floor
- Talk to Sharon in North room on 1st floor
- Talk to Alisa in Southwest room on 2nd floor
- Receive a message from captain Claire [クレア大尉]
12. Exit the Alisa's house by using the elevator. While you are on your way to exit the
Reinford Industry Group [
RF本社ビル], Rean will notice something. Head back to the elevator to spot
Fie who hiding behind the pillar (
Link EXP +50) (
AP +2)
13. Miscellaneous
- Talk to elder Oulu [オウル老人] who sits on the bench next to the escalator to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 12 [赤い月のロゼ12巻]
Midnight Hide and Seek [真夜中のかくれんぼ] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to Locomo [ロコモ] on West lower layer
- Examine the wooden box next to the door which is labeled as [???] on the map (Reward: 5x U Materials [Uマテリアル])
15. Go to
F Dining Bar [
ダイニングバー《F》] to meet up with
16. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
20 AP (Total:
377 AP)
September 26 (Special Training Day 2)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Search the Beast of Nortia Road [ノルティア街道の手配魔獣] (4 AP)
- Gun Quality Test [ガンユニットのテスト] (4 AP)
- Wide Search for Lost Cat [迷い猫の大捜索] (4 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Buy Kaneria Paperback Edition 10 [カーネリア文庫版10], Kaneria Paperback Edition 11 [カーネリア文庫版11], and Imperial Chronicle - Issue 9 [帝国時報・第9号] at Daily Goods Boronia [ボロニア商会]
Wide Search for Lost Cat [迷い猫の大捜索] (Optional)
- Talk to Vanilla [バニラ] in Private House 1 [民家1] to accept the quest
- Look under the bench on West side of of Roer Institute of Technology
- Look under the bench in front of Dinner Dvance [大衆食堂《ドヴァンス》]
- Look under the bench in front of Roer Station
- Look under the right seat on the train (Reward: 5x Melty Gratin [メルティグラタン])
Gun Quality Test [ガンユニットのテスト] (Optional)
- Talk to director Sandi [サンディ主任] in RF Arms Weapons & Bullets [RFアームズ] to accept the quest
- Select one of these characters to equip the weapon: Machias, Fie, and Crow (it's a free weapon)
- Head to Sachsen Mountain Road area to kill 10x Dancing Oulu [ダンシングオウル]
- Note: The selected character must kill them (this character will mention that he/she already killed 10 enemies)
- Report to director Sandi to complete the quest (Reward: Mechanic Goggles [メカニックゴーグル])
Search the Beast of Nortia Road [ノルティア街道の手配魔獣] (Required)
- Head to South Exit to go to Nortia Road [ノルティア街道]
- Defeat the Beast on South side of the road
- Go back to Roer for an Event, then you have to fight against the boss [ゲシュパードG]
- Head to Sachsen Iron Mine [ザクセン鉄鉱山] for the Event then you will go back to Roer automatically
- Talk to the soldier on East upper layer to complete the quest (Reward: 800x Sepith [セピス])
Nortia Road Map

(1) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
(2) Treasure Chest: Attack 3 [
The Beast (
Quest: Search the Beast of
Nortia Road [
(4) Treasure Chest: Seraphim Ring [
6. Miscellaneous
- Talk to receptionist Fraga [受付嬢フラガ] in Roer Institute of Technology to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 13 [赤い月のロゼ13巻]
7. Talk to receptionist Louise [
受付嬢ルイーズ] at
Information desk in
Reinford Industry Group then go to
floor 23 from elevator.
- Your party will go to Underground Transmission Road [地下連絡道] automatically
- Angelica [アンゼリカ] joins in the party.
- Defeat the Mid-boss: 2x [B・ゼフィランサス] in Sachsen Iron Mine's 2nd area
- Crow will leave the party after you rescue the miners in 2nd area
- Save the game and prepare for two consecutive boss battles
- First Battle: Vulcan [V-ヴァルカン], 1x [帝国解放戦線・剣], and 2x [帝国解放戦線・小銃]
- Second Battle: [《C》] and 2x [G・ゼフィランサス] (Note: You should wait for 《C》throw NT-Ⅰ out then scan it since you need this enemy for Battle Note)
Underground Transmission Road Map 1

Recovery Device
(2) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
Underground Transmission Road Map 2

(3) Treasure Chest: Chrono Burst [
(4) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine - Large [
(5) Treasure Chest: Curia Medicine [
Sachsen Iron Mine Map 1

(1) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
Recovery Device
(3) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
(4) Treasure Chest: Altair Canon [
Sachsen Iron Mine Map 2

(1) Treasure Chest: Laguna Vaulx En Tex [
ラグナヴォルテクス] (
(2) Treasure Chest: 350x each type of Sepith [
Recovery Device
Mid-boss: 2x [
Event (
Crow leaves the party)
(6) Treasure Chest: Confusion Blade [
(7) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
Sachsen Iron Mine Map 3

(1) Treasure Chest: 350x each type of Sepith [
(2) Treasure Chest: Athelas [
(3) Treasure Chest: Fault Rank Medal [
(4) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine - Large [
(5) Treasure Chest: Grand Stand Rohm [
グランシュトローム] (
The Lever
(7) Treasure Chest: Zeramu Powder [
Recovery Device
8. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
22 AP (Total:
399 AP) (
Reward: Master Quartz Emblem [
エンブレム], if you already got this Master Quartz in previous playthrough then you will receive [
天帝珠] instead.
68 AP in total for
S rank at
Chapter Result screen,
[Black and Silver ~Steel City Disturbance~] will be unlocked at Save Confirmation screen.
Epilogue: The Military Academy Festival, and... [終章 士官学院祭、そして――]
October 21 (Free Activity Day)
1. Confirm the quests:
- Food and Drink Operating License's Distribution [飲食営業許可証の配達] (5 AP)
- Gather Interviews [インタビュー集め] (4 AP)
- Mistaken Delivery Package [誤配達の荷物] (4 AP)
2. Miscellaneous
- Talk to George in the Technology Building (Character Note updated)
- Buy Master Quartz Murakumo [ムラクモ] from George in the Technology Building
- Read The History of RF Group [RFグループの歴史] on the left bookshelf in Library (Note: you can read other articles for Other [その他] in Book Note as well if you didn't read them in previous chapters)
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 10 [帝国時報・第10号] in Keynes's Bookstore or at Cooperative Store in Student Union Building
- Feed the cat in front of the Second Dormitory
- Talk to Caspar [カスパル] on 2nd floor hallway in School Building to receive recipe #18 Mixed Gelato [ミックスジェラート]
- If you didn't receive award from the instructors, then you can report to them now (see step 2 in Chapter 5 for more detail)
- Instructor Mary [メアリー教官] in Music Room
- Instructor Beatrix [ベアトリクス教官] in Infirmary
- Instructor Makarov [マカロフ教官] on 1st floor hallway
- Talk to Principal Vandyck [ヴァンダイク学院長] in Principal's Office on School Building's 1st floor to receive the last award Lion Heart Heroes Chapter [獅子心英雄章] (only if you already have 3 awards from other instructors) (
[Lion Heart Heroes Chapter] is unlocked)
- Then the principal will ask you select one of these Master Quartz: (Make sure you pick the other choice in 2nd playthrough)
- Choose the same thing as Instructor Sara's [サラ教官と同じものを選ぶ] (receive Master Quarts Thors [トール] or [雷神珠] if you already have this Master Quartz)
- Choose the same thing as Instructor Neithardt's [ナイトハルト教官と同じものを選ぶ] (receive Master Quartz Chevalier [シュバリエ] or [天帝珠] if you already have this Master Quartz)
- If you already catch 19 different species in Fishing Note, then talk to Kenneth [ケネス] who stands nearby Trista River. Catch the fish Gigansodi [ギガンソーディ] to reach the highest rank in Fishing to receive Master Quartz Vermilion [バーミリオン] and quartz [仙道珠] (
[Super Fishing King] is unlocked)
- If you have 500 Fishing Points then you can exchange it to get Master Quartz Worochi [ヲロチ] from Kenneth [ケネス]
- You also need to exchange the Fishing Points to get Fish Badge Series: Sodi Badge [ソーディバッジ] (30 Pts), Karupu Badge [カルプバッジ] (80 Pts), and Samona Badge [サモーナバッジ] (120 Pts)
- Turn in the item series to Collet [コレット] on West side of 1st floor hallway in School Building (she will give you a [ゼムリアストーンの欠片] for each series)
- Micky Series [みっしぃぐっずシリーズ]: Sitting Micky [おすわりみっしぃ], Napping Micky [うたたねみっしぃ], and Trotting Micky [こばしりみっしぃ]
- Animal Strap Series [動物ストラップシリーズ]: Frog Strap [ケロケロストラップ], Dog Strap [ワンワンストラップ], and Cat Strap [ニャンニャンストラップ]
- Fish Badge Series [お魚バッジシリーズ]: Sodi Badge [ソーディバッジ], Karupu Badge [カルプバッジ], and Samona Badge [サモーナバッジ]
- Buy at least 10 Coarse Ground Rock Salt [粗挽き岩塩] from General Goods Brandon [食品・雑貨≪ブランドン商店≫]
Vice-principal's Lost Item [教頭の落とし物] (Hidden) (4 AP)
- Talk to vice-principal Heinrich [ハインリッヒ教頭] twice at Courtyard [中庭]
- Talk to Student Council member [生徒会メンバー] on School Building's rooftop
- Talk to Schoolgirl [女子生徒] on school ground (next to Sport Ground's entrance)
- Talk to a group of Schoolboy in front of Old School Building
- Report to vice-principal Heinrich to complete the quest (Reward: Gold Bell [金言鈴]) (Character Note updated)
Gather Interviews [インタビュー集め] (Optional)
- Talk to in Michael [マイケル] in Trista Radio Station [ラジオ局] to accept the quest
- Talk to Ferris [フェリス] in Auditorium Building [講堂]
- Talk to Beryl [べリル] in Occult Study Group room on 2nd floor in Student Union Building
- Talk to a group of Schoolboy at Training Hall in Gymnasium
- Talk to Schoolgirl [女子生徒] in the Second Dormitory
- Report to Michael to complete the quest (Reward: 3x Athelas Medicine [アセラスの薬] and 3x Curia Medicine [キュリアの薬])
Mistaken Delivery Package [誤配達の荷物] (Optional)
- Talk to Bridget [ブリジット] on West side of 1st floor hallway in School Building to accept the quest
- Talk to Lambert [ランベルト] on Sport Ground
- Talk to Keynes [ケインズ] in Keynes' Bookstore [ケインズ書房]
- Talk to Dorothée [ドロテ] in Literary Club room on 2nd floor in Student Union Building
- Report to Bridge to complete the quest (Reward: 3x EP Charge III [EPチャージIII])
Food and Drink Operating License's Distribution [飲食営業許可証の配達] (Required)
- Talk to instructor Beatrix [ベアトリクス教官] in Infirmary
- Talk to Collet [コレット] on West side of 1st floor hallway in School Building
- Talk to Millium in Domestic Room on 2nd floor in School Building
- Talk to Nicholas [ニコラス] in General Goods Brandon [食品・雑貨≪ブランドン商店≫]
- Talk to Becky [ベッキー] and Hugo [ヒューゴ] in front of School Building
- Report to instructor Beatrix to complete the quest (Reward: Immobility Pearl [不動珠])
7. Receive a message from
Crow after you move to different area.
8. Talk to
George in Technology Building
9. Examine the
Orbal Bike in front of Technology Building, you can select
one character to go with you (
Link EXP +600)
- If you decide to go alone [一人で] then Crow will go with you)
- If you decide to go with Emma in 2nd playthrough, there is a slight change in the event at Imperial City
10. Save the game at Save Confirmation screen
October 22
Save the game at the Third Dormitory (
Do not overwrite this save data in case you mess up the
October 23 save data)
2. Go back to
Rean's room
October 23 (Military Academy Festival Day 1)
Towa gives
Rean 6 festival tickets and a quest:
- School Festival's Patrol [学園祭の見回り] (4+5 AP)
2. Make
a separated save here (you will need it for
Bond Trophies later). Basically, you need to use
5 out of 6 tickets to hang out with the character you want (someone whom you didn't hang out in free days to boost their bond.) Then, continue up until the
Dance Event (Day 10/24) where you can choose a character to interact with, which will lead to their specific trophy. Reload this save then proceed to earn the other character trophies.
School Festival's Patrol [学園祭の見回り] (Optional - Morning)
- Talk to a couple in front of Auditorium Building [講堂] then choose 3rd choice Gate of Avalon [ゲート・オブ・アヴァロン]
- Talk to the father and little girl on School Building's rooftop then examine the stuffed animal on West side of 2nd floor hallway
4. Miscellaneous
- Feed the cat on the bench next to Sport Ground's entrance
- Examine the book on the table in Library to receive recipe #19 Satiety Chowder [満腹寄せ鍋]
Festival Games (each game requires 1
Festival Ticket) (You can't use two tickets for the same person per game,
Link EXP +300 per game)
- Mach Stallion on Sport Ground
- Receive [マッハ杯記念盾] if you reach the goal within 35 seconds (Flag = - 1 second, Fence = + 1 second)
- Micky Panic at Training Hall in Gymnasium
- Receive [みっしぃのぬいぐるみ] when you reach 180 points (Evil Micky = +10 pts, Normal Micky = -20 pts, and Pink Micky = -30 pts)
- Gate of Avalon on West side of 2nd floor hallway
- Receive [レリーフカード] if you win the game
- Sharon will challenge you to a card game, it doesn't matter if you win or lose (Character Note updated)
- Stella Garten on West side of 1st floor hallway
- Tea House on West side of 1st floor hallway
6. The time of day will be changed depending on number of ticket is used (make sure you
finish the tasks in
optional quest before using the festival ticket)
- Morning - 0 or 1 ticket is used in total
- Afternoon - 2 tickets are used in total
- Evening - 5 tickets are used in total
School Festival's Patrol [学園祭の見回り] (Optional - Afternoon)
- Talk to Becky [ベッキー] at Empire Meat stall on school ground, then give her 10 Coarse Ground Rock Salt [粗挽き岩塩] (Reward: Food Items [料理アイテム多数])
- Talk to the mother and little boy under the tree (next to Sport Ground's entrance), go to Janitor's Room on West side of 1st floor hallway to talk to the janitor to borrow a ladder
8. Miscellaneous
- Feed the cat on 2nd floor in Library (Afternoon)
- Talk to butler Celestin [セレスタン] at resting area on 2nd floor in School Building to receive Red Moon's Rose Vol. 14 [赤い月のロゼ14巻] (Evening)
- Talk to Nicholas [ニコラス] in Domestic Room on 2nd floor in School Building to receive recipe #20 Tegone Hamburger [手ごねハンバーグ] (Evening) (
[Flaming Cook] is unlocked). Note: if this trophy doesn't pop, then you need to make every food in the recipes (80 food items in total), I will double check it when I play English version.
- Make all foods from every recipe
School Festival's Patrol [学園祭の見回り] (Optional - Evening)
- Talk to Vanilla [バニラ] in front of Old School Building then talk to instructor Makarov [マカロフ教官] in Student Union Building. Talk to Vanilla and instructor Makarov again in front of Old School Building
10. Miscellaneous
- If you already feed the cat three times in this chapter then you can receive [ゼラムパウダー] from her on School Building's rooftop
11. Use the last ticket to finish the School Festival
12. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of School Festival, it should be
26 AP (Total:
425 AP) (
[Quest Master] is unlocked)
13. There is an Event at Old School Building, then your party will go to new area. You should get out of Old School Building to take care some stuff.
14. Miscellaneous
- If you already make every food from 20 recipes, then you can give them to Lotte [ロッテ] (in front of school gate) and instructor Thomas [トマス教官] (in front of Old School Building), you will receive reward depending on number of food which you give them
- Lotte needs Unique Food [独自料理] (character with orange smile face with King Crown can make this type of food)
- 5 different foods - 5x [EPチャージI]
- 10 different foods - 5x [EPチャージII]
- 15 different foods - 5x [EPチャージIII]
- 20 different foods - quartz [幻妖牙]
- Instructor Thomas needs Strange Food [珍妙料理及び] (character with blue sad face can make this type of food)
- 5 different foods - 5x [ティアの薬]
- 10 different foods - 5x [ティアラの薬]
- 15 different foods - 5x [ティアラルの薬]
- 20 different foods - quartz [熾天使]
- If you already fill out all foods in 20 recipes, then talk to Margarita [マルガリータ] in Domestic Room to receive Master Quartz Magius [マギウス]
- If you forget to give item series to Collet [コレット] then you can do it now, she is in the Second Dormitory (see step 2 on October 21 for detail)
- Talk to Beryl [べリル] in the Second Dormitory, agree to exchange 14 volumes of Red Moon's Rose [赤い月のロゼ] to receive a [ゼムリアストーン] stone
- Buy the strongest weapon of your choice at Cooperative Store in Student Union Building, then talk to George in Technology Building to customize the ultimate version of that weapon (
[Supreme Sword] is unlocked)
- You also can make a [ゼムリアストーン] stone by customize 3x [ゼムリアストーンの欠片] which you receive from Collet [コレット]
15. If you already take care of everything, head back to Old School Building
16. Whenever you want to change the party member, just talk to one of the members who stand in front of the entrance (
Note: you can go back to Old School Building's layer)
17. Explore the Massive Place of Hope [
- There is a [ゼムリアストーンの欠片] in each area
- Rean's field attack can operate the Switch in the 1st area
- Fie, Millium or Laura's field attack can operate the Switch and destroy the Crystal in 2nd area
- After you open the last treasure chest in 3rd area,
[Treasure Hunter] is unlocked.
- Save the game when you reach the last area, then head to the next area
- Fight the boss [ロア・エレボニウス]
- You will discover something interesting after defeating the boss
Massive Place of Hope Area 1-1

Massive Place of Hope Area 1-2

The Switch
(3) Treasure Chest: Kaleidoscope Girder [
The Switch
(6) Zemuria Stone's Fragment [
The Switch
(11) Treasure Chest: Zeramu Powder [
(12) Treasure Chest: Aurelie Address [
The Switch
(15) Treasure Chest: Passion Rouge [
(16) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
Massive Place of Hope Area 1-3

(18) Treasure Chest: Devil Pearl [
魔王珠] (
The Switch
Portal to
Second Area
Massive Place of Hope Area 2-1

The Switch
The Switch
(15) Treasure Chest: Athelas Medicine - Large [
(16) Treasure Chest: Kazekami Pearl [
Portal to
Third Area
Massive Place of Hope Area 2-2-1

(5) Treasure Chest: Sage Pearl [
聖王珠] (
Massive Place of Hope Area 2-2-2

The Switch
Massive Place of Hope Area 2-2-3

Portal (to
Portal 3)
Massive Place of Hope Area 2-2-4

The Switch
Massive Place of Hope Area 2-3

(11) Zemuria Stone's Fragment [
(12) Treasure Chest: EP Charge III [
Massive Place of Hope Area 3-1

(1) Treasure Chest: Tiararu Medicine [
Massive Place of Hope Area 3-2

(3) Zemuria Stone's Fragment [
(4) Treasure Chest: God Pearl [
天帝珠] (
(5) Treasure Chest: Aresu Armor [
(6) Treasure Chest: Zeramu Capsule [
Massive Place of Hope Area 3-3

The Switch
(9) Treasure Chest: Valkyrie Pearl [
(10) Treasure Chest: Orion Girder [
18. You will receive the
Quest Report at end of the day, it should be
15 AP (Total:
440 AP) (
Reward: Glitter Emblem [
熾煌の徽章]) (
[Zero Grade Student] in unlocked).
41 AP in total for
S rank at
Chapter Result screen.
October 24 (Military Academy Festival Day 2)
1. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Becky [ベッキー] at Empire Meat stall on school ground (Character Note updated)
2. Talk to
George in Old School Building's
7th layer
3. Talk to
Elise [
エリゼ] at School Gate
Save the game at Save Confirmation screen in case you want to go back
5. Enjoy the
Live Show
Save the game at Save Confirmation screen (
Do not overwrite it)
7. At
Dance Event, select the character for the
Bond Event then you will unlock his or her
Bond Trophy.
October 30
1. Make
a separated save here if you want to use this save data to continue the game. Reload the save in
step 6 (
October 24) if there are more characters can be selected. If there is no more character can be selected then
reload October 23 save data (remember that you still have a backup
October 22 save data in case you mess up this save data). Please note that you have to explore the last dungeon and fight the boss again.
2. Miscellaneous
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 11 [帝国時報・第11号] at Cooperative Store in Student Union Building (
[Book Mania] in unlocked).
- Talk to Lambert [ランベルト] on Sport Ground (Character Note updated)
3. Look for
Millium and
- Go to Old School Building to find Millium there
- Talk to George in Technology Building
- Talk to president Towa in Student Council Room
- Enter the room 206 in the Third Dormitory
- Encounter Patrick [パトリック] when you return to Military Academy
4. Miscellaneous
- Talk to Linde [リンデ] and Vivi [ヴィヴィ] on 2nd floor hallway in School Building (Character Note updated)
- You can buy stuff or customize weapon from George in front of School Gate
- You can go back to Old School Building's 7th layer to grind for EXP
5. Save the game and prepare for upcoming boss battle
6. Examine the
School Gate whenever you are ready
- First Battle: Drakkhen [ドラッケン]
- Easy battle if you already have strong equipment and quartz, make sure you save CP for next battle
- Second Battle: Spiegel [シュピーゲル] (1st phase)
- Story Event so don't waste any item since your party will lose anyway
- Third Battle: Spiegel [シュピーゲル] (2nd phase)
- Normal: Body is the enemy's weak spot
- Stance: Arm is the enemy's weak spot
- Fourth Battle: Blue Divine Cavalry [蒼の騎神] (
[Battle Master] is unlocked)
- Normal: Arm is the enemy's weak spot
- Stance 1: Body is the enemy's weak spot
- Stance 2 (hold the spear behind the body): Head is the enemy's weak spot
- Stance 3 (hold the spear in front of the body): Body is the enemy's weak spot
7. Save the
Clear Data at Save Confirmation screen (
[The Military Academy Festival, and...] is unlocked)
Second Playthrough
1. Load the
Clear Data, then use the points to carry over some stuff to your next playthrough, then choose
Nightmare difficulty mode.
Clear # of playthrough:
- --> 5 pts
- --> 10 pts
- --> 15 pts
Carry Over (recommend for Nightmare playthough):
- Link LV (Rush/Burst) - can use Rush and Burst from the beginning --> (0 pt)
- Current Mira (money) and sepith --> (1 pt)
- Item - Equipment/M.Quartz/Quartz/Consumable/Book except key/event items --> (1 pt)
- Notebook Information - Character/Battle/Recipe/Fishing/Book --> (1 pt)
- Status - Level of characters, master quartz, and slots --> (2 pts)
Reward (Bonus):
- Stage costume - Receive the stage costume --> (1 pt)
- Other costume - Receive the other costume --> (1 pt)
- School Swimsuit - Receive the school swimsuit --> (2 pts)
- 300,000 Mira and 3000 sepith for each attribute/element --> (2 pts) (good for Millionaire trophy)
- Max Bond Pts - Receive the maximum value of bond points on free days --> (4 pts) (good for Ties trophies)
2. You already got most of the trophies in previous playthrough; therefore, you can speedrun this playthrough. But just take note that you still need to finish at least
40 quests, however, you don't have to worry about filling half of information in
Character Notes and defeating more than 100 different enemies in
Battle Notes since you carry over your progress.
Master Quartz
- In Chapter 5 (Note: you can talk to these instructors in Chapter 6 and Epilogue)
- Talk to instructor Mary [メアリー教官] in Domestic Room to receive 1st award [獅子心良友章]
- Talk to instructor Beatrix [ベアトリクス教官] in Infirmary to receive 2nd award [獅子心善行章] for completing more than 40 quests in Quest Note
- Talk to instructor Makarov [マカロフ教官] at Eastern Hallway on 1st floor to receive 3rd award [獅子心勇士章]
- In Epilogue
- Talk to Principal Vandyck [ヴァンダイク学院長] in Principal's Office on School Building's 1st floor to receive the last award Lion Heart Heroes Chapter [獅子心英雄章]
- Then the principal will ask you select one of these Master Quartz (Make sure you pick the different choice in this playthrough):
- Choose the same thing as Instructor Sara's [サラ教官と同じものを選ぶ] (receive Master Quarts Thors [トール] or [雷神珠] if you already have this Master Quartz).
- Choose the same thing as Instructor Neithardt's [ナイトハルト教官と同じものを選ぶ] (receive Master Quartz Chevalier [シュバリエ] or [天帝珠] if you already have this Master Quartz).
- After you receive the last Master Quartz (
[M quartz Collector] is unlocked).
Character Note (There are only
2 information left because you didn't have enough
Bonding Points to get these information during the
Bonding Events on
June 20 in
Chapter 3 and on
September 19 in
Chapter 6, make sure you choose the remaining character in this playthrough)
- Chapter 3 - June 20: (Bonding Points : 3)
- Alisa (Terminal Room on 2nd floor in School Building) (Character Note - Sharon [シャロン] updated)
- Laura (General Goods Brandon [食品・雑貨≪ブランドン商店≫]) (Character Note updated)
- Jusis (Sport Ground [グラウンド ]) (Character Note updated)
- Towa (Conference Room on 1st floor in School Building) (Character Note updated)
- Chapter 6 - September 19: (Bonding Points : 4)
- Machias (Keynes' Bookstore) (Character Note updated)
- Emma (Third Dormitory's room 304) (Character Note updated)
- Fie (Garden Club's field)) (Character Note updated)
- Gaius (Art Room) (Character Note updated)
- Sara (Cafe & Inn Kirsche) (Character Note updated)
- After you receive the last information in Character Note (
[Character Master] is unlocked)
Finish 2nd playthrough
- If you have a hard time to fight against certain boss, make sure your characters are not under-leveled (at least level 68 is recommended). You can post questions in the guide comments area so that I or other players can provide useful tip or strategy.
- After you finish this playthrough,
[Laurels of Hell] and
[Laurels of Fortitude] are unlocked.
Playing for 100 hours
- If you skip everything then you can unlock every trophy except
[The Continuing Man of the World].
- If you read everything and explore every area then you will unlock this trophy naturally. If so, after you unlock your last trophy then platinum trophy will be yours