Stage 1: Access the DLC Delete
Welcome back to Yharnam hunters! Before we can get started on completing the DLC itself, we have to actually get there first! Play through the game as you normally would until you've killed Vicar Amelia and interacted with the skull behind her. Now head back to the Hunter's Dream and you'll notice an item lying on the floor to the right of the doll. Pick it up and head back to Cathedral Ward with your shiny new
Eye of a Blood-Drunk Hunter. Take the exit to the left and look for a corpse next to a tree and some graves to your right. Approach it and you'll get caught by a ball of energy flying your way and transported to the Hunter's Nightmare.
That's it, you're good to go!
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
Stage 2: Play Through the DLC Delete
Next, you'll be fighting your way through the new content until the point at which you'll have beaten the Orphan of Kos, which marks the official end of "The Old Hunters". The DLC is designed a bit more linear than the main game, so you won't get lost too much. Natural progression will lead you where you need to go sooner or later.
If you are in need of help of help with any of the bosses, check each bosses individual trophy for some advice on how to fight them. If that's not enough for you, take a look at VaatiVidyas extremely extensive video guide for each of the bosses.
No need to worry about potential missables either, as everything can be cleaned up afterwards. The only way to miss any trophies would be to beat the main story before actually getting all the DLC trophies, but even so you can always come back in NG+.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
Orphan of Kos
Defeat Great One: Orphan of Kos.
Ludwig, the Holy Blade
Defeat the beast that was once Ludwig, the Holy Blade.
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
Defeat Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.
Living Failures
Defeat the failed attempts to become Great Ones.
Stage 3: Defeat Laurence, the First Vicar Delete
You can do this at any point after defeating Ludwig. For further information on how to get to Laurence and how to beat him check his specific trophy.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Laurence, the First Vicar
Defeat the beast that was once Laurence, the First Vicar.
Stage 4: Collect all Remaining Weapons Delete
There's a good chance you've already gathered some of "The Old Hunters" all-new weapons during your adventure in the Hunter's Nightmare. Now it's time to get the rest of them for your final trophy. Check
Old Hunter's Essence for information on how to obtain every single weapon.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 4
Old Hunter's Essence
Acquire all old hunter weapons.
This guide will assume that you've played the original game and are familiar with its mechanics. If that isn't the case, it's strongly recommended to consult one of the guides for the original game:
Linked: Bloodborne Trophy Guide
Enter the cursed world of Yharnam as a hunter. Will you stop the endless night?
Guide Rating
Linked: Bloodborne Trophy Guide
This is a trophy guide to help you obtain every trophy in Bloodborne, this includes information for defeating every boss, discovering hidden areas, finding all items, and defeating everything in your path. Will you survive?
Guide Rating
Regardless of that, I'll describe two techniques here that I'll reference heavily for boss strategies. If you're already an experienced Bloodborne player you'll probably already be aware of them. Both of these techniques are used to initiate what is referred to as a
visceral attack. A visceral attack is what one could refer to as a critical hit, causing significantly more damage than a normal attack on top of other effects depending on what caryll runes you're using.
- Counters: A counter is a technique where you fire your gun during your enemy's attack animation, staggering him , and leaving him open for a visceral attack. Timing is key to this technique and the timing is different depending on the enemy you're facing. Your rule of thumb should be hitting the enemy right before he hits you, though you can still counter enemies even when you got hit yourself. Note that you can't counter every enemy in the game. The more human-ish your enemy is the more likely you are to be able to counter him. Also keep in mind that specific guns such as the cannon are not fit for counters. When you've staggered your enemy, there will be an audio cue to let you know you can do a visceral. Walk up to your enemy and press
for big damage.
- Backstabs: Backstabs are a bit harder to do than counters, but they lead to even more satisfying results. To land a backstab, you must land a charged
on your enemies back. Easier said than done as enemies are bound to move around a lot and the part of the hurtbox that will actually trigger a backstab is rather specific. It's best to go for backstabs when sneaking up to enemies or while they're recovering from a big attack. Again, you can't backstab every enemy in the game and the more human they look the more likely they are to be backstab-able. If you successfully land a backstab you'll get an audio cue telling you to do a visceral. Walk up to your enemies back and press
for big damage.

Old Hunter's Essence
Acquire all old hunter weapons.

DLC RequiredCollectable
There's a total of 16 new weapons to be collected in "The Old Hunters". Here are all of them in the order that you'll be able to access them.
- Beast Cutter - Walking down the stairs from Nightmare Cathedral, pay attention to your right side and stick to high ground. The weapon can be found on a dead hunter surrounded by beasts.
- Boom Hammer - Remember the building you used as a shortcut to Cleric Beast in the vanilla game? The weapon will be on the lower floor next to the guy in the wheelchair.
- Gatling Gun - Leaving the building you used as a shortcut to Cleric Beast in the vanilla game you'll arrive at a river of blood. Follow it to the right until you arrive in a dark area where you'll be attacked by a hunter with a Gatling gun. Kill him to get the weapon.
- Amygdalan Arm - Continuing from where you found the Gatling Gun, head further into the cave. The Amygdalan Arm can be found on a corpse guarded by a Blood-starved Beast.
- Piercing Rifle - Take the other exit out of the shortcut building mentioned in the Gatling Gun entry and you'll soon run into a hunter in beast form using the Beast Claws. Killing him will reward you with the Firing Hammer Badge, which allows you to purchase the Piercing Rifle from messengers.
- Beasthunter Saif - After passing Nightmare Cathedral, you'll come across a hunter wielding a Beast Cutter along with some crows. Head up the ladder behind him then go left rather than progressing normally. Drop down into the lower area. Fight the hunter wielding the Beasthunter Saif and claim your weapon.
- Whirlgig Saw - Head down the stairs inside Nightmare church. You'll be able to drop down into a pool of blood. Do so and follow the path until you find the weapon on a corpse.
- Holy Moonlight Sword - After defeating Ludwig, head back to his boss arena. You'll find his head lying around here. Equip a church set, then talk to him and reply with "yes" to get the weapon. Alternatively you can just kill him.
- Fist of Gratia - Found in one of the cells right after Ludwigs boss fight.
- Church Cannon - After activating the elevator to the Research Hall using the Eye Pendant, take the elevator back down. Now step on the elevator, then immediately step back off. It will move up, revealing a second elevator below it. Turn the lever, then quickly take the second elevator down. Here you'll find a chest containing the Church Cannon.
- Church Pick - In the Research Hall, head to Patient Room Floor 3. Note that this room can only be accessed after turning the lever at the top to raise the stairs. Here you'll find the Underground Cell Key. Now head back to the cells right after the fight with Ludwig. You'll be able to open them using the key you just found. In one of them, you'll be attacked by a hunter wearing the Yahar'Gul set. Killing him will award you with the weapon.
- Loch Shield - You should be able to spot this one right after entering the Research Hall, it's on a platform next to one of the crawling experiments. You won't be able to reach it before you turn the lever at the top to raise the stairs though.
- Rakuyo - Towards the start of the Fishing Hamlet area, you'll find a well that you can climb down. Climb down and you'll find a giant Frog/Shark/Whatever-monster wielding what appears to be an anchor as a weapon. Fight him until he's down to half his health, at which point another one will drop down to join the fun. Kill them both to get your weapon. Fighting them both at the same time can be quite difficult, so try using a Shaman Bone Blade on one of them as soon as the second one shows up, so they'll fight it out amongst themselves and you only have to deal with the survivor.
- Bloodletter - First, meet the Harrowed Hunter in all 3 locations, those being the shortcut in the very first area, at the start of the Research Hall and at the Lantern in Lighthouse Hut. Talking to him at Lighthouse Hut should get you the Underground Cell Inner Chamber Key (don't worry if you've killed him, the key should just be laying on the ground at Lighthouse Hut in that case). Use this key to unlock the lower one of the cells behind Ludwigs boss arena. Here you'll find a guy called Brador ringing a bell. Killing him will get you the Bloodletter.
- Simon's Bowblade - Check the entry for Bloodletter, the Harrowed Hunter gives you this weapon along with the key.
- Kos Parasite - Awarded upon defeating Orphan of Kos.

Orphan of Kos
Defeat Great One: Orphan of Kos.

DLC RequiredStory
Orphan of Kos, also known as "Here I go farming for Blood Vials again", is the the final boss of the DLC and he wants you to know it. Similar to Maria, speed is his defining factor, but his attacks are much more savage and cover essentially every single angle you can approach from. Staying close to him for extended periods of time is bound to have you get pounded by his massive organ-blade thing.
His defining weakness is that some of his attacks will leave him wide open for backstabs. Most importantly, watch out for his leaping attack where he'll jump right at you. Don't panic, this is your chance. Just calmly keep jogging towards him as he does it and the attack should go over your head. Just turn around and backstab him as he contemplates his life mistakes for massive damage. Having a rune that recovers health on viscerals helps with not having to spend as many Blood Vials in this stage.
After you've taken away half his health, he'll transform into his second form where he'll spout wings and wield his weapon with both hands. His basic attacks don't change too much, but they'll all have increased speed, range and damage. He'll jump across the battlefield much more often, attacking you with dashing swings and by throwing exploding projectiles. Keep your distance even more than before and watch out for any openings. You can still backstab his leaping attack, but it's much harder to see it coming and has a larger hitbox, so be careful. Your best bet is to wait for his combination attack where he'll go batshit crazy and start attacking wildly. This series of attacks will end with him smashing his weapon into the ground, leaving him open for another backstab or at least 1-2 quick slashes depending on your position. You're likely to die a lot thanks to how unpredictable his second for is, but you'll make it ... eventually.

Ludwig, the Holy Blade
Defeat the beast that was once Ludwig, the Holy Blade.

DLC RequiredStory
Ludwig is the first boss you'll face in the expansion, located right after the Nightmare Church lantern and he's one tough cookie. It's highly recommended to summon Valtr to help you out with taking him down to give you more breathing space to recover from Ludwigs unrelenting attacks. Make sure to join the League to make Valtr available for summoning, you should find his sign behind two crows shortly before the boss area.
When fighting Ludwig, make sure to avoid his front at all costs. Ludwig has a variety of swiping combos and charge attacks that can lead to instant death when you're caught in them, depending on your vitality. Try to stick to the back of his body and get some damage in when you can. You're likely to still get hit regardless, but if you have Valtr with you, you can back off and heal relatively safely while Valtr distracts him. Just watch out for Ludwigs jumping attack where he'll leap up into the air and come crashing down on you. As soon as you see this, run away from his original location until he's back down, this way he should miss you 99% of the time.
Once you've taken away half his health, Ludwig will change into his second form, now standing upright and wielding
a giant Greatsword (that Souls veterans are likely to recognize). Your approach won't change drastically, but Ludwig will be able to punish you for backing off by shooting projectile attacks at you if you're not careful. Stick to his back as much as possible and get some damage in, back off to heal and repeat until he's dead.
One attack you'll want to look out for is his AoE attack where he'll hold down his sword. Back off quickly to avoid getting hit by a massive explosion. For his other dangerous attack he'll raise his sword into the air, then smash it down, releasing a burst of energy. It's easy to see coming as he charges this attack for quite a long time, but be sure to get away from him, preferably to his back to avoid taking massive damage. If you keep this in mind, Ludwig should go down... sooner or later.

Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
Defeat Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

DLC RequiredStory
You'll find Maria right after defeating the Living Failures (more like Dead Failures now, I guess). Her boss fight is most similar to that against Gehrman in the vanilla game, so prepare yourself.
Maria has lower range than other bosses, but she makes up for it with immense speed and powerful dash attacks. You can parry most of her attacks with your gun, but dodging her incoming attacks to the right and getting some quick hits in is much safer, unless you're really confident in your timing. Back off and dodge again and let her approach you, then dodge to the right again, get more hits in, rinse and repeat.
As you get further into the fight, Maria will infuse her weapon with her blood, increasing both her damage and range. Don't get intimidated, dodge close to her when she rushes in, as getting scared and backing off will have you get hit regardless. Her attacks become a bit more telegraphed, so fishing for counters is more viable than in her first phase, be careful. Don't get too far away, as she'll do a leaping attack than does massive damage when it hits you.
One more attack she'll do is a dash attack where she'll sheathe her sword, then come at you at high speed with a single slash. When she does this, stick close to her back or her side, which will result in the attack missing most of the time, leaving her back wide open. You can even get a backstab if you're fast enough. Stick to this strategy and you should emerge victorious if you don't get greedy.

Living Failures
Defeat the failed attempts to become Great Ones.

DLC RequiredStory
The Living Failures are a "horde mode" type of boss and you'll face them after Ludwig, at the end of the Research Hall area. You'll be fighting a growing group of alien blobs. Attacking them will do damage to a shared health bar, similar to the 4 Kings from Dark Souls 1.
As is to be expected with a horde mode boss, the key is to not let yourself get overwhelmed by their numbers. Play it patiently and try to keep the massive sunflower in the middle between you and most of them. Watch out as some of them will fire heat-seeking energy balls, which are fairly easy to avoid if you know they're coming but can pressure you quite a bit.
To get in some damage, either stick to their backs and slash away or, if you're confident in your timing, counter their swiping attacks with your gun and visceral them. This is a great way to get the most damage out of a single enemy. If you space yourself well, you can even backstab the ones charging magic to get another visceral for even more damage.
One attack to watch out for is where they'll all raise their hands into the air, causing meteorites to start raining onto the battlefield. Don't worry, this attack is actually a great chance to do damage. Backstab one of them while they're charging it and you'll be invincible during the actual attack, thanks to the visceral animation. If you don't want to risk that, just use the sunflower as cover.
If you want to, you can use a
Shaman Bone Blade to get the failures to fight among themselves, giving you pretty much free damage and time to heal.

Laurence, the First Vicar
Defeat the beast that was once Laurence, the First Vicar.

DLC Required
Laurence is the 5th DLC boss and the only optional one, though you can fight him almost directly after beating Ludwig. To get to him go to he Research Hall. From there take the elevator (which you activated using the Eye Pendant back) down, then step back on it and immediately step back off. The elevator will head back up on its own, giving way for another altar below it. That altar has Laurences head on it, take it. You've probably already noticed Laurence casually hanging out where you originally fought Vicar Amelia. Head back there and he'll get ready to fight.
Laurence is the Cleric Beast on fire, both literally and metaphorically. Don't take him lightly though, as he's got some hot new moves to set fire to the dancefloor, so you'd better get ready for a Disco Inferno. Laurence hits hard and doesn't have a problem with taking hits either.
Be careful, as he'll always open the fight with a ground pound followed by a wave of fire. Try to stick to his right side (his smaller arm) and attack whenever you can. If he's starting an attack or you're low on stamina, roll out to be on the safe side of things. Don't get too far away though, as he'll respond with a highly damaging leaping attack, which you can try to dodge by rolling forward if it comes down to it.
Once you've taken him down to half his health, he'll be unable to use his legs, leaving him crawling on the floor. This comes with some new attacks to watch out for. He'll start spitting lava, which is relatively easy to avoid but extremely damaging so watch out whenever he tilts his head back. On top of that he'll also gain a 180° sweep and a swiping attack, both of which are to be avoided at all costs and are telegraphed with Laurence lifting his left arm into the air. If you invested in vitality your approach doesn't need to change much, stick to his right and back off when you need to heal.
If you happen to be more on the frail side and can't risk taking his heavy hits you'll have to exploit his newfond disability by staying at a distance. You're going to want to watch out for him to either start spitting lava, in which case approach him by sidestepping to avoid the lava and getting in some hits on his weak arm while he's still busy spitting lava, or to do one of his swiping attacks, which also open him up for some quick hits.
At some point, Laurence will start crawling around you in a circle. This doesn't change his moves, but you won't be able to efficiently stay away from him anymore. While circling you, the back side of his right will be open for attacks so move along with him and attack when possible. Patience is key in this fight, as you'll probably spend a lot of time slashing away at his massive health bar, but if you don't get greedy you'll get there eventually.