Stage 1: Play the Campaign Delete
One sub-campaign for each Hero, wherein you'll strengthen the Hero in question, accumulate Elite and Champion units to help in combat, solve some puzzles, do some mini-quests, and gradually overwhelm the enemies that stand in your way. The game won't throw much at you in the way of misdirection, and there's always the ability to grind if it's necessary to accumulate more XP/units/cash as to beat whatever challenge is in front of you.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
Hero of Might and Magic
Complete all main quest and side quest objectives in all Campaigns
Unstoppable Army
Reach a Hero level of 10 and max out all units to level 5 in any Campaign
Skilled Strategist
Complete all Battle Puzzles in each Campaign
Bounty Hunter
Complete all bounty side quests
Treasure Hunter
Collect all artifacts of each campaign
Collect 'em all!
Unlock all special units
Young Hero
Win a battle in the Sylvan campaign
Stage 2: Online Delete
In this stage, you're looking to knock the online trophies out of the way. A process that will probably require some Boosting partners (3 for one trophy, 1 for the rest) and some time, and should probably be done after at least some of the Campaign is complete given a number of Campaign unlocks can be used online to help out.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
Legend of Battles
Reach Level 10 in online multiplayer mode
Online Hero
Win a battle in 1 vs. 1 online mode
Team Player
Win a battle in 2 vs. 2 online COOP mode
Stage 3: Cleaning Up Delete
This section is for anything that hasn't already been taken care of. Outside of the trophy for winning with a Villain character, the rest might very well have been completed during the first two stages. Anything required here can be addressed through Quick Battles against the CPU.
Please note: This stage includes the DLC trophies. See

Villains of Might and Magic and

Overkill in the DLC guide for additional help on those two trophies.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Create a link of 5+ formations in battle
Fusion Fanatic
Triple fuse an attack formation in battle
Villains of Might and Magic
Win a battle using any of the playable Villain characters
Deal an additional 100HP of damage to the enemy Hero on the finishing blow
Tips & Strategies
This title is a combination of match-3 styled play and some RPG elements. Gameplay consists of matching lines of same-color basic units to create attack stacks and/or walls, plus arranging some basic units in particular formations around more powerful "Elite" and "Champion" units to charge them for attack as well. Victory (or defeat) is achieved when one side's HP is reduced to 0.
The AI shouldn't pose much of a challenge. For starters, the AI is extraordinarily dumb and has a tendency to make nonsensical moves. And as the player, you enjoy some significant advantages beyond a working brain. The player has a "Hero Spell", which allows for a powerful effect to be deployed on the battlefield (said effect depends on the Hero in question). Also, the player has access to Artifacts that can further augment his power. Even when the AI is given a tailor-made setup that offers it an early advantage, it's not particularly difficult to overcome that with smart play (or a little bit of grinding).
In the event that a player completes an individual Hero's campaign without completing every last objective within or simply wishes to revisit territory in order to grind, it is possible to go back to those old chapters and finish up whatever is necessary.

Hero of Might and Magic
Complete all main quest and side quest objectives in all Campaigns

The main quest is straightforward and requires no further explanation.
Side quests cover a broad variety of other objectives. Bounty Missions are one-off battles offered by the Bounty Agent, requiring one to find a particular enemy and defeat him; after doing so, the Bounty Agent will provide an additional reward upon an additional conversation -- these enemies will have a money bag insignia above their heads when they can be battled. There are also some optional battles that can be triggered by speaking to the appropriate NPCs with crossed-swords insignia above their heads. There are Battle Puzzles, whose NPCs will be marked by a question mark inside a blue diamond; Battle Puzzles are one-off "fights" whose objective is to defeat every enemy unit in a single turn, and they require you to manipulate a given starting position in creative ways to create the necessary attack stacks in a limited number of moves.
There will also be a handful of Artifacts simply lying around, whether in Treasure Chests or hidden in locations that will be revealed by speaking to certain NPCs.
The final Hero chapter -- Nadia (Silver Cities) -- is almost completely linear. There are no Battle Puzzles or Bounty Missions, but one will wish to backtrack down the tower before proceeding to the final battles in order to fight new sidequest-type battles that appear and to accumulate the remaining Artifacts.

Unstoppable Army
Reach a Hero level of 10 and max out all units to level 5 in any Campaign

This requires the player to keep fighting battles until the requirements are met, as XP is a reward for victory in battle (other than the solving of the limited number of Battle Puzzles). Not only must the Hero be raised all the way to Level 10, but all eight available units -- all three basic units, both Elites, both Champions, and the hidden unit (either an Elite or a Champion) in a campaign must be raised to Level 5. Units only gain experience when they are used in battle, so this will require a fair amount of juggling and switching to raise every unit to the required point and to shelter them when they are relatively weak.
In every area, there will be multiple locations where random battles can spawn. Fighting in the area where the highest-leveled enemies can be found will shorten this task considerably -- this particular area is frequently around the shrine where the hidden unit can be purchased.

Legend of Battles
Reach Level 10 in online multiplayer mode

GrindMultiplayer Only
This requires one to win enough online ranked matches against human opponents to raise their online ranking level to the sufficient point.

Skilled Strategist
Complete all Battle Puzzles in each Campaign

There are six NPCs scattered across the first four Hero campaigns, each of whom will be marked with a "question mark inside a blue diamond" insignia and each of whom will have two Battle Puzzles to be solved. Challenging a particular puzzle will require you to have a particular unit (or units) in your possession, as these challenges give you a pre-set scenario to solve in a single turn.
These puzzles can be devious, difficult, and occasionally diabolical. They will challenge your ability to squeeze the maximum number of moves out of a given position to achieve the objective of destroying every unit on the opposite side of the battle map.
Solving these can go a long way towards teaching players some of the nuances of this game and making it even easier than it already is to whomp the AI.

Bounty Hunter
Complete all bounty side quests

The Bounty Agent can be found in various spots all around the map in each of the first four Hero Campaigns. This NPC offers a number of "bounty" missions whose objective it is to defeat another specified NPC for "the commission of various crimes". These are simply one-off battles, often against an enemy with different units from most of the battles to be fought within that campaign. Following the defeat of the specified bounty, return to the Agent for an additional reward above and beyond the routine post-combat spoils.
You will know that all of the bounties for a given chapter are complete when there are none active and the Bounty Agent has no more to give to you. There are no Bounty Missions in Nadia's chapter.

Treasure Hunter
Collect all artifacts of each campaign

Each chapter features ten artifacts specific to that campaign and only usable by that chapter's Hero. Some will be granted as the story progresses, some can be found in treasure chests, and some will be rewards for various sidequests.
You can track how many artifacts have been collected by a particular hero when going into the menus to change up your combat units -- it'll be the farthest right tab, and a tally (x/10) will be on the bottom of that menu screen. Collect all 50 artifacts across all 5 campaigns and this trophy is yours.

Collect 'em all!
Unlock all special units

Each Hero has access to three basic units and five special units: Elites and Champions. Most are found through storyline progression and/or purchase from the various Shrines that litter the landscape, but each of the first four campaigns also features a "hidden" unit whose Shrine is off the beaten path and concealed behind an optional battle.
Anwen can obtain the Unicorn (Elite), Godric can gain access to the Sword Master (Champion), Fiona can acquire the Wraith (Champion), and Aidan can summon the Sorcerer (Elite). Nadia's fifth unit is the Phoenix, but her campaign map is surprisingly linear and it won't be difficult to retrieve the unit in question so long as one backtracks to find the new sidequests that emerge as Nadia ascends the Tower.

Online Hero
Win a battle in 1 vs. 1 online mode

Multiplayer Only
This one can be boosted if playing partners are difficult to find. This requires one to win the required battle against an online (human) opponent.

Create a link of 5+ formations in battle

A link is created when two units of the same color have the same remaining charge time (and ultimately attack together). Links are a basic-but-useful tactic in this game because linked units that launch together each receive a bonus to their attack power.
This trophy obliges you to link 5 or more formations together. It takes a fair amount of planning and a little bit of luck to make this work, as you need to diligently work to create a handful of linked units and the good fortune to have the game provide you the necessary fodder. It's best to aim for a mix of different unit types, as the difference in charge times allows you to prepare certain units first and then to arrange the quicker charging units to synchronize everything. When setting up your available units before a match to try and get this, you'll probably want one Champion and one Elite as your "additional" units, and to make sure that the charge times of those are different and also different from whichever basic unit is your pick.
There are two Artifacts that can provide some assistance to this. Godric has one that allows for the summoning of reinforcements without losing an action -- this can be immensely friendly as it allows one to bring in more charging fodder in less time. Aidan gets the Ring of Celerity, which simply adds an additional action every turn. Simply having more moves to get this done can be an immense help.
On the other hand, stay away from Aidan (or Jezebeth) and Nightmares because they won't work as well as one would think. Even if they are both the same color, two Nightmares will not be considered linked if they have different charge times, even when the Nightmares' ability to launch in unison is triggered.

Fusion Fanatic
Triple fuse an attack formation in battle

Fusion is a tactic wherein an attack formation is created behind another attack formation (i.e., in the same column) of the same type and color -- e.g., a Blue Knight behind a currently-charging Blue Knight. When this happens, the two units fuse and become one formation with double the power and the remaining charging time of the currently-charging unit. It doesn't sound particularly wonderful, but it does allow for the equivalent of that second unit's attack to take place sooner, plus it provides MP for the Hero Spell, plus there are Artifacts that can further augment Fused units.
This trophy obliges you to Fuse an attack formation, and then to Fuse another attack formation into that Fused unit. It's not easy, it takes a fair amount of luck with the game giving you the units you need to make this happen, and it can be almost impossible to do for basic units given their short charge times.
Nadia receives an Artifact late in her Campaign that allows Wizards to Fuse with one another regardless of color. This can be a substantial boost to getting this trophy when deployed with the right formations.

Team Player
Win a battle in 2 vs. 2 online COOP mode

Multiplayer Only
In addition to standard 1v1 Quick Battles, the online offers the opportunity for four players to engage in 2v2 battles, with each team having two cooperative human players, each of whom have their own Hero Spells, MP, Units on the battlefield, et cetera. It's a very different way to play the game and can take a fair amount of getting used to if you've never tried it.
It's probably best to find a trio of boosting partners and arrange a time and place for this one.

Young Hero
Win a battle in the Sylvan campaign

The Sylvan campaign is the very first storyline campaign in the game. This should pop after victory in any single battle.