Stage 1: Ready Up Delete
You'll want to start out by doing a few things to get ready for your multiplayer experience with this game. The first thing you may want to do are things called Situations, which are single-player tutorial-like missions that should get you familiar with the game. These teach you various tactics and get you familiar with a number of the maps, you will also be awarded trophies for finishing each Situation.
There are 12 situation-related trophies in total, 10 are awarded to you for simply completing a situation and if you're really a perfectionist, 2 of them are related to collecting all of the "stars" (challenges) in a Situation, each Situation has 3 stars.
Another important thing you'll want to do is find a great group of people to play this game with. If you don't have any friends that own this game, then don't be afraid to put your mic on and jump into multiplayer games (you will find out quickly that having your mic on is
almost essential with most game modes). You'll no doubt make some friends this way, more easily than most other games. If you're still having trouble or don't want to find a squad of friends, you can also consider finding or creating a Gaming Session here on the site.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
CQB Basics
Complete Situation CQB Basics.
Suburban Extraction
Complete Situation Suburban Extraction.
High Value Target
Complete Situation High Value Target.
Tubular Assault
Complete Situation Tubular Assault.
Cold Zero
Complete Situation Cold Zero.
Asset Protection
Complete Situation Asset Protection.
Neutralize Cell
Complete Situation Neutralize cell.
No Intel
Complete Situation No Intel.
Improvise Defense
Complete Situation Improvise Defense.
Heavily Fortified
Complete Situation Heavily Fortified.
Master and Commander
Earn 3 STARS in one Situation
Article 5
Complete mission Article 5.
Stage 2: All Systems Online Delete
It's time to dive into the multiplayer! There are a number of various random trophies you'll get naturally by simply playing multiplayer matches, the biggest one you'll be going for is

Objective Driven, which requires you to win a round (not matches, just rounds) 50 times in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer. There's also

One Mind, which requires you to win 1 match without losing a single round in Ranked Multiplayer.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
Taking Point
Unlock an Attack Operator.
On Your Six
Unlock a Defense Operator.
Playing Favorites
Unlock all Operators in one CTU.
Full Roster
Unlock all Operators.
Jack of All Trades
Play as every single operator in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.
To the Top
Reach Clearance Level 50.
Customize a Weapon.
Collect and save 5000 Renown.
Unlock 50 weapon attachments.
Fashion Week
Apply weapon skins to 30 weapons.
Death from Above
Breach a Floor or Ceiling in "House" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.
Coming through!
Breach and rappel through a window in "Consulate" in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.
Reinforce 2 breakable walls in "Bank" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.
Air Force One
Defend the Meeting Room in "Plane" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.
Who Dares
Win a match of TDM - Hostage in "Hereford" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Sausage Fest
Win a match of TDM - Secure Area in "Clubhouse" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Kill 10 enemies blinded from Stun Grenade in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Blind Ambition
Destroy 5 drones in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Meat Wall
Kill an enemy with a Breach Charge in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Oh Yeah!
Destroy a Reinforced Wall with the Thermite Charge in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Don't go in There!
Kill an Attacker inside a Barbed Wire in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Wrong Number
Kill 10 enemies with Nitro Cell in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Place 5 Barricades as a Defender in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
That was Fast!
Find the Objective in TDM - Secure Area within 20 seconds in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Objective Driven
Win a round 50 times in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Receive a Skill Rank in Ranked Multiplayer.
One Mind
Win 1 match without losing a single round in Ranked Multiplayer.
Brothers in Arms
Revive injured teammates 10 times in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.
Stage 3: Terrorist Hunt Delete
Some people argue that Terrorist Hunt is the single best gameplay mode in the Rainbow Six franchise, those people aren't necessarily wrong either, it's a fantastic game mode if you have a good team and you notch the difficulty up to realistic to really make it tactical.
That being said, there's only one trophy that requires you to play on realistic difficulty, all of these other trophies can be done on easy difficulty. Either way, you'll be spending a lot of time on this stage! For example,

Terro Hunter requires you to kill 2,500 terrorists over the course of playing Terrorist Hunt and

Camper requires you to successfully complete any Defend game mode 100 times in Terrorist Hunt.
Hopefully you've spent enough time in multplayer to find a good group of friends to play Terrorist Hunt with, if not then you'll still be able to get most of these going in blind, if you still need any help with any particular trophies though, definitely consider finding or joining a Gaming Session.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Terro Hurt
Complete 20 Terrorist Hunt missions.
Brain Surgeon
Get 150 Headshots in Terrorist Hunt missions.
Hit and Run
Complete a Terrorist Hunt mission in under 2 minutes.
Complete a Terrorist Hunt mission on REALISTIC difficulty.
Terro Hunter
Kill 2500 terrorists in Terrorist Hunt.
Successfully complete any Defend game mode 100 times in Terrorist Hunt.
That bullet pen...
Kill 200 terrorists with bullet penetration in Terrorist Hunt.
Tips & Strategies
Filtering Your Matches
It may not first seem like it, but you can actually filter what you want to play when going into matchmaking, whether it be to turn off certain game modes completely, or select certain maps to find. Ubisoft just hid these options deep, deep inside of the Options menus for some reason. Here's a breakdown on filtering matchmaking preferences:
- From the main menu, press the Options button on your PS4 controller, select "Options" from the menu, then select "Matchmaking Preferences". From here, feel free to switch on or off anything that you want.
- This will prove most helpful with Terrorist Hunt, for example, if you're trying to get the
Camper trophy, scroll down to "Matchmaking Preferences - Terrorist Hunt" and turn everything off except for "Protect Hostage". Now when you go into matchmaking for Terrorist Hunt, it should only give you Protect Hostage matches.
- You'll find that matchmaking preference filtering will prove to be very useful when going for a number of trophies.
Checking Your Stats
You can view a lot of specific stats not viewable in the game by visiting the Rainbow Six Siege Website and then select "My Player Profile" on the left side of the homepage.
- Once you log into your player profile using your Uplay account, you can see your stats overview by selecting the "PVP" tab on the right side and your Situation/Terrorist Hunt stats by selecting the "PVE" tab, these sections also have specific operator stats along with the ability to view friends as well.
- It should be noted that under the "PVE" stats section, the website bundles Situation and Terrorist Hunt kills together, so the numbers will be a little inflated, but it still gives you a good gauge of where you are.

Master of Siege
Get all trophies.
Ultra Rare

Taking Point
Unlock an Attack Operator.

This trophy is unlocked once you purchase an Operator in the Attack class, for more information on Operators, take a look at the

Full Roster trophy.

On Your Six
Unlock a Defense Operator.

This trophy is unlocked once you purchase an Operator in the Defense class, for more information on Operators, take a look at the

Full Roster trophy.

Playing Favorites
Unlock all Operators in one CTU.

A CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit) is essentially a unit class such as SAS, FBI SWAT, etc... Each CTU contains 4 Operators that you can unlock, which will cost you a total of 5,000 Renown. Once you unlock all four Operators in a single CTU, this trophy is yours.
For more information on Operators and CTU's, take a look at the

Full Roster trophy.

Full Roster
Unlock all Operators.

Operators are basically online "characters" that you can choose to play as during online matches and terrorist hunts. You can unlock an Operator by purchasing one with your Renown, the game's currency you receive for playing matches, getting kills, etc... The first Operator you can buy will cost you 500 Renown, which will require you to complete a few online matches, Terrorist Hunts, or Situation challenges to get. You can access the Operators from the main menu, while at the main menu, press

to move over to the Operators section where you can unlock and manage Operators.
There are five Counter Terrorism Units (CTU's), which are pretty much different unit classes that Operators belong to. There is SAS, FBI SWAT, GIGN, SPETSNAZ, and GSG 9. Each CTU has two attackers and two defenders. Whatever Operator you choose from any CTU is entirely your choice. Attack Operators are good for the attacking team in multiplayer and terrorist hunt game modes, while the Defense Operator are used in the defending team in multiplayer and terrorist hunt game modes.
With the base game, there are 20 Operators to unlock in total across all five of the CTU's. This will cost you 25,000 Renown in total. After you've unlocked all of them, this trophy is yours.

Jack of All Trades
Play as every single operator in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.

Once you've unlocked all Operators and earned

Full Roster, all you have to do is play at least one online game or Terrorist Hunt match with each Operator. Once you've done that, this trophy is yours!
Note: You can fail Terrorist Hunt missions & lose multiplayer rounds with these operators, just so long as you play them.

To the Top
Reach Clearance Level 50.

Your clearance level is your online rank. You rank up in Rainbow Six by getting kills, finishing online matches, completing Situations, Terrorist Hunts, and so on. To get to clearance level 50, you'll simply need to play the game. By the time you have all of the trophies, you should have reached (or have came close to) level 50.

Customize a Weapon.

Customizing a weapon simply requires you to change it from its default state, whether that means you just add an attachment to it or change its skin, once you do that this trophy will unlock.
It should be noted that you need to unlock an Operator to be able to customize weapons. Once you have an Operator unlocked, you can go to the Operators section of the main menu, choose an unlocked operator of yours, choose Loadout, choose a weapon, and then change any aspect of it (attachments or skins).

Collect and save 5000 Renown.

Renown is the game's currency that is awarded to you once you do things like finishing matches, getting kills, and so on. With Renown, you'll be able to purchase operators, weapons, and attachments. This trophy requires you to have 5,000 Renown in your bank at one time. It's not too hard for this to happen, you'll find that it's fairly quick that Renown will add up to 5,000 if you don't buy much in a certain period of time.

Unlock 50 weapon attachments.

Weapon attachments are add-ons such as scopes and silencers that you can add onto your guns. Each gun has a number of attachments that can be added to them. You'll need to spend Renown (the game's currency that you get for playing matches and getting kills) to purchase attachments. After purchasing 50 attachments total across the various weapons that you own, you'll unlock this trophy.
It's obviously recommended that when going for this trophy that you purchase low priced attachments for your weapons like Grips (50 Renown), Compensators (70 Renown), and Flash Hiders (70 Renown). Doing this won't cost you much over 5,000 Renown total.

Fashion Week
Apply weapon skins to 30 weapons.

Weapon skins are patterns such as camo that you can add onto your gun, to apply a skin you'll need to select one of your unlocked Operators from the main menu, go to their loadout, choose a weapon, and scroll down to the bottom to where you can find the available skins for that gun. Some skins cost Renown, some cost R6 Credits, some cost a combination of both.
A fairly inexpensive way to get a few skins that you can apply to every weapon is to select
UPlay from the main menu, which will take you to the Ubisoft Club app, from here you'll want to navigate to rewards on the right side by selecting "More Rewards". There are a couple weapon skins you can get here for free depending on if you meet the requirements (playing the beta or played Splinter Cell Blacklist). You can also purchase weapons with UPlay Points (which you earn by playing other Ubisoft games). The
Elephant and
Fire skin appear to be available on every weapon.
At least one weapon skin has to be applied to
30 different weapons (If it's the same weapon for a different Operator, that still counts as a "different weapon"). So you'll need to own about 8 - 10 Operators total (depending on how many weapons you can customize with each Operator) before you can get this trophy.

Death from Above
Breach a Floor or Ceiling in "House" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.

You're able to breach floors by locating a fairly large square section in the floor, placing a breach charge on it, and then blowing the breach charge up. All Attack Operators have a breach charge except for Montagne in GIGN. Once you breach through the floor using a breach point, this trophy will unlock.
There are four breach points in House, one in the master bedroom on the second floor, one on the second floor balcony at the top of the stairs, one in the kitchen on the first floor, and another in the pool table room on the first floor. Pictured below is what a breach point looks like.

Coming through!
Breach and rappel through a window in "Consulate" in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.

Consulate has a ton of windows all over the building, and it will be almost impossible not to breach a window while playing this map. This trophy requires you to take a breach charge (all Attack Operators have a breach charge except for Montagne in GIGN). Once you rappel up a wall and locate a window, place a breach charge on it, blow it open, and then rappel through the window. This can be done in either Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.
Remember not to kill yourself while breaching! Plant the breach charge onto the window with

, then press

to jump away from the window as if you're about to kick through it, while you're midway in the air, press

again to ignite the breach charge.

Reinforce 2 breakable walls in "Bank" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.

When playing a defensive position in the Bank in either Terrorist Hunt or multiplayer, you'll have the option to go up to walls and put temporary reinforcement walls in front of them. Do this two times and this trophy is yours!

Air Force One
Defend the Meeting Room in "Plane" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.

When playing an Attack & Defend related game mode on
Plane and you're on the defending team in either Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt, your team has the option to choose to defend the
Meeting Room. If your team chooses to defend the Meeting Room and manages to defend it without losing, you'll earn this trophy.
Note: You personally don't have to stay in the Meeting Room during that round, you can also personally die during that round and if your team goes on to win, you'll still get the trophy.

Who Dares
Win a match of TDM - Hostage in "Hereford" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
TDM - Hostage is a game mode that requires one team to hold the hostage and prevent the other team from rescuing the hostage. This trophy simply requires you to be on the winning team of TDM - Hostage while playing on the Hereford map.

Sausage Fest
Win a match of TDM - Secure Area in "Clubhouse" on Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
TDM - Secure Area is a game mode where the defending team has to defend a selected area while the attacking team has to take the area and kill all defenders. If you're on the winning team of Secure Area in Clubhouse, this trophy is yours!

Terro Hurt
Complete 20 Terrorist Hunt missions.

Co‑Op or Solo
Terrorist Hunt missions drop you and several other players in a map with up to 30 A.I. enemies. Your goal is to work with your team to eliminate all enemies. If you do that, you've completed the mission. Completing 20 Terrorist Hunt missions in total will get you this trophy. You'll get this one naturally while working on other Terrorist Hunt trophies.

Brain Surgeon
Get 150 Headshots in Terrorist Hunt missions.

Co‑Op or Solo
After getting 150 cumulative enemy headshot kills while playing Terrorist Hunt, this trophy is yours. You'll likely get this one naturally while going for other Terrorist Hunt related trophies, but just remember to aim for the head when possible.
Note: You can view how many headshot kills you've gotten on the Rainbow Six Siege Website, by going to your player profile, selecting "PVE", and looking at your Stats Overview. It should be noted that the website bundles Situation and Terrorist Hunt kills together, so the numbers will be a little inflated, but it gives you a good gauge of where you are.

Hit and Run
Complete a Terrorist Hunt mission in under 2 minutes.

Co‑Op or SoloTime Limited
Finishing a Terrorist Hunt in just 2 minutes definitely requires good quickness from your squad. You'll definitely want to attempt to the easiest difficulty (Normal) while attempting this trophy, as that will make it a whole lot easier. Normal difficulty is really easy and you'll find that you can take A.I. out fairly easily and efficiently in that difficulty. Chances are that if you play Normal difficulty terrorist hunt long enough that you'll earn this trophy naturally.
Maps like House, Plane, and Consulate are some of the best maps to rush through on normal difficulty as they are very close quarter and are relatively small maps.

Complete a Terrorist Hunt mission on REALISTIC difficulty.

Co‑Op or SoloDifficulty Specific
Completing a Terrorist Hunt mission on realistic difficulty can prove to be quite a challenge if you're just going in blind. That being said, if you've got the right team, with the right set of Operators, especially with mics on, you'll find that you can undertake a realistic difficulty Terrorist Hunt with great teamwork and efficiency.
To start off, your best bet is in
Terrorist Hunt Classic, which normally you'll end up getting in the random rotation of Terrorist Hunt modes. You can also filter specifically what Terrorist Hunt game modes you want to join in matchmaking. From the main menu, press the Options button on your PS4 controller, select "Options", then select "Matchmaking Preferences". From here, scroll down to "Matchmaking Preferences - Terrorist Hunt", turn everything off except for "Terrorist Hunt Classic". You can also just select House and/or Consolute from that same settings menu make it more likely to get those maps in matchmaking. If you aren't hosting a squad, make sure the host adjusts these preference settings.
So when setting up before a game, one person
must have an Operator that is able to throw cameras down and roll them around the map to spot enemies, that person also should
definitely have a mic with them. A good Operator that can do this would be
Twitch, for example. The rest of the people can basically choose whatever Operators they feel comfortable with, though it's recommended that they try to be as tactical as they can as a team, so one person may want to choose a shotgun, while someone else may want to use a shield, and another may want to use a rifle. It's honestly up to the players what they want to choose though, what they're best comfortable with is the best bet. Just so long as someone has an Operator with the cameras.
Before you start the match, it's important to note that there are a few maps that work fantastically for this strategy, maps such as
Consulate and
House really well as they both have basements and a good layout for room-clearing. There are other good maps as well, but these are recommended. If you want to try other maps, try the same basic tactic by breaching their bottom floor and going up. It should be noted that even though the map Hereford has a basement, it's considered a difficult map to go through.
Now you'll want to start a Terrorist Hunt match, all of the players need to head to the basement door (or if there isn't a basement on the map you're playing, the lowest floor). The player that chose an Operator with the cameras will want to rappel all the way up to the roof and go prone, getting out of sight of any enemies that might see them. They now need to throw their camera off the roof roll it over to the basement door while the other players wait outside the basement. The player controlling the camera will now need to start tagging enemies present inside and around the basement area while constantly communicating over the mic where the enemies are. When the player controlling the camera starts tagging enemies, that's the best time for the other players to breach through the basement door and start firing upon the enemies.
Basic clearing strategies for Consulate and House (Click on the images to Enlarge)
From this point on, the player controlling the camera drone and the players on foot will move room to room, keep in mind that the camera Operator needs to say about one room
ahead of the other players and tag enemies, don't stray too far ahead though, stay close to the team as they need the camera closeby. All of the players that aren't the camera operators need to stay close together, the further everyone is spread across the map, the less chance there is of succeeding. Go room to room, from the bottom floor to the top floor and clear out the entire building, the players with guns (along with the player operating the camera drone when possible) will have to watch each others backs as they're moving because enemies will tend to flank you.
Remember that if you fail, you can always press

in-between the match to retry the map, you can do it as many times as you'd like until you manage to win a map.

Kill 10 enemies blinded from Stun Grenade in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.
Very Rare

Multiplayer Only
The description for this trophy isn't worded well at all, to get this trophy, you're going to have to kill another player in online multiplayer while
they are affected by a stun grenade. Stun Grenades give off a bright white flash and loud piercing noise as a means to disorient your enemy when thrown at them. Killing 10 enemies while they are affected by a Stun Grenade will get you this trophy.
Note: Even though this trophy description says "Stun Grenade", it looks like you can use Blitz (the Operator), who has a Flash Shield ability, which will count towards this trophy as well. Walk up to an enemy, press

to use the flash shields ability to stun your enemy, then hit them with the shield or shoot them to kill them.

Blind Ambition
Destroy 5 drones in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
Drones are those cameras that roll around on the floor that players can deploy to tag enemies. If they pass close to you, they'll be easy to spot as they usually roll around fairly quickly. To destroy a drone, you'll need to fire your weapon at it, if you manage to hit it then you'll destroy it. Doing this 5 times over the course of the game will get you this trophy.
While playing Attack & Defend game modes, the defending team will have time at the beginning of the match to set up defenses while the attacking team will have to use their camera drones to spot you. If you're on the defending team, during this time is when it's easy to destroy camera drones as they enter your defending zone.

Meat Wall
Kill an enemy with a Breach Charge in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
A breach charge is an explosive device that you can strap onto a surface such as a wall or floor to breach through into another room. An enemy will basically have to be standing near the other side of the wall that you breach to get killed by it. This trophy will involve a good bit of luck and will basically require you to keep playing.
If you're with a team of friends, you can coordinate better to get this, it's preferred to go for this in an Attack & Defend style game mode where the enemy will have to defend a room. So once you join a room with your friends, have one player drop a camera drone on the floor and roll into a room with the enemies in it and have them tag enemies, if a tagged enemy is next to a beachable wall that you can breach, strap your breach charge onto the wall and blow it up, the blast should kill the enemy if they're close enough.
All Attack Operators except for Montagne in GIGN have the Breach Charge.

Oh Yeah!
Destroy a Reinforced Wall with the Thermite Charge in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
During multiplayer Attack & Defend style games, the defending team will usually have time at the start of the match to set up defenses, this includes setting up reinforced walls, which are metal walls surfaces that can basically be pulled up to block weak walls from being breached.
As the attacking team, you'll notice a wall is reinforced from the other side by seeing spikes through the wall. If you have a Thermite Charge with you, then you'll be able to blow through it and obtain this trophy in the process.
Thermite, the name of an Operator from FBI SWAT has an Exothermic Charge which can blow through Reinforced Walls. Walk up to the rear side of a reinforced wall and plant a Thermite Charge with

, back up, and press

again to ignite it.

Don't go in There!
Kill an Attacker inside a Barbed Wire in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
Barbed wire is that pesky stuff that defenders can throw down on floors to slow down attackers if they step into it. If an enemy player manages to step into some barbed wire, they will slow down to a snails pace, giving you the perfect chance to fire upon them.
If you're setting up barbed wire and are attempting to get this trophy, be smart about it! Set it up in locations that the attacking team will almost need to pass to get to you such as stairways, doorways, or hallways and make sure to not have areas around the barbed wire they can easily walk around.

Wrong Number
Kill 10 enemies with Nitro Cell in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
A Nitro Cell is the remote detonated C4 explosive, the small rectangular explosive with a cell-phone taped to it with a red blinking light. The following Defender Operators can carry Nitro Cells: Smoke, Mute, Pulse, Kapkan, and Bandit. That being said, you may have to go into their loadout and change their gadget to the Nitro Cell if it already isn't selected.
You have to get 10 kills in
online multiplayer, Terrorist Hunt doesn't count! These can be placed on virtually any surface and you can ignite them at any time, preferably when an enemy is nearby to kill. Once you get 10 kills with the Nitro Cell, this trophy is yours! It's recommended you try getting kills with this thing while on the defending team in multiplayer as you can find a good spot to place it so an unsuspecting enemy can pass it on their way to you.

Place 5 Barricades as a Defender in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
When you're playing an Attack & Defend style game mode and are playing as the defending team, you'll be able to walk up to any window or archway opening and barricade it, this will cause a window or opening to now be blocked off with wood, making it harder for an attacker to come through.
Setting up 5 barricades over the course of playing matches in multiplayer will get you this trophy. This trophy is an easy one, you'll most certainly get it naturally. Note that this does not count with Terrorist Hunt.

CQB Basics
Complete Situation CQB Basics.

Situations are single-player tutorial-like missions that should get you familiar with the mechanics of the game. You can access them by selecting
Situations from the main menu. It's recommended to do these early or first as they have a number of helpful tactics and information that could definitely benefit you in online play.
In this Situation, you'll be tasked with simply taking out 9 enemies at Hereford. This trophy will be awarded to you right after killing the last enemy at Hereford. You likely won't miss this trophy as Situations are the only thing you'll be able to do while the game is installing.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Kill 2 enemies while aiming - This one is simple, all you need to do is hold
to aim down your sights and then fire at the enemy with
while aiming down your sights, do this to two enemies total.
- Perform 4 headshots - Kill four enemies total by shooting them in the head. Play on normal difficulty to have more time to line up your shots.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - All that you need to do here is play the situation on normal and memorize enemy locations so you fire at them before they're able to hurt you. There is 1 enemy outside the front door, 1 enemy directly in the room to the left after entering through the front, 1 enemy in the room directly next door to that one, 1 in the room across the hall from the second room. On the second floor there is 1 enemy in the room to the right and 1 enemy in the room to the left. There are 3 enemies behind the barricade in the room ahead of the stairs (they will usually break the barricade right after you've killed the second enemy upstairs).

Suburban Extraction
Complete Situation Suburban Extraction.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation Suburban Extraction. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation CQB Basics. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
In this situation you'll be infiltrating a house with a hostage located inside the master bedroom on the second floor. There are a handful of enemies inside of the house, once you grab the hostage a few more enemies will spawn.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Kill 1 Blinded Enemy - Simply throw a flashbang on the ground near an enemy with
and then shoot them while they are affected by it (they will be waving their arms in front of their eyes when blinded).
- Destroy 2 breakable surfaces using breach charges - Walk up to a barricaded wooden surface such as a window or door and press
to plant a breach charge, back away and press
to ignite it. Do this on two surfaces total.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - Make sure you're playing the situation on normal difficulty, don't breach through the front door, instead head through the basement door on the right side of the house and up the "spiral" stairs on the right side, go through the kitchen and into the dining room to clear out enemies on the first floor, be sure to then clear out the two enemies in the pool table room too. Then go upstairs through the bathroom and kill the enemy in there, then break into the bedroom and kill what should be the remaining enemy in there. This may take you a few times to get where all enemies in the house are. Once you grab the hostage, drop the hostage and then check the front stairs for any enemies that might come up, once it's all clear throw a camera drone under the front door and roll up to the extraction zone and mark any enemies by holding
. Now walk out and kill the remaining enemies you tagged, after that it should be clear to go and grab the hostage and extract her.

High Value Target
Complete Situation High Value Target.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation High Value Target. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation Suburban Extraction. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
High Value Terget has you disarm a bomb in a room on the second floor of a consulate, after starting the disarm process, you'll have to protect yourself against enemies that will rush the room.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Keep an enemy from touching the defuser -After you've armed the defuser and are defending it, wait until an enemy walks up to the defuser and red text comes on your screen saying "Defuser Under Attack", once that happens kill the enemy and this objective should be yours.
- Kill 2 enemies through a breakable surface - To get this trophy, you'll have to kill 2 enemies through walls, not many tips can be given here, except to try to do this before starting the defuse process. Shoot a hole in a wall so you can see them coming and try to penetrate your bullets through a wall next to the hole you made.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - Once this situation starts, take out every enemy in the consulate on the way to the bomb. Start the defusing process on the side of the bomb closest to the window, by the flipped over couch. Next to the flipped over couch is a small extension of the room of sorts, in there no enemies can flank you. If you run in there quick enough and hide against the wall, you'll be in a good spot, and at times there will be a bug where enemies just won't see you and casually run up to the bomb defuser, where you can simply nail headshots into them.

Tubular Assault
Complete Situation Tubular Assault.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation Tubular Assault. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation High Value Target. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
In Tubular Assault, you are tasked with clearing a plane of 11 enemies. The plane has tight corners and multiple floors with a lot of rooms.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Kill 2 enemies while leaning - While you're aiming down your sights with
, you can also press
to lean left along with pressing
to lean right. Simply kill 2 enemies while leaning.
- Use Ash's Breaching Rounds, destroy 2 breakable surfaces - Pressing
will pull out Ash's Breaching gun, firing this at breakable surfaces such as wooden walls and wooden barricades will get you this objective. There are only 2 rounds in this gun, so make sure you use both bullets to destroy breakable surfaces, otherwise you'll have to restart the mission as ammo boxes don't resuply you with rounds for this gun.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - As usual with these, be sure to play on normal difficulty. Keeping above 50 health isn't too hard, check your corners as they could be behind any corner.

Cold Zero
Complete Situation Cold Zero.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation Cold Zero. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation Tubular Assault. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
Cold Zero has you extract the hostage from the top floor of a building filled and surrounded by several enemies. Once you grab the hostage you'll have to take him to an extraction zone.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Kill 1 Bomber with a headshot - The bomber is the guy that breathes heavily with blue lights (which turn red as he's charging towards you) who commits a suicide bombing to try to kill you. You have to kill this guy with a headshot. As detailed in the "7 minute" objective below, the bomber should be located on the second floor.
- Extract the hostage under 7 minutes - Play this situation on normal difficulty. When the Situation starts, run up to the building right ahead of you and rappel up the left side of it to the roof, once at the top you can start firing at the enemies on the same roof you're on, try to get headshots as they shouldn't have spotted you yet, now take out the guys in the parking lot on by firing from the roof to the ground below you. Press
to use the night-vision scope on your gun to shoot at further distances. After taking everyone out, run across the roof to the side of the building with the hostage and enter through the roof access door (the second door, further away from the one you rappled up next to). Now move through and be aware of enemies coming out of doorways on the left side in the hallway and enemies coming up the stairs (including the bomber) to the right side. Once taking those enemies out, run to the end of the hall, go through the server room taking out any enemies there and then to the hostage room. Once you've taken all enemies out on that floor then grab the hostage and immediately run out to the roof, drop the hostage before getting to the roof access door (that you rappeled up nearby at the start of the situation) and shoot what should be two enemies that are at the top of those steps. Once they're clear move to the edge of the roof on the side of the extraction point and look straight down to shoot two remaining enemies there. Once you've done that, grab the hostage and run down the stairs and outside the building to the extraction point.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - Use the strategy above on normal difficulty, however don't worry about trying to do this in the same run as the 7 minute run, do it separately if you need to and take your time with this one.

Asset Protection
Complete Situation Asset Protection.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Asset Protection. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation Cold Zero. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
Asset Protection is a situation that requires you to protect a person from being assinated from three waves of enemies in the basement at Hereford.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Barricade 2 Doors or Windows - To get this objective, you simply just have to walk up to any doorway or window and hold down the
button to barricade it. Doing this twice will get you the star.
- Using Smoke's Remote Gas Grenade, kill 1 enemy - To do this, all you have to do is press
to throw a gas grenade and then press
again when an enemy gets near it to ignite it, if the enemy is close enough, the gas should kill them.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - This one can prove to be a little tough. When you start you're going to want to start barricading the two doorways that lead into the room, then start reinforcing the sheetrock walls. After you've reinforced 2 walls the game tells you that you can't reinforce any more, but if you refill from the ammo box near the hostage it will give you one more reinforcement each time. Do this to reinforce one more wall and by that time the round should start. Now run in the small area behind the ammo box and crouch and press the
button to switch to an SMG. Now while crouched behind the ammo box, look at the door that you barricaded on the far side of the room and get ready to fire when enemies punch through it and enter the room. Take out each enemy as they come through. If the hostage is downed, don't worry about reviving him until you've killed all enemies. After that first wave of enemies, use the ammo box to restock and reinforce more walls along with re-barricading the doors. When wave 2 starts, crouch behind the ammo box and do the same thing. After wave 2, you should be able to have reinforced all walls by now (if they blew a hole in a wall that wasn't previously reinforced, you can still reinforce the hole by going up to the wall and looking at the middle of it where you will get the
prompt to reinforce it. Wave 3 is the hardest as it features 3 standard enemies with 1 shield enemy. Kill the standard enemies as you normally would. You might want to plant a Remote Gas Grenade or a Nitro Cell outside in the hallway as the shield enemy will usually try to breach through your reinforced wall with a thermite charge there. If you can't manage to kill the shield guy with a Gas Grenade, then stay crouched behind the ammo box and you can usually get the shield guy as he enters the room and starts shooting at the hostage. He's tricky though and it may take you a few tries.

Neutralize Cell
Complete Situation Neutralize cell.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation Neutralize Cell. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation Asset Protection. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
Neutralize Cell tasks you with eliminating 14 terrorists inside of a rural house. The house is rigged with a lot of explosives that will be in your way which you'll need to clear.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Destroy 5 Enemy Nitro Cells - Nitro cells are those small C4-like explosives with blinking red lights that explode if you get too close to them. Simply shoot 5 of them to destroy them. These are scattered all around the area, and you'll likely naturally get this to get around the building.
- Finish the situation in under 5 minutes - Be sure to play this situation on normal difficulty. Once you start take the enemy out on the roof ahead of you, then rappel up to that rooftop and then break through the window ahead of you on that rooftop. Now clear out the top floor which contains about 3 enemies (the bomber usually runs up the stairs on the right side there, watch out for him), then go down the stairs and kill all enemies down there watching out for nitro cells (C4 explosives), shoot them if they're in your way. This may take a few tries, but it's fairly easy to finish this trophy in 5 minutes.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - Use the method above while being much slower and more careful, by the time you get the "5 minute" objective you should know a good route and know where all enemies are as well to get this objective fairly easily.

No Intel
Complete Situation No Intel.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation No Intel. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation Neutralize Cell. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
In No Intel, you break through a building in Moscow, Russia and take out enemies as you free a hostage in a room on the second floor.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Using Thermite, breach a reinforced wall - Go up to a reinforced wall (See
Oh Yeah! for more information on reinforced walls) and then plant a breach charge on it with
, back away and press
again to ignite it.
- Kill 2 enemies with Frag Grenades - Simply press
to throw a grenade at an enemy, doing this to kill 2 enemies will get you this objective.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - Climb up to the rooftop and then breach through the hole on the right side by using a grenade with
or your breach charge with
. Check for enemies and then drop down and clear out the second floor, at least one enemy is in each room. Now go down the stairs and clear each room. The hostage room can be cleared through the fireplace or through the room above it, there are 3 enemies in the hostage room, one usually is standing in the train cart on the side. After grabbing the hostage, drop her and then go to the fireplace and aim at the doorway in the dining room and shoot the 2 enemies that come through the door. Now go to the roof and use your camera drone to roll to the back side of the building to target the 3 or so enemies standing around the extraction zone, go to that side of the roof and fire at them to kill them. Now take the hostage and bring her to the extraction zone.

Improvise Defense
Complete Situation Improvise Defense.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation Improvise Defense. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation No Intel. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.

Heavily Fortified
Complete Situation Heavily Fortified.

This trophy will be awarded to you for completing the Situation Heavily Fortified. You'll unlock this situation after completing Situation Improvise Defense. See

CQB Basics for more information on Situations.
This mission has you infiltrate a house in the snowy mountains which is heavily fortified and filled with enemies, you must take a hostage and extract him.
Objective/Star Requirements:
- Diable 5 enemy gadgets - When you see a bunch of Nitro Cells (C4 Explosives) in an area, simply press
to throw a device to disable all of them, once you disable 5 of them this trophy is yours.
- Disable 1 Bomber Device - When you see a bomber, you can press
to throw a device at it which will disable its bombs.
- Finish the situation with at least 50 health remaining - Run all the way to the northeast side of the house and use your rappel to climb up to the balcony, there is an enemy looking off the side of the balcony as you climb up, be sure to kill him, now wait on your rappel off the side of the balcony looking through the railings as enemies should come through the door looking for you, if not then start shooting the nitro cell bombs and then the barricaded doorway to get their attention. After about 4 enemies you'll have to enter the bedroom and clear it out. Make sure the bedroom is clear and then punch through the barricade to the bathroom. Press
to throw a device to disable all nitro cells in the bathroom. Now take the hostage, bring him to the bathroom, and drop him by the window. Now get in the bathtub and aim at the door to the master bedroom and shoot the two enemies that come through. Check the bedroom area and make sure there aren't any enemies around. Punch a hole through the bathroom window and throw your camera drone out, sometimes enemies will run out from the bottom floor below and you can shoot them from the window, more enemies will be at the helipad (the extraction zone), you can mark them and shoot most of them from the window. The hardest part about this one is that eventually you'll have to go down and around the outer perimeter of the map to take out remaining enemies.

Collect all STARS in Situations.

You obtain stars for completing challenges in Situations. Each Situation has three challenges that you can accomplish which results in three total stars that can be earned for each Situation. Once you obtain all 30 stars across all 10 Situations, this trophy is yours.
You can check the requirements for each star/challenge on the right side when you're in the Situations selection screen, or by pressing the touchpad on your PS4 controller at any time during the Situation.
For tips on every Star/Objective in all 10 situations, see each situation-related trophy starting with

CQB Basics.

Master and Commander
Earn 3 STARS in one Situation

Each Situation has three optional challenges assigned to them, one you complete a challenge you'll earn a star. If you earn all three stars in a single Situation, it will unlock this trophy. Not all stars have to be earned in a single Situation in one attempt, you can earn each separately. The easiest Situation to earn this trophy is with Situation CQB Basics, it's the first Situation you'll complete and it also has some of the easiest challenges.
Take a look at

Completionist for more information on stars and optional challenges.

Article 5
Complete mission Article 5.

After completing all 10 Situations, a mission named "Article 5" will show up below the list of Situations. This mission is the closest thing you'll get to a story mode in this game, and it also allows you to do it via matchmaking, but oddly enough it doesn't allow you to do it via a squad with your friends (you can, however all do matchmaking at the same time and there's a chance you'll join each other). This mission tasks you to disarm a bomb at a college campus, it plays similarly to a Terrorist Hunt.
Once you complete Article 5, there will be a match ending screen followed by an edning cutscene where this trophy will then be awarded to you.
Note: Getting all stars isn't required to unlock Article 5, you'll just need to complete all Situations up to Heavily Fortified.

That was Fast!
Find the Objective in TDM - Secure Area within 20 seconds in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

When you're playing on the attacking team in TDM - Secure Area, your team will start the round off controlling camera drones in an effort to scout out the area that the defenders chose to secure, finding that spot within 20 seconds gets you this trophy. A spot is "found" simply by rolling into the secure area with your drone.
You have to be the first one on your team to find the Objective by going into the room and looking at the Bomb during a
Secure Area match to get this trophy.
This trophy simply requires luck, it all depends on how closely your drone spawns to the defending area at the beginning of the match and if you're the first person that manages to find it within 20 seconds. You'll likely get this trophy naturally by simply playing multiplayer matches.

Objective Driven
Win a round 50 times in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
This trophy simply requires you to play a lot of online multiplayer, after you've won 50 rounds (not to be confused with full matches) total, this trophy will be awarded to you.

Receive a Skill Rank in Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
Getting a Skill Rank (also referred to in the game as your Personal Rank) in
ranked multiplayer requires you to win five matches in ranked multiplayer, once you do that you'll be given a rank.
There are different rank tiers such as bronze, silver, or gold based on how you compare to all other players playing ranked multiplayer but all that matters is that you win five matches and get ranked. Once you do that, this trophy is yours.
Note: Ranked Multiplayer isn't unlocked until you reach Clearance Level (Rank) 20.

Terro Hunter
Kill 2500 terrorists in Terrorist Hunt.
Ultra Rare

Co‑Op or SoloGrind
2,500 are quite a bit of terrorists to hunt, seeing as there are usually 20 - 30 terrorists in a map for each game. That being said, there are a number of other trophies related to Terrorist Hunt that you'll be going for which should make the grind of this trophy a lot easier.
If you're going for knocking this out with speed and efficiency, then set the Terrorist Hunt mode at its easiest difficulty and roll through the maps. If you want to have some fun with friends though, set it to realistic and challenge yourselves to clear all 11 maps, you may as well play Terrorist Hunt the right way while you're doing it, it's a ton of fun!
Note: You can view how many terrorist kills you've gotten on the Rainbow Six Siege Website, by going to your player profile, selecting "PVE", and looking at your Stats Overview. It should be noted that the website bundles Situation and Terrorist Hunt kills together, so the numbers will be a little inflated, but it gives you a good gauge of where you are.

Successfully complete any Defend game mode 100 times in Terrorist Hunt.
Ultra Rare

Co‑Op or SoloGrind
Terrorist Hunt features defending game modes which require you to defend something from the terrorist AI that are attacking you, such as Protect Hostage. Doing this successfully 100 times will get you this trophy. This will obviously take you a while, as it requires you to
win 100 defend modes in total.
When you end up joining Protect Hostage (see the note below about filtering specifically what mode you want to play), only that game mode should be in rotation of game modes you play if you filtered it, in addition if you like the map then you will be able to keep replaying it after the match ends if enough people press the

button during the intermission screen.
Important Note: You can filter what Terrorist Hunt game modes you want to join in matchmaking. From the main menu, press the Options button on your PS4 controller, select "Options", then select "Matchmaking Preferences". From here, scroll down to "Matchmaking Preferences - Terrorist Hunt", turn everything off except for "Protect Hostage".

That bullet pen...
Kill 200 terrorists with bullet penetration in Terrorist Hunt.
Ultra Rare

Co‑Op or SoloGrind
Bullet penetration is when bullets are shot through structures such as walls. This trophy requires that you kill a total of 200 terrorists through structures and surfaces in Terrorist Hunt. You'll know you got a penetration kill when on the right side of your screen under the gold "Kill" notification is "+10 Penetration".
The easiest way to boost this would be to Protect Hostage Terrorist Hunt on normal difficulty and focus on getting kills by firing through walls and surfaces, defensive Terrorist Hunt modes are best for this as the enemies will come to you and you can set up what structure you'll want to fire through.
Note: You can view how many penetration kills you've gotten on the Rainbow Six Siege Website, by going to your player profile, selecting "PVE", and looking at your Stats Overview. It should be noted that the website bundles Situation and Terrorist Hunt kills together, so the numbers will be a little inflated, but it gives you a good gauge of where you are.

One Mind
Win 1 match without losing a single round in Ranked Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Only
Winning a
ranked multiplayer match without losing any rounds will require a good team. The best teams have mics, can coordinate, and can strategize, and maybe they also get lucky every now and then. These will most likely be the requirements you'll have to meet to win every round in a multiplayer match. That being said, it's not unheard of to drop into a random game and pull this off. This is simply a trophy you'll get by playing Ranked Multiplayer, eventually after playing it for a while, you'll end up having a flawless victory.
Note: Ranked Multiplayer isn't unlocked until you reach Clearance Level (Rank) 20.

Brothers in Arms
Revive injured teammates 10 times in Casual/Ranked Multiplayer or Terrorist Hunt.

When a teammate of yours gets hurt enough, they'll go down and start bleeding out which which will show an indicator above their head showing they need to be revived. If you're able to, you can run up to them and revive them by looking down at them and holding down the

button. You'll be doing this quite a lot in multiplayer and Terrorist Hunt, and you'll most certainly revive 10 players over the course of playing the game, unless you're just a really bad team player!