Stage 1: Complete the Main Story Delete
Play through the main story. Game difficulty does not affect any trophies however it is recommended to play on normal for a good collection of money, rub points and experience for post-game. If a boss or region proves to be too challenging set the difficulty down to easy, this can be done at any time.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
Saved the Mushroom Forest!
Saved the 1st region.
Saved the Sticky Greasy Lake!
Saved the 2nd region.
Saved the Nude Lady Ruin!
Saved the 3rd region.
Saved the Inner Beauty Garden!
Saved the 4th region.
Saved the Gothgal Quartz Area!
Saved the 5th region.
Saved the White Limit!
Saved the 6th region.
Even so, the world moves on
Watched the ending of the story.
First experience!!
Played the game for the first time.
Partnered with a monster girl for the first time.
Can't leave the cute girls behind!
Partnered with 10 monster girls.
Before and after the reform
Rebuild a room in the inn.
Wonder of Monstopia
Got 50 kinds of H monster in the H monster book.
This is the so-called pantie!?
Obtained a Job Pantie for the time.
Guide of Monstopia
Explored many floors.
Birthday suit!!
Destroyed a costume part.
Give birth to my ○○○!
Used the Egg System for the first time.
Things you gave me
Created an item for room renovation with the Egg System.
Please accept it!
Gave a present to a monster girl for the first time.
Can't resist that smile
Gave all monster girls their favorite present.
Do your best! I got your back
Won a battle for the first time.
There must be something I can do!
Used "Release" for the first time.
Make a pact with me
Made an H monster your pet.
Party of close friends
Made a 5 hit Aura-Attack combo.
Skilled party
Made a 10 hit Aura-Attack combo.
Best party
Made a 20 hit Aura-Attack combo.
This is another ending
Reached maximum Intimacy with the monster girls for the first time.
Thank you girls
Defeated 100 monsters.
I'm indebted to you girls
Defeated 1000 monsters.
Stage 2: Complete Post-game and Get all Monster Girls Delete
During this stage you'll work towards obtaining the true ending and obtaining all the monster girls. Obtaining all H-monsters and exploring all floors should also be a thing you work to obtain during this stage.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
It has to be this way after all!
Watched the true ending.
King of the harem
Partnered with all monster girls.
Different creatures exist
Got all kinds of H monster in the H monster book.
Monstopia is my backyard
Explored all floors.
Stage 3: Collect all Panties Delete
This is an extremely important stage. Work towards obtaining all 150 Monster girl's panties during this stage. This will take a lot of dungeon exploring, trial and error and also luck. However it should also result in you gaining a lot of Gold, presents and rub points which will come in handy for the next stage.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Hunter of the holy fabrics of maidens
Obtained all Job Panties.
You girls are the best!!
Defeated 10000 monsters.
Stage 4: Maxing Intimacy & Maxing Inn Rooms Delete
After obtaining all 150 panties, unequip all accessories from the girls in your party leaving one with the Ultimate Pantsu. After this step, go to the shop and sell all your accessories but hold onto your presents and crafting panties. After this step,make a
separate save file. This is to save you hours upon hours of potential grinding. Once the two save files are made, Use one save file to focus all your cash
(Should be in the 2.5-3.5 million zone) into building every girl's room to Royal. Once this trophy pops, load the 2nd save and you should have back all the money you previously spent on maxing the inn.
Use this money and buy the presents in the shop, with this money and the aid of the monster girl guide, give the girls presents and rub them until all 50 girls have max affection with you. After this, the trophy for maxing intimacy will pop and the platinum is yours.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 4
Person who won fame in the record of war
Proof of many great achievements.
Best hospitality
Made one of the rooms in the inn the best rank.
Made all rooms in the inn the best rank.
Can't make up your mind
Deepened love with all monster girls.
Tips & Strategies
Difficulty does not affect trophies or endings
There are 4 difficulties in this game, easy being the lowest and expert being the toughest. There is no reason to play on harder difficulties other than the fact you get a lot more XP, Gold, Rub Points, and drop rate of items seem to increase.
Combat in this game is turn based and there is a timeline at the top of the screen indicating who's turn it will be next. Use this to plan ahead and cut off some enemies that will attack before the other ones to reduce damage.
There is also an auto-battle mode you can use by pressing

, pressing

will speed things up. This is only recommended when going through previously explored dungeons to gather panties or items needed for the Egg System. Manually fighting also will allow you to Aura-chain resulting in higher drop rates and bonus XP, RP, and Gold.
Finally we have Io, the protagonist of the story. Io is unable to attack directly and is used entirely as a support character. He can aid your party's escape from battle, use items in battle or store energy and release it making the girl's strength he released on much stronger based on the percentage of energy stored. Most importantly, if Io gets very annoying in combat
(which he will) you can always silence him using the

Dungeon Exploration
When exploring any floor of any dungeon, It is imperative that you explore every last inch of the floor. This will prove to be extremely important when viewing Divination events, finding potential gathering spots and also help when finding treasure chests. If you explore every tile
(Except the poisonous ones unless you feel daring) you should easily discover every single treasure chest in the game.
How to escape a dungeon easily
Trapped in a dungeon and can't find your way out? or will one more random encounter completely eliminate your party? Stock up on about 10x
"Open Door Crystal" , these allow you to escape any dungeon on any floor under any circumstances and only cost 400g per piece. These are also common drops by monsters and will prove invaluable on your journey.
Recommended Items
Incense, Antidote, Open Door Crystal, Healing and SP items.
Recommended Party:
- Healer: Orthrus is your best bet, while Kobold does have similar skills she doesn't have "Encouraging" skill which increases your party's defense for 3 turns, an invaluable and life saving skill.
- All round spell user: Elf, Imp and Latte are highly recommended for this. Elf has some very strong multi-targeting spells whereas Latte has the weakest form of multi-target spells however she also has an Aura Boost and can increase the party's MDEF for 3 turns, another invaluable skill. It should be noted that Imp has all aura shots so she is very useful when working up a high aura combo.
- 2 Attackers: Dark Elf, Istasia, Ogre and Leche are good attackers and should be used for dealing heavy damage on enemies
- Other: Ranju for post game is a very useful party member, prior to post game try get a girl with an aura attack which is unique from the other girls in your party, this will be helpful when doing aura combos
Extra Gold and Reduced cost
There are several ways to increase gold or save money in this game.
- Increased difficulty, the harder the difficulty the more rewarding the sum of gold is at the end of the battle.
- Having the H-Monster "Mushroom Hotdog" in Pet pact reduces shop costs by 5%.
Rare H-Monsters & Pantie Drops
Sometimes you will notice that even after defeating a rare H-Monster (? over their head) the monster will not have dropped the panties as this guide said it would. This is due to the fact you need to boost up your Aura Combo. To boost up your aura combo try chain attacks that H-Monsters are weak to, the higher the chain the higher the drop rate. If you go through a battle using only Aura Combos you are more or less guaranteed the said-panties.
Best Presents, Information on Monster Girls and H-Monster pantie drops
This information can all be found on the guide linked below:
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating

Person who won fame in the record of war
Proof of many great achievements.

Saved the Mushroom Forest!
Saved the 1st region.

This trophy is unlocked after defeating
"Latte" the region leader of the Mushroom Forest.
- Name: Latte
- Floor: 3F (16,12)
- Weakness: Fire
- Allies: 2x Splashing Whale (weak air)
- Recommended Lv: 3-5
Clothing items & Weakness
- Floral Breastplate (Earth)
- Elven Tutu Skirt (Fire)
- Low-rise Skirt (Air)
Rub Points
- Stage 1: Right asscheek or crotch
- Stage 2: Breasts or arms
- Stage 3: Wings or arms

Saved the Sticky Greasy Lake!
Saved the 2nd region.

This trophy is unlocked after defeating
"Calypso" the region leader of the Sticky Greasy Lake.
- Name: Calypso
- Floor: 4F (6,11)
- Weakness: Earth
- Allies: 2x Pink Rota (Earth) & Alien in Tie Pantie (Air)
- Recommended Lv: 8-12
Clothing items & Weakness
- Aqua Cape (Air)
- Graceful School Swimsuit (Air)
- Thigh Ribbon (Fire)
Rub Points
- Stage 1: Ass
- Stage 2: Shoulders or arms
- Stage 3: Tail or crotch

Saved the Nude Lady Ruin!
Saved the 3rd region.

This trophy is unlocked after defeating
"Typica" the region leader of the Newd Lady Ruin.
- Name: Typica
- Floor: 6F (10,17)
- Weakness: Air
- Allies: 4x Count Tasty Suckula (weak air)
- Recommended Lv: 14-17
Clothing items & Weakness
- Exotic Collar (Earth)
- Dancer's bra (Earth)
- Transparent Bloomers (Fire)
Rub Points
- Stage 1: Stomach or breasts
- Stage 2: Arms or hands
- Stage 3: Right thigh, left calf or crotch

Saved the Inner Beauty Garden!
Saved the 4th region.

This trophy is unlocked after defeating
"Ellie" the region leader of the Inner Beauty Garden.
- Name: Ellie
- Floor: 1F (19,5)
- Weakness: Water
- Allies: 2x Wet 'n' Slimy Soft (weak earth)
- Recommended Lv: 22-26
Clothing items & Weakness
- Tayu's Kimono (Fire)
- Queen's Bra (Water)
Rub Points
- Stage 1: Snakes, head or face
- Stage 2: Thighs or left calf
- Stage 3: Breasts

Saved the Gothgal Quartz Area!
Saved the 5th region.

This trophy is unlocked after defeating
"Istasia", the region leader of the Gothgal Quartz Area. This region causes a lot of confusion to some players due to text skipping and not displaying the dialogue properly
(tut tut tut). When you arrive in the region you will be greeted by two monster girls who are not affected by the seal, they claim to be the guardians of the leader of the monster girl. Following cutscenes in this dungeon you need to head back to region 3 to the place a cutscene was triggered with IO and Coco in a lost ruin on 3F. After this, more events will follow and you will be prompted to make panties using the egg system (see

Give birth to my ○○○!
for information on the egg system). Return to the 5th region after this and the seal located at (8,6) will be unlocked.
- Name: Istasia
- Floor: Story trigged
- Weakness: NONE (All elements do 1/2 damage)
- Allies: NONE
- Recommended Lv: 35-40
Clothing items & Weakness
No clothing, only has health bar.
Rub Points
- Stage 1: Ears or left thigh
- Stage 2: Tail, arms or hands
- Stage 3: Neck or right asscheek

Saved the White Limit!
Saved the 6th region.

This trophy will unlock after defeating the final boss in the 6th region. He is located on the other side of 1F, which is accessed by going through the other floors. He is one of the easiest story related bosses and should pose little to no threat for you this far into the game.
Recommended Lv: 46-52

Even so, the world moves on
Watched the ending of the story.

After you defeat the final boss you will need to watch the game's credits followed by the short scene. After this the trophy will pop.

It has to be this way after all!
Watched the true ending.

This trophy is unlocked after defeating a stronger version of the final boss in the exact same location as he was fought previously, However there are criteria that has to be met for this boss to unlock.
- After beating the main story, return to Region 6 where Ranju will join your party and give you the key to the Sealed Region in Region III.
- Go to region III and find the key to the Sealed Region II
- Sealed Region II is full of traps and mazes. If you want to get the Key to the Sealed Region I, follow these coordinates: (2F:1,1), (3F:3,2 ), (4F:17,10) and finally (5F:11,8).
- Get the key in Sealed Region I for Sealed Region IV
- Get the key in Sealed Region IV for Sealed Region VI
- Get the key in Sealed Region VI for Sealed Region V
- Obtain the Ultimate Pantsu in Sealed Region V
- Upon obtaining the Ultimate Pantsu, return to where the last boss was fought, defeat him.
- Watch the credits and the new scene and the trophy will pop.

First experience!!
Played the game for the first time.

Create a new game and this trophy will pop.

Partnered with a monster girl for the first time.

This trophy is obtained after defeating Leche and having her join your party.

Can't leave the cute girls behind!
Partnered with 10 monster girls.


King of the harem for more information
(The earliest this can be achieved is 2F).

King of the harem
Partnered with all monster girls.

There are a total of 50 Monster girls in the game, 49 excluding Lilia. To have a monster girl join your party you must defeat them in combat and successfully rub them.
Below is a list of all monster girls and where they can be found:
- Mushroom Forest (1st Region): Lilia, Leche, Orthros, Goblin, Slime, Latte, Killer Bee, Orc, Fungus, Kobold
- Sticky Greasy Lake (2nd Region): Calypso, Imp, Banshee, Will-o'-the-Wisp, Elf, Siren, Kentauros
- Nude Lady Ruin (3rd Region): Typica, Mummy, Jack-o'-Lantern, Dark Elf, Ogre, Wight
- Inner Beauty Garden (4th Region): Ellie, Minotaur, Kamaitachi, Azuki Arai, Dragon, Orihime
- Gothgal Quartz Area (5th Region): Mocha, Mattari, Necromancer, Talos, Dullahan, Chimera, Mimic, Istasia
- White Limit (6th Region): Ranju(unlocks in region 6 post game), Jack-o'-Frost, Scylla, Gargoyle, Cerberus
- Post-Game Sealed Areas: Griffin, Coco, Valkyrie, Behemoth, Leviathan, Vampire, Satan, Ziz
See the guide linked below for more information:
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating

Before and after the reform
Rebuild a room in the inn.


Craftsmanship for more information.

Best hospitality
Made one of the rooms in the inn the best rank.


Craftsmanship for more information.

Made all rooms in the inn the best rank.

To upgrade a girl's room you will need to use the Egg system for each specific Monster girl. You will need to craft building material in order to upgrade a monster girl's room in the inn.
Crafting Building Materials
- Go to the Egg system for the monster girl who's room you wish to upgrade.
- Combine "Strawberry Pattern Panties" + Any monster except the Octopus monsters.
- Strawberry Pattern Panties are dropped from certain monsters, obtained in chests or gathering spots or bought in the shop for 7,200g.
- Do NOT craft more than 4 building materials per monster girl as only 4 are required per girl, creating any more will just be a waste of H-Monsters and also of Strawberry Pattern panties of which you will need 200 of in total.
Inn room ranks
- Single: Starter room.
- Double: Gain 40% experience when not in party.
- Triple: Gain 50% experience when not in party.
- Suite: Gain 60% experience when not in party.
- Royal: Gain 70% experience when not in party.
Estimated Cost per Monster girl
(NOTE: This is considering you need to buy all 4 Strawberry Pattern Panties)
- Twin upgrade: 600g
- Triple upgrade: 2,350g
- Suite upgrade: 7,980g
- Royal upgrade: 11,500g
- 4x Strawberry Panties: 28,800g
Total estimated cost: 51,230g per girl, 2,561,500g estimated.
While this may be the actual cost, there is a way around this
(See Tips & Strategies for more information).

What is this sensation...!?
Increased Intimacy with monster girls 10 times with Bumping Scratch.


Gold finger for more information.

Can't stop the hand
Increased Intimacy with monster girls 50 times with Bumping Scratch.


Gold finger for more information.

Gold finger
Increased Intimacy with monster girls 100 times with Bumping Scratch.

NOTE: The initial bumping scratch you do to make the Monster girl join your party does not count towards this trophy, you will need to rub any combination of girls 100 times at the inn in order for this trophy to pop.
Bumping scratch is a minigame that makes use of the Vita's touchscreen and rear touchpad in the most perverse ways possible. You will need to successfully rub any combination of monster girls 100 times. Some girls are easier and faster to rub than others. This method is used using points known as
"Rub Points", you gain rub points for every battle you complete, the higher the difficult you are playing at the higher the rub points earned. On average, it will cost about 250-400 rub points to do 1 rub on a girl. This also goes towards maxing a monster girl's intimacy however the Bumping scratch method is very tedious
Can't make up your mind for more information).
A more detailed description of each monster girl and their bumping scratch information can be found on this guide:
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating

Wonder of Monstopia
Got 50 kinds of H monster in the H monster book.


Different creatures exist for more information.

Different creatures exist
Got all kinds of H monster in the H monster book.

This trophy is unlocked by encountering
AND defeating all different types of monsters, if a monster flees the battle and you have not defeated it it will not count towards this trophy. You can check your progress in the H-Monster List at the inn.
Below is a list of all the enemies in the game and the regions and floors they can be found on, each monster is listed once for less confusion on the floors they appear first on:
====REGION I====
- Floor 1: Thick Fresh Milk, Striped Pantie Mask.
- Floor 2: Lady Loincloth, Lord Loincloth, Spouting Whale, UFO.
- Floor 3: Syrupy Cow's Milk, UFO Bosom, Condogolem, Vertical Stripe Mask, Splashing Whale
- Floor 4: Prince Loincloth, Queen Loincloth.
====REGION II====
- Floor 1: Banana Girl, Banana Twins, Huge Radish, Jiro Kokeshi.
- Floor 2: Rota, Man in Tie Pantie, Banana Female.
- Floor 3: Double Banana, Major Jiro Kokeshi, Rushing Radish, Mr.Bush.
- Floor 4: Alien in Tie Pantie, Pink Rota
====REGION III====
- Floor 1: Ripe Mango, Dutch Dolly, Dried Abalone.
- Floor 2: Count Suckula, Curly White Hair.
- Floor 3: Hairy Marimo, Air Dutch Dolly
- Floor 4: Angry-faced Tadpole, Mango Pudding, Half-raw Abalone
- Floor 5: Count Tasty Suckula, Curly Black Hair
- Floor 6: Spiky Marimo
====REGION IV====
- Floor 1: Tenga Maru, Insect Tenga, Taro Kokeshi, Exposing Candy.
- Floor 2: Exposing Pie, Hairy Lady, Incontinent Egg.
- Floor 3: Chief Taro Kokeshi, Wet 'n' Slimy Soft, Regis Filia Bushy, Spilled Egg, Worm Tenga.
- Floor 4: Tenga no Chiyo
====REGION V====
- Floor 1: Kinkin Takoyaki, T-Backs, Mushroom Hotdog
- Floor 2: Raging Tadpole, Head of Matsutake, Meat Komon
- Floor 3: Hard Bottle, Kinkin Dumpling, Gold Condogolem
- Floor 4: Size 7 T-Back, Enoki Sausage
- Floor 5: Ball Kamon, Leader of Matsutake
- Floor 6: Stiff Bottle, Kinkin Ball
====REGION VI====
- Floor 1: Fury Banana, Sexy Muscle, Makeup Dino, Seaweed Monster
- Floor 2: Mushroom Ranger, Furry Bouncy, Bristle Brush, Wet 'n' sticky
- Floor 3: Dino in Thick Makeup, Seaweed Incarnate
- Floor 4: Strong Muscle, Masked Enoki
- Floor 2: Creamy Milk, Striped Face Cover, His Majesty Loincloth, Emperor Loincloth, UFO Roundy, Spraying Whale
- Floor 3: UFO Bouncing, Cheesy Condogolem, Sticky Raw Milk, Empress Loincloth, Striped Pantie Dandy
- Floor 4: Spurting Whale, King Loincloth
- Floor 2: Banana Woman, Colonel Jiro Kokeshi, Duo of Banana, Runaway Radish Man
- Floor 3: Guardian in Tie Pantie, Vibro
- Floor 4: Prickly Brush, Banana Lady, Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana
- Floor 5: General Jiro Kokeshi, Lunging Huge Radish
- Floor 6: God in Tie Pantie, Vibrata
- Floor 2: Wife Dutch Dolly, Aged Mangorian, Curly Brown Hair, Fresh-caught Abalone
- Floor 3: Duke Cutey Suckula, Marimonmon, Angel Dutch Dolly
- Floor 4: Stale Mango Juice, Curly Blonde Hair, Live Abalone, Furious Tadpole
- Floor 5: Marylin Marimo, Duke Bloodsucker
- Floor 4: Ten Ten the Monk, Lord Taro Kokeshi, Curve Tenga, Exposing Meat Bun
- Floor 5: Outflowing Egg, Melom Bom Boro Bim, Princess Furry
- Floor 6: Tenga Doji, Striped Tenga, King Taro Kokeshi, Wet 'n' Slippery
- Floor 7: Outpouring Egg, Queen Shaggyra
- Floor 3: Kinkin Pie, Agaric Calpas, The Return of T-Back, Boxer Komon
- Floor 4: Rigid Bottle, Gaudy Condogolem, Boss of Matsutake
- Floor 5: T-Back Ace, Kinkin Ball, Wrathful Tadpole
- Floor 6: Matsutake Salami, Saint Komon
- Floor 7: Throbbing Bottle, Don Matsutake
- Bonus (Satan battle): Furious Tadpole, Gorgeous Condogolem
- Floor 2: Furry Stiffy, Thickly Covered Dino, Seaweed Angel, Agaric Squad, Brawny Muscle
- Floor 3: Furry Erecto, Bush Destroyer, Wet 'n' Viscious, Altered Dino, Seaweed Goddess
- Floor 4: Enoki Fleet, Protein Muscle
- Cute Octopus: Region I-III
- Slippery Octopus: Region IV
- Engulfing Octopus: Region V-VI, Sealed Region III,II,VI
- Octopus Pot: Sealed Region I,V

This is the so-called pantie!?
Obtained a Job Pantie for the time.


Hunter of the holy fabrics of maidens for more information.

Hunter of the holy fabrics of maidens
Obtained all Job Panties.

Job panties are
"Outfits" each monster girl can obtain that change their stats and available abilities. Excluding their main outfit, each Monster girl has 3 unique Job Panties to collect. It is important to note that all 3 of a monster girl's panties are only found in the region they were defeated in.
- One from a Treasure chest.
- One from a random gathering spot on the map.
- One from a rare H-Monster drop.
Note: If an octopus joins you at the Inn and you have yet to get the rare H-Monster panty drop for a specific girl, you can go to their Egg System, Combine the Octopus with any fabric
(Just not Strawberry Pattern, you need those) and the rare H-panty will be made. If the girl already has her rare panties it will make something useless like an antidote and the octopus will return to the wild.
More detailed information on each monster girl's panties can be found here:
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating

Guide of Monstopia
Explored many floors.

This trophy should unlock at
"White Limit 4F" presuming you have been to all previous floors.

Monstopia is my backyard
Explored all floors.

You need to visit every floor in every dungeon in order for this trophy to unlock, this trophy should pop as you reach the final floor in the Sealed Region V. Entering a floor counts as it explored so there is no need to scout every last area
(Although this is highly recommended).

Birthday suit!!
Destroyed a costume part.

When fighting a monster girl you have two options:
- Attack them directly
- Attack their articles of clothing
If you destroy any article of clothing this trophy should pop, each piece of clothing has a weakness which can oftentimes be different to the actual monster girl's weakness. See the guide linked below for information on these weaknesses.
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating

Give birth to my ○○○!
Used the Egg System for the first time.

The Egg System is this game's crafting system. You can make new accessories, items, and crafting material using the Egg system. It is pretty straightforward.
- Acquire any type of crafting panties.
- Get a H-Monster to the inn.
- Combine them both together through the Egg System.
After doing those things, the trophy should unlock.

Things you gave me
Created an item for room renovation with the Egg System.

Use the Egg system to create a Building craft item. In order to this this use any H-Monster except an Octopus and 1x Strawberry Pattern Panties and the trophy will pop

Please accept it!
Gave a present to a monster girl for the first time.

You unlock presents by purchasing them in the Shop or by acquiring them through item drops in dungeons from monsters and gathering points. Give any one gift to any one monster girl and the trophy will pop.

Can't resist that smile
Gave all monster girls their favorite present.

This trophy's description is either mistranslated or incorrect. Only one Monster Girl is required to give her her favourite present. Easiest girl to do this with is Slime using
"Gooey Slime" which can be found in Region I.
For a detailed list of each girl's present preference, see:
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating

Do your best! I got your back
Won a battle for the first time.

You'll earn this trophy after entering the 1st region and completing the tutorial battle.

There must be something I can do!
Used "Release" for the first time.

Use Io's
"Store" ability and during his next turn use
"release" to release his energy and earn the trophy.

Make a pact with me
Made an H monster your pet.

After a random battle, oftentimes enemy H-Monsters will join you and head back to the Inn as pets. To assign a H-Monster as a pet go to the Inn and select any monster girl. Then go to
"Pet Pact" and assign a H-Monster to the chosen girl and the trophy will pop.

Party of close friends
Made a 5 hit Aura-Attack combo.


Best Party for more information.

Skilled party
Made a 10 hit Aura-Attack combo.


Best Party for more information.

Best party
Made a 20 hit Aura-Attack combo.

An Aura combo is when you hit a H-Monster, a Monster girl or her clothing's weakness several times. In other words it is a chain. Here are some general tips and recommendations when trying for this trophy
- Non-Aura attacks break this combo
- Using magic that targets all will result in the combo being broken if there is a variety of weaknesses
- Try have a each party member possess a unique aura from the other (Air,Water,Earth,Fire)
- Raise the difficulty a little so your target won't die quickly
- Recommended monster girl to 20 hit aura combo: Mimic in Region V
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating
(See guide for information on Mimic)

This is another ending
Reached maximum Intimacy with the monster girls for the first time.


Can't make up your mind for more information.

Can't make up your mind
Deepened love with all monster girls.

Each Monster girl has an intimacy gauge that needs to be maxed out. There are a total of 8 hearts per girl to be maxed and the gauge can only be decreased if you give a present to a Monster Girl that she doesn't like. Here are the ways to increase intimacy.
- Bumping scratch
- Putting Monster girl in party and letting her participate in battles
- Give presents the monster girls like
More information on the Monster girl's favourite presents can be found here:
Linked: Monster Girl Guide
This is an additional guide featuring everything you need to know about every Monster girl in Moe Chronicle.
Guide Rating

What's yours is mine
Obtained 10 unique items.

Unique items are accessories with a yellow star next to its name. These are only attainable during post game sealed region dungeons. They are very common in these. They can be dropped from monsters and also found in chests located in these regions. This should be achieved naturally as you play through the post game dungeons.

Thank you girls
Defeated 100 monsters.


You girls are the best!! for more information.

I'm indebted to you girls
Defeated 1000 monsters.


You girls are the best!! for more information.

You girls are the best!!
Defeated 10000 monsters.

Each battle you fight can put you up against 1-7 enemies. Each enemy defeated counts towards this trophy, This trophy usually unlocks while working towards

Hunter of the holy fabrics of maidens however that trophy is also luck dependant so if it does not unlock after achieving this, just keep fighting monsters until it pops.