Stage 1: Online Delete
Select any of the new Chaos Run items and then play 4v4 matches online until you win one. See the trophy details for which items can be equipped for this stage.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
My World is Fire
Equip any Chaos Run item and win a 4v4 Online match
Stage 2: Bots Delete
During this stage you can play by yourself or with others, as long as the opposing team only consists of bots. Get 10 goals with both of the new cars, blow up 3 AI cars, and knock out any remaining shots on goal that you need.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
With Grog, Score 10 Goals against Pro-level Bots or higher
With Ripper, Score 10 Goals against Pro-level Bots or higher
Make 50 total "Shots on Goal" using Grog or Ripper
Psycho-Master Exploder
Equip the Mohawk and Demolish 3 opposing Bots in the Wasteland

My World is Fire
Equip any Chaos Run item and win a 4v4 Online match

DLC RequiredMultiplayer Only
This DLC comes with two new cars and a host of new accessories for them. For this trophy, equip any of the new items listed below and then play 4v4 online matches until you win one. You should select one of the new cars (either Grog or Ripper) so that you can start making progress towards

Ruthless. The trophy will pop when you win a 4v4 match.
Paint Types
Rocket Trails
An easy way to get the trophy is by creating a private match, setting the team size to 4v4, changing the bot difficulty to No Bots, switching "Joinable By" to "Name/Password" (if you want to do it with one controller), and then give the match a name. Now change the Mutator settings to Max Score: 1 Goal. Once you win the match, the trophy is yours.

With Grog, Score 10 Goals against Pro-level Bots or higher

DLC RequiredCo‑Op or Solo
Ensure that you have the
Grog selected as your vehicle. Any accessories will be fine. If you're playing by yourself, set up a 1v1 Exhibition against a Pro-level bot. Use the new Mutators menu to set the time limit for the match to unlimited, so you won't be interrupted. From here, just score 10 goals and the trophy will pop.
If you're playing with a friend (or friends), set up a 2v2 (or 3v3, 4v4 as appropriate) private online match against Pro-level bots. Use the new Mutators menu to set the time limit for the match to unlimited, so you won't be interrupted. Make sure you both select the same team. This might be a little easier because you can set each other up for goals by centering the ball. Once each of you have scored 10 goals, you can quit out.

With Ripper, Score 10 Goals against Pro-level Bots or higher

DLC RequiredCo‑Op or Solo
Ensure that you have the
Ripper selected as your vehicle. Any accessories will be fine. If you're playing by yourself, set up a 1v1 Exhibition against a Pro-level bot. Use the new Mutators menu to set the time limit for the match to unlimited, so you won't be interrupted. From here, just score 10 goals and the trophy will pop.
If you're playing with a friend (or friends), set up a 2v2 (or 3v3, 4v4 as appropriate) private online match against Pro-level bots. Use the new Mutators menu to set the time limit for the match to unlimited, so you won't be interrupted. Make sure you both select the same team. This might be a little easier because you can set each other up for goals by centering the ball. Once each of you have scored 10 goals, you can quit out.

Make 50 total "Shots on Goal" using Grog or Ripper

DLC RequiredCo‑Op or Solo
This will probably be the last trophy in this pack that you'll get. If you play this game quite a bit, you will get this trophy naturally as long as you stick to one of the new vehicles. If you prefer to just get it out of the way, the fastest way to do it is by yourself. Set up a 1v1 Exhibition, but elect not to have any bots. Use the Mutator settings to set the time limit to unlimited. From here, just keep scoring on the empty net until the trophy pops. Again, make sure you're using one of the new cars. Any of the shots you made while working towards other trophies in this pack will have already counted for you, so it's likely you won't need that many more.

Psycho-Master Exploder
Equip the Mohawk and Demolish 3 opposing Bots in the Wasteland

DLC RequiredCo‑Op or Solo
For this trophy, equip the Mohawk topper item on any car. You can either do this solo or with friends on your team, as long as you are playing against bots. When you set up the match, ensure that the new map
Wasteland is selected. Set the difficulty to Rookie, as enemies will be less likely to move out of your way when you're charging at them. Once you're in a match, load up on nitro and hold

to build up some momentum. Once your rocket trail turns into a streak, you have enough speed to demolish another vehicle. Destroy 3 bots in this manner and the trophy will pop.
Alternatively, you can use the new Mutator settings to set demolition to "on contact" and you won't have to use turbo at all.