In Tales of Hearts R, one of the trophies,

Namcoin Classic Collection, involves you collecting all 76 of the Namcoins scattered across the world and giving them to Citrine for various rewards. They are all relatively easy to find, but some can involve you talking to an NPC you never thought to before, or something of the like. This guide will help you find all of them with ease.
It should be noted that there is 1 Namcoin that is missable at the beginning of the game, but it will be marked (it's Namcoin #4). Also, you will be unable to get all Namcoins until after you have beaten the game, but it would be wise to collect the ones you can as you go through the game to reduce the amount of backtracking.
Namcoin Locations
#1 - Seaville - Talk to the dog at the entance.
#2 - Map Marker - Next to the beach to the west of Seaville.
#3 - Lagos Cave - At the end, to the right of the camp Eucles set up.
#4 -
MISSABLE! Cynos - After the events of Lagos Cave, stay in Cynos and do the sidequest involving Eucles and Uran. Afterwards you should be able to do an event with the man that runs the Duck Boat rides. After Spiria Linking with him and getting the Duck Boat Pass, get in the Duck Boat and go to the left until you reach a pier, where you will find a Meteorite Fragment and 2 chests. The coin is in the right chest. You will be unable to get this if you wait to do the quest until after the events in Prinseur Sanctorum Cathedral.
#5 - Map Marker - To the South-West of Lagos Cave.
#6 - Twilight Forest - At the end of the forest, on the left path.
#7 - Hanselar - In the left warehouse on the west side of the town.
#8 - Map Marker - Opposite the beach that is south from Hanselar, behind the rock.
#9 - Pendeloque Southport - In the left warehouse.
#10 - Obus Westport - In the left warehouse.
#11 - Guz Spa - When heading towards the Will Wisp Spring, head right at the fork.
#12 - Anders Mine - In the last room, clear the last puzzle and it's in the left chest.
#13 - Obus Southport - In the right warehouse.
#14 - Map Marker - To the south of the bridge just before Straga.
#15 - Straga - To the left of the Army Base.
#16 - Shoalhaven - On the right side in Smithson's house.
#17 - Odette Watergate - On the right side of the gate, across the bridge.
#18 - Obus Eastport - In the right warehouse.
#19 - Map Marker - To the East of Obus Eastport.
#20 - Lion Park - In the arena, on the right side.
#21 - High Tower - On the third floor with the gate puzzle.
#22 - Schehera Desert Rest - In the shack.
#23 - Schehera Desert - On the screen with all the quicksand and worms, it is in the North-West corner next to some quicksand.
#24 - Schehera Desert - The oasis at the end, just to the South of the inn.
#25 - Map Marker - A small ways South-East of Prinseur.
#26 - Prinseur - On the left side of the beach.
#27 - Prinseur Sanctorum Cathedral - To the left of the save point before the boss fight.
#28 - Marquis Westport - In the left warehouse.
#29 - Port Trilliant - In the left warehouse.
#30 - Layve - Talk to the dog next to the inn.
#31 - Layve - Inside the Old Man's house, on the right.
#32 - Map Marker - To the East of Port Trilliant.
#33 - Map Marker - To the North of Layve.
#34 - Marquis Northport - In the left warehouse.
#35 - Map Marker - To the West of Mount Bremen.
#36 - Refuge Hut - Inside the hut.
#37 - Mount Bremen - Inside the shack to the East of the elevator.
#38 - Blanche Village - To the North of the exit.
#39 - Blanche Village - After all the events happen, talk to the rightmost Woolpack by the entrance.
#40 - Obus Eastport - Give the guy 10 Monster Claws.
#41 - Secret Base - In the forest North-West of Prinseur, give the kids 10 Monster Feathers to join, then re-enter until monsters attack. If no monsters attack, then come back later in the story.
#42 - Map Marker - Directly South of Dronning.
#43 - Dronning - Next to the Shadow Stone on the second screen.
#44 - Dronning - Talk to the man standing at the entrance after all the events have happened.
#45 - Straga - After the events at Maximus Castle, talk to the soldier on the left side of the first room by the bookshelf.
#46 - Guz Spa - After the events of the 2nd visit, talk to Sassol.
#47 - Map Marker - After getting the Airship, go to the small beach area to the South-East of Seaville.
#48 - Map Marker - After getting the Airship, head North-West of Anders Mine.
#49 - Map Marker - After getting the Airship, head to the West of Schehera Desert.
#50 - Map Marker - North-West of Prinseur.
#51 - Map Marker - After getting the Airship, head to the North-East area of the map, on the ice.
#52 - Map Marker - After getting the Airship, head to the sandy island North-West of Seaville.
#53 - Map Marker - After getting the Airship, head to the island East of the Schehara Desert.
#54 - Map Marker - After getting the Airship, head to the small island in the South-East corner of the map.
#55 - Straga - In High Priest Akerman's room, give the guy 10 Ebony Moon Fragments.
#56 - Shoalhaven, Forbidden Book sidequest - After finishing the events at Max Castle, head to Shoalhaven and read all the entries in the books on both sides of the book shop, then accept the request given by the book shop keeper. Head to the 3rd floor of Max Castle and look on the rightmost bookshelf, then return to the book shop keeper with the book in tow.
#57 - Schehera Desert, Aifread's Treasure sidequest - During your first visit to the Schehera Desert, at the Oasis, talk to the guy just south of the inn and Spiria Link with him. Later in the game, come back to the Oasis and talk to a guy who is passed out and Spiria Link with him. Afterwards head to Pendeloque Southport and talk to Aqua to head out to sea. After a fight against some squids, you'll get some treasure, and a Namcoin is one of them.
#58 - Prinseur, Girl's Letter sidequest - After Maximus Castle, head to the entrance of Prinseur and head up the stairs to the right and talk with the girl and get her letter. Head up a little to give the letter to her grandmother and Spiria Link with her, and she will give you the Namcoin after.
#59 - Cove Cave Beach - On the beach where you get the swimsuits event (see

Marker Marker for the location), head to the cave on the right. The directions you have to go are Forward, Right, Forward, Right.
#60 - Cind'rella - Inside Lithia's room.
#61 - Rapunzel - On the 2nd floor of the first area.
#62 - Straga, Crying Girl's Voice 3 sidequest - You must complete the first two Crying Girl's Voice quests, the first is at South Pendeloque Port, and the second is at Lion Park Inn. The third is at the Inn in Straga. Talk to the man by the sewer grate inside the inn and you will initiate the quest and head into the sewers. After a small battle, you will receive the Namcoin as a reward.
#63 - Hanselar, Ultra Marine's Past side quest - You must do Kohaku's Room sidequest in Dronning first. Head to Dronning and try to enter Kohaku's room. After she leaves the party and guards the door, talk to the kid and Spiria Link with him and he will distract Kohaku. After entering her room, grab the Newsbot DX and head the Pendeloque Southport and talk with Aqua. After Spiria Linking with her, head to the Guild Headquarters in Hanselar and Spiria Link with Ultra Marine. Afterward, you will get a Namcoin as one of the rewards.
#64-76 - To get these, you must finish the Single Advanced Course with all 8 characters, getting 1 Namcoin each, and finish each of the 5 Extra courses, getting 1 for each. The Single Advanced Course will unlock after beating the Beginner and Intermediate Courses.