Stage 1: Beat the Story on any Difficulty Delete
During the first playthrough you don't have to worry about trophies too much. Just cook as much food as possible to start working on

Maestrochef (which is one of the biggest grinds in the game) and try to get the missable Namcoin (see

Namcoin Classic Collector).
Besides that, try to fight as many battles as possible to work on the 2,000 kills, ambushes, counter-attacks, spiria drives, cross chases, and somatic bonds. These are needed for respectively




Spiria Superior,

Cross Chase Ace, and the 7 Unbreakable Bond trophies. Starting early with those will save you some grinding later. Sometimes during a fight, you can complete a challenge. Obtain the highest rank 10 times for

Challenge Champ. Should that prove to be too difficult, you can always do it during the postgame or new game+.
During your travels you will come across herbs that permanently increase your stats (Sage, Savory, Lavender, Verbana, Chamomille, Saffron, and red versions of those herbs). Save them all for until you're going to fight the final boss on Unknown difficulty in step 4.
Also when you see a text in the lower left corner of the screen, press

to see a skit (event). Once you defeat the final story boss and watch the ending scene, do not start NG+ yet. There are still quite some things to do during postgame.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
Challenge Champ
No matter what it takes, you'll rise to the challenge! It's high time you were rewarded for your go-getting attitude!
Day after day, from the dawn's early light to the setting of the sun, you slayed every single beast that crossed your path. Looking back, it's hard to tell now if your epic journey of slaughter took forever or the twinkling of an eye.
Victory over the Grim Keeper
This hateful being likes nothing more than to watch his faithful scythe swing about the place causing mayhem. If Gall hadn't showed up just in the nick of time, he may have stopped Kor and co. at the very first hurdle.
Victory over Chalcedony
This nasty bundle of bowl-haircutted bad attitude has a Soma that lets him fly around in the air. He'd better give that piece of Kohaku's Spiria Core back, or he'll be sorry!
Victory over Amethyst
This supposedly world-famous hero would have you believe that you defeated him more through luck than anything else, but you know the real story.
Victory over the Sandworm
This self-satisfied slitherer was probably so full of beans as he wriggled his way beneath the sands because he'd swallowed a shard of unadulterated joy.
Victory over Chalcedony's Crew
A pitched battle filled with fierce Soma-on-Soma action has finally drawn to a close and we won!
Victory over Silver
You took Soma in hand and fought with all your might to try and make one who spoke of an "ideal" world see sense. And it seems you succeeded.
Victory over Chlorseraph
This ultimate mechanoid warrior was armed with an enormous green sword. Your defeat of him is proof that if you work together, you can overcome even the most insanely powerful opponents.
Victory over Xeromized Striegov
This unseemly character claimed to be a person of refinement, but proved that he would go to any lengths to satisfy his ugly appetites.
Victory over the Seraphim
Chlorseraph of the green blade, and Clinoseraph of the blue shield—seraphic siblings whose awe-inspiring twin attacks had to be seen to be believed.
Victory over Incarose Alt
Though she combined the arms and speed of Chlorseraph with the armor and power of Clinoseraph, she was ultimately alone, and unable to call on a power higher than her own.
Victory over Creed
He fought a bitter battle over two long millennia to save the one he loved and the world of Minera from whence he came. But when the moment of his end finally arrived, it was thanks to him that Kor was able to connect with the very first Spiria of all.
Stage 2: Postgame Delete
After beating the story, it's time to do some farming and grinding in preparation for NG+. You'll need to get at least 6,360 Grade to get some perks from the Grade Shop when starting NG+. And you can also get the recipe for the best food (Miso Rice Balls). See the Tips & Strategies section on how to efficiently farm Grade and how to get this recipe. While farming Grade keep cooking food after every fight. You will also get the 2,000 kills, ambushes, counter-attacks, spiria drives, cross chases, and somatic bonds trophies mentioned in step 1 (you did start working on them, right?). If you haven't done so already, uncover the entire world map with the airship to get

Globetrotter while also getting every hidden item for

Marker Marker. As mentioned in step 1, save all the herbs that permanently increase your stats until you're going to fight the final boss on Unknown difficulty in step 4.
During this stage new matches will be unlocked at the Arena in Lion Park. You need to win these to unlock some trophies and get 13 Namcoins. It's best to be around lvl 80 to win these matches without too much trouble. After doing that, beat the remaining matches and a special cup will be unlocked. While this is optional, the reward is the Tyrant Crest. This item is extremely useful and prevents you from ever being staggered, meaning you can attack or use artes/items without being interrupted.
When all that is finished, unlock the Triverse (postgame dungeon) to fight the strongest enemies and defeat the postgame superboss Faldealmus. See

Victory over Faldealmus for more information. Don't forget: always keep cooking food after every fight.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
Bash, bang, pow! Your timing couldn't be more perfect! You don't fear enraged attacks—you welcome them with open arms!
200-Hit Combo
Hit after hit after hit after hit after hit! You lay it on so thick and fast, the enemy doesn't stand a chance!
Spiria Superior
The strength of the bonds between us is the source of our greatest strength. Let the Spiria shine on!
Cross Chase Ace
A band of companions working in perfect harmony, and connected by unbreakable bonds—bonds that go beyond mere individuals and out into the fabric of the universe itself.
Chase Link Ace
Come on! Just one more second! And another! And another! Your unflappable perserverance has finally paid off!
This award commemorates your uncanny ability to be taken unawares. You don't let the surprise grind your Spiria down, though—you thrive on it!
Marker Marker
You've tracked down every item marker out there, no matter how well-hidden. Is there nothing in this world you can't find?
You've seen every inch of the whole wide world with your own two eyes, and this award proves it. It's a big old place out there, but as you now know, there's nothing to fear.
Namcoin Classic Collection
You've collected every single Namcoin out there. Citrine is so happy she could die! Just don't go losing them before you hand them over to her, you hear?
Victory over Faldealmeus
Though you suffered greatly at the hands of this gargantuan gatekeeper with his massive firepower and wide-ranging attacks, it only served to make the battle all the more of an exciting challenge, didn't it?
Arena Cleaner
Congratulations! You've sliced and diced your way through the arena, both alone and with a party by your side! This glorious achievement will surely stand unchallenged for millenia! Oh, uh. Don't look now, but that guy's staring at you kind of angrily.
Victory over Hubert and Pascal
This curious duo took to the field in their cute costumes and showed that they were more than just a pair of comedians.
Stage 3: Second Playthrough with Grade Shop Perks Delete
Now that you've farmed enough Grade, go to Seaville, save the game, and talk to the statue on the left side of the village to start NG+ (the statue is marked as a golden "
G" on the map). But before starting the actual second playthrough, use a total of 5,000 Grade to get the "Fill in Monster Lexicon" and "Fill Item Collection" to instantly unlock

Monster Collector and

Item Hoarder. You can save this game on an alternate save file, that way you'll always have a complete monster lexicon with an overview of all their drops. This is very useful when going for a specific item (like each character's best equipment).
Reload the save in Seaville and start the real second playthrough. Below is a list of perks that are recommended to get for various trophies and costs 6,360 Grade:
200 Grade
1,000 Grade
400 Grade
2,000 Grade
400 Grade
400 Grade
100 Grade
- Spiria Gauge Fills Quicker
800 Grade
20 Grade
300 Grade
20 Grade
- Increase Rare Item Drop Rate
500 Grade
100 Grade
20 Grade
100 Grade
You may wonder why some of these perks are needed. During the previous playthrough you'll have acquired a lot of useful items (for example the herbs that increase stats), equipment (from the Triverse Gate), and accessories (Tyrant's Crest and Krona Symbol). Keeping them is recommended for beating the boss on Unknown difficulty in stage 4. The parameters refers to your level. Somatic Bonds are needed for the 7 Unbreakable Bonds trophies and characters also get skills from other characters based on how strong the bond between them is. These skills help with beating the boss on Unknown difficulty and the balloon minigame in stage 4. Keeping the recipes and cooking level is very important, otherwise all that cooking you've done up till now was for nothing. The double gald will enable you to buy 99 of every ingredient, that way you won't have to buy ingredients after 7-8 battles. The 99-item carry limit, quicker spiria gauge fill rate, and increased (rare) item drop rate help with beating the boss on Unknown difficulty. Getting 5 times as much exp greatly speeds up the process to grind everyone to lvl 200. The monster lexicon is mostly to see how much health every boss has during fights.
While completing the story again, keep on cooking after every battle. During this playthrough you should have reached Somatic Bond lvl 7 with all necessary characters to get all the 7 Unbreakable Bond trophies. Should you have missed the only missable Namcoin during your first playthrough, get all of them now. Also keep on stocking on herbs that increase your stats. The map in

Marker Marker shows where you can find them. Beat the story again on any difficulty (it's not recommended to beat the boss on Maniac or Unknown difficulty at this point).
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Monster Collector
You have sought out creatures of all shapes and sizes and diligently recorded their every detail. It's high time your monstrous menagerie was appreciated in all its gory glory!
Item Hoarder
Your fine eye for a fine item has led to your being awarded this momentous accolade. You've experienced every effect the various objects of the world have to offer, and bathed in their beauty to your heart's content!
Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Kohaku
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Kohaku, adding unassailable courage to the already formidable arsenal of spiritual weapons at our fair heroine's disposal.
Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Beryl
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Beryl. The sight of somebody single-mindedly chasing their dream is enough to spur anybody on. May her dreams of artistic greatness come true!
Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Chalcedony
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Chalcedony. Over the course of their many battles, both against one another and by each other's sides, they have learned an enormous amount. May the friendship between these brothers in arms last a thousand years!
Unbreakable Bond: Kohaku and Hisui
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between the Hearts siblings. He may be a loudmouth, but it's all born of love, and why can't a big brother love his little sister more than anybody else?
Unbreakable Bond: Kohaku and Beryl
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kohaku and Beryl. Want to see how powerful the ties of friendship can really be? Better hold on to your hats—this is going to be explosive!
Unbreakable Bond: Ines and Gall
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Ines and Gall. The power of parental love pumps through both these fierce fighters' veins like an unstoppable force!
Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kunzite and Gall. Just because he's a machine doesn't mean he can't have a Spiria, as anyone who has felt this mechanical warrior's warmth can attest.
Stage 4: Miscellaneous Delete
Now that you've beaten the story again, it's time to work on the remaining things. Unlock the postgame Triverse dungeon again and go to the final area (where Faldealmus is). Collect every treasure again along the way to get some useful items and armour again. Once in the final area, use an Umbra Bottle and keep fighting enemies until every character is lvl 200. With the 5x EXP, Increased Rare Item Drops, and Increased Item Drops perks this should take an hour or two and you'll get a lot of items. While doing this, keep on cooking Miso Soup with Kohaku after each fight to reach cooking lvl 99. With the 99 Item Limit, you won't have to return to Dronning that often to restock Miso. While working towards lvl 200, it's recommended to get at least the best headgear for Kor, Kohaku, Hisui, and Chalcedony (see Tips & Strategies section) in preparation for

Unknown Clearance.
After reaching lvl 200, go back to Lion Park to get 12,000 points in the balloon minigame and beat all the matches (Single, Team, Special, and Secret) again to get another Krona Symbol and Tyrant's Crest. Finally, return to Gardenia and beat the boss on Unknown difficulty. Reload the game and lower the difficulty to Maniac and beat the boss again. When that's done, that beautiful plat will unlock.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 4
Master of Hearts
Proof of a perfect completion of Tales of Hearts R. Thanks for playing! Your love and dedication are hugely appreciated!
Max. Level Allstars
Awarded for training every character up to achieve their maximum potential. From here on out, it's just about learning how best to put that potential into practice!
You've spent more time in the kitchen than the Wonder Chef himself! He must be over the moon to have such a dedicated pupil as you! Maybe you'll be as buff as him one day, too!
Manic Clearance
Congratulations! Not many people manage a clearance at the Manic difficulty level! The only thing left for you now is to take a plunge into the Unknown.
Unknown Clearance
Congratulations! You cleared the game at Unknown—the most hardcore difficulty level of all! There's not an enemy out there you can't take to pieces with ease!
You've popped more balloons than there are stars in the sky! You're a stone-cold, certifiable balloonatic!
Tips & Strategies
Miso Rice Balls Recipe
The Miso Rice Balls recipe is the highest leveled recipe in the game and it will be very useful in getting to max level for the

Maestrochef trophy. After having reached Rapunzel, you can go back to Dronning and head into the Village Elder's House and attempt to enter Kohaku's room. Instead of her just freaking out, she will leave the party and stand guard. Go downstairs and talk to Kyan and you will need to Spiria Link with him. When he has Kohaku distracted, enter her room, and after that, you will get the Miso Rice Balls recipe.
Note: Kohaku is completely addicted to miso and this is her favourite recipe. If you assign this recipe to her, the effect will be 50% more effective meaning your maximum HP and TP will increase with 30% for 3 battles.
Tyrant's Crest Accessory
The Tyrant's Crest is an extremely useful accessory in the game, as it completely negates all staggering. In order to get this valuable accessory, you'll need to have at least beaten the game and be in the post-game section. Head to the Arena in Lion Park and beat all of the Party Battle ranks up to Advanced, which will unlock the Special rank in Party and Single. Beat the Special Party rank as well as all the ranks for everyone in Single, then beat all of the Extra Battles. After having done all of that, you will unlock the final Secret rank. Once you have conquered the Secret rank, you will be given the Tyrant's Crest.
Farming Grade
Grade is what is used in order to purchase bonuses for when you start up a NG+. Throughout the game, you will earn plenty of grade at the end of each battle, but more than likely, you need to grind for more Grade to purchase all of the things that you want for NG+. A good way to get Grade is to use Hisui and fight against a Naga enemy on the Southeast Islands.
What you will want to have on him is the One Hit Wonder skill, which he learns at Fight level 19 on his Soma, so you will only be dealing one damage. The reason for this is that each hit on an enemies weakness, in this case, wind, gets you Grade. The skills you should have equipped are TP Saver, Countermend TP, TC Counterkeeper, Combo Tonic, Combo Voltage, and Exceed 1, 2, + 3, as well as a weapon with high TC (the Kitten Mittens are the best for this). The Kitten Mittens are obtained on the cat island west from the Schehera Desert (the one that looks like a cat's paw print, see

Marker Marker for the location). Enter the forest, talk to the woman, exit, set Hisui as the leader, and talk to the woman again to get this weapon. The reason being is you will be using nothing but TP and TC, so you will want to keep it up as high as possible, and with those skils you will be able to keep both at or near max.
Equipping the Dice and Blue Dice accessories on active party members will increase the amount of Grade received with 15% and cook the Miso-Glazed Tofu for an additional 10% increase (the effect will be 15% if Kohaku cooks the dish). The dice are rewards from Citrine when you give her 32 and 58 Namcoins and the Miso-Glazed Tofu recipe can be bought in Dronning. Increasing the difficulty will also increase the amount of Grade obtained. You can do this by going to System > Options.
Once you're prepared, head to the Southeast Island with and set the priorities of the other active party members to "Do Nothing" so that they will not attack enemies. Take control of the character that's not Hisui and take out all other enemies but one Naga, then switch back to Hisui and start to spam Swarm of Thrushes, giving no quarter to the Naga. If a Chase Link icon appears, ignore it unless you're going for

Chase Link Ace. If it rages, then make sure to counterattack and immediately continue the assault. Not only will counterattacking give you an extra hit and continue the assault, but it will fully restore your TC as well. Having Countermend TP and TC Counterkeeper will restore TP by 10% and keep TC from being used for a time.
At this point, the choice is yours what to do. You can get to 999 hit combo, where the counter stops, and then kill the enemy with the other character, or just keep going until it dies by Hisui's hands, 1 damage at a time. The longer you take, the more Grade you'll get, but you should go for no more than about 15 minutes, which will grant you about 500 Grade, but continuing after the 999 combo seems to slow the stream of Grade gotten, as the only bonus you'll continue to get is the bonus for hitting an enemy's weakness, which builds up, but not very fast.
While farming Grade you can also work on the following trophies:
M2K: defeat 2,000 enemies.
Boo!: defeat 50 ambushes.
Counteractivist: guard counter 200 times.
Spiria Superior: activate Spiria Drive 50 times.
Cross Chase Ace: perform 150 Cross Chases.
Maestrochef: reach cooking level 99.
200-Hit Combo: perform a 200-hit combo.
Ultimate Equipment
Each character has his/her own unique soma, armour, and headgear that are the most powerful in the game. To get it, you'll have to do a lot of things. The headgear takes the least amount of work and it's recommended to only go for those when your goal is to get the platinum trophy as fast as possible.
Ultimate Somas
Obtaining these weapons is easy, getting them powerful enough requires an insane amount of work. During a playthrough you might've seen some stone tablets with a red gem in it, these are Shadow Gems. After beating the story, you can collect them. Once you have all 8 (one for each character), go to the Triverse dungeons in Anders Mine and Schehera Desert and the Triverse Gate north of Seaville. In the last area in each of these dungeons you can insert these gems in statues to activate a teleporter. Follow these to battle a shadow version of your characters. These are solo battles and the shadows are pretty though during the first playthrough. Having the Tyrant's Crest is a must-have. Once you beat the shadow, you'll get their weapon.
These weapons start at 0 P. Attack and 0 W. Attack and will gain 1 attack for every 4 enemies you defeat when the ultimate weapon is equipped (up to a maximum of 9,999 attack). So each character has to defeat a ridiculous amount of 39,996 enemies to max out their weapon. This is an extremely tedious and boring grind and definitely not recommended. To put things in perspective: during a single playthrough Kor's weapon only reached 347 P. Attack and 347 W. Attack. Which means it would take almost 4 playthroughs to make his ultimate weapon better then the strongest soma he gets from leveling up. You can carry over these stats to new playthroughs by purchasing the "Keep Shadow Growth" perk from the Grade Shop for 500 Grade.
The Shadow Gems can be found at:
- Layve Village: in the second area of the village (the one with the dead end, not the one leading to the home with the old man).
- Twilight Forest: near the exit where you fought the Grim Keeper.
- Straga Sewers: in a dead end north of where you enter from the inn.
- Douz Mois Way: at the top of the hill in the area where your ring gained the ability to break the rocks.
- Schehera Desert: at the oasis near the end.
- Prinseur: at the beach near the cathedral, where those 2 children are playing.
- Blanche Village: near Beryl's house.
- Dronning: at the northern part of the second area.
Ultimate Armours
To obtain a character's ultimate armour you have to collect 10 special willstones. Each character has their own willstone and they're extremely rare drops, therefore it's recommended to do this during NG+ when you have the Increased Rare Item Drop perk from the Grade Shop. Even with that perk the willstones are still very rare drops. You can also cook the Miso Stew for an additional 3% increase in item drop rates, the percentage is even higher if Kunzite cooks the dish. This recipe is obtained by talking to the Wonder Chef in Dronning (he's disguised as a snowman in the second area). All the enemies that drop the willstones are in the Triverse Gate north of Seaville. After obtaining the willstones, go to the Hideout in the lower right part of the world map (see

Marker Marker for the location). Talk to the guys, switch to the character whose armour you want to create (go to the character in the menu and press

to change the leader), and talk to the guys again to forge the armour.
Below is an overview of the enemies and the willstones for each character:
Fulminant Willstone
15th and 16th area (last floor)
Blazing Willstone
1st, 2nd, and 5th area
Gale Willstone
10th area
Seismic Willstone
16th area
Prismatic Willstone
15th and 16th area
Freezing Willstone
7th, 8th, and 10th area
Stygian Willstone
15th and 16th area
Sacred Willstone
1st, 2nd, and 5th area
Note: the willstones mentioned above are different from the Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Radiant, and Dark Willstones. These elemental willstones can be changed into accessories by giving them to the woman with the quest mark in Hanselar.
Ultimate Headgear
Each character's headgear is also a rare drop from enemies, but these are spread over all 3 Triverse dungeons. However, their drop rate is significantly higher and with the Increased Rare Item Drop perk you can have them all in an hour. Just like with the ultimate armours, you can also cook the Miso Stew for an additional 3% increase in item drop rates. It's strongly recommended to get these for the fight against the final story boss on Unknown difficulty.
Below is an overview of the enemies and their locations:
Ruber Lord
Duc de L'enfer
Triverse Gate 9th and 10th area
Triverse Gate 15th and 16th area
Natura Snajper
Anders Mine Triverse dungeon
Wild Ebony
Triverse Gate 6th area
Papillon Prism
Schehera Desert Triverse dungeon
Nereiss Flosse
Anders Mine Triverse dungeon
Schehera Desert Triverse dungeon
Dea Pregante
Macchia Venti
Triverse Gate 16th area
The game also likes to troll a lot. After obtaining a character's headgear, the drop rate seems to become common. After reaching lvl 200, I ended up with 39 Dea Pregantes and 17 Amaterasu-Sakuyas.

Master of Hearts
Proof of a perfect completion of Tales of Hearts R. Thanks for playing! Your love and dedication are hugely appreciated!
Very Rare

Bash, bang, pow! Your timing couldn't be more perfect! You don't fear enraged attacks—you welcome them with open arms!

To get this trophy, you must do a successful guard counter 200 times. While attacking an enemy in a combo, the enemy may turn red, make a growling/hissing sound, and attack you, breaking out of the combo. When the enemy strikes, press

just before the attack hits, and you will counter the attack. You can counter an attack even when performing an arte.
If you have the skill "Aggrevator" unlocked, you can activate it to increase the chances of enemies getting enraged. You can work on this while farming for Grade (see Tips & Strategies section). The amount of counter-attacks is being tracked by the game. To check it, press

and go to Library > Records. Note that the trophy will pop at the end of the battle.

Challenge Champ
No matter what it takes, you'll rise to the challenge! It's high time you were rewarded for your go-getting attitude!

To get this trophy, you must get the highest rank in a challenge given in battle 10 times. Sometimes when a battle starts, you will be given a challenge, of which there are 3:
- Damage Control
- Time Attack
- Highest Combo
Each one has 5 ranks, and you need to aim for the top. The easiest to get top rank is Damage Control, you just need to not get hit a lot, Highest Combo would be the next easiest, especially with Chase Links, and Time Attack can be pretty strict with its requirements, but still, aim for getting the top rank.

200-Hit Combo
Hit after hit after hit after hit after hit! You lay it on so thick and fast, the enemy doesn't stand a chance!

Getting a 200 hit combo seems daunting, but is relatively easy. Using the Grade grinding method in the Tips & Strategies section will get you this without any problems. Note that the trophy will pop at the end of the battle.

Spiria Superior
The strength of the bonds between us is the source of our greatest strength. Let the Spiria shine on!

To get this trophy, you must activate Spiria Drive 50 times by pressing

along with one of the directional pads. This feature will be unlocked as the story progresses. Note that the trophy will pop at the end of the battle. This is much easier to achieve during NG+ when you have bought the Spiria Gauge Fills Quicker perk from the Grade Shop. Besides that, you can also cook Mackerel Spaghetti to increase the refill rate even more. To obtain this recipe, go to the oasis at the end of the Schehera Desert and perform a spiria link with the man lying on the ground. Afterwards go to Pendeloque Southport and talk to Aqua to go on some treasure hunting (all of this is needed for Namcoin #57 too, see

Namcoin Classic Collection). Beat some enemies and at the end you'll receive this recipe.

Cross Chase Ace
A band of companions working in perfect harmony, and connected by unbreakable bonds—bonds that go beyond mere individuals and out into the fabric of the universe itself.

During a Chase, the image of another party member may be flashing. Once that happens, quickly tap the image on the touch screen and you'll do a combo attack with said party member. Do this 150 times and the trophy will unlock.
Cross Chases are random, but you can equip skills to prolong the Chase. You can work on this while farming for Grade (see Tips & Strategies section). The game keeps track of this too. To check it, press

and go to Library > Records. Note that the trophy will pop at the end of the battle.

Chase Link Ace
Come on! Just one more second! And another! And another! Your unflappable perserverance has finally paid off!

To get this trophy, you have to keep a Chase Link active for over 20 seconds. Using the Grade grinding method setup in the Tips & Strategies section, you will be able to do this with ease. The only extra skill you should have equipped on Hisui is Strike Extender, which you get from having a 5 star bond with Kor, as it will increase the amount a hit will lengthen the Chase Link. Just spam Swarm of Thrushes as you normally would until the Chase Link Icon comes up, then use




to activate the Chase Link.
Continue using Swarm of Thrushes, but DO NOT spam it. Instead, use it, wait a second, then use it again, and keep doing this. You will notice using it at a slower pace will cause the Chase Link timer to increase a lot and look like it doesn't even decrease, but soon it will, until it won't raise at all. When that happens, press

to instantly teleport to the enemy to mix up your movement and continue the attack. Doing a Cross Chase will also extend the Chase Link (see

Cross Chase Ace for more information). As long as you pace the attacks, you can get the timer to go for as long as 20 seconds. The trophy will not pop once you pass 20 seconds, it will pop at the end of the battle.

This award commemorates your uncanny ability to be taken unawares. You don't let the surprise grind your Spiria down, though—you thrive on it!

For this trophy you have to encounter 50 ambush fights, which is completely random. You'll notice that sometimes the screen turns red when a fight starts and enemies have surrounded your party, this is an ambush. Unfortunately, there isn't a skill that increases the chance to get ambushed. The only thing you can do is use an Umbra Bottle to fight enemies more often. The amount of ambushes isn't tracked by the game, but it carries over to NG+. If you explore a lot, this trophy should unlock in the postgame Triverse dungeon during the first playthrough. If not, then it'll unlock during NG+.

Day after day, from the dawn's early light to the setting of the sun, you slayed every single beast that crossed your path. Looking back, it's hard to tell now if your epic journey of slaughter took forever or the twinkling of an eye.

Simply defeat 2,000 enemies for this trophy. You can check your progress by pressing

, then go to Library > Records.

Max. Level Allstars
Awarded for training every character up to achieve their maximum potential. From here on out, it's just about learning how best to put that potential into practice!
Very Rare

This trophy will unlock after all 8 characters have reached lvl 200. This is a lot easier to do once you get the 5x EXP perk from the Grade Shop during NG+. The postgame dungeon Triverse Gate has the strongest enemies that yield the most exp. See

Victory over Faldealmus on how to enter it. Characters that aren't fighting won't receive any experience, unless you equip the skill Supersub. Cooking the Miso Soup recipe will increase the amount of Exp obtained with an additional 20% (30% if Kohaku cooks it), this recipe can be bought in Dronning.

Monster Collector
You have sought out creatures of all shapes and sizes and diligently recorded their every detail. It's high time your monstrous menagerie was appreciated in all its gory glory!

An easy way to get this trophy is to have 2,500 Grade and then start up a NG+ and buy the "Fill in Monster Lexicon" bonus. Upon starting your next playthrough, this will pop immediately. You can reload your previous save so you do not waste the Grade.

Item Hoarder
Your fine eye for a fine item has led to your being awarded this momentous accolade. You've experienced every effect the various objects of the world have to offer, and bathed in their beauty to your heart's content!

An easy way to get this trophy is to have 2,500 Grade and then start up a NG+ and buy the "Fill Collector's Codex" bonus. Upon starting your next playthrough, go into the menu and look in the Item Collection book, and this will pop. You can reload your previous save so you do not waste the Grade.

Marker Marker
You've tracked down every item marker out there, no matter how well-hidden. Is there nothing in this world you can't find?
For this trophy you have to find all 41 items that are spread over the world map. Each location is marked with yellow circles (see image on the right), so it's not that hard to spot them. However, you'll need the airship to get all of them. That's because some of the markers are in otherwise unreachable places. All the markers need to be collected in a single playthrough, they're reset once you start a new playthrough.
Below you'll find a map with all the marker locations. The
yellow diamonds are Namcoins and the
black diamonds contain an item. The
red dots are dungeons and the
blue dots are cities, villages, and ports. These dots aren't relevant to the trophy and were already on the world map when taking the screenshot.

You've seen every inch of the whole wide world with your own two eyes, and this award proves it. It's a big old place out there, but as you now know, there's nothing to fear.

After acquiring the airship near the end of the story, fly around and uncover the map. You don't need to uncover all of it, just the islands and continents. To make this easier, keep pressing

until the world map is in the center of the screen. That makes it so much easier to navigate. Take a look at the world map in

Marker Marker for the locations of all the islands and continents.

You've spent more time in the kitchen than the Wonder Chef himself! He must be over the moon to have such a dedicated pupil as you! Maybe you'll be as buff as him one day, too!
Very Rare

You will need to get your cooking level to max, 99, to get this trophy. While going through the game, you should acquire as many recipes as possible and cook as often as possible. Recipes can be bought from shops, obtained from the Wonder Chef (look for objects/people wearing a chef's had and talk to them), or obtained from events. Try not to cook things that are much of a higher level than you, maybe 2 or 3 levels at max, as failing just wastes ingredients. If you want to play it safe, cook things that are the same level as your cooking level.
Once you get to cooking level 70 and have gotten the Miso Rice Balls recipe (See Tips & Strategies section), then you can start grinding out the last levels, as it is the highest level recipe and the fastest way to get to max level. Having the "Item capacity 99" bonus from the Grade Shop will help immensely, as you will be able to stock up on the ingredients in Dronning, then cook after every battle while getting everyone to lvl 200 in the Triverse Gate for

Max. Level Allstars. Having the recipe shortcut will streamline the process even more and make it much faster. Just head back to Dronning once you run out of ingredients. If you've already reached lvl 200 with everyone, head back to Seaville for fighting the weakest enemies and keep cooking until you reach level 99.
Note: Some dishes will be more effective if people who like them cook it. When cooking dishes, you may notice the character's facial expression changes. This has nothing to do with the effectiveness of a dish. The only thing that determines the effectiveness is a speech balloon or lack thereof. If there is a red music note in the balloon, the dish will be more effective. A waterdrop means the dish will be less effective. If there is no speech balloon, the dish's effectiveness won't change. For example: Kohaku is completely addicted to miso, so most miso dishes she cooks will be 50% more effective.

Namcoin Classic Collection
You've collected every single Namcoin out there. Citrine is so happy she could die! Just don't go losing them before you hand them over to her, you hear?
Very Rare

To get this trophy, you must collect all 76 Namcoins in a single playthrough and return them to Citrine. She's located in evey town and will give you a reward for bringing her a set amount of coins (14 rewards in total). Most notably are the Dice, Omega Elixer, and Blue Dice for bringing her respectively 32, 52, and 58 Namcoins. Using the link to the guide below will help you find all 76 Namcoins:
Linked: Namcoin Collection Guide
This guide will help you find all 76 Namcoins in the world with ease.
Guide Rating
Also take a look at

Marker Marker for the Namcoins that are spread over the world. The
yellow diamonds on the map are Namcoins.

Victory over the Grim Keeper
This hateful being likes nothing more than to watch his faithful scythe swing about the place causing mayhem. If Gall hadn't showed up just in the nick of time, he may have stopped Kor and co. at the very first hurdle.

The descriptions for the story-related boss fights all have the same format: there's the locations, weaknesses and resistances, health, and recommended party members. The amount of health is based on Easy mode and will be higher on the harder difficulties. The recommended party members aren't always a party of four and you should fill up the remaining places with a healer (Hisui, Kohuaku, or Chalcedony) and damage dealers, such as Kor, Ines, or Gall.
Boss Overview
Grim Keeper
- HP: 6,800
- Weakness: Light
- Resistant: Dark and Fire
Grim Reaper
- HP: 2,160
- Weakness: Light
- Resistant: Dark
You will get this trophy after you have beaten the Grim Keeper boss at the end of the Twilight Forest. His scythe will move on its own and revive from time to time. Still it's better to take it out. You won't have a lot of party members available, but Chalcedony will help as an NPC. He deals Light damage. Depending on how strong you are, Kor might also have unlocked a Light-based arte.

Victory over Chalcedony
This nasty bundle of bowl-haircutted bad attitude has a Soma that lets him fly around in the air. He'd better give that piece of Kohaku's Spiria Core back, or he'll be sorry!

You will get this trophy after you have beaten Chalcedony at the end of Anders Mine.
Boss Overview
- HP: 16,536
- Weakness: Dark
- Resistant: Light
Chalcedony is an airborne enemy and can fly around. He will also try to use airborne combos on a single party member to stun lock them and attack again when the party member is falling down. At this point in the story Beryl might've unlocked a Dark-based arte based on how you leveled her up.

Victory over Amethyst
This supposedly world-famous hero would have you believe that you defeated him more through luck than anything else, but you know the real story.

You will get this trophy after you have beaten Amethyst at the end of High Tower.
Boss Overview
- HP: 20,354
- Weakness: Earth
- Resistant: None
Gall is recommended for this fight, most of his arte are Earth-based. Amethyst also likes to drop bombs around himself. Be careful not to step on those, those can instantly stun you. He also likes to teleport around a lot. Amethyst uses a whip that has quite some range to attack and stagger multiple party members at once, which he will try to do. Once you become trapped in his combo and send airborne, there's nothing to do except wait for the combo to end.

Victory over the Sandworm
This self-satisfied slitherer was probably so full of beans as he wriggled his way beneath the sands because he'd swallowed a shard of unadulterated joy.

You will get this trophy after you have beaten the Sandworm at the end of the Schehera Desert.
Boss Overview
- HP: 39,096
- Weakness: Water
- Resistant: Earth
The Sandworm will summon 3 lesser worms from time to time. It's recommended to defeat those first. Ines is very useful in this fight, she has a lot of Water-based artes. Gall is not recommended, because of his Earth-based artes.

Victory over Chalcedony's Crew
A pitched battle filled with fierce Soma-on-Soma action has finally drawn to a close and we won!

From this fight on bosses will use their Spiria Drive skill when their health goes below ~25%. The fight will briefly pause and the boss will start glowing. When that happens, run around and avoid the boss' artes until the glowing effect wears off or until the boss uses a Spiria Drive skill on another party member.
You will get this trophy after you have beaten Chalcedony, Pyrox, and Peridot in the Prinseur Cathedral.
Boss Overview
- HP: 12,154
- Weakness: Water
- Resistant: Fire
- HP: 17,505
- Weakness: Dark
- Resistant: Light
- HP: 18,621
- Weakness: Earth
- Resistant: None
At this point in the story you've already fought against all 3 separately. However, this time they will all team up. It's recommended to take out Peridot first, followed by Chalcedony, and finally Pyrox. Ines (Water-based), Beryl (Dark-based), and Gall (Earth-Based) are recommended for this fight.

Victory over Silver
You took Soma in hand and fought with all your might to try and make one who spoke of an "ideal" world see sense. And it seems you succeeded.

You will get this trophy after you have beaten Silver in Lignatore Garrison.
Boss Overview
- HP: 45,596
- Weakness: Water and Lightning
- Resistant: Dark
Ines and Kor are very useful in this fight with their Water and Lightning artes. Beryl and Kunzite use Dark artes and aren't recommended.

Victory over Chlorseraph
This ultimate mechanoid warrior was armed with an enormous green sword. Your defeat of him is proof that if you work together, you can overcome even the most insanely powerful opponents.

You will get this trophy after you have beaten Chlorseraph in Mount Bremen.
Boss Overview
- HP: 53,680
- Weakness: Dark (very weak)
- Resistant: None
Chlorseraph likes to dash forward while slicing the blades attached to his arms, so it's recommended to attack from the rear to avoid his slashes. This is where Beryl and Kunzite shine, spam those Dark artes.

Victory over Xeromized Striegov
This unseemly character claimed to be a person of refinement, but proved that he would go to any lengths to satisfy his ugly appetites.

You will get this trophy after beating Xeromized Striegov in the Mysticite Spiria Link.
Boss Overview
Xeromized Striegov
- HP: 74,416
- Weakness: Water
- Resistant: None
Striegov fights the same as in the previous battle during your first trip in Mysticite. If the cutscene wasn't enough motivation to use Ines to beat the crap out of Striegov, her Water artes might convince you.

Victory over the Seraphim
Chlorseraph of the green blade, and Clinoseraph of the blue shield—seraphic siblings whose awe-inspiring twin attacks had to be seen to be believed.

You will get this trophy after beating Chlorseraph and Clinoseraph in Cind'rella.
Boss Overview
- HP: 57,680
- Weakness: Dark (very weak)
- Resistant: None
- HP: 68,000
- Weakness: Light (very weak)
- Resistant: None
Chlorseraph's tactics haven't changed and they're the same as the previous fight. While Chlorseraph has a high attack power, Chlinoseraph favours a high defense and it'll take a bit to defeat him. Therefore it's recommended to take out Chlorseraph first. Just like before, use Beryl and Kunzite for Chlorseraph. Kor and Chalcedony are effective against Clinoseraph.

Victory over Incarose Alt
Though she combined the arms and speed of Chlorseraph with the armor and power of Clinoseraph, she was ultimately alone, and unable to call on a power higher than her own.

You will get this trophy after beating Incarose Alt at the top of Beanstalk Tower.
Boss Overview
Incarose Alt
- HP: 128,160
- Weakness: Light
- Resistant: None
At this point in the story you've already fought Incarose a few times. The difference this time is that she looks hideous and has more health. Kor and Chalcedony are recommended to use during this fight.

Victory over Creed
He fought a bitter battle over two long millennia to save the one he loved and the world of Minera from whence he came. But when the moment of his end finally arrived, it was thanks to him that Kor was able to connect with the very first Spiria of all.

You will get this trophy after beating Creed twice in a row in Gardenia. These fights are back-to-back with no time to heal or restock items.
Boss Overview
Gardenia Core
First battle
- HP: 146,456
- Weakness: Light
- Resistant: Dark
Second battle
- HP: 188,000
- Weakness: Light
- Resistant: None
Kor and Chalcedony are recommended to use. Also take a look at

Unknown Clearance for a detailed strategy against the boss.

Victory over Faldealmeus
Though you suffered greatly at the hands of this gargantuan gatekeeper with his massive firepower and wide-ranging attacks, it only served to make the battle all the more of an exciting challenge, didn't it?

Faldealmus is the game's postgame boss, as such he's much stronger than the final story boss. Needless to say you can only fight him after beating the story. After you do that, the screen will say "a mysterious portal opened somewhere". You need to go back to Anders Mine and head to the room with the two murals. Once there, a cutscene will trigger and afterwards you'll see a strange light between the murals. Enter the light and solve the puzzle by moving the pillars, so that the beam of light passes through all of them and reaches the end. An easy way to solve this is to start at the end and work your way back to the start. Eventually you'll make your way to the dungeon boss (see overview below), beat him to get an orb. Use Kor, Kohaku, and Chalcedony to deal damage and Hisui as a healer.
Boss Overview
Ultime Rose
- HP: 229,140
- Weakness: Fire (very weak) and Light
- Resistant: Dark
Now go back to the area where you beat the Sandworm in the Schehera desert. At the start of this area is another ruin with the light. Examine it and enter, solve the beam puzzle, and beat the boss (see overview below) to get another orb. The boss is very agile and deals quite some damage. It's recommended to use Kor, Gall, and Ines to attack.
Boss Overview
Soleil Levant
- HP: 262,819
- Weakness: Earth
- Resistant: Light and Dark
With these two orbs go to the large island north of Seaville. The island has a lake in the center with 3 bridges. Insert the orbs in the gold rings and the final Triverse dungeon will open. In this part of the Triverse you'll find Faldealmus on the last floor. But before that you'll have to make it through 3 floors, which consists of 15 areas. The first 4 areas are from other regions and the 5th area is in the Triverse, where you have to solve a puzzle and defeat a boss. These 5 areas are considered 1 floor. This pattern repeats itself 3 times and you'll find Faldealmus in the 16th area. Below is an overview of all the Triverse Gate bosses.
Triverse Gate Bosses
5th Area
- HP: 282,868
- Weakness: Water and Light
- Resistant: Fire and Dark
The first boss is a much stronger version of the Grim Keeper. Ines, Kor, and Chalcedony will deal a lot of damage with their elemental attacks. Add Hisui as a healer and you have a great team to take on the boss. As with the Grim Keeper fight, the Archdeus' scythe will be an extra enemy during the fight. The boss will revive the scythe after a while, but it's still recommended to take it out.
Colère du Monde
10th Area
- HP: 364,528
- Weakness: Dark (very weak) and Lightning
- Resistant: Fire and Earth
The second boss is just like the sandworm and summons lesser worms. He also spams petrifying attacks, so make sure to equip items and skills that increase your resistance against petrification and bring a lot of Stone Bottles. Kunzite and Kor are very useful in this fight. The lesser worms will often interrupt Beryl's casting, so she isn't a great choice unless you already have a Tyrant's Crest. Definitely add Hisui to get rid of the petrification and equip him with a Krona Symbol to make him immune against all status ailments. You get a Krona Symbol for beating Incarose Alt the first time in the Arena Extra Matches.
Gatoum Jaws
15th Area
- HP: 525,650
- Weakness: Wind (very weak) and Water
- Resistant: None
The third boss is a stronger version of the Vorgas. This is one of the few fights where Hisui is more useful as an offensive character. Therefore add Kohaku or Chalcedony as a healer. Ines and Kor are also recommended as damage dealers.
16th Area
- HP: 800,000
- Weakness: None
- Resistant: None
Faldealmus himself is the toughest boss in the game, so it's best to be at least lvl 100+. He spams all 7 elemental attacks and party members that are caught in them become weak to that element. So having Hisui to get rid of these debuffs is a must. Besides that bring some party members that can deal a lot of damage, like Kor, Ines, and Kohaku/Chalcedony. Kohaku/Chalcedony can also double as a healer when necessary.
Faldealmus has no weaknesses and a great strategy is to equip skills that make the Chase Marker appear more often and prolong the Chase. When you chase the boss, he can't do anything, which gives you some breathing room and time to heal. Besides that, bring a lot of healing gels and reviving items. Having the Tyrant's Crest and cooking the Miso Rice Balls to get a 20% (30% if Kohaku cooks it) increase in health and TP defintely help a lot (see Tips & Strategies section on how to acquire those).
Beating Faldealmus grants no exp or gald and he drops no items (which is a huge disappointment), the only thing you get is a secret cutscene if you defeat the final story boss again on the same playthrough. So should this boss prove to be too difficult, you can always do it during NG+ when you have access to the Grade Shop. But at least try to reach Faldealmus during the first playthrough to get some of the best equipment, that way you can get another set during NG+. This is definitely recommended for

Unknown Clearance.

Manic Clearance
Congratulations! Not many people manage a clearance at the Manic difficulty level! The only thing left for you now is to take a plunge into the Unknown.
Very Rare

Difficulty Specific
To get this trophy, you must beat the final boss on Manic difficulty. Refer to

Unknown Clearance for tips on how to take on the boss. Using the setup described in that trophy, the final boss' first form was defeated in 8 minutes and the second form in 5 minutes.
Note: the difficulty trophies don't stack, so you have to beat the final boss on Manic and Unknown to get both trophies. The game puts you back before the final boss after the credits if you refuse to start NG+. To change the difficulty, go to Systems > Options.

Unknown Clearance
Congratulations! You cleared the game at Unknown—the most hardcore difficulty level of all! There's not an enemy out there you can't take to pieces with ease!
Very Rare

Difficulty Specific
To get this trophy, you must beat the final boss on Unknown difficulty. You can fight the final boss as many times as you want, the games puts you back at the final save point if you refuse to start NG+ after the credits. To change the difficulty, go to Systems > Options. You should only attempt to fight the boss on Unknown difficulty once you have reached max level (200) with all characters. Be sure to have them equipped with the best equipment that you have, as you'll need it. Having the Tyrant's Crest is highly recommended as well, so you will not stagger from any attack and the Miso Rice Balls recipe will increase your HP and TP with 20% (refer to the Tips & Strategies section on how to get those).
The final boss has two forms, and both are weak Light, so it would be best to have Chalcedony with a high W. ATK stat, as he is very proficient in Light artes. You can have either have his Wille weapon equipped, which will give him the most W. ATK, but lower P. ATK. Or the Glanz, which will give him a little less W. ATK than the Wille, but more P. ATK, and also make his normal attacks Light elemental as well. Having Kor as the main damage dealer is a great help as well for physical attacks and he has Light Physical artes, such as Celestial Rupture and Light Spear Blast. His Alpheratz weapon gives him the highest P. ATK of all his weapons. The Arcturus weapon has a slightly less P. Attack, but it also gives you 100 P. Defense and 100 W. Defense. Having Hisui and Kohaku in the battle on healing duty is imperative, as the boss will very easily be able to kill you if you're not careful. You should have a hefty amount of healing and revival items, as you will need them. Getting to lvl 200 in the final area of the Triverse dungeon with the increased (rare) item drop rate will net you quite some gels that completely recover all HP/TP, Elixirs and Omega Elixirs. If the battle is too hard, don't be afraid to use an All Divide as a last resort.
Below is an example of a useful setup:
Elemental Cloak
Imperial Guard
Ruber Lord
Dea Pregante
Natura Snajper
Tyrant's Crest
Krona Symbol
Krona Symbol
Tyrant's Crest
Sword Lord
Grand Master
Closest to the enemy
(all the way to the right)
Farthest from the enemy (all the way to the left)
Farthest from the enemy
Farthest from the enemy
Role in
All the body armour are from the postgame Triverse dungeon, but you can only get one of them per playthrough. The head armour are the best ones for every character and are dropped from enemies in the Triverse dungeons (see the Tips & Strategies section for more information). Krona Symbol (only 1 per playthrough) is obtained by beating Incarose Alt in the Extra Arena matches after beating the story. The titles are unlocked when each character reaches lvl 100. Formation can be changed by going to Battle > Formation and Role in Combat can be changed by going to Battle > Strategy (from here press

to set priority strategies).
During the fights you'll be playing as Kor all the time. Make sure he has at least 1 light element arte set as a shortcut (Celestial Rupture is recommended) and that Kor and Chalcedony have their combination Spiria Drive skill equipped (see

Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Chalcedony on how to acquire it). This skill is light-based and deals around 30,000-35,000 damage, making it very useful. To use it, press


when the Spiria Drive (bar on the left during combat) is level 4, activate an arte
that hits the enemy, and keep holding

until the arte is finished. Afterwards the combination skill will activate. Use this skill every time the Spiria Drive bar reaches lvl 4, which should happen at a steady rate, because you got the Spiria Gauge Fills Quicker perk from the Grade Shop (you did get it, right?).
Besides that, Kohaku and Hisui had the following priority strategies in this order:
- Heal: Arte - Self with HP<80% - None
- Heal: Arte - Ally with HP<80% - None
- Revival: Arte - Single Ally - None
- Heal S.Effect: Arte - Single Ally - None
- Use Item: Specific: Pineapple Gel - Self with TP<20% - None
Chalcedony had the same strategies, only in a slightly different order. The 'Revival: Arte' was placed before the 'Heal Self'. Strategies can be bought from merchants in every town.
Finally, all the items that permanently increase stats (Sage, Savory, Lavender, Verbana, Chamomille, Saffron, and the red versions of those herbs) that were obtained throughout both playthroughs were used. Lavender + Chamomille were used on Kor, all the other ones were used on the character with the lowest stats. The Special Single and Advanced Single battles in the Arena reward you with these herbs when beating them for the first time with each character. Besides that you can find them in chests throughout the game and as marker treasures (see

Marker Marker). After all that is done, cook the Miso Rice Balls for an additional 20% health and TP for every character (30% if Kohaku cooks it).
Using this exact setup, the first form was beaten in 13 minutes and the second form in 11 minutes without using an All Divide.
Final Boss: First Form
Boss Overview
Gardenia Core
First battle
- HP: 732,280
- Weakness: Light
- Resistant: Dark
During the first fight, you will notice it will summon Gardenia Spheres. When there are 4 spheres, Creed will use them for an arte that you can stop by defeating them, but it is not worth your time to kill them. Instead, leave them alone, and when Gardenia Core unleashes the attack, creating a black hole in the middle of the arena, just stay around the edge and you will not get hurt. Also try to lure Creed with you, so you can fight him there, while the other 3 members keep healing you. Just focus on beating the Gardenia Core.
Having the Tyrant's Crest will allow you to continuously wail on it, and you can very easily block the rage attacks and continue the onslaught. If you see the Gardenia Sphere charging up for the beam attack, it would be best to either block or get out of the way, as that is one of the most devastating attacks it has. It will take some time to take the boss down, but using the Spiria Drives and Mystic Artes can help immensely, just take your time. Using the setup described above, Kor will be doing almost all the damage while the other 3 members are healing you and each other.
Final Boss: Second Form
Boss Overview
Second battle
- HP: 940,000
- Weakness: Light
- Resistant: None
Once you take down the first form, you will fight the second and last form. Creed has more health during this fight, but this form is significantly easier to handle. The other 3 party members will actually be helping out, because they won't have to heal you every second. Creed is fast and will cast a wide range of the strongest elemental artes (except light element) and use devastating shadow attacks and combos. This is where you will need to be cautious and not rush headfirst into him. His light weakness still remains, so exploit it as much as possible. You are able to make the Chase Marker appear on him, and if it does, take that opportunity and make it last as long as possible.
Creed is able to activate Spiria Drive, and if that happens, just run and try not to get hit, as he will use his Mystic Arte and it will kill you. His most devastating attack is Soul Siphon, which can very easily kill you if you get hit by it, and as his HP gets lower, he will start to use it more and it will be more powerful. As long as Hisui is on healing duty, it should be okay to take Creed head on, but still, be cautious of his attacks and use healing and revival items whenever anyone is in trouble, and you can win this fight. Again, if you feel it is too hard, feel free to use an All Divide. The trophy will pop at the end of the credits.

You've popped more balloons than there are stars in the sky! You're a stone-cold, certifiable balloonatic!
Very Rare

To get this trophy, you have to get a grand total of 12,000 points in the balloon mini-game. This doesn't mean you have to get 12,000 points with each character. It's quite the opposite actually: every character's individual score combined must be 12,000. Do note that scores don't carry over to NG+, so this must be done in a single playthrough. It's recommended to save this trophy for last, play the game twice, and get everyone to lvl 200 first. That way you'll have all the skills + artes and can work on increasing everyone's Somatic Bonds. The mini-game is located in the Arena in Lion Park. When you enter the building, go left and talk to the man to start it.
The guy explains all the rules and also mentions you can check each character's high scores in the book next to him. Still one thing to keep in mind is that star-shaped balloons have a higher priority then the yellow balloons (which is worth the most points), so always go for them first. This is because star-shaped balloons freeze the countdown timer for 10 (blue), 13 (red), or 16 (yellow) seconds. You can pause the battle and the timer with

and use the left stick to switch targets.
Each balloon only has 1 HP and is considered an enemy. Therefore the skills "TP Gain" and "TC Gain" are mandatory. For that you need a lvl 3 and lvl 5 bond with Kunzite. "Athlete 1" also greatly helps, but you'll need to get everyone's Somatic Bond with Chalcedony to level 2. "Athlete 2" is shared at Somatic Bond level 9. With these skills you can keep spamming artes to quickly move around and destroy as many balloons as fast as possible. The following artes are recommended:
- Kor: Blue Jet and Streaking Comet. Use Streaking Comet to quickly move around and Blue Jet for balloons that are high in the air.
- Kohaku: Piroutte Kick, Rising Phoenix, and Crimson Twister. Use Piroutte Kick when balloons are grouped together, Rising Phoenix for balloons in the air, and Crimson Twister when balloons are lined up horizontally.
- Hisui: Throng of Birds. Seriously, that's all you need. His ranged attack can hit any balloon, though you have to move to another position sometimes to hit moving balloons.
- Gall: Jaguar Slash and Burrowing Mole. Use Jaguar Slash to hit a balloon and keep mashing
to hit the next target. Use Burrowing Mole for balloons in the air.
- Beryl: Flying Colors, Abstract Orb, and Shock-a-Doodle. Most balloons can be hit with Flying Colors. When balloons are grouped together, use Abstract Orb. Use Shock-a-Doodle for balloons in the air.
- Ines: Blade de Bulles and Cirque du Dauphin. Use Blade de Bulles to hit balloons when they're close to each other and Cirque du Dauphin when they're lined up vertically.
- Kunzite: Fleeting Shadow and Tempest Strike. Never stop spamming Fleeting Shadow to move around, unless there's a balloon high in the air. When that's the case, use Tempest Strike.
- Chalcedony: Aerial Exorcism and Winged Arrow. Use Aerial Exorcism to move around and Winged Arrow to get higher into the air. It may take some practice, but use Winged Arrow, let Chalcedony descent a bit and keep spamming Aerial Exorcism. If done correctly, you will hover between the balloons and can hit both the ones near the ground and the ones hovering in the air.
Hisui, Kunzite, and Chalcedony will be the ones to get around 8,000 points. Kor, Beryl, and Ines can get between 800-1,250 points each. Don't count on Gall and Kohaku, simply try to get as many points with them as possible. You're lucky to reach 750 points with either of them. As a final note: balloon formations are random, as are star-shaped balloons. It's possible no star-shaped balloons spawn or you're lucky and get a few. Just keep at it and eventually you'll have a lucky run.
Below is an example of the scores that were obtained with the method described above, which you can use as a reference:
1,260 points
730 points
1,940 points
600 points
810 points
990 points
3,200 points
2,570 points
12,100 points

Arena Cleaner
Congratulations! You've sliced and diced your way through the arena, both alone and with a party by your side! This glorious achievement will surely stand unchallenged for millenia! Oh, uh. Don't look now, but that guy's staring at you kind of angrily.

To get this trophy, you must beat the Advanced rank for both Party and Single battles. Advanced rank is not available before the story events in Dronning and you must also beat the Beginner and Intermediate rank. A good level to be at for taking on the Advanced rank would be around 80+, so it's recommended to beat the story first.

Victory over Hubert and Pascal
This curious duo took to the field in their cute costumes and showed that they were more than just a pair of comedians.

After you have beaten the Party Advanced rank in the arena, you will be confronted by two familiar characters from Tales of Graces f, Pascal and Hubert, who are donning Toro and Kuro costumes.
At the right level (recommended being 80+) the fight is not that tough, you just have to keep an eye on your teammates and the other character you are not fighting. You should take out Pascal first as she is the tougher of the two, having more HP and being able to use ranged attacks with her staff. If she goes into Spiria Drive mode, try to stay away from her attacks, as she will use her Mystic Arte, which can hurt a bit. Once she has been taken out, Hubert alone is much easier, as he uses melee attacks more than anything. If you can keep him stunned and in a combo, he is very easy to defeat.

Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Kohaku
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Kohaku, adding unassailable courage to the already formidable arsenal of spiritual weapons at our fair heroine's disposal.

To get this trophy, unlock the combination skill between Kor and Kohaku. See

Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall for more information.

Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Beryl
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Beryl. The sight of somebody single-mindedly chasing their dream is enough to spur anybody on. May her dreams of artistic greatness come true!

To get this trophy, unlock the combination skill between Kor and Beryl. See

Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall for more information.

Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Chalcedony
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Chalcedony. Over the course of their many battles, both against one another and by each other's sides, they have learned an enormous amount. May the friendship between these brothers in arms last a thousand years!

To get this trophy, unlock the combination skill between Kor and Chalcedony. See

Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall for more information.

Unbreakable Bond: Kohaku and Hisui
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between the Hearts siblings. He may be a loudmouth, but it's all born of love, and why can't a big brother love his little sister more than anybody else?

To get this trophy, unlock the combination skill between Kohaku and Hisui. See

Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall for more information.

Unbreakable Bond: Kohaku and Beryl
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kohaku and Beryl. Want to see how powerful the ties of friendship can really be? Better hold on to your hats—this is going to be explosive!

To get this trophy, unlock the combination skill between Kohaku and Beryl. See

Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall for more information.

Unbreakable Bond: Ines and Gall
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Ines and Gall. The power of parental love pumps through both these fierce fighters' veins like an unstoppable force!

To get this trophy, unlock the combination skill between Ines and Gall. See

Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall for more information.

Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall
This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kunzite and Gall. Just because he's a machine doesn't mean he can't have a Spiria, as anyone who has felt this mechanical warrior's warmth can attest.
Very Rare

To get this trophy, unlock the combination skill between Kunzite and Gall. To do that the somatic bonds between them must be at least level 7. You can check the somatic bonds between characters by pressing

, go to "Skills", and press

again. Pressing


lets you shift between characters. Somatic bonds increase in various ways:
- During the story.
- Having party members in the active party and beating enemies (equip the skill "High Yield Bond" to increase the amount of affection you get from fighting enemies).
- Watching skits with
(if those are available).
- Riding the ferris wheel and teacup attractions in Lion Park for the first time with every character.
Once you complete the events at Beanstalk Tower and beat the boss at the top, go back to Cind'rella. A cutscene will show a light orb flying northwest. Make your way to the next area and go left (past the green door where you fought Chlorseraph and Clinoseraph). In this third area you'll find a tree and Fluora will speak to you. Afterwards talk to her to unlock a combination Spiria Drive skill.