Stage 1: Green Hill Zone, Act I Delete
This will be your first playthrough, just play through the tutorial and the main 7 levels of the game (play the 3 extra free DLC levels too if you want, but they aren't needed) and these trophies will pop naturally along the way.
If you're really good at the game and find yourself getting sick scores on every mission, you may find yourself on Player Level 25 a bit earlier than intended, if that's the case, then that's fine, and if it's not, then that's fine too, we'll all make it to the platinum eventually and your work in the second stage of this guide will definitely push you over the edge into Level 25.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
This is Merely the Beginning!
Complete all Skate Tutorial Missions
Reach Player Level 10
Going Up
Reach Player Level 25
Sand in Your Socks
Unlock Bonfire Beach
Street Smarts
Unlock School III
Unlock Mega Park
Unlock Rooftops
Explosive Return
Unlock The Bunker
One Ollie for Man...
Unlock Asteroid Belt
Be Free
Complete all Freeskate Objectives in any Level
Looking for Deals
Purchase an item in Customize Skater
Acquire 10 Emblems
Stage 2: Sick Mate, Sick! Subwoofer! Delete
Alright, so now you've beaten the main levels, you've had your fun, you're nice and familiar with the game, now it's time to hammer through the game again, but this time nailing the sick score on each mission. Assuming you did this in stage one, don't think you can just skip this stage, you will still need to replay the game at least once as three different characters for the platinum.
You're going to want to select a different skater to the one you used in your first playthrough, anyone will do, the reason for this is so you get two playthrough's worth of rewards, whereas if you continued with your first skater, you would only be getting sick scores on missions you've already completed, which doesn't yield as much reward as doing everything again as a different person.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
Going Up
Reach Player Level 25
Straight Cash
Acquire $25,000 total Cash across all Careers
Slight Sickness
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in The Berrics
Waterborne Illness
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Bonfire Beach
Something Going Around
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in School III
Spanish Flu
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Mega Park
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Rooftops
Biological Warfare
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in The Bunker
Light Headed
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Asteroid Belt
Killer Combo
Land a 250,000 Point Combo in any mode
Achieve a Combo Multiplier of 25 in any mode
Be the Best
Earn 100 total Stat Points
Awesome Adornments!
Acquire 25 Emblems
Stage 3: Master Beta Delete
In this stage, which is probably the shortest stage of them all, you're simply going to want to master a level. Now by this point, you should already have the sick scores on every mission done for at least one skater. Continue with that skater into a level, and do ALL the Pro Missions for the level, The Berrics is the recommended one because of it's relatively small size, everything is easier and more contained.
After doing all the Pro Missions, you're gonna want to grab all the Free Skate Objectives if you haven't already. If you haven't already scored 20 million points from all your combined overall time spent in this level (you can check how much you've earned in the stats menu) then now's the time.
And finally, you're going to want to find all gaps, The Berrics is the best level for that as there's very few gaps, most of which are easy to find naturally, and the hint list in the gap list in the pause menu will help you out greatly.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
Be Free
Complete all Freeskate Objectives in any Level
Minding the Gaps
Complete all Gaps in any Level
Good to be King
Acquire the Master Emblem for any level
Getting Your Bearings
Complete 1 PRO Mission on any level
Where's My Contract?
Complete all PRO Missions in any Level
Stage 4: Spring Cleaning Time Delete
You're almost done now, you've just got a few left over grindy miscellaneous trophies and you're onto the last stage! As Rob Schnieder said in that movie that one time, "You can do it Nicky, bite his stinking head off!"
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 4
Top Floor?
Reach Player Level 50
Poor Coordination
Bail 750 number of times
A True Grind
Grind for 200,000 total meters across all games
Two-Wheeled Terror
Manual for 100,000 total meters across all games
My Specialty
Perform 25,000 total Tricks across all games
Over the Limits
Achieve a score of 50,000,000 across all games
Secret Sauce
Perform 500 Special Tricks
Looking for Deals
Purchase an item in Customize Skater
Numero Uno
Earn a Stat Point by completing a mission at Pro Level
Be the Best
Earn 100 total Stat Points
Earn 250 total Stat Points
Head Games
Acquire 10 new Heads
The Bod Squad
Acquire 10 new Bodies
Acquire 10 new Decks
Show Off!
Acquire 50 Emblems
Stage 5: Zion, it's Over! The War is Over! Delete
Now you've got only the grindiest, brokeniest, online subscription neediest, part of the game left. If you're lucky, this will be over quick, if not, well, try to keep your cool, you've made it this far, haven't you?
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 5
It's Good to be Back
Unlock all other trophies
Sharing is Caring
Upload a Create-a-Park level
Feedback Given
Rate a Create-a-Park level made by another player
Professional Judge
Rate 10 total Create-a-Park levels made by other players
Chief Judge
Rate 25 total Create-a-Park levels made by other players
Tips & Strategies
- PLAY OFFLINE. If you or someone on your system who has the PS4 set as their main console has PlayStation Plus, it's advised that you sign out of the PSN or turn your internet off entirely. Staying online won't ruin your game 100%, you may still have a decently enjoyable and bug free time, however, even in the event you find no bugs while connected, load times are EXTREMELY faster when playing offline. If no one on your system has PS+ then you can stay online because as far as the game's concerned, you're offline already.
- The latest patch added several new features including the option to make the slam button require a double tap of the triangle button, if you don't like the new slam feature, you can turn this option on and for all intents and purposes slam is completely out of the game, unless you double tap triangle every time you grind, but no one does that.
- All DLC mentioned in this guide, and all DLC released so far, is / are free. So when a DLC level is mentioned, don't worry, you won't have to pay anything. Considering the amount of replaying of levels required for this platinum, it's worth making sure you have all the latest patches installed, because aside from bug fixes and whatnot, the DLC levels are included in the updates so you'll still have to do a lot of replaying, but at least you'll have 3 more levels to do it in.
- If you are playing online, don't assume that playing co-op with someone will make the game easier. Co-op is a really fun addition to the Tony Hawk series, and it's worth a look if you're just playing for fun, but if you think it will help you beat a mission you're stuck on by having someone else there with you, you're wrong. Co-op mode instead takes the traditional goals of a level and increases their requirements, usually by double, which basically keeps the same workload, but now two people are going for it at the same time. If however you play co-op and beat the missions perfectly fine, that's cool too, but you WON'T get ANY extra reward for it, so really, see yourself to tip number one.
- Have fun! We waited a decade and a half for a proper sequel to the Tony Hawks Pro Skater series and we finally got it, younger you from 2002 would jump with joy at the idea!

It's Good to be Back
Unlock all other trophies
Very Rare

This is Merely the Beginning!
Complete all Skate Tutorial Missions

The tutorial is available upon starting the game, and will run you through the basics of grinding, ollieing, manualing, special tricking, slamming, reverting, and so on. Although it's quite tedious to any old school Tony Hawker, it will run you through the basics of the new slam feature, and if nothing else, will net you a nice bronze trophy for five minutes of work.
If however you choose to skip the tutorial, it can always be accessed again at any time from the main menu.

Reach Player Level 10

This will come relatively early on into your first playthrough. You level up in this game by completing missions in the levels. Missions can be completed on your own, or online with others, and either way will contribute toward your over all Player Level.
There is no way to know how much XP is needed to level up, however there is a progress bar that can be seen upon the completion (pass or fail) of any mission in the game.
The amount of XP gained for completing a mission mirrors the amount of money gained,
- Complete a mission on Amateur level - 50 XP
- Complete a mission on Pro level - 125 XP
- Complete a mission on Sick level - 250 XP
- Complete a PRO mission (one set difficulty level) - 275 XP
- You will also get 25 XP for failing any mission (quitting doesn't count)
This trophy is stackable with

Going Up and

Top Floor and will unlock on your way to the latter.

Going Up
Reach Player Level 25

You will reach this milestone if you play all missions close to the end of your first playthrough. It may come a bit sooner if you're getting the sick score on each mission also.
Reaching Player Level 25 will also unlock 2 emblems, one for reaching Level 15 "Revo Rabbit", and another for reaching Level 25 "Cabbage Patches".
For more information on the XP system in this game, see

This trophy is stackable with

Top Floor? and will be unlocked naturally on your way to Level 50.

Top Floor?
Reach Player Level 50
Very Rare

When you complete your first playthrough, even if you get EVERY sick score available, you should only end up in the mid 20s, even with the additional 3 DLC levels, if you sick score every mission, you'll be looking, at best, at a Player Level in the high 20s.
However, when you start a new playthrough, your overall Player Level is shared between your first and second (and however many other potential playthroughs you may do) and thus, by the end of your second playthrough you should be well over Player Level 50.
Due to the pooling of stats between playthroughs, it is only required that you get sick score on every mission once, for the other trophies that require it, as getting sick score once on every mission, then doing a second playthrough and getting pro or even amateur levels on each mission, should be enough to push you through to level 50.
On top of the 2 emblems you unlocked on your way to Level 25 (Revo Rabbit and Cabbage Patches), reaching Level 50 will unlock another emblem for your stack, "Viva La Bunny".
On your way to getting this trophy, you will also unlock

Ding! and

Going Up

Straight Cash
Acquire $25,000 total Cash across all Careers

As you play through Tony Hawk 5, you will earn money (among other rewards) for completing missions in each level. The value received is mission and rank dependent, IE, you will get more money from a harder mission, completed on a higher rank.
You should have no trouble earning this by the end of the second stage of this guide (your second playthrough)
The amount of money earned for missions mirrors the amount of XP earned.
- Complete a mission on Amateur level - $50.
- Complete a mission on Pro level - $125.
- Complete a mission on Sick level - $250.
- Complete a PRO mission (one set difficulty level) - $275.
- Failing a mission also gets you $25 (quitting doesn't count).
Money can be used to buy items for your Create a Skater, for more information on that see

Head Games.

Sand in Your Socks
Unlock Bonfire Beach

This is the second level of the game, it is unlocked by completing all the main missions from the previous level at any difficulty level. Pro Missions and Free Skate Objectives are not required to unlock the next level for play.
This will unlock naturally during your first playthrough and cannot be missed.

Street Smarts
Unlock School III

This is the third level of the game, it is unlocked by completing all the main missions from the previous level at any difficulty level. Pro Missions and Free Skate Objectives are not required to unlock the next level for play.
This will unlock naturally during your first playthrough and cannot be missed.

Unlock Mega Park

This is the fourth level of the game, it is unlocked by completing all the main missions from the previous level at any difficulty level. Pro Missions and Free Skate Objectives are not required to unlock the next level for play.
This will unlock naturally during your first playthrough and cannot be missed.

Unlock Rooftops

This is the fifth level of the game, it is unlocked by completing all the main missions from the previous level at any difficulty level. Pro Missions and Free Skate Objectives are not required to unlock the next level for play.
This will unlock naturally during your first playthrough and cannot be missed.

Explosive Return
Unlock The Bunker

This is the sixth level of the game, it is unlocked by completing all the main missions from the previous level at any difficulty level. Pro Missions and Free Skate Objectives are not required to unlock the next level for play.
This will unlock naturally during your first playthrough and cannot be missed.

One Ollie for Man...
Unlock Asteroid Belt

This is the seventh level of the game, it is unlocked by completing all the main missions from the previous level at any difficulty level. Pro Missions and Free Skate Objectives are not required to unlock the next level for play.
This will unlock naturally during your first playthrough and cannot be missed.

Slight Sickness
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in The Berrics

To achieve a sick score on a mission, you are required to earn all 3 possible stars for that mission. The requirements for these stars usually boil down to your overall time to complete the mission, or the required amount of collectable pickups for the mission.
- Example A, in one mission, you may have to follow a trail of floating rings, to 1 star the mission you need to do it in a minute or less, 2 stars, 45 seconds or less, and 3 stars would be finishing in under half a minute.
- Example B, in one mission, you may have to pick up a certain amount of collectables and return them to a drop off point, you'll get 1 star if you grab 20 of them, 2 stars if you grab 35, or 3 stars if you collect 50.
Thankfully (for the sake of the trophies anyway), all the missions in this game are very repetitive and don't stray too much from the above formula, most missions will either be the 2 described above, or something equally simple like "get all the balls out of the swimming pool in under X seconds". Getting sick scores on every mission is nowhere near a challenge, and in all likelihood you'll get a lot of sick scores on your first playthrough but since you'll need to do more than one playthrough anyway, it's advised that you leave 100% these until then.
For completing each level's missions on sick score, you will unlock an additional emblem for your stack, there are 7 levels in the main game plus an additional 3 free DLC levels, all of which have an emblem for you to earn.

Waterborne Illness
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Bonfire Beach

For more information, see

Slight Sickness.

Something Going Around
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in School III

For more information, see

Slight Sickness.

Spanish Flu
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Mega Park

For more information, see

Slight Sickness.

Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Rooftops

For more information, see

Slight Sickness.

Biological Warfare
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in The Bunker

For more information, see

Slight Sickness.

Light Headed
Achieve a Sick Score on all Missions in Asteroid Belt
Very Rare

For more information, see

Slight Sickness.

Be Free
Complete all Freeskate Objectives in any Level

The Free Skate Objectives are the objectives hidden around a level that can only be found when not in a mission.
Every level follows this basic format for Free Skate Objectives:
- Collect S-K-A-T-E.
- Collect C-O-M-B-O.
- Find the hidden tape.
- Find the hidden DVD.
- Smash 8 or 10 level-centric objects (Berrics has 8 wooden "SWAG" boxes, Bonfire Beach has 10 Tiki heads, School III has 8 school bells, etc).
These objectives can only be completed while not on any mission and in the normal free skate mode (hence the name). If you collect a DVD and the hidden tape or something, and start a mission, thanks to the third patch, your DVD and tape will not vanish upon completing the mission as it was in earlier versions of the game.
This trophy can be combined with others for a Master Emblem, for more information on that, see

Good to be King.

Minding the Gaps
Complete all Gaps in any Level

Each level has several gaps hidden in it, gaps are achieved by jumping, grinding, manualling, or wallriding between 2 certain spaces in a level.
This most likely won't be achieved in ANY of your playthroughs, and as such, a guide is recommended. Luckily, the game was nice enough to include one for you. From the pause menu you can access the gap list which will show you the list of gaps for the level you're on, it will also automatically scratch off gaps you've already made. While it doesn't straight up show you where the gaps are, it gives you decently easy to follow clues that should help you find any missing gaps.
Because you will most likely have to resort to grinding for this one, it is advised that you combine it with a few other select trophies so you can get a Master Emblem without too much effort, for more information on those trophies and said emblem, see

Good to be King.

Good to be King
Acquire the Master Emblem for any level

The Master Emblem is unlocked for completing every level based emblem for a particular level. For more information on emblems, see

Show Off! You can earn a Master Emblem for each of the current 10 levels in the game if you so choose.
While going for this trophy it is STRONGLY recommended that you also go for / use the same level for

Minding the Gaps,

Be Free,

Getting Your Bearings, &

Where's My Contract? as they can all fit together to help you do less work.
To unlock a Master Emblem you must do the following in
one particular level:
- Complete all missions with a sick score.
- Complete all pro missions.
- Complete all free skate objectives.
- Find all gaps.
- Score at least 20 million points.
The best level for this trophy is the first level, The Berrics, as it's small scale nature allows for less gaps and a more tight knit environment which ends up making most of the missions easier by their inability to get too complicated. The Free Skate Objectives are very easy to find on this level, there are nowhere near as many gaps to find as later levels, getting a sick score on every mission is a walk in the park, the pro missions at best require only one or two retries each, and if you're having trouble racking up 20 mil the pool outside the level makes for some easy big combos. Assuming you did the previously mentioned trophies on the same level, this should be much easier than it sounds.
Upon completing this task, you will have, in addition to your shiny new Master Emblem, 5 other emblems, for the above listed tasks. The names of the emblems are dependent on which level you choose to master.

Poor Coordination
Bail 750 number of times

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Bests" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of your overall stats in the game ranging from your best combos to the amount of levels you've clicked like on.
This is will certainly take a lot longer than you're probably thinking on account of there being no quick revive or instant respawn option, as found in previous Tony Hawk entries. Each death animation takes on average 3 seconds, causing the death will be another second or two as well. So at the very minimum this will take over an hour and a half if you're solely grinding for this from 0 bails. During your first playthrough, the average player will end up with around 100 bails, by the end of your 3 playthroughs odds are you'll have gotten a lot better and started bailing a lot less, so at some point in time, sooner or later, this will become a grind.
Good news however, is any bail will count toward this, so you don't need to worry about being in a mission, or being out of a mission, or being online, or being offline, or anything.
While going for this trophy, you will unlock 2 more emblems, the first for bailing 250 times "Tighty Whities", and the second for 500 "Keep It Briefs".

A True Grind
Grind for 200,000 total meters across all games

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Bests" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of your overall stats in the game ranging from your best combos to the amount of levels you've clicked like on.
This will most certainly not come during your first, second, third, and probably not even fourth playthrough. It's a big one. The best level that can be recommended for quickly grinding through this grind, is the DLC level "Wild West" as the railway tracks in that level are a constant loop and no obstacles will ever appear in your way. On top of that, that level's power-up shrinks you down in size, which also increases your speed, also while grinding on the railway lines you will gain a decent boost in speed similar to what happens in inFamous when Cole grinds a power line. Obviously you will still have to balance your skater, but this is most definitely the easiest way to get this over with.
While going for this trophy, you will unlock 2 additional emblems, for grinding 10,000 metres "Cyborg Lincoln", and for 100,000 metres "The Gigabyte Address".

Two-Wheeled Terror
Manual for 100,000 total meters across all games

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Bests" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of your overall stats in the game ranging from your best combos to the amount of levels you've clicked like on.
This is a long one, there is how ever a way to speed it along substantially. In the first DLC level, Mountain, the level's power-up makes you skate faster while manualing. On top of that, the level's design is similar to that of Downhill Jam from Tony Hawk 1, in that it's a big downhill level and you're just racing to the bottom, where you spawn back up at the top to do it all over again. You will find this power-up in the form of a big floating light blue object scattered throughout the level in various places just waiting to be found.
Combining speed with a looping level structure, make Mountain the ideal place to go for this trophy.
While going for this trophy, you will unlock 2 emblems, for manualing a total of 5000 metres, "Shallow Impact", and for 50,000 metres "Meatier Meteor".

Killer Combo
Land a 250,000 Point Combo in any mode

This kind of combo is a walk in the park for any Tony Hawks Pro Skater vet but if you're having trouble, always remember that Special Tricks are worth a lot more points, if you pull off any circle button special trick while in the air and do a full 360 spin, that will net you around 20k alone, land that into a combo and do a couple of kickflips and manuals and bang, you'll have this trophy in no time.
Landing a 250,000 point combo will also unlock the "Buster Ball" emblem.

My Specialty
Perform 25,000 total Tricks across all games

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Bests" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of your overall stats in the game ranging from your best combos to the amount of levels you've clicked like on.
This trophy should probably pop around the end of your second playthrough or early on in your third, depending on how many tricks you put in your average combo. Good news everyone! You don't actually have to land the combo for the tricks to be added to your overall counter though. So say you have a 36 trick combo and you bail, you will get one extra bail for the counter on

Poor Coordination, and your 36 tricks in their entirety will appear in the Bests menu.
Along the way to 25,000, you will unlock the emblem "Tread On Me" for performing 10,000 total tricks.

Over the Limits
Achieve a score of 50,000,000 across all games

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Bests" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of your overall stats in the game ranging from your best combos to the amount of levels you've clicked like on.
In the Bests menu, your overall score in each level is written in the stats for the levels. It's highly doubted that you'll need to check up on this one though, as it's not too many points considering the high scoring nature of the game. You will most likely earn this on your first playthrough, but if not there, definitely on your second.
You can also check your overall score via the Create a Skater screen, clicking edit skater, and then going to the stats section.

Achieve a Combo Multiplier of 25 in any mode

This should come very early on in the game although it's entirely possible to get every other trophy in the game without getting this one.
Your combo is the amount of tricks you have in succession before landing and collecting their points. You can increase your combo by doing tricks without landing. Manual, jump, kickflip, manual, repeat, is the absolute easiest way to get this trophy if you're really bad with combos.
Achieving a combo of at least 25 tricks will also unlock the emblem "Pyramid Peeper".

Secret Sauce
Perform 500 Special Tricks

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Bests" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of your overall stats in the game ranging from your best combos to the amount of levels you've clicked like on.
This is a bit of a grind but it's not too bad if you know to go for it early. If you find a good line you can easily bust a good 20 or so special tricks with just one full special metre. You should unlock this by the end of your second playthrough but it's all cumulative so don't worry if it takes a while.

Getting Your Bearings
Complete 1 PRO Mission on any level

For more information, see

Where's My Contract?.

Where's My Contract?
Complete all PRO Missions in any Level

Pro Missions are unlocked upon getting a sick score on every mission on a level. There are 5 Pro Missions for each level. They aren't generally too hard, however if they are causing you grief, remember that you only have to do them all on one level for any trophy, it's advised that you do it on the same level you're going for

Good to be King on, for more information, click onto that trophy's description.
This will also net you another emblem, there is one emblem available for completing all the Pro Missions on each level.
On your way to this trophy, you will also unlock

Getting Your Bearings.

Looking for Deals
Purchase an item in Customize Skater

This can be done as soon as you complete enough missions to get enough money to buy something. The cheapest items I've found in the list are around $6,000.
To buy items for the Custom Skater, go to Create A Skater from the main menu, select edit skater (any skater will do) and then you're in the clothing shop.

Numero Uno
Earn a Stat Point by completing a mission at Pro Level

For more information, see


Be the Best
Earn 100 total Stat Points

For more information, see


Earn 250 total Stat Points
Very Rare

Stat points are used to upgrade your skater's abilities via the Create a Skater menu. Each skater can earn 100+ stats (number prone to increasing based on amount of currently available DLC) through their dedicated play through.
To unlock stats, you must earn a Pro rating or better on a mission in any of the levels.
For each skater's playthroughs, there is just over 100 currently available stat points, which obviously isn't enough for this trophy. So with that in mind, now you know why there's more than one playthrough needed for the platinum.
When you start your second (or third, fourth, etc) skater's playthrough, you will still have all the unlocked stats of your previous skater available to that skater, the stats are not transferable between skaters but they don't go away when you select a new skater. You will need at least 3 playthroughs to unlock this trophy.
On your way to this trophy you will also unlock

Numero Uno for unlocking your first stat point &

Be the Best for unlocking 100 stat points.

Head Games
Acquire 10 new Heads

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Bests" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of your overall stats in the game ranging from your best combos to the amount of levels you've clicked like on.
In this game, the way you customize your character is by selecting different cards. These cards are available for purchase with in game money unlocked from missions, or are unlocked at random upon each time you level up your Player Level. You can get head cards, that will give you a new head for your custom skater, body cards, that will give your custom skater a new body, and deck cards, that will give you a new deck for your custom skater.
As the level up rewards are given out at random, there is no proper way I can tell you how long it will take to unlock this trophy, however, I can tell you that in my 2 platinum playthroughs, heads were given out the least for leveling up, so I'd recommend if you were going to buy cards for this trophy, that you buy head cards.

The Bod Squad
Acquire 10 new Bodies

For more information, see

Head Games.

Acquire 10 new Decks

For more information, see

Head Games.

Acquire 10 Emblems

For more information, see

Show Off!.
This will unlock naturally during your first playthrough.

Awesome Adornments!
Acquire 25 Emblems

For more information, see

Show Off!.
This will unlock early on in your second playthrough, or perhaps even earlier. If not, don't worry, you'll get it soon enough.

Show Off!
Acquire 50 Emblems
Very Rare

You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy by accessing the "Emblems" menu via the Create a Skater menu, found on the main menu. Here you will find a complete list of all the emblems you've earned, and the ones you're yet to earn with a description of the requirements to earn them.
Emblems are in game rewards unlocked for doing certain tasks in the game. They are usually very straight forward, there are emblems for doing the following things for example:
- Manual 200 metres in a combo
- Manual 400 metres in a combo
- Grind for 500 metres in a combo
- Score 20 million points in Berrics
- Score 20 million points in School III
Each level will have an emblem for:
- Completing all Free Skate Objectives
- Completing all missions with a sick score
- Completing all Pro Mission
- Completing all gaps
- Earning 20 million points
Earning all of those in a level will net you the Master Emblem, needed for

Good to be King.
By the time you've finished your second playthrough you should be close to getting this, you should definitely have it down by the end of your third playthrough but if you don't, just go back into the list of them and find some easy ones and bump yourself up to 50.
Assuming you've been following the guide word for word, by the time you're up to this point you will have at least 23 emblems, nearly half way there on the bare minimum, so that's not a bad start.

Sharing is Caring
Upload a Create-a-Park level

Uploading a level is quite simple and in my experience, relatively bug free.
What you're gonna want to do is go to the Create a Park section from the main menu and pick a template, put a kick box or something in there, and upload it.
You do NOT need PlayStation Plus for this trophy.

Feedback Given
Rate a Create-a-Park level made by another player

For more information, see

Chief Judge.

Professional Judge
Rate 10 total Create-a-Park levels made by other players

For more information, see

Chief Judge.

Chief Judge
Rate 25 total Create-a-Park levels made by other players

Important: You will need PlayStation Plus to rate other people's parks (Loopholes will be at the bottom).
Parks created by others are accessed from the level select menu, from there you will find a massive pile of unorganized levels from thousands of players around the world.
Your job now, is to play and rate just 25 of them.
To rate a level, you simply need to start it up, and quit, upon reaching the exit game screen, you will be asked to rate the level, whether you liked it or not, and one of ten or so keyworded terms to describe the level (boring, pro, clever, etc).
Getting into other people's levels is still a nightmare and if you have PlayStation Plus on the account you're playing with, I'm sorry, but right now, you MIGHT not be able to actually get into anyone's levels, it's still a mess.
If however, you have PlayStation Plus on a second account, this is what you're gonna want to do:
- Go onto the second account and deactivate the PS4 as being their main system, this will get rid of your account's ability to use Plus.
- Load up someone's level online in a private match, this should usually work but sometimes requires a few goes.
- Now, while in their level, go back to the second account and re-activate the PS4 as their main PS4.
- Back on your account now, you'll want to quit the level, and you will be greeted with the ratings screen as you now have PlayStation Plus again.
This seems like a hassle, and it really, really is, but it's also the ONLY 100% working way that seems to get this to work. You may get lucky and get to rate one or two levels without screwing around like this, but I was not so lucky at release, and my second account isn't any luckier now, months down the road.
If you don't have PS+ at all, then you can make a second account (or use an existing one) and activate the 2 week PS+ trial, then follow the steps above and after a while you'll have this trophy and the urge to throw this game out the window.
It's also worth mentioning that you don't need to like a level, you can dislike a level and it will count as a rating, so feel free to be honest when rating levels.
Along the way to this you will unlock

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Professional Judge.