Stage 1: Beat The Game Delete
When you start the game, make sure you check out the
It's a Rock, Man. trophy. It's missable and in order to get it, you must defeat an enemy that is only located in the very first area of the game. After that, just focus on capturing monsters, reading books and doing bounties and everything will be fine.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1
A Queen's Fall
Defeat the Black Queen.
Tearful Reunion
Defeat Milly in the Coliseum.
Dang that hurt.
Ogden's collapsed at the Road House.
Sarien sends you forth into the world.
Separation Anxiety
Our heroes go their separate ways.
The Stuff of Dreams
Defeat the Dream Dragon.
Ships Ahoy
Take control of the SS Rennety.
Cannon Fodder
The Kraken returns.
Pengfjord Village
Wenk Wenk Wenk!
Stage 2: Clean Up Delete
You should have all but two of the trophies by the time you beat the game (not including the platinum). If not, this is where you should collect them.
Just follow the descriptions in the trophy guide for the best way to go about obtaining these last two trophies. If you still have more to collect, you are freely able to roam the towns and areas to get them.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2
Maxed Out
Reach level 99 with a character.
Riding Solo
Defeat the Black Queen with only a single party member.
Stage 3: Missed "It's a Rock, Man."? Delete
If you happened to miss
It's a Rock, Man., just go back and create a new game and play through the first area and a bit of the second area to get the trophy. You do not have to wait to do this; as soon as you realized you missed it (if you did), you can just start a new game or create another save file and do it from there.
Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3
It's a Rock, Man.
He's Mega powerful.

Look, we've got a platinum!
Unlock all the other trophies in this game.

A Queen's Fall
Defeat the Black Queen.

Once you reach Tundaria you’ll be tasked with getting into the castle. Make your way through the castle and eventually you’ll run into the Queen of Tundaria. Defeat her and then you’ll be warped to where the Black Queen is. Beat her into the ground and then you’ll get your trophy.

Tearful Reunion
Defeat Milly in the Coliseum.

This is part of Ramona’s story. Once you make it out of the Ice Forest with Serps and to the Coliseum, you’ll be tasked to go to the thieves hideout and find the password. Once finished you’ll head back to the Coliseum and have to fight in it. After completing the 5th round, you’ll face Milly. Once you beat her and go through all the dialogue after, the trophy will pop.

Dang that hurt.
Ogden's collapsed at the Road House.

When you split up into three groups, pick Ogden. You’ll obtain this at the end of his story. Once you reach the Road House through the Frosty Pass, you’ll end up drinking with some guys and end up poisoned and passed out.

Sarien sends you forth into the world.

This will come at the end of Anders' and Woodsy’s story. Once you have made your way through Sarien’s lab with Anders, you’ll find Woodsy and Sarien talking like nothing happened. You’ll be given rest, the fixed voidstone, and a ship. Leave the Hypothecary and head towards the ship. Once you enter the ship, you’ll start sailing off. The trophy will pop shortly after.

Separation Anxiety
Our heroes go their separate ways.

At the end of your quest in the Frostsword, you’ll be split up from Ogden in the dungeons and once you escape and make camp with your other remaining party members, Ramona will be kidnapped while sleeping. You’ll get the trophy once your two remaining party members leave together.

Bounty. Hunted.
Complete 20 bounties.

The first bounty that you can complete is in Port Awesomegrogg. There will be a boy named Marcus at the entrance. Talk to him to accept the bounty and then complete it by killing a fireball at the beach where you started and return to him when finished.
Whenever you have a chance to talk to an NPC, do so, as they will give you the bounties. If you do this, you’ll have no problem completing 20 bounties. You can keep track of what you have to do by looking in your journal (accessed by pressing

). Once the bounty is defeated, the journal will give you a vague description on where the NPC to turn it in to is located, so you will either have to have a good memory or write down where and whom you obtained the bounty from for an accurate location.

Good Bounty
Complete 10 bounties.

Bounty. Hunted. for more information.

Bounty Hunter
Complete a bounty hunt.

Bounty. Hunted. for more information.

Master Craftsman
Craft 100 items.

This is simple enough, as you can craft the same item over and over. The easiest way to go about this is to have 1,000 gold. Go to any shop that sells wooden sticks and buy 100 of them for 10 gold each. There is a crafting bench in the item shop. Craft 100 Wooden Claws and you'll get all four trophies.
Of course, you may want to save before buying 100 wooden sticks and crafting them, unless you want 100 Wooden Claws for some reason. When you get the trophies, just load up your save file and continue on your way. Unfortunately, there is no way to mass-buy anything, so you’ll have to purchase wooden sticks 100 times.

Craft 50 items.

Master Craftsman for more information.

Craft 20 items.

Master Craftsman for more information.

Craft an item.

Master Craftsman for more information.

The Stuff of Dreams
Defeat the Dream Dragon.

At the start of the game you’ll be in a dream sequence. Once you reach the end of the dream, you'll be faced with the Dream Dragon. Beat him, and you'll earn the trophy.

You just gotta.
Capture 50 monsters.

The first chance you’ll have to capture a monster is in Port Awesomegrogg. You can find a capture net there to use on a monster. There are three different ways to capture a monster: capture net (must damage the monster), deluxe capture net (100% success), and Woodsy's Capture Spell (like a regular capture net). If you're having trouble capturing them because you keep
SMASHING them, bring lower-leveled monsters to lower your overall party level.
You can only have a total of four people in your group, but you are able to switch out party members by going to taverns and speaking to the bartender. This is the place you can also check on how many different monsters you have captured. Your human counterparts do not count towards this trophy. If you're diligent, you should have this by the time you hit Tundaria or shortly after. The best thing to do is always have a bunch of nets on you at any time, and whenever you run into a new monster, catch them. Don't leave it for later or it may get difficult.

Capture 30 monsters.

You just gotta. for more information.

Capture 10 monsters.

You just gotta. for more information.

Capture a monster.

You just gotta. for more information.

Dungeon Runner
Explore all the side-dungeons.

There aren't that many dungeons in the game, and if you're doing all the bounties, you should only have one left that you haven't discovered. You do not need to fully explore these dungeons, you can just enter the area and it will register. There is a total of 8 dungeons:
- A lava-filled cave southwest of SouthCape.
- The dungeon underneath the Coliseum.
- A snowy clearing in the middle of a forest, south of the Rambling Rock Roadhouse.
- A green clearing in a snowy area to the west of the Ship Graveyard.
- A watery cave southwest of Tundaria (the same cave you go through for the
Rockington Falls trophy).
- A green forest south of The Hypothecary.
- A small snowy forest far north of The Hypothecary.
- On a small desert island with a dock, south of Port Awesomegrogg.

Explore a side-dungeon.

Dungeon Runner for more information.

Maxed Out
Reach level 99 with a character.

The character you should choose to attempt this with is Ogden, since he's the only one who can fight the Black Queen by himself. This should also be attempted after you beat the game so you'll have the Tundaria key to open the chest for the Sword of Mana.
The easiest way to do this, is to obtain the Lightbringer Sword. To get this, go to the cave in Awesomegrogg and use your Tundaria Key to get the Sword of Mana. Then go and purchase a level 3 crafting book (if you haven't already) and craft the Sword of Mana and Pandamonium (from the tree in Rockington Falls) into the Lightbringer Sword.
Once you have this and only Ogden in your party, go back to the Southern Cave and defeat 3 Pokeys and 8 Clams. Exit the cave and then keep repeating it. It shouldn't take you very long to hit 99.

Ships Ahoy
Take control of the SS Rennety.

Once you've completed all three seperate stories, you'll be in control of Ogden once again. When you make your way to the ship graveyard, you’ll end up running into Anders and Woodsy on the ship. You’ll eventually set out for Tundaria and finally have control of the ship.
There's a chance that this trophy might not pop once you're in control of the ship. If it doesn't, then go back to the dock and exit the ship. Then turn around and enter the ship again. The trophy should pop shortly after.

Cannon Fodder
The Kraken returns.

When our heroes get separated, you’ll have three choices to pick from. Select Ogden. After you escape the dungeon and defeat the ship chasing you, you’ll be face-to-face with the Kraken. After the scene with the Kraken, the trophy will pop.

Rockington Falls
Visit the Rock Monsters.

There's a cave called Rock Grotto southwest of Tundaria. Make your way through this cave and you'll reach Rockington Falls. Enter the village and the trophy will pop.

Pengfjord Village
Wenk Wenk Wenk!
For this trophy, pick Anders and Woodsy’s story. When leaving the Ice Forest you started in, you’ll reach a village called Pengfjord Village. When you enter, the trophy will pop.
Riding Solo
Defeat the Black Queen with only a single party member.
The only person you can use to accomplish this is Ogden since you cannot dismiss him. You should attempt this after hitting level 99, which will make this fight super easy. You can just use the Suplex move on her five times, and that should be enough to finish her off.
It's a Rock, Man.
He's Mega powerful.
At the very beginning of the game in the dream sequence when you reach the save point, head left. You’ll cross an invisible path and continue to follow the path until you find RockMan. Defeat him and then continue on with the game.
Once you reach Port Awesomegrogg, you’ll run into RockMan again on the path that travels east after you have Pirate Bill join you. You MUST capture him, as if you defeat him, you’ll not get the trophy.
Weller Educated
Read 30 books.
Whenever you visit a town or any place where you spot a bookshelf, make sure you check it. You'll usually have a little bit of dialogue about what book you're looking at. This counts as reading the book. There's also some notes on tables and other various areas that you can read, which also count towards this trophy. Read 30 collectively and the trophy is yours.
There is no way to check the progress of this trophy unless you write it down yourself.
Third Time's a Charm
Be overly protective of Sally.
Once you have control of the pirate ship, travel north across from Tundaria. You'll find a village called Crescent Cove on the southern coast. Enter the village and attempt to exit it from the north. A woman named Sally will stop you and talk about danger and for you to return to your ship. Attempt to exit north two more times and the trophy is yours.
See the Northern Blockade.
Once you reach the throne room in Tundaria Castle, use the south exit to leave the room. You'll run into your buddies who will tell you about the blockade that was seen sailing to the northeast. After this, go back to your ship and sail to the diamond shaped island located north of Port Awesomegrogg. Northeast of the island, you'll find the blockade. Once you go near it, the trophy will pop.
If you don't feel like waiting, you can always check out the blockade as soon as you obtain your ship.
Office Visit
Find the developer's room.
In Crescent Cove, enter the weapon shop east of town. You'll see two counters with a space in between them. Walk into that space and you'll find yourself in the developer's room. The trophy will pop once you enter.