Margrave: Curse of the Severed Heart Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Margrave: Curse of the Severed Heart Walkthrough
Welcome to the Margrave: The Curse of the Severed Heart Walkthrough!
Investigating her parents’ deaths, Edwina rekindles a centuries old tale of love and revenge. End the curse of the severed heart!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Margrave: The Curse of the Severed Heart game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by Inertia Game Studios, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
- Before announcing your arrival, collect the scarlet rose from the bush by the gate.
- You might want to take a look at that peculiar statue too!
- Once you have examined the door knocker and received the sketch, click on the knocker and Miss Thorn will greet you.
- Arrange the books in the bookcase to restore the lily pad scene.

- The square gramophone record is added to your inventory.
- Examine the grandfather clocks and you will receive a sketch for your keepsakes inventory.
- Also take a look at the stained glass windows to receive two more sketches. The first window is in the hallway; the second is in the guests’ bedroom.
- NOTE: You can remind yourself of any clue at any time by selecting the sketches and notes collated in your keepsakes inventory.
- Find the listed items in the guests’ bedroom Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive the dream cards.
- Before leaving the bedroom, take a look in the drawer beside the bed.
- You receive pieces of a letter.
- Assemble the letter to discover how it came to be that your parents journeyed to the village.
- Visit Miss Thorn in the kitchen. She asks you to divine the cats’ names using your dream cards:
- Match the symbols by correctly positioning four dream cards onto the dream mat. The cats are named SNOWFIRE and SHADOWFOOT.

- NOTE: When solving dream card puzzles, remember that the symbols may be created and positioned in any order.
- The cats thank you with the stained sheet music before departing.
- Miss Thorn is impressed and asks you to disable the shadowlocks, which have been dispersed about the village. You are now free to explore the orchard behind the cottage.
- Before leaving the kitchen, find the listed items in the kitchen Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a toothbrush.
- Take the stained sheet music through to the parlour and place it on the piano.
- Use the toothbrush to clean the sheet music.
- NOTE: Every inventory item disappears once it has no further use in the game. If an item returns to your inventory once used, it is sure to have another application sooner or later…

- Play the notes on the piano in this sequence: CDED ECDC AGAC GABC.
- NOTE: Several piano keys have lost their markings. However, it is easy to fill in the gaps, simply by working alphabetically across the keyboard.
- A piece of the portrait falls away revealing a secret compartment.
- Take the FLUTE KNEES recipe from the compartment.
- Before leaving the parlour, take the photo from the books on the table, and the two silver coins from the eyes of the lady in the portrait.
- TRIVIA: The blindfolded man in the portrait will play a major role in Margrave IV!
- Return to the guests’ bedroom and find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a lithograph – a page from the book written by Edwina’s father. It would seem that legends of the curse were his specialty.
- Animal spirits have been imprisoned by a ring of shadowlocks!
- Those you encounter can be freed by using your dream cards to divine their names. But to free all of the trapped spirits, you will need to disable every shadowlock.
- Remember that peculiar statue outside the cottage?
- It now reveals that it is named FLUTE KNEES. To disable it, you will need to find the ingredients listed in the FLUTE KNEES recipe and place them into the shadowlock chalice.
- NOTE: Recipes are your guides to disabling the shadowlocks. You will find other recipes on your travels; each corresponds to the shadowlock of the same name. Once an item has been placed into the correct shadowlock chalice, it will be struck out on the recipe sheet.
- Consult the FLUTE KNEES recipe by clicking on its icon in your keepsakes inventory.

- You have those two silver coins already. Drop them into the shadowlock chalice. Now to find the wishbone and the mistletoe…
- You will find the wishbone in the chicken carcass, which is on the kitchen table.
- TRIVIA: Artist Raul was so dreading making the chicken that the art team presented him with a ‘Good Luck with the Chicken’ card on the morning of the task.
- You will find the mistletoe hanging from the gazebo at the far end of the apple orchard.
- NOTE: You will rarely have to travel more than a few scenes away to find the ingredients for each shadowlock, and most are in plain view. However, if you are having trouble finding an ingredient, the HINT button will try to guide you.
- The final component of the FLUTE KNEES spell is hidden in the village. You will need the help of the ghost rams in order to get there.
- The ghost rams stand under the apple trees in the orchard. Use your dream cards to name them RAINBONE and EYESHINE.

- The ghost rams reward you with the gazebo key.
- While you are in the orchard, find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive pieces of a newspaper. (Inferno newspaper).
- Assemble the pieces of newspaper to learn the truth about the death of Edwina’s father.
- You will also find a hay fork leaning against the broken cartwheel.
- NOTE: You will receive many curious items and discover many interactive devices as you explore the village. Some will be the very thing you have been searching for. Others will play an important role later in your adventure.
- Unlock the gazebo gate with the key and travel to the village.
- At first glance, the village appears deserted. But is that light coming from the apothecary window? And are those shadows moving in the moonlight?
- Take a look at the strange copper birds perched upon the gatehouse as you cross the bridge to the village. You will return to them shortly, once you have the slingshot.
- Once in the village, you will need to climb through the broken window. Walk a little further into the village and collect a ladder from the wall by the portcullis.
- NOTE: You are going to be concocting a few spells as you progress through the game. Keep an eye out for ingredients as you travel about the village. Before returning to the broken window, collect the feather from the swinging birdcage.

- Place the ladder against the wall beneath the broken window and climb up to the sweet shop.
- Use your dream cards to name the ghost geese SUNBLACK and LIGHTWHITE.

- The geese thank you with a corn dolly – the final ingredient of the FLUTE KNEES recipe.
- Before returning to the shadowlock outside the cottage, you might want to explore the village further.
- Find the listed objects in the sweet shop Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a slingshot.
- With the slingshot, you may shoot at any object marked with a red target.
- Select the slingshot and shoot the hanging jars to find the juniper berry and the ROSE EYES recipe.
- You can also take the licorice root from the jar at the bottom left of the scene.
- Now take a deep breath before leaving the sweet shop… the beast Ialach is on the prowl.
- Collect the fossil from beside the sweet shop window; then follow the orange glow to the stone door.
- Examine the mechanism to the right of the stone door and remove the winch handle. Keep it safe for now: this will be used a little later to lower the gibbet outside the sweet shop.

- On your way back to the cottage, take another look at the copper birds on the gatehouse.
- Using the slingshot, shoot the bottom six targets to orientate the birds, reconstructing the pipeline across the screen.
- A seventh target toggles the water flow between the two left-hand birds. Shoot this target once so that the water flows from the bottom bird.
- To complete the puzzle, shoot the first (left-most) target twice, the second target once, the third target once, and the fourth target once. The fifth column of birds is already correctly orientated, so the fifth target does not need to be hit. Shoot the sixth target once.

- With the water flowing through the pipes once more, the outlet pipe spits a wooden fish head onto the bridge. You will need this in the third act.
- With the final ingredient in your inventory, return to the first shadowlock outside the cottage.
- Consult the FLUTE KNEES recipe once more.
- All the items already added to the shadowlock are struck out.

- If you have missed any ingredients, you will need to collect them now:
- The two silver coins are on the portrait in the parlour.
- The wishbone is in the chicken on the kitchen table.
- The mistletoe is hanging from the gazebo.
- Add the corn dolly which you received from the ghost geese to the chalice.
- With the final ingredient presented to the FLUTE KNEES shadowlock, it rewards you with more pieces of newspaper before sleeping forever.
- Assemble the pieces of newspaper to read of the tragic death of Edwina’s mother.
- TRIVIA: The shadowlock boy’s face was made from a photo of the creative director’s son.
- Miss Thorn cared for Edwina? Go and thank her in the kitchen… not that she will be grateful. .
- NOTE: At the end of each act, used and redundant keepsakes will be automatically removed so that your keepsakes inventory is kept tidy.
- Locked out of the cottage, there is nothing to do but search for more ingredients.

- Take the farmyard key from under the pot by the cottage door.

- A pair of ghost piglets materialise outside the cottage. Use your dream cards to name them STARSOUL and WEBHEART. Once named, they reveal information about your mother, and reward you with a handy shadowlock map.
- With this map to hand, the four remaining shadowlocks will become visible.
- Walk along the country lane to the farmyard gate.
- The beast Ialach is back! What does he want from you?
- Open the gate with your new key and enter the farmyard.
- The farmyard shadowlock has forgotten its name. Before divining its name with your dream cards, you will need to find the dream card symbols that are hidden about the yard.
- Use your dream cards to name the shadowlock ROSE EYES.

- Go through to the stables and find the listed objects in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a pipe.
- Shoot the hanging jar with the slingshot and pick up the eye cog that drops onto the hay.
- Before you set off, remember to take the worry doll from the bucket. And that hobby horse eye might come in handy too.
- You will need the next three shadowlock recipes.
- You might already have the ROSE EYES recipe.
- If not, return to village and climb the ladder to the sweet shop. Use the slingshot obtained from the sweet shop Hidden Object Scene to shoot the hanging jars.
- The STONE FLIES recipe is outside the sweet shop, in the gibbet hanging from the bridge.
- If you do not have the winch handle yet, follow the orange glow to the stone door guarded by four rusted eyes. Take the winch handle from the mechanism to the right of the door; then return to the cottage.
- With each shadowlock disabled, another eye closes. Once all four eyes are asleep, the door will open.

- Outside the cottage, Miss Thorn has thrown out your belongings!
- Amongst all those things you will find a penknife, a tub of grease, and the EEL BREEZE recipe.

- Back in the village, place the winch handle into the gibbet mechanism. Smear grease onto the cogs and turn the winch handle to lower the gibbet.
- Inside the gibbet, you will find the STONE FLIES recipe.
- Now for the ingredients. You probably have a good few of them already. For those you have missed, you will find them here:
- ROSE EYES shadowlock (farmyard):
- Tobacco: Find the listed items in the first stables Hidden Object Scene. You are rewarded with the pipe. Add the pipe to the farmyard shadowlock to tap out the tobacco.
- Feather: Collect from the swinging bird cage by the portcullis in the village.
- Juniper berry: Use the slingshot to smash the jars in the sweet shop.
- STONE FLIES shadowlock (orchard):
- Fossil: Once the ladder is positioned beneath the sweet shop window, you can collect the fossil from the wall beside the window.
- Honeycomb: Find the listed items in the second orchard Hidden Object Scene. You are rewarded with the honeycomb.

- Amber: With the penknife you found outside the cottage, prise open the heart that is carved into the tree in the orchard. The amber is hidden in the secret compartment behind.
- EEL BREEZE shadowlock (country lane):
- Starfish: Pick up from beside the dismantled bridge on the country lane.
- Thistle: Collect from the clump of thistles in the farmyard.
- Toy soldier: Use the hay fork from the orchard to poke around in the stable hay.
- As before, add each ingredient from the recipes to the corresponding shadowlock.
- With the fourth shadowlock disabled, only one more remains…

- Now that the four rusted eyes are asleep, you simply need to insert the missing cog and the winch handle.
- If you left the winch handle in the gibbet wall outside the sweet shop, you will need to collect it again.
- You might already have the eye cog. If not, return to the stables, use the slingshot to shoot the hanging jar, and pick up the eye cog from the hay.
- TRIVIA: Before being relocated to the stables, the eye cog was originally placed in the cottage kitchen – until the creative director remembered that the cottage was locked!
- Slot the eye cog and the winch handle into the mechanism and the Ialach door will rattle open.

- Climb the stone steps to the sunflower garden.

- Before you can enter the apothecary, you need to disable one final shadowlock.
- The garden shadowlock has also forgotten its name. As with the farmyard shadowlock, you will need to find the dream card symbols hidden in the garden before being able to divine the shadowlock’s name. This time there are six symbols to find.
- Using your dream cards, name the shadowlock MOON LIGHT.

- The shadowlock thanks you with the MOON LIGHT recipe.
- If you have yet to discover any of the ingredients, you will find them here:
- MOON LIGHT shadowlock (apothecary gardens):
- Worry doll: Stood in the bucket in the stables.
- Venus flytrap: To the left of the shadowlock in the sunflower garden.
- Licorice root: In the bottom left jar, in the sweet shop.
- With the final shadowlock sleeping, the apothecary door materialises.
- Before heading into the apothecary, be sure to examine the moondial in the gardens, and keep the sketch safe in your keepsakes inventory.
- Inside the apothecary, find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive the white sheet music.

- You will also find a snakeskin in the overturned jar on the right-hand table.
- Search the bottom-left table, by the bread, for the brass worm.
- A spy-hole has opened in the cabinet. Click on the spy-hole to meet the true Miss Thorn.
- Edwina is horrified to learn that the woman in the cottage is the enraged spirit of her own deceased mother. Furthermore, having disabled the shadowlocks, Edwina has released the spirit.
- When the beast Ialach approaches, Miss Thorn bids farewell and cycles into the forest.
- TRIVIA: The actress who played Miss Thorn in the photo-shoot is the mother of the girl who played young Edwina, and both were a delight to work with! And rest assured, Miss Thorn will return in Margrave IV, and her secret will shock you to the quick!
- Having been released from bondage, the spirit Cassandra has fled the cottage, pursued by the beast Ialach.
- Return to the cottage. The front door is in splinters, and the master bedroom is now accessible.

- In the master bedroom, examine the strange cabinet and press the eye to reveal a secret door.
- The door is secured with a wooden lock.

- The beast’s antlers can be rotated like clock hands. Turn them to the positions shown in your grandfather clocks sketch, such that they show the times 12:30 and 3:00.
- To fully resolve the lock, you will need to find two items to place into the heart cavity.
- Before leaving the master bedroom, find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive the blacksmith’s hammer.
- As your adventure progresses, you will discover many gramophone records. Each record bears a clue; each clue is essential to completing the game.
- Before you can fix the gramophone, you will need the white sheet music.
- If you have yet to collect the white sheet music, head through the sunflower garden to the apothecary shop, and find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- Place the white sheet music onto the piano in the parlour.

- Play the notes on the piano in this sequence: EGAB AGED CDDE DGAG.
- A second compartment opens in the portrait. Take the gramophone knob from the compartment.
- Return to the guests’ bedroom and place the gramophone knob onto the gramophone. By clicking this knob, you will now be able to play your gramophone records forwards as well as backwards.
- Place the square gramophone record onto the gramophone. Ensure the knobs are correctly positioned so that the record plays forwards.
- Even when played forwards, the square gramophone record makes little sense: The brass fish? The wooden horse? My heart is complete?
- NOTE: Once played on the gramophone, the gramophone records will be stored in your keepsakes inventory, along with a written transcript of their clue. Remember to return to the gramophone occasionally to play your new records: they could hold the very clues you have been after!

- The birdbath in the woodland is missing a chick.
- Return to the sunflower garden and feed the brass worm to the mechanical nightingale perched on the moondial.
- The nightingale’s wing swings open, revealing a secret cavity inside.
- Take the clockwork egg from the cavity.
- The portcullis in the village is open and you can enter the courtyard.

- In the courtyard, click on the dovecot to begin the bug-catching mini-game. To complete the mini-game, you will need to score thirty points.
- The symbols on the two buttons at the bottom of the screen determine which birds will peck when each button is pressed. Time your pecking to catch the red ladybugs, which are worth one point each, and the golden bugs, which are worth five points each. However, avoid catching the spiky bugs, as they will subtract three points from your total!

- With the mini-game completed, the dovecot window opens.
- Place the clockwork egg into the window and take the clockwork chick that falls into the hatch below.
- Before leaving the courtyard, collect the wooden fish tail from the bird table by the doorway.
- Climb the steps at the far end of the courtyard and enter the woodland. Place the clockwork chick onto the birdbath.

- Before filling the birdbath, you will need to return life to the water pump.
- To access the pump controls, you will need the wooden fish tail from the dovecot courtyard, and the wooden fish head from the gatehouse.
- If you have yet to realign the copper birds on the gatehouse roof, you will need to return to the bridge and use your slingshot to shoot the birds into position; then return to the water pump on the hill, beyond the woodland.

- Examine the window on the tree and place the fish head and the fish tail into their cavities.
- The window opens and the control panel is now accessible.
- Examine the panel and match the dials to the two stained glass window sketches in your keepsakes inventory.
- TRIVIA: The stained glass windows depict the cyclopean blacksmith Oban with his family. You will meet Oban in act V, and you might even encounter his family in Margrave IV!
- The water pump splutters back to life, expelling a water spout from its belly.
- Take the water spout from the grass.

- Back in the woodland, examine the window on the pipe tree.
- Insert the water spout. The window opens to reveal a pipe puzzle.

- Reconstruct the pipeline in the tree hollow by rotating the pipes.
- With the pipeline fully restored, the shower is activated, filling the birdbath with water.

- Once the birds have quenched their thirst, a hatch opens in the birdbath, revealing a hidden compartment.
- Take the brass fish from the compartment.
- Before leaving the woodland, find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a hairbrush.
- Now to find the second part of the beast’s heart: the wooden horse.
- If you did not collect the horse’s eye earlier, you will need to head to the stables to collect it from the hobby horse.
- Return to the guests’ bedroom in the cottage. Insert the horse’s eye into the rocking horse to open a secret compartment.
- Take the tin horse half from the compartment.

- Back in the abandoned village, climb the ladder to the sweet shop and place the tin horse half into the horse derby scene, completing the pink tin horse.
- The jockeys are ready to race, but in what order did they finish?
- Find the listed items in the new sweet shop Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a toffee hammer.

- Travel through the woodland and past the pump on the hill to the cemetery with the portcullis tree.
- Examine the skeleton tomb and take the pieces of racing paper from its eye sockets.

- Assemble the pieces of paper for the solution to the horse derby puzzle.
- Before returning to the sweet shop, be sure to take a look at the sigils carved into the tree, above the portcullis.
- You receive a sketch of the sigils.

- Back in the sweet shop, use your slingshot to hit the targets and move the jockeys into position:
- The pink horse is in position 2.
- The blue horse is in position 1.
- The yellow horse is in position 3.
- The green horse is in position 4.
- To establish this order, hit the top target once, the second target twice, and the bottom target thrice. There is no need to shoot the third target as it activates the green horse which is already in its final position.

- The curtains in the counter part to reveal a toffee horse.
- Smash open the toffee horse with the toffee hammer, and take the palomino sheet music from inside.

- The portrait in the cottage parlour holds one more secret.
- Place the palomino sheet music onto the piano.
- Play the notes on the piano in this sequence: AACE DDCB BCBA GEAA.
- The final compartment is revealed.
- Take the wooden horse.
- Before setting off to the final act of this adventure, you might want to scout for more clues.
- In the apothecary shop, find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a coarse gramophone record.

- Head to the dovecot courtyard and enter Miss Thorn’s parlour through the doorway.
- The books in the bookcase are jumbled. Arrange them to create a skeletal peacock scene.
- You receive a warped gramophone record.
- Take the ivory angel from the ceiling beams.
- Take the sketch of the severed heart from the flowerpot and return to the cottage.
- Play your new records on the gramophone in the guests’ bedroom.
- The coarse gramophone record provides details of the ingredients for the final spell – the most powerful spell Edwina has ever attempted!
- The warped gramophone record provides the solution to the catacombs lock, which you will shortly face.
- In the kitchen, find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a walnut.
- When you are ready, return to the master bedroom and slot the brass fish and the wooden horse into the heart cavity in the wooden panel.
- The door rumbles open, revealing a secret passage beyond.
- Take the lock of hair down from the wooden beam and brace yourself for a terrifying twist.
- TRIVIA: The secret passage was designed over the phone. Inspired whilst on a train journey, the creative director phoned artist Ben who immediately set to painting the scene.

- Take a look in the chest of drawers before leaving the secret passage.
- Take the silver ring from the severed finger.
- TRIVIA: Many of the story elements in Margrave III will make little sense yet. However, all will be revealed very soon.
- Click on a spirit animal. Once they have sung to you of Cassandra’s remorse, examine the top left alcove.
- Find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive the SOUL SUMMON recipe.
- Examine the small statue nestled in the left-hand wall to find a mossy gramophone record.
- Before returning to the cottage, climb the cemetery steps and take a look round the church with its unusual altar, and the crypt, sealed by a heavy portcullis.
- Return to the guests’ bedroom and play your new record on the gramophone: Hammer four times on the skeleton’s shield?
- On your way back to the church, search the dolls in the master bedroom and find the listed items in the Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a sea-washed stone.

- Back in the church, select the blacksmith’s hammer from your inventory and click four times on the shield on the altar. Stand back as the altar slides to one side.
- Take the button from the edge of the hole, and hold tight as Edwina’s memories flood back and the events on the night of her father’s death unfold.
- In the cemetery, examine the alcove on the right. The bathing girl needs a jolly good wash! She will not grant access to the crypt until you have cleaned her teeth and brushed her hair and swabbed her ears.
- Find the listed items in the cemetery Hidden Object Scene.
- You receive a cotton swab.

- You should now have all you need to clean up the bathing girl. However, if you missed the hairbrush, you will find it hidden in the woodland.
- Select the cotton swab and use it to dab away the waxy cones in the girl’s ears.
- Select the hairbrush and use it to tame the girl’s mossy hair.

- Select the toothbrush and use it to scrub the girl’s teeth.
- Once spruced up, the girl’s face swings open and you can collect the skull from the alcove.
- Return to the crypt and insert the skull into the iron frame.
- The portcullis rises and you can now examine the lock on the door.

- The door to the sanctum is locked tight.
- To open the door, you will need to insert five items into the head cavities on the wooden lock.
- Consult the notes you made when you listened to the warped gramophone record.
- To complete the lock, you will need five items. You will probably possess several, if not all, of these already:
- Button: You found this under the altar in the church.
- Tambourine: You receive this on completing the second Hidden Object Scene in the stables.
- Walnut: Complete the second Hidden Object Scene in the cottage kitchen to receive this item.
- Snail shell: To find this item, you need to complete the second Hidden Object Scene in the woodland.
- Sea-washed stone: Return to the master bedroom and search through the dolls in the second Hidden Object Scene.

- Look through the warped gramophone record notes again. Place the button into the skeleton’s head, the tambourine into the girl’s head, the walnut into the boy’s head, the snail shell into the dog’s head, and the sea-washed stone into the cat’s head.
- Once the heads have been correctly positioned, the moon symbols are revealed.
- To complete the lock, the three dials need to be correctly aligned.
- Consult the notes you made when you examined the moondial in the sunflower garden.
- Set the left dial to its second position, the middle dial to its third position, and the third dial to its second position.
- With the lock puzzle solved, the door to the sanctum opens.
- Now to raise the dead! The souls of the departed will lead you to Cassandra.
- To create this mighty spell, you will need a cauldron, the SOUL SUMMON recipe, and the requisite ingredients.
- You may have spotted the cauldron already, hanging inside the portcullis tree.
- To access the tree, you will need to return to the gazebo and consult the sketch you made when examining the sigils on the portcullis tree.

- Now that the moon has passed into the centre of the gazebo dome, you can complete the celestial combination by turning the rings to match the sigils.
- The tree is now accessible through the doorway in its trunk, and also through the archway in the apple orchard.
- Stand at the tree and take the cauldron.
- Before returning to the sanctum, pluck the coffin nail from the tree trunk.

- Place the cauldron onto the cauldron stand in the sanctum.
- Consult the SOUL SUMMON recipe which you received from the first Hidden Object Scene in the cemetery.
- To locate the five SOUL SUMMON ingredients, you should begin by reading the notes you made after listening to the coarse gramophone record.

- You may already have discovered some, if not all, of these ingredients. If you have missed any, now is the time to go back for them:
- Silver ring: Examine the drawer in the secret passage and take the ring from the severed finger.
- Coffin nail: Pull this item from the trunk of the portcullis tree.
- Ivory angel: This item hangs from the beams in Miss Thorn’s parlour, left of the courtyard.
- Snakeskin: You will find this in the overturned jar in the apothecary.
- Lock of hair: This item is pinned to the wooden scaffold in the master bedroom.
- The final ingredient is dropped into the cauldron. Now for the incantation.

- To divine the incantation, you will need to consult your dream cards and arrange them upon the most challenging configuration of your adventure.
- The beast Ialach has you cornered!
- Edwina recites the incantation; the souls well from the shadows and carry her to safety above.
- In the church, Cassandra weeps silently for her crime.
- To free Cassandra, place the scarlet rose into her chest.
- Ialach prowls into the nave and reveals himself as Jonny Margrave, come to guide Cassandra to the afterlife.
- With her parents having found peace and absolution, Edwina leaves with Tom. For now, her adventure is over.
- TRIVIA: Ever wondered what is inside Edwina’s heart pendant? All will be revealed: You have until Margrave V to guess! (Yes, we really are planning two games ahead!).
- Congratulations! You have completed Margrave: the Curse of the Severed Heart!