Haunted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Haunted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers Walkthrough
Welcome to the Hanuted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers Walkthrough
You thought this would be just like any other investigation. But now you find yourself lost in a mysterious mansion brimming with strange creatures, comatose colleagues, and mysterious tentacles around every corner…
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Hanuted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by SeverineSnape, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Haunted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers.
- This guide will not mention each time you need to zoom into a scene; the screenshots will show each zoom scene.
- We will use the acronym HOP for Hidden-object puzzles. Interactive items will be color-coded and some will be numbered; please follow the numbers in sequence.
- HOPs may be random: our lists may vary from yours.
- An interactive map you can use to quickly travel to locations can be found in your Notes.
Chapter 1: The Crystal Skull

- Talk to Lloyd (A).
- Push the button (B).
- Talk to Lloyd and take the Secret Service Goggles (C).

- Inspect the vortex (D).
- Take the FISH NECKTIE (E).
- Walk forward.

- Use the Goggles for a mini-game (F).
- Create a sequence of symbols, with the next symbol matching the previous.

- Pull the donkey’s tail (G); take the TAIL (H) and UMBRELLA (I).
- Pull out the scarf and move the tube with the UMBRELLA; take BAGPIPE TUBE 1/3 (J).
- Open the door (K).
- Walk forward.

- Talk to Dr. Gauss (L).
- Walk forward.
- Take BAGPIPE TUBE 2/3 and try to take the necklace (M).
- Open the curtain.
- Take the BOOMERANG (N).

- Use the Goggles on the vortex for another mini-game.
- Play as before (O).
- Open the locket and take the PENDANT; take the CRAB with the FISH NECKTIE and read the note (P).
- Walk down.

- Give the PENDANT to Lloyd; take the paper, open it and take the NEEDLE AND THREAD (Q).
- Walk forward.

- String the beads on the NEEDLE AND THREAD (R); take the NECKLACE (S).
- Walk down.
- Use the CRAB to open the pocket (T); take the VALVE (U).
- Walk down.

- Give the NECKLACE to the magpie and take the STETHOSCOPE PIECE (V).
- Put the VALVE on the pipe and turn it twice; open the flashlight and take the LIGHT BULB (W).

- Use the CRAB to cut the knot (X), open the brain and take the DOOR KNOCKER (Y); put the LIGHT BULB in the socket and turn it into place (Z).
- Take the FROG (A).
- Walk forward.

- Take down the crate with the BOOMERANG (B).
- Take BAGPIPE TUBE 3/3 (C).
- Walk forward.

- Put the STETHOSCOPE PIECE on the stethoscope and take the STETHOSCOPE (D).
- Put the DOOR KNOCKER on the door and knock to receive the CHILI PEPPER (E).

- Put the FROG on the vase and feed it the CHILI PEPPER (F); take the CORK and pour the wine (G).
- Walk down.
- Put the CORK in the pipe; take BATTERY 1/2 (H).
- Walk forward twice.

- Use the STETHOSCOPE on the walkie-talkie (I); take BATTERY 2/2 (J).
- Turn over the alarm clock and put the BATTERIES in it (K); take GLASS GRAPE 1/5, put the BAGPIPE TUBES on the bag and take the BAGPIPES (L).
- Walk down.

- Use the BAGPIPES on the flamingos (M).
- Play the HOP (N, O).
- You receive the NAIL FILE.
- Go right.

- Take the STRAW and COWBOY HAT (P).
- Take GLASS GRAPE 2/5 with the NAIL FILE (Q).
- Walk down.

- Talk to Dr. Gauss (R).
- Put the STRAW in the wine (S); take GLASS GRAPE 3/5 (T).
- Go right and forward.

- Use the Goggles on the vortex.
- Play as before (U).
- Take the HANDLE (V).
- Put the COWBOY HAT on the cowboy and take the LASSO (W).

- Take the CHEESE (X).
- Take the PENGUIN STENCIL and put the TAIL on the donkey (Y).
- Walk down.

- Catch the cup with the LASSO, remove the tea with the pot and take the NUT (Z).
- Walk down.
- Give the NUT to the hamster (A); take GLASS GRAPE 4/5 (B).

- Play the HOP (C, D, E).
- You receive the FACE POWDER.
- Walk forward.

- Use the FACE POWDER to reveal the lasers (F).
- Put the CHEESE on the board to play the mini-game (G).
- Move the mouse across the board to the button, avoiding the lasers.
- Casual (yellow) and hard (green) solutions are show.
- Go through the door (H).

- Take the POWER WIRE (I).
- Put the HANDLE on the wringer, turn it and take the SCOUT KERCHIEF (J); use the Goggles on the vortex (K).
- Play as before (L).

- Play the mini-game in the painting.
- Take the EMERALD (N).
- Walk down.

- Go to the Office.
- Play the mini-game above the fireplace (P).

- Put all videos in their boxes (Q).
- You receive a VHS TAPE.

- Give the HYPNOTIC PINWHEEL to the fowl, switch on the fan and use the CRAB to cut the necklace (R); take GLASS GRAPE 5/5 (S).
- Put the GLASS GRAPES on the lamp and pull the tail (T).
- Play the mini-game on the wall.

- Restore the skulls (Casual: U; Hard: V).
- Move a piece to the clip to free a space; drag a piece to the arrows to turn it.
- Taped down pieces do not move.
- Note the code.
- Walk down.

- Enter 462 into the safe (W); use the Goggles on the vortex (X).
- Play as before (Y).

- Take the note and play the HOP (Z1).
- Alternatively, you can play a Match-3 puzzle (Z2).
- Shoot colored marbles down the rows or columns to create groups of three marbles of the same color; for each group of three, one item is removed from your HOP list.
- You receive the SHOE.
- Walk down.

- Give the SHOE to the flamingo and take the ELECTRIC PLUG (A).
- Go right.

- Talk to the moose (B).
- Put the ELECTRIC PLUG on the cable and put the ELECTRICAL TAPE around it (C); plug in the TV.

- Watch the first two channels on the TV (D); put the VHS TAPE in the slot for a mini-game (E).
- Move the coins to the ends of the wires of the same color (F).
- Top solution: 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 1, 7, 6, 5, 7.
- Bottom solution: 4, 5, 6, 1, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 7, 6, 1, 2, 7.

- Take the HELMET (G).
- Walk down.
- Put the HELMET on the door knocker and knock (H).
- Go left.

- Take the SUCTION CUP (I).
- Put the SCOUT KERCHIEF on the ironing board and open the hatbox (J).

- Play the HOP (K).
- You receive a DUSTER.

- Open the fridge and use the Goggles (L).
- Play as before (M).
- Clear the cobwebs with the DUSTER (N); take the WING (O).
- Walk down and forward.

- Put the WING on the Morpheus bust (P).
- Walk forward.
Chapter 2: Dr. Gauss’s Nightmare

- Use the fertilizer, and take the FERTILIZER and COMB (Q).
- Open the cabinet with the SUCTION CUP; take the BUTTON (R).

- Take the SPRAY PAINT (S).
- Take the ARROW (T); put the BUTTON on the pillow and take the BOXING MEDAL and STONE FEATHER 1/3 (U).
- Put the BOXING MEDAL on the box and take the PUNCHER (V).
- Go to the Kitchen.

- Put the PENGUIN STENCIL on the fridge and spray it with the SPRAY PAINT (W); take the CARNELIAN (X).
- Go to the Bedroom.

- Put the EMERALD and CARNELIAN on the mirror (Y); use the PUNCHER to take a MIRROR PIECE (Z).
- Walk forward through the mirror (A).

- Use the FERTILIZER on the pumpkin (B).
- Play the mini-game in the traffic light (C).
- Move the tiles to create complete circuits of each color.
- Take STONE FEATHER 2/3 (D).
- Zoom into the pond.

- Take STONE FEATHER 3/3 (E).
- COMB the horse’s hair and take the FORK (F).
- Take the HEART KEY (G).
- Put the STONE FEATHERS on the statue (H); take WEIGHT and ARM (I).
- Back out.

- Put the WEIGHT on the carpet; take the LIGHTER (J).
- Walk forward.

- Take the SPOON and FROZEN BUCKET (K).
- Cut the paper with the MIRROR PIECE, open the box and take the POCKET FAN and WRAPPING PAPER (L).

- Give the ARM to the mannequin and take the WEDDING BOOK (M).
- Take the NET (N); give the ARROW to the cherub (O) and use the HEART KEY on the door (P).
- Walk forward.

- Take the FISHING LINE and light the stove with the LIGHTER (Q); put the FROZEN BUCKET on the stove and take the BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE (R).
- Use the POCKET FAN on the flour (S); take the GEAR and JAR and note the time (T).

- Put the SPOON and FORK on the clock and set it to 12 (U).

- Play the HOP (V).
- You receive a CANDY CANE.
- Walk down twice.

- Shoot at the dart board with the BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE; take the ACCORDION (W).
- Put the NET over the plant and take GAUSS’ SHOE and the CARNIVOROUS PLANT (X).
- Zoom into the Pond.

- Collect some honey in the JAR to get a JAR OF HONEY (Y).
- Back out.
- Put the CARNIVOROUS PLANT on the bench (Z); collect the bees in the JAR OF HONEY to get HONEY WITH BEES and put the WRAPPING PAPER around the roses (A).
- Go into the Banquet Hall.

- Put the GEAR on the mechanism and put the ARM on the mannequin (B).
- Go up.
- Give the CANDY CANE to the bear and take the DRUM (C).
- Give GAUSS’ SHOE to the bride on the right to receive a RIBBON (D).

- Open the photo album for a HOP (E).
- You receive the PHOTO OF BLACKMORE.
- Walk down.

- Put the PHOTO OF BLACKMORE in the frame (F); remove the tray and take the VEIL (G).
- Walk down.
- Put the RIBBON around the roses and take the BOUQUET (H).
- Go to the Dressing Room.

- Give the VEIL to the middle bride to receive a HORSESHOE (I).
- Give the BOUQUET to the left bride to receive the TONGS (J).
- Walk down twice.
- Zoom into the Pond.
- Give the HORSESHOE to the horse (K); take the TIN CAN (L).
- Go to the Kitchen.

- Give the HONEY WITH BEES to the bear and receive his BALALAIKA; remove the RING with the TONGS (M).
- Open the TIN CAN with the opener to receive the GLOVE (N).

- Play the HOP (O).
- You receive the CHAMPAGNE FLUTES.
- Go to the Dressing Room.

- Put the RING in the box; you receive the RING IN CASE (P).
- Give the GLOVE to the last bride to receive a CANDLE (Q).

- Play the HOP (R).
- Take the code (S).
- Go up.

- Use the Goggles on the vortex.
- Play as before (T).
- Put the CANDLE on the candelabra and light it with the LIGHTER (U).

- Put the DRUMS, BALALAIKA and ACCORDION in the alcove for a mini-game (V).
- Play the instruments in the order shown.
- Sequence 1: 1, 3, 6, 7.
- Sequence 2: 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1.
- You receive a VINYL RECORD.

- Enter 911612 into the keypad and hit the OK button (Y).
- Walk down twice.

- Put the VINYL RECORD on the gramophone and take the BRIDE FIGURINE (Z).
- Go up.
- Put the BRIDE FIGURINE on the music box; take the HOOK (A).
- Walk down twice.

- Zoom into the Pond.
- Put the FISHING LINE and HOOK on the fishing rod; take the PROJECTOR KEY (B).
- Go to the Wedding Altar and go up the ladder (C).

- Use the PROJECTOR KEY on the projector (D) for a mini-game.
- Swap the bars around to match the configuration of the gears (E).
- You receive a FIRE GRATE PIECE.
- Talk to the bride (F).
- Talk to Dr. Gauss and receive the KEY (G).
Chapter 3: Lloyd’s Nightmare

- Put the PILLOW COVER on the bug (H); take the EYE PATCH (I).
- Go to the Kitchen.
- Take the receiver off the phone and put the EYE PATCH on the slingshot; take the SLINGSHOT (J).
- Go to the TV Room.

- Play the HOP (K).
- You receive the SCUBA GEAR.
- Walk forward.

- Put the FIRE GRATE PIECE on the fire grate (L).
- Go through the fire.

- Talk to the Shaman (M).
- Talk to Lloyd (N).
- Shoot down the coconut with the SLINGSHOT (O); take the GLASS CUTTER and CRACKED COCONUT (P).

- Play the mini-game in the shrubs (Q).
- The game starts in the top left corner; from the row of flowers on the left, select a flower type that’s next to the flower type in the top left corner. The flowers in the top left corner will change to the selected type.
- Continue until all flowers are of the same type; you only get 25 moves, so always select the type that will recruit the most new ones.
- Walk left.

- Take the TORCH (R).
- Take the PIN (S).
- Walk down.

- Light the TORCH in the fire to get a BURNING TORCH (T).
- Scare the snakes with the BURNING TORCH (U); take the DIVING MASK and FLIPPERS (V).
- Go left.
- Put the SCUBA GEAR, DIVING MASK and FLIPPERS in the water (W).
- Go forward.

- Move the belt, and take the BELT and SPONGE (X).
- Cut the glass with the GLASS CUTTER and pull the lever (Y).

- Play the HOP (Z).
- You receive a RUSTY MACHETE.
- Walk down twice.

- Put the BELT on the whetstone and sharpen the RUSTY MACHETE (A); you receive the MACHETE.
- Cut the vines with the MACHETE (B).
- Walk forward.

- Give the CRACKED COCONUT to the rhino (C); take the HANDLE (D).
- Clean off the dirt with the SPONGE (E); take the TWEEZERS (F).
- Go into the hut.

- Take the ACID and CAN OF PAINT (G).

- Put the PIN on the crossbow and shoot; take the HORN (H).
- Move the herbs to find the ANIMAL DOLL and GLOVE (I).
- Go to the Shore.

- Take the KITCHEN SKIMMER with the GLOVE (J).
- Scare away the birds with the HORN (K); take the PARROT DOLL (L).
- Go forward.

- Play the HOP (M).
- You receive the SAILS.

- Cut the net with the MACHETE (N); take the SPYGLASS (O).
- Put the HANDLE on the blade to receive a SHOVEL (P).
- Go to the Village.

- Dig up the dirt with the SHOVEL and take the ARTILLERY SHELL (Q); use the SPYGLASS on the plane (R) and take the MASK PIECE (S).
- Go into the Hut.

- Take the STONE PIECE with the KITCHEN SKIMMER (T).
- Pull out the cork and put the SAILS on the table; put the sails in the bottle with the TWEEZERS and take the MASK PIECE (U).
- Put the two MASK PIECES on the doll for a mini-game.

- Put all items on the correct puppets, matching the images on the pedestals (V).
- Use the panels on either side to temporarily hold items.
- Take the HUMAN DOLL.
- Walk down.

- Put the STONE PIECE on the statue, flip the middle stone and take the SUN EMBLEM (W).
- Go to the Shore.
- Dig up the chest with the SHOVEL and put the SUN EMBLEM on the lid; take the BULB (X).
- Walk forward.

- Open the hatch and put the BULB on the fish to receive a FISH DOLL (Y).
- Go to the Village.
- Go to the Shore.

- Remove the rust with the ACID and put the TANK HATCH HANDLE on the hatch (A); open the hatch, look inside and put the ARTILLERY SHELL in the cannon for a mini-game (B).

- Remove all yellow dots; you can only move to a dot that’s in a straight line from the one you’ve just removed (C).
- Go to the Village.

- Talk to the Shaman to receive a DAGGER (D).
- Walk down.
- Cut Lloyd free with the DAGGER to receive the BRUSH (E).
- You receive a SPECIAL KEY.
- Walk down.
Chapter 4: Wilson’s Dream

- Put the CAN OF PAINT and BRUSH on the moose (F); take the CHAMELEON (G).
- Go to the Kitchen.

- Play the HOP (H).
- You receive a SNOWFLAKE.

- Give the CHAMELEON to the penguin (I); put the SNOWFLAKE in the freezer and walk forward (J).

- Take the SNOWSHOES (K).
- Put the SNOWSHOES on the ice by the dog (L).
- Take the HOSE (M).

- Take SKI 1/2 and the code (N).
- Take the ICE SKATE BLADE (O).
- Cut the backpack with the ICE SKATE BLADE and take the ICE DRILL and ROPE (P).
- Walk forward.

- Take the MORSE CODE (Q).
- Activate the blowtorch (R) and take the HAMMER (S); you receive a BLOWTORCH.
- Go through the door.

- Take the HAT (T).
- Play as before (V).
- Play the mini-game (W).
- Shoot the marbles into groups of three; remove the number of marbles shown on the counter.
- Take the SCARF and use the Goggles (U).
- Take the PHOTO (X).
- Put the HOSE on the barrel; take the SAW (Y).

- Put the MORSE CODE on the table for a mini-game (Z).
- Watch the ticker on the left and push the number that matches the Morse code on the ticker.
- Take the SAFE CODE.
- Put the SAFE CODE on the safe dial (A); take the EXPLOSIVE (B).
- Walk down.

- Put the HAT on the penguin to receive a NEST (C).
- Walk down.
- Use the HAMMER on the sled and take the WOOD (D).
- Go forward.

- Put the WOOD, ICE SKATE BLADE, HAMMER and SAW on the door and open the door (E).

- Play the HOP (F).
- You receive a SIGNAL FLARE.
- Go into the Station.

- Put the SIGNAL FLARE in the gun and take the FLARE GUN (G).
- Walk down.

- Use the ROPE on the ice (H) for a mini-game.
- Cross the ice, using the following pattern: circle, triangle, diamond, square (I).
- Walk forward.

- Put the NEST on the tripod (J).
- Melt the ice with the BLOWTORCH and take the TEAPOT LID (K); give the SCARF to the flamingo to receive a LENS (L).

- Put the EXPLOSIVE on the ice and take SKI 2/2 (M).
- Drill the ice with the ICE DRILL and take the COLLAR (N).
- Take the COIN and put the LENS on the telescope; look through the lens and use the FLARE GUN (O).
- Use the SKIS in the distance (P).
- Go forward.

- Take the RETORT (Q).
- Take the LEATHER GLOVE (R).
- Put the PHOTO on the pegs and rearrange them according to the note you found (S); take BLACKMORE’S PASS (T).
- Walk down twice.

- Play the HOP (U).
- You receive the BRIQUETTES.
- Go to the Station.

- Put the COIN in the piggy bank and take the KEY (V).
- Move the glass shards with the LEATHER GLOVE and take the CIGAR (W).
- Walk down twice.

- Put the COLLAR on the dog and take the FISH (X).
- Put the CIGAR in the sculpture’s pocket and take the MATCHES (Y).
- Walk forward.

- Give the FISH to the penguin and take the TEA BAG (Z).
- Put the TEAPOT LID on the pot and receive the TEAPOT (A).
- Walk forward.
- Use the TEA POT on the ice chips to get a TEA POT WITH ICE (B).
- Walk forward.

- Open the stove with the KEY, put the BRIQUETTES in it and light with the MATCHES (C).
- Put the TEA POT WITH ICE on the stove and put the TEA BAG in it and take the HOT TEA (D).
- Give the HOT TEA to Wilson.
- Talk to Wilson and take the SPECIAL KEY (E).
Chapter 5: Finding Blackmore

- Go to the Secret Room.
- Put the KEY and the two SPECIAL KEYS in the door (F).
- Go right.
- Use the Goggles.
- Play as before (G).

- Put the POWER WIRE on the computer and take the CD and CHOPSTICKS; put BLACKMORE’S PASS in the computer (H).
- Put the RETORT on the table and take the CHALK (I).

- Move the COIN with the CHOPSTICKS and pick it up (J); take the MICROFIBER RAG (K).
- Clean the blackboard with the MICROFIBER RAG and put the CHALK on the blackboard (L).
- Walk forward.

- Take the WIRES (M).
- Take the FISH EYE (N).
- Move the doll and take BLACKMORE’S POSTER (O).
- Go right.

- Take the VALVE and SIGNAL FLARE (P).
- Put the COIN in the slot for a mini-game.
- Hit evil dolls with the hammer (Q).
- Take the LACROSSE BALL (R).
- Walk down.

- Put the VALVE on the fire hydrant and take the CAR KEY (S).
- Walk forward.
- Open the trunk with the CAR KEY (T).

- Play the HOP (U).
- You receive a LOCK CORE.

- Take the FIN, melt the wax with the SIGNAL FLARE and take the MALLET (W).
- Walk down.

- Put the LOCK CORE on the scooter and take the TOP HAT (X).
- Go right.

- Put the TOP HAT on the mannequin and take the PHONE BOOK PAGE (Y).
- Put the FISH EYE and FIN on the fish and take the CHISEL, KEY and SKELETON ARM (Z).
- Walk down.

- Put the PHONE BOOK PAGE on the book, access the dial and dial 471368 (A); put the CD on the saw and take the ANGLE GRINDER (B).
- Unlock the chain with the KEY and take the SAFETY WIRE CUTTER (C).
- Walk forward.

- Play the HOP (D).
- You receive the JACK.

- Cut the grid with the SAFETY WIRE CUTTER and remove the tarp with the SKELETON ARM (E); connect the WIRES to the grate (F).
- Break the cement with the CHISEL and MALLET; take the SPATULA and FLASHBULB (G).
- Walk forward.

- Put the FLASHBULB on the camera (H); hang BLACKMORE’S POSTER in front of it (I).
- Remove the gum with the SPATULA and receive BLACKMORE’S PHOTO (J).

- Cut the couch with the ANGLE GRINDER and take the BASEBALL (K).
- Ring the desk bell (L).
- Put BLACKMORE’S PHOTO on the slot machine and keep pulling the handle until you get three images of Blackmore (M).
- Go to the Amusement Park.

- Lift the cart with the JACK and take the SWORD; cut the seat with the ANGLE GRINDER and take the TENNIS BALL (N).
- Walk down.
- Put the three ‘LACROSSE’ BALLS on the table (O); take the LACROSSE STICK (P).
- Go to the Skyscraper Lobby.

- Put the ELEVATOR BUTTON on the elevator and push the up arrow (Q).
- Take the skull with the LACROSSE STICK (R).
- Break the skull with the SWORD (S).
- Congratulations, you have completed Haunted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers.