Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest Walkthrough
Welcome to the Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest Walkthrough
Someone is stealing the hearts of children – literally! Is it a brilliant inventor, seeking to cure his ailing son? Or has dark magic taken over the village…
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by Laurie Murphy, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest!
- This guide does not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots show each zoom scene.
- Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. This guide does not show screenshots of the HOPs, however, it is mentioned when a HOP is available and the inventory item collected.
- This guide will give step-by-step solutions for all puzzles that are not random. Please read the instructions in the game for each puzzle.
- Use the map to travel quickly to a location.
Chapter 1: Entering the City

- Walk forward.
- Attempt to enter the city gate (A).
- Take the STATUETTE (B).
- Read the paper; take the PAPERCLIP (C).
- Walk down.

- Take the RUBY 1/2 (D).
- Open the bag; use the PAPERCLIP; take the FIRE EMBLEM (E).
- Read the poster (F).
- Use the FIRE EMBLEM (G); unbuckle the straps, open the box; take the HOSE (H).
- Walk forward.

- Read the poster (I).
- Use the STATUETTE (J); open and take FEATHER 1/2 (K).
- Select the fountain top again (L) to open a puzzle.

- Solution. b-ax2-b-a-b-c-dx2-ex2.
- Attach the hose (M).
- Take the GLOVE (N).

- Take GEAR 1/5 (O) and GEAR 2/5 (P).
- Take the SYMBOL (Q); GEAR 3/5 and 4/5 (R); use the GLOVE to retrieve the SCREWDRIVER (S).
- Walk down.
- Pick up the amulet (T) to add it to the User Interface.
- Take the BRUSH and STRING (U).

- Use the GLOVE for the GLASS SHARD (V).
- BRUSH off the dirt; use the SCREWDRIVER; take GEAR 5/5 (W).
- Use the GLASS SHARD(X).
- Remove the string and open three box flaps; examine the blueprints (Y).
- Take the MAGNIFIER (Z).
- Walk forward.

- Place the GEARS and MAGNIFIER (A) to open a puzzle.
- Always use the magnifier to add shadow images.
- Solution (B).
- Attempt to enter the city.
- Take the HORSE HEAD (C).
- Walk down.

- Open the basket; read the poster; select the diary (D).
- Place the HORSE HEAD (E); take the BUTTON (F).
- Walk forward.
- Place the BUTTON (G) to trigger a puzzle.

- Press the magnifier. Scroll, highlight and select the symbols (1-4).
- Take the HORN SYMBOL (H).

- Speak to the crone (I).
- Place the HORN SYMBOL; press the button (J).
- Enter the city.
- Approach the burning steps; place the SYMBOL (K); take the DECORATION 1/2 (L).
- Step back.
- Open the lantern; take DECORATION 2/2 (M).
Chapter 2: The House

- Read the paper (N).
- Place DECORATIONS 2/2 (O) to trigger a HOP.
- Play the HOP to get a BUCKET.
- Walk down.
- Put the BUCKET (P); take the BUCKET OF WATER.
- Walk forward.
- Use the BUCKET OF WATER (Q).
- Open the door and enter the house.

- Speak to the man (R).
- Open the man’s shirt and Read the note (S).
- Take the COD-LIVER OIL; read the paper (T).
- Take the BOOK-CODE NUMBER (U).
- Walk down.

- Place the BOOK-CODE NUMBER (V) to trigger a puzzle.
- Solution. Top 12-10-1-8-6-3. Bottom 11-9-2-7-5-4.
- Take the HANDLE and PERSEUS (W).
- Walk forward.
- Take the amulet piece (X).
- Place the PERSEUS tile (Y).
- Open the package and select the doll (A).

- Open and read the message (B) and trigger a puzzle.
- Solution (C).
- Take the amulet piece (D); take LEPORELLO’S HAIR (E).

- Take the GATE PART 1/2 (G).
- Walk down.
- Play the HOP (H); receive a MEDUSA tile.
- Enter the house.

- Place the MEDUSA tile (I).
- Take the CUP (J) and GATE PART 2/2 (K).
- Exit the house.
- Take the BEAR PAW (L).
- Place the two GATE PARTS to open a puzzle (M).

- Solution (N).
- Pull the handles (O); go forward.
- Take the ‘MISSING’ POSTER (P).
- Attempt to enter the building (Q).

- Take the FEATHER 2/2 and TWEEZERS(R).
- Walk down.
- Attempt to take the ticket (S).
- Use the TWEEZERS to take the TICKET.
- Go through the right gate.

- Select the ticket booth (T). Take the beads for the amulet (1); select the bird (2); insert the TICKET (3).
- Select the tickets twice (U) to open a puzzle. Eliminate the scrolling pairs to find an unmatched ticket (red); select the ticket; take the BIRD 1/2 (V).
- Walk up.
- Speak with the guard; give him the ‘MISSING’ POSTER (W); take the LANTERN KEY (X).
- Walk down.

- Place the LANTERN KEY (Y).
- Read the CODE (Z).
- Walk down.
- Select the bird. Place the FEATHERS 2/2 and the CODE (A).
- Select feathers 7-3-6; take BIRD 2/2 (B).
- Walk through the right gate.
- Place BIRDS 2/2 (C); press the lantern key.
- Enter the laboratory; speak to the dwarf.

- Approach the boy and tap his heart (D); step back.
- Attach and turn the HANDLE (E).
- Take the knot doll (F).
- Select and read the message paper (G) to open a puzzle.

- Solution (H).
- Take the amulet piece and BOY’S TOOTH (I).

- Place the BOY’S TOOTH (J); take the CLOCK HAND (K); step back.
- Take a SOLUTION (L), hint page (M) and SCISSORS (N).

- Open the cover; take the amulet piece (O).
- Place the SOLUTION (1); add the CLOCK HAND; set the time to 5:35 (2); close the cover; pull the Give lever (3).
- Step back.
- Use the SCISSORS (P); take the PLANET (Q).

- Attach the PLANET (R) for a puzzle.
- Use the hint page (S) as necessary.
- Solution (T). Take the ADULT disc.
- Pick up the journal; turn the page; take the INFANT disc (U).

- Place the ADULT and INFANT discs and swap (V); take the KEY (W).
- Approach the boy.
- Use the KEY three times (X).
- Exit the building. Walk up.
Chapter 3: The Orphanage

- Speak with the guard (Y); walk forward.
- Speak with Anna (Z).
- Examine the drawings; scroll right twice; take the BEAR EYE (A).

- Take the amulet piece (B).
- Attach the BEAR PAW and BEAR EYE(C).
- Raise the arms, turn the head and unzip the middle. Read the note (D).
- Tale the LOCK (E).
- Add the LOCK for a puzzle (F).

- Solution (G).
- Pick up the sketchbook (H) for a puzzle.

- Solution Page 1 (H1).
- Solution Page 2 (H2).
- Solution Page 3 (H3).
- Solution Page 4 (H4). Receive the SKETCHBOOK.

- Give the SKETCHBOOK; take the SPIDER (I).
- Walk down.
- Remove the mask; take the MATCHES (J).
- Walk down twice.
- Use the MATCHES (K); take the CODE (L).

- Attach the SPIDER and CODE (L).
- Press symbols 1-5.
- Walk forward.
- Add the STRING; take the SLINGSHOT (M).

- Select the debris (N); take the STONES.
- Select the lamp; remove the glass; pour the COD-LIVER OIL; replace the glass; take the LAMP (O).
- Walk down.
- Place the LAMP (P); receive the LIT LAMP.
- Return to the backyard.
- Place the LIT LAMP (Q); remove the poster; take the LOCKET.
- Return to the orphanage.

- Give Anna the LOCKET (R); take the WING.
- Walk down.
- Place the WING (S) for a puzzle.
- Solution (T).
- Enter the greenhouse.

- Select the boy to bring him out of hiding (U); speak to him.
- Place the SLINGSHOT (V); add the STONES.
- Take the LOCK (W).
- Return to the orphanage; speak to Anna.
- Add the LOCK (X).
- Take the knot doll (Y), open and read the note for a puzzle.

- Collect the crystals (Z).

- Take the amulet piece and the TEARS (A).
- Give Anna the TEARS; receive BEER 1/3 (B).
- Take RUBY 2/2 and a MAGNET (C).
- Walk down twice; go left.

- Open the bag; take the amulet piece (1); unwrap the CHEESE (2), take the ALE (3).
- Use the MAGNET for BEER 2/3 (D).
- Return to the greenhouse.
- Place the RUBIES 2/2 (E); open the grill; take the amulet piece (F); place the CHEESE (G).
- Adjust the CHAIN 4x to remove it; receive the BEER 3/3 (H).
- Return to outside the tavern.

- Take BARREL 1/2 (I).
- Place BEERS 3/3 (J).
- Slide the man under each mug and tip them into his mouth (K).
- Enter the tavern.

- Play the HOP (L); receive a MEAD MUG.
- Take the amulet piece and place the MEAD MUG (M). Open the bottle; pick it up and pour it into the mug.
- Select the bottle again. Take the TILE and mug of MEAD (N).
- Remove the drape (O).

- Take the amulet piece; open the cage; take the BLADE; grab the ROPE LADDER (P).
- Open the box, read the note and take the MEDAL (Q).
- Take the BAYONET (R).
- Walk down.
- Place the ROPE LADDER (S); take the SATYR.
- Return to the greenhouse.
- Place the TILE on the back wall (T) for a puzzle.

- The puzzles are random. Possible solutions 1-6.
- Take the MUG FOR ALE (U).
- Return to the tavern.

- Place the CUP (V) and SATYR (W).
- Move satyr (X) to match (W).
- Take WINE.
- Place the ALE and MUG FOR ALE (Y).
- Use the BAYONET; fill and take the ALE.

- Read the note; take the POTHOLDER (Z).
- Pull levers 1-2-3.
- Place the MEAD, WINE and ALE (A).
- Walk down the steps.

- Pick up the SLIVER (B).
- Untie the sack; take the amulet piece and COAL (C).
- Use the POTHOLDER; put the SLIVER (D); take the BURNING SLIVER.
- Use the BAYONET to open the crate; take the amulet piece and place the BLADE (E); take the SAW.
- Use the BURNING SLIVER (F); take the BOTTLE.
- Attach the CHAIN (G).
- Walk down.

- Play the HOP (H); receive BELL 1/2.
- Place the BOTTLE (I); take METAL PLATE 1/2 (J).
- Return to the greenhouse.
- Use the SAW (K).
- Take the amulet piece; take the WHEEL PART (K1).
- Return to the tavern basement.

- Place the WHEEL PART (L).
- Pick up METAL PLATE 2/2 (M).
- Place METAL PLATES 2/2 (N); arrange the pieces (O).
- Walk left.

- Use the COAL (P).
- Lift the leaf (Q).
- Set the numbers to 1-7-8-3-5-8.
- Take the VALVE (R).
- Walk down.

- Look at the wall (S).
- Place the VALVE (1) for a puzzle.
- Solution.a-1; c-2×3; b-2×4.

- Win (3); place (4).
- Take BELL 2/2 (T).
- Walk left.
Chapter 4: The Library and Cells

- Attach and ring BELLS 2/2 (U). Enter the library.
- Attempt to walk forward.
- Play the HOP (V); receive a KEY.
- Take the CANE and amulet piece (W).
- Use the KEY (X); open the tube.

- Take the LEMON (Y).
- Use the CANE; take the RING (Z).
- Place the RING (A) for a puzzle.

- Solution (B). 1 down 3x; 9 down 3x. Press I-II-III. 5 down 3x, 6 down. Press IV-V. 4 up. Press VI-VII-VIII. 12 up. Press IX.

- Remove the string; take the SKETCH and RUSTY KEY (C).
- Remove the poster; take the ORGAN KEY and amulet piece (D).
- Squeeze the LEMON (E). Rub the RUSTY KEY; take a KEY.
- Use the KEY (F) twice.
- Open the cell for a HOP. Get an EXTINGUISHER.
- Walk up.

- Speak to the guard; take a BULLET (G).
- Walk down.
- Load the BULLET; use the ramrod; take the GUN (H).
- Go upstairs.
- Use the GUN (I). Remove the lock and open the cabinet for a puzzle.

- Solution (J). 2-4; 1-2.
- Take the doll (K).
- Touch the doll twice for a puzzle.

- Solution (L). Take an amulet part (1) and a FACE (2).
- Give the officer the FACE; take the PAINTING PART (M).

- Place the PAINTING PART (N).
- Solution (1). c-g-b-d-h-i-e-f-a-c. Completed image (2).
- Grab the GEAR (O).
- Walk forward.

- Speak to the crone; take a PLANET 1/2 (P).
- Walk down.
- Place the GEAR; take the BALL (Q).
- Walk left, then right.
- Place the BALL for a puzzle (R).
- Solution. 5-2-3-1-2-5-6-4-3-2-1-3-4-5-6.
- Take the PAPER PIECE and NOTES (S).
- Return to the library.

- Play the HOP (T); receive a QUILL.
- Place the SKETCH and position the candles (V).
- Place the NOTES and ORGAN KEY (W) for a puzzle.

- Slide the tabs (a-l) over the holes (1-4).
- Solution (W1). a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2, e-3, f-3, g-4, h-2, i-3, j-4, k-3, l-2. Press the green button.

- Return to the cells (X). Play the HOP (1); receive a BEDPOST. Place the QUILL (2); take the INKWELL.
- Return to the library.
- Place the INKWELL (Y).
- Read the instructions; take the LEVITATION POTION (Z).
- Move the books; take the amulet part (A).
- Add the PAPER PIECE; take a CODE (B); grab the PEACOCK PICTURE (C).
- Return to the backyard.

- Pour the LEVITATION POTION; take a HAMMER (D).
- Return to the greenhouse.
- Use the HAMMER; take PLANET 2/2 (E).
- Return to the library.
- Throw the HAMMER (F).
- Open the door and enter (G).

- Place PLANETS 2/2 (H).
- Swap 1-2, 1-3.
- Examine and enter (I).
Chapter 5: Through the Portal

- Play the HOP (J); receive a TOOL KEY.
- Approach the lions (K).
- Take the FAN (L).
- Take the BRUSH (M).
- Enter the tower (N).

- Read the paper; place the TOOL KEY (O); take the BARREL 2/2 (P).
- Play the HOP (Q). Receive BOLTS.
- Walk down.
- Take the amulet bottle; place BARRELS 2/2 for a puzzle (R).

- Solution (S).
- Take the doll (T); select it twice for a puzzle.

- Solution (U).
- Take the amulet part and HANDKERCHIEF (V).

- Give the HANDKERCHIEF (W).
- Place the MEDAL (X).
- Take the CHAIN (Y).
- Return to the tower.

- Place the BEDPOST; insert the FAN (Z); receive FAN BLADES and a HOOP.
- Take the amulet piece and LURE (A).
- Place the HOOP; attach the CHAIN; use the machine for the FAN BLADES (B).
- Place the blades on the circle; add the BOLTS; take the PENDULUM BASE (C).
- Return to the library.

- Take the amulet part (D).
- Place the BRUSH. Read the note and place the PENDULUM BASE (E).
- Use the BRUSH; take the PENDULUM (F).
- Return to the park; approach the lions.
- Use the PENDULUM and HAMMER (G).
- Take the HEART (H).
- Enter the mansion.

- Take the amulet part and CHESS PIECE 1/3 (I).
- Open the chest plate; place the HEART (J).
- Take the CRYSTAL (K).
- Walk up.
- Take the FISHING ROD (L).

- Take the VIAL (M).
- Remove the dirt (N); take the amulet part and LENS.
- Take the QUEEN (O).
- Press the drawer symbols; take the amulet part and BUTTON (P).
- Exit the mansion.

- Play the HOP (Q); receive HENNA.
- Place the FISHING ROD; attach the LURE (R); take the FISH.
- Dip the VIAL (S); receive the WATER.
- Walk down.

- Place the CRYSTAL (T); take the MECHANICAL OWL.
- Give the FISH to the duck (U).
- Take the amulet part and RED GLASS 1/3 (V).
- Add the CODE and LENS (W) for a puzzle.

- Solution part 1 (W1). Scroll (1) down. Press (2) for image; select the image to transfer (X).
- Scroll (2) to find the lantern. Press (3) for image; select to transfer (Y).
- Select (4).

- Solution part 2 (W2). Press (5); scroll to find image (6). Select to transfer the image.
- Scroll, find and select images 7-8.

- View the completed transfers (Z).
- Pick up GLASS (A).
- Return to the police office.
- Select the frame (B).

- Place the BUTTON (C).
- Select the magnifier. Select (1-5) (D).
- Take the BULL (E).
- Return to the mansion greenhouse.

- Place the BULL (F).
- Take the RUSTY RAZOR and REAGENT (G); read the document.
- Return to the tower.
- Place the RUSTY RAZOR (H); take a SHARP RAZOR.
- Play the HOP (I); receive a BRAIN.
- Return to the mansion.
Chapter 6: The Mansion

- Use the SHARP RAZOR; take BLUE ROOT (J).
- Walk up.
- Place the GLASS (1) and BLUE ROOT (2) (K); grind the root (3); dip the GLASS; receive the BLUE GLASS (4).
- Empty the bowl. Repeat steps 2-3 for the HENNA. Pour the WATER (5); dip the GLASS; receive the YELLOW GLASS (6).

- Place RED GLASS (3/3) (M) to open a puzzle.

- Solution. Casual 1-12 (N).
- Solution. Hard 1-25 (O).

- Take the MECHANICAL OWL (P).
- Walk down.
- Open the face and place the BRAIN (Q); take CHIP 1/2 (R).
- Close the plates. Place the MECHANICAL OWLS (S).

- Speak to the crone (T).
- Take the KEY (U).
- Use the KEY (V); take the doll; select the doll twice for a puzzle.

- Solution (W).
- Take the amulet piece (X); receive a HEART.
- Take the RIBBON (Y).

- Approach the crone (Z); give the RIBBON.
- Take CHIP 2/2 (A).
- Speak to the man.
- Take a BUTTON (B).
- Place CHIPS 2/2 (C) for a puzzle.

- Slide the tiles (U) up, (D) down, (R) right or (L) left based on the numbered squares. S1 and S2 shift buttons.
- Solution (C1). 2L-S1-10R-S2-3L-6U-7L-11L-10U-9R-6D-7L-10U-9R-10R-8R-5D-2D-1R-9R-8R-5D -2D-3L-6U-7L-2L-3L-6U.
- Solution (C2). 10U-9R-8R-5D-7L-6L-10U-7L-9R-10U-8R-5D-6L-7L-11L-10U-9R-10R- 7D-10L-6R-7D-4D-5R-8U-9L-10L-11L- 3R-2R-1R.
- Complete (C3).

- Solution (C4). 2L-S1x3-10R-S2x2-9R-6D-7L-10U-3L-6U-11L-9U-10L-7D-4D-3R-2R-5U-6L-9U-10L- 7D-4D-3R-2R-1R-10R-7D-4D-3R-2R-5U-6L-9U-10L- 2L-5U-6L-9U-11L-10L-7D-10R.
- Solution (C5). 4D-7D-3R-6R-5R-6U-7L-6L-4D-7L-10U-7U-9R-10U- 8R-9R-5D-6L-7L-6D-4D-5R-8U-9L-10L-11L-3R-2R-1R.
- Complete (C6).
- Walk forward.

- Use the REAGENT (D).
- Press (E) and select the highlighted symbols (1-4).
- Place the BUTTON (F); Set the dials and touch the pad (F1) 1-8.
- Walk forward.

- Remove the drape; play the HOP (G); receive a CHESS PIECE 3/3.
- Walk down.
- Place CHESS PIECES 3/3 (H). Move 1-4.
- Open the book (I); take the STATUETTE (J).
- Walk right.

- Play the HOP (K); receive a STONE HAND.
- Remove the drape (L).
- Use the STONE HAND (M); take MOLECULE 1/2 (N).
- Place the STATUETTE (O) for a puzzle.

- Solution casual and hard (O1). 5-3-2-4-6-7-5-3-1-2-4-6-5-3-4.
- Take MOLECULE 2/2 (P).
- Walk down.
- Place MOLECULES 2/2 (Q) for a puzzle.

- Solution (Q1).
- Walk left.

- Open the door and replace the HEART (R) with the mechanical HEART.
- Place the human HEART (S).
- Congratulations. You have completed playing Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest.