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Four Things Dawngate Did Right .
In an unfortunate turn of events, EA announced last November that Dawngate would be shutting down within 90 days. That day is quickly approach, as February 5th is the last time that anyone will ever be allowed on the Dawngate servers, or at least as long as EA owns the IP. According to EA, t
Eorzean Evening Post: Gold Saucer Incoming! .
New month, new live event! Today marks the beginning of Valentione’s Day in Eorzea, so it’s time to help Lisette de Valentione to spread love and passion throughout the realms. I’m a bit saddened by the lack of of a vanity pet for this event – I still feel the sting of the Heavensturn
Editor's Letter to Massively .
I never thought a day would come when I would have to write, or even read these words, today is Massively’s last day. I’ve followed Massively for so long I’m not even sure where I was introduced to it, it’s one of the few sites I visit every day. Before I made the jump into the Editor’s sea
Interview with SMITE Streamer Yvonne Chavez (LiL Mamacita) .
Co-written and coordinated by Madison Chapman. At this years Smite World Championship we got a moment to sit down with the wonderful Yvonne Chavez. Who is better known as LiL Mamacita. If you don’t know who LiL Mamacita, she is a regular streamer on Hi-Rez’s official Twitch Chann
WoW Wednesday: How to Find Your Forever Guild .
It’s likely we’ve all attempted to pug groups (or lead them) for Highmaul and I’d be willing to bet we’re all sick of it. The hassles of setting up master loot and/or getting ninja’d, as well as our patience growing thin for inattentive and downright idiotic pla
Games That Never Made it Out of Beta .
For all of their good intentions, many of the games that we come to be excited for never actually make it to their long-awaited launch days. This is a trend that is becoming far too prevalent in this day and age. Some claim that it heralds the end of MMO gaming, while others choose to believ
Versus: Dungeons & Dragons Online Vs Neverwinter .
Once upon a time, geeks across the country flocked to the darkest depths of their parents’ basements where they would role dice and take turns creating epic tales. While Dungeons & Dragons maintained a very popular subculture for quite some time, it has also seen a shift to the virtual m
MMOs You Need to Beta Test in 2015 .
Several exciting game releases are on the horizon. If you can’t wait until the full release, check out these picks for games that you can beta test now or in the near future. Albion Online Albion Online is a fantasy sandbox MMO with the unique feature that you can play on
MOBA Monday: Mobile MOBAs .
With the newfound popularity of MOBAs like DotA 2, League of Legends, SMITE, and Heroes of the Storm, developers and publishers have begun exploring new vessels and constructions for their games, attempting to capitalize on the genre’s successes and to reach broader audiences. In an ar
Eorzean Evening Post: Valentione's Day .
Can you feel the love tonight? Or this week at least? Players of various MMOs should be feeling the love in the air for sure – why wait for Valentine’s Day to decorate our whole virtual worlds with fuzzy feelings, hearts and balloons? In Eorzea, which I guess no FFXIV-player has been a
WoW Wednesday: Love Isn't So Much In The Air .
World of Warcraft’s Valentine’s Day event, Love is in the Air, has been with us for a good week and will end on the 16th of February. For those who aren’t familiar with it, the event gives you a chance to do some love-themed quests like giving the lovely Sylvannas a bracele
Best Relationships in MMOs .
Throughout art and literature there are romances that stand the test of time. Where would Cyrano be without his Roxanne, or Juliet without her Romeo? In honor of the impending Valentines Day celebrations I wanted to take a moment to explore some of the more interesting relationships found
Beta Data: February 13, 2015 .
What better day to return to Beta Data than Friday 13th? There has been a lot of news since the last Beta Data so let’s dive right in. A couple of closures with Bioware announcing they will no longer be working on Shadow Realms. Also, a smaller name but no less sad to hear about, Rising Gene
Bel's Blog Bonanza - February 13, 2015 .
Hey folks and welcome to Bel’s Blog Bonanza, a new feature here on MMO Games where I attempt to highlight some of the more interesting topics currently cycling through the gaming blogosphere. One of my favorite aspects of writing about games, is the interactions I have with other bloggers. I
Top MMOs Featuring Player Marriage Options .
These days, it is not wholly uncommon to come across a large gathering of smartly dressed player characters come to witness the exchange of vows between a couple within an MMORPG. For the longest time, players had to get creative for lack of a proper system using look-a-like armour sets, Pri
FAQ: Which MMO NPC Would You Take on a Date? .
We’re having a little fun with FAQ this week, getting in the Valentine’s Day spirit with a light hearted question about NPCs. We asked our writers this question, which NPC (from an MMO) would you take on a date and where would you go? The answers were varied without any overlap in titles eve
MOBA Monday: SMITE Season Two .
New season; new game. SMITE has gotten a major face lift for Season Two. Everything is streamlined, from the splash page and menu bars to the character selection and customization pages; and the new Conquest map is stunning. Here is a synopsis of the first Season Two patch. The Splash
Movies That Would Make Great MMOs .
Movies are one of the stronger artforms available to us in these modern times. They can prove to be powerful, emotive, moving, and philosophical, urging viewers to dig deep into their soul, tug at the heartstrings, or make milk come out from their noses. These marvels of modern culture and t
WoW Wednesday: Blackrock Foundry Exploration .
It’s been roughly 2 weeks since Blackrock Foundry (BRF) has been released and people have been swarming all over it. It’s the start of the real raid tier as the new raid drops the sought after armor tier 17 pieces that can be exchanged for gear that enhance specific qualities of
TERA: Fate of Arun Skycruiser Endeavour Preview .
“Where’s Jonathan?” “He’s over here killing things.” It is physically impossible for any scattered grouping of people to all be ready to do something at the same time. It doesn’t happen. If it does, you might want to check if your friends are secretl
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Beta Data: October 30, 2015 .