Editor's Letter to Massively .


I never thought a day would come when I would have to write, or even read these words, today is Massively’s last day. I’ve followed Massively for so long I’m not even sure where I was introduced to it, it’s one of the few sites I visit every day. Before I made the jump into the Editor’s seat I was but a writer. In those early days, long before MMOGames I knew that one day I wanted to be part of the Massively team. But as new opportunities came I put off that idea of writing for Massively. They’d always be there I would tell myself. They’ve always been my competition, but it was always a friendly competition.

In this industry various sites will always use each other as sources. I remember the first time Massively ever used one of my articles as a source. It was the first time anyone had used me as a source. I felt such pride, so much glee knowing that I was the source of their information. For as long as I’ve been writing I’ve had a friendly nemesis in Eliot Lefebvre, not that he’s ever known it. For ages we covered the same games, wrote the same articles, and if I had a great idea for an article or column I would see it on Massively the very next day, almost always written by Eliot. It used to be so bad that I sometimes would wonder if my house, or even my brain had been bugged.

Tomorrow there is going to be a Massive hole for the rest of us in the MMO news industry to fill. (Please forgive the pun.) We will continue as we always have, competing to get views and be the first to get big news released. But the loss of Massively will be on our minds throughout. Though the shutdown of Massively will hit the people who relied on it for their livelihood first and hardest it will impact everyone in the MMO industry, from developer right down to player.

For my brothers and sisters from Massively, I wish you all the luck in the world. I hope you quickly find yourselves in a new position doing the thing you love. I will be following each of you closely, waiting to see what life brings you next. In me, and thousands others like me you have lifetime fans.


Best of luck.