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Tyrian Chronicle: Revenant Revealed .
The first details about Guild Wars 2’s first new class since launch, Revenant have been released. It took me a little while to digest it all and really soak in how amazingly awesome it will be but now I’m confident that I want to give ArenaNet all of my money. Not only does the class sound a
Qelric Outlines Lost Vikings Patch For Heroes of the Storm .
Our very own Qelric takes a look at the newest patch for Heroes of the Storm. In this video she will be going over the ability set for the new Hero, “The lost vikings”. The newest patch for heroes of the storm is quite large and there are plenty of other changes are in store for
Versus: Payment Model Free-For-All .
When it comes to MMOs, we all have a preferred method of payment, but some are simply more user friendly than others. I’ve seen great games ruined by terrible, price-gouging payment systems and otherwise great business models wasted on overall bad titles. That being said, even the best payme
Beta Data: February 20, 2015 .
In MMO beta news this week, sci-fi sandbox The Repopulation has added Silver Membership to its early access packs for $20 (£14.99) and is available through Steam and their website. The package offers early access, Silver Membership, Name Reservation, and 1 Repop Token. This same pack was pre
FAQ: What ruins roleplaying in MMOs for you? .
Roleplaying in an MMO can be a challenge at the best of times. There’s always that one guy who comes across people roleplaying and suddenly has to be as annoying as possible. Sometimes the things that damage rp the most are things that are built into the game itself. So we asked our writers
Glitch Revival Project - An Interview with the Project Lead of Eleven .
This interview is the first part of the Editor’s Choice series. Every month Shannon Doyle, the Editor in Chief of MMOGames.com selects some of the games that are of biggest interest and then the public votes for which one will be put under the spotlight. Our very first winner was Eleve
What MMOs Learn from Non-MMOs Part 1: MMOs as a Changing Niche .
As I hinted at in my review of Monster Hunter 4 Utlimate, I’m frustrated with the current MMO market. I won’t say it’s dying, dead, or diseased, but it’s changed. What started out as worlds with no instancing and fairly harsh death penalties has become mostly glorifie
WoW Wednesday: Avoiding the Warcraft Burnout .
Pugging in PvP and PvE, dailies, gear lockouts, legendary quests, old content, more dailies, finding a raid static/guild, making some gold, even more dailies, oh-god-Ashran dailies, raiding Blackrock Foundry several times over in a single hour, <insert more here>: These are but a few t
Eorzean Evening Post: Gold Saucer First Impressions .
I’ve written quite a bit about the Gold Saucer here before, it feels like, but can you blame me? I’m as big of a fan of Final Fantasy VII as the rest of you lot and FFXIV-players have been hyped for the idea of the great casino being added into the game for the last year or so. And now it’s
Crowfall Interview with the Developers .
So there’s that Crowfall Kickstarter all the cool kids are talking about. I like crows, but I hate falling. Luckily, the name’s a bit of a misnomer. Turns out it’s a developing MMO that centers on a “lobby” focused on land ownership and player interaction in a p
Bel's Blog Bonanza - February 27, 2015 .
Hey folks and welcome to Bel’s Blog Bonanza, a bi-weekly feature here on MMOGames where I attempt to highlight some of the more interesting topics currently cycling through the gaming blogosphere. One of my favorite aspects of writing about games, is the interactions I have with other blogge
Beta Data: February 27, 2015 .
This week has been a pretty huge week for MMOs with the launch of Crowfall’s Kickstarter which in just 3 days has been successfully fully funded at $800,000 and added stretch goals. We now have a much better idea of what kind of game Crowfall will be. The clues were there all along but with
What MMOs Learn from Non-MMOs Part 2: A Different Kind of Massive .
We’re seeing some nice progress in the MMO world these days, which is why I felt this was the right time to discuss how the genre is changing, largely due to influence from non-MMOs. In part 1, I discussed the idea of the “true” MMO versus the idea of something a bit smalle
The Stomping Land Interview: Character Artist Vlad Konstantinov .
Last month The Stomping Land made news as it came out that the last developer working on the troubled MMO had officially decided to end his time working with Supercrit after a long period of silence from the head developer Alex “Jig” Fundora. That last man standing was Vlad Konst
Eorzean Evening Post: Libra Eorzea Expansion Dreams .
A few weeks ago, I got completely hooked on Gameloft’s Rival Knights. It’s a pretty, although simplistic, mobile jousting game – get on your horse, throw other knights off their horses, get money, upgrade equipment, get frustrated by its F2P energy system, repeat. By now, I’ve burned o
WoW Wednesday: To Selfie or Not To Selfie? .
Yay! 6.1 has been out for a while now, and surely I need not inform everyone of what’s in store for them! In fact, people are incredibly aware of what’s what to a point that many are blindly raging/praising the new update. Besides the awesome gear updates, garrison missions, vari
Tribute to the Gods: Revival Interview with Creative Director Kedhrin Gonzalez .
So, did Revival‘s housing announcement get you a bit curious about the game? Did you catch that Illfonic, the team behind Revival, is the same team working on the FPS part of Star Citizen and wonder about the connection? Or maybe you just feel like seeing what a small company’s t
Versus: League of Legends vs Heroes of the Storm .
With all the MOBAs available today it’s becoming consistently more difficult for each one to differentiate itself in a relatively saturated market. Additionally, MOBAs have the added disadvantage of generally not being casual friendly and only appeal to a very specific audience, which means
Beta Data: March 6, 2015 .
It has been a bit of an odd week with closures and cancellations and a lot of tech news coming out of GDC, but there have been a few new bits and pieces here and there and I’ve also added a few games that were missing from Beta Data so once again, lots of new additions to go through. W
PAX East 2015 Daily Roundup .
Somehow we made it here… unlike SWTOR Day One Greetings, from snowy and frigid Boston. PAX East is up and running in full force, and this show does not disappoint. Here are just some of the things we saw on day one. Behemoth has been showing off Game 4, another of their cute time waste
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