(Innate): Whenever Cho'Gath kills a unit, he recovers 32 + (2 x level) health and 3.25 + (0.25 x level) mana.
Tips :
Green lights show Cho’Gath is regeneratingYou’ll have to farm/ last-hit
The fountain of Youth
Excellent passive for the lane stage, in the first level, Cho’Gath takes 34 PV and 3.5 mana which is huge. This enables him to easily resist against his enemies’ harass. You should therefore be even more cautious not to miss last hits.
It is also one of the reasons why Cho’Gath is so powerful in the middle as most Carry don’t have sustain.This passive is mostly useful in lane as this may enable Cho’Gath to survive or, for example, kill minions while he is about to die from blaze.
The passive works on champions so you can heal a bit after a fatal ultimate against an enemy.
Killing phantoms is as interesting for the golds as for the potential HP regeneration, or at least not to lose HP.
(Active): Cho'Gath stomps the ground, marking the target area. After 0.65 seconds, spikes emerge at the location. Enemy units in the area immediately take magic damage and are knocked out for 1 second, and when they land they are slowed by 60% for another 3 seconds.
Tips :
The spell’s range is important. As it is a zone spell on the floor, you can release the spell up to the very extremity of the circle.
The circle on the floor represents the zone where it is effective. It is even easier to see it if you play with “color-blind mode”.Break-ups are hard to cope with
Anticipation is the key!
This spell is hard to play with as you’ll have to anticipate your target’s moves. The target will be launched into the air only 0.5 seconds after the spell is released. The spell does need, moreover, an invocation time. It is therefore quite easy for an opponent to avoid it, even more if he has boots, or flash before he is thrown into the air (if he is not under control).It is interesting to use that spell after another control such as a maokai root for example or Traic’stun for example. This will ease the move of the spell. It is also smart to use this spell in a narrow place so your enemy won’t be able to avoid it.
A good Cho’Gath will use this spell after the silence as well as during silence. It is impossible to use the summoner’ spell, Flash, very useful to easily avoid rupture. Even though he flashed after rupture and once silence is over, he would have suffered damages and would still be under the influence of the slowing down caused by rupture.
This spell also provides great visibility of the targeted zone, which is very useful to facecheck or search for an enemy jungler for example.
Rupture, together with a feral scream, allows us to push quickly. This spell is also interesting as it enables you to choose the impact area and then to anticipate and last hit creeps from a distance if you’re afraid of ganks for example. Be careful though as it costs a lot of mana so make sure you don’t waste it.
Bump, that is to say the projection into the air, stops voral spikes and then can stop Malzahar’s or Fiddlesticks’ultimate, for example.
Magic Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 305 (+1.0 per ability power)
(Active): Cho'Gath screams in a cone in front of him, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the cone and silencing them for a few seconds.
Tips :
The effect of the spell cone shaped but is not indicated exactly, in effect Cho'Gath reaches slightly further than the indicated zone.
A cone shaped wave of light shows the zone under the effect of silence.Break ups are difficult to get over.
The spell has a weak incantation time and is therefore difficult to protect against, making it the main spell during the lane phase with which you can harass your opponent at distance. Nevertheless it is necessary to anticipate the incantation time to hit your opponent with at least the end of the spell.
Silence allows you to stop the target's flash and from casting spells, so obviously very efficient in preparation for a gank, the idea being to then follow up with a rupture during the silence to slow down your opponent.
The cone of silence can make a huge difference in a teamfight by hitting a maximum number of opponents. It enables excellent control of the zone so must not be wasted before a teamfight. The silence can last up to 4 seconds, which is huge, but this is obviously reduced by your opponents' resistance.
Silence also interrupts chaneling.
Be careful as a failed silence or one placed on the wrong personne can have disasterous consequences seeing as the cooldown is quite long.
The range of the spell is slightly larger than the cone displayed. Therefore you should use your marks to do this spell easily in lane phase to harass and inflict important damage.
Allows your lane to be pushed quickly when combined with rupture.
Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana
Magic Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+0.7 per ability power)
Silence Duration: 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3 seconds
(Toggle): Whenever Cho'gath performs a basic attack, he will launch spikes which deal magic damage to all enemies in a line in front of him.
Tips :
Spikes come out of Cho’Gath, causing magic damages in front of him.Gothic Cho Cho!
The Vorpal spikes
It is a great spell to push the line, kill phantoms quickly or even last hit even more easily while still causing damage almost immediately.The scaling, as an AP, is quite interesting and will allow you to add burst to your combo as it is possible to place an auto attack after the combo silence/rupture but not from the maximum distance.
This spell’s main interesting point is in lane stage when you can quickly push the line without losing mana.
WARNING: under the turret, you have to turn the spell off or if the spikes touch the enemy, the turret will agro you and you’ll get caught! Be careful as this is important: spikes don’t add damages on the turrets but can be a big problem if they touch an enemy champion.
Magic Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+0.3 per ability power)
(Active): Devours a target enemy unit nearby, dealing true damage. Feast deals 1000 (+0.7 per ability power) true damage to minions and monsters. If the target is killed, Cho'Gath grows and gains extra health and attack range. This effect stacks up to 6 times and Cho'Gath loses half his stacks rounded up upon death.
Tips :
A blood explosion proves he is dead, such as the famous “ NOMM NOMM”The classic NOMM NOMM
It’s official: Cho’Gath swallows
HP delivered by the ultimate stacks allows Cho’Gath to tank even more.Damages caused by that skill are pure damages and therefore go through damage reductions suchs as Alistar’s ultimate or Poppy’s passive.
The spell needs a little time to launch and the enemy might use it, at the beginning of the spell animation, to flash. The ultimate would therefore not be in cooldown.
It is usually interesting to use it on a minion or a monster to win HP if you believe there won’t be any opportunity to kill within the next minute. Be careful though as an attentive enemy will be informed that this ultimate is in a cooldown phase and may use it to harass you.
Great finisher, used with the fire, it will allow you to take kills quickly over a less cautious enemy or after a combo silence/rupture.
The ultimate adds max HP by killing the target which also activates the passive. This can save Cho’Gath’s life, if he is about to be killed by one of Karthus’ ultimates or a fire for example.
The ultimate causes 1000 pure damages on neutral monsters and minions which can help secure targets such as the dragon or Nashor or, even, to steal them. It will be complicated though to reach the hand to hand fight. 1000 damages is however more than the jungler’s smite so it is very efficient for targets such as the dragon or Nashor. But be careful because if a fight starts after that the ultimate will be in a cooldown stage and this could cause problems for your burst. Another possible choice would be to kill the enemy jungler with your burst to secure the target.
The ultimate could also be used to harass in lane stage as the spell cooldown is very weak with the blue rune for example. This could surprise your enemy who may not understand the move and once the fest is available again, you can quickly make a kill. Most AP mids don’t have enough to heal.
True Damage to Champions: 300 / 475 / 650 (+0.7 per ability power)
Health Increase: 90 / 120 / 150 per stack
Max Health Increase: 540 / 720 / 900
Bonus Attack Range: 3.8 / 6.1 / 8.3 per stack
Total Bonus Range: 23 / 37 / 50
- High CC.
- Very good sustain in the early due to passive. - Damage from his ultimate makes a great burst. - Fairly good tanking ability thanks to the bonus stacks on the ultimate. - A silence zone preventing the opponent from flashing out of rupture. - Excellent farmer can easily clear waves. - A spell to scout. - A fairly large range of spells. Cons
-People can anticipate and dodge rupture.
-Has to go Melee for his ultiamate.
-Large hit box with full stacks.
-Flash can easily save opponents from Cho and win them the whole team fight if silence isn't used.
-No Natural escape moves.