Guide Corki League of Legends S6

Hextech Shrapnel Shells

(Innate): Corki's auto-attacks deal 10% of his total physical damage before armor adjustment, as additional true damage to minions, monsters, and champions.

Tips :

The pure damages of Corki's passive show up in white and the physcial damages show up as red.

Pure damages on base attacks!

   Important damage that is ideal for a harass and last hits.
Corki's passive deals important pure damage to minions as well as champions, giving him a good advantage in earlygame. It is also very useful to help with a last hit for a player who is not doing well.

The passive makes the flat damage from runes even better as Corki inflicts bonus pure damage depending on his base damages and not just on damage really inflicted.

The 10% damage bonus does not work on criticals.

This works on monsters but not on turrets.

Phosphorus Bomb (Q)

(Active): Corki blasts a target area, revealing it for 6 seconds and dealing magic damage to all enemies' hit. Any champions hit will also be revealed for 6 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 8 seconds.
  • Range to Center of AoE: 600
  • Diameter of AoE: 500
Tips :

Corki lights up the ground with his bomb.

An easy-to-use harass spell

  A real explorer, like Dora.
The phosphorus bomb is the main harass spell in the lane phase because it allows Corki to deal instant damage in quite a big zone. The idea is to hit the two opponents at the same time to get the best out of the mana without getting attacked too much, thanks to the decent range of the spell.

This also allows you to quickly push the lane while being able to hit all the sbires, but also while being able to farm easily under the turret.

The spell develops for 6 seconds  which allows vision of the opponent while he heads back into the bushes and also when he flashes through a wall. The spell also creates vision or a few seconds in the target zone, meaning you can avoid the facecheck at the cost of a few mana.

    Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 mana

    Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+0.5 per ability power)

Valkyrie (W)

(Active): Corki surges to target location with a speed of 650, dropping bombs on its path that create a trail of fiery destruction for 2.5 seconds. Opponents take damage each half second they stay in the trail.

  • Cost: 100 mana
  • Range: 800
Tips :

The impressive range of Corki's Valkyrie.

Pure damage with basic attacks!

   Just the right damages for a harass and last hits.
Corki's Valkyrie is a very useful escape spell that can also be used to chase a target.

This should not be used as your main damage spell, but rather to reposition yourself, although if it is possible to kill two birds with one stone by dealing damage at the same time then all the better. But this is not all that necessary .

The Valkyrie passes through thick walls and allows a lot of mobility thanks to its large range.

Be careful if Corki is dealt a bump during his Valkyrie, usually this it will be stopped by the animation of the bump like Alistar's Headbutt or Blitzcrank's Power Fist. Therefore you must be careful if grabbed by a Blitzcrank, for example, not to use Valkyrie just before the Power Fist.

The spell's cooldown is quite long and Corki is vulnerable when he doesn't have his Valkyrie so play carefully during this time because your opponent will surely be aware of this. Improving this spell lets you reduce its recovery time but this is not that valuable and in general we would prefer more damage.

Corki leaves a trail of flames in his path when he uses his Valkyrie.

    Cooldown: 26 / 23 / 20 / 17 / 14 seconds

    Magic Damage Per Second: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+0.4 per ability power)

    Maximum Magic Damage: 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450 (+1.0 per ability power)

Gatling Gun (E)

(Active): Corki's gatling gun begins firing at enemies in front of him automatically every second for 4 seconds, dealing physical damage and shredding the armor of enemies who are under continuous fire. Armor reduction stacks and lasts 2 seconds. Corki can keep attacking and using other abilities while Gatling Gun is in effect.

  • Cooldown: 16 seconds
  • Range: 600
Tips :

The Galting Gun deals damages in front of Corki as shown by the many white lines.

A Gatling that deals damages and reduces the effect of armour!

   Always pay attention to Corki's positioning for the Gatling.
Corki's Gatling, which inflicts physical damages in the zone ahead of him while at the same time reducing the victim's armour Since the armour is reduced on your opponent it also benefits your other teamplayers .

The Gatling is very useful for improving your burst while playing offensively against an opponent. However be careful as the amount of mana this spell costs is not negligible and, if talking about efficiency, if you max the phosphorus bomb then it is better to make do with this, unless you think you will be able to kill!! So be careful because Corki must be correctly positioned to do damage and although it is possible to turn briefly while the damage is being deal it requires a lot of precision.

This also lets you push more quickly and doesn't work on turrets.

    Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana

    Physical Damage Per Second: 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68 (+0.4 per bonus attack damage)

    Armor Reduction Per Second: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10

    Maximum Physical Damage: 80 / 128 / 176 / 224 / 272 (+1.6 per bonus attack damage)

    Maximum Armor Reduction: 8 / 16 / 24 / 32 / 40

Missile Barrage (R)

(Active): Corki fires a missile in a line that will explode and deal magic damage in an area upon colliding with the first enemy it hits.

Corki can only fire a missile if he has missiles stored, he can store up to 7 missiles. Corki stores one missile every 12 seconds, the time to respawn a missile is affected by cooldown reduction and does not progress once he has the maximum missiles. Every fourth missile fired will be marked as a Big One, dealing 50% more damage than normal missiles and the explosion has a broader radius. After dying, Corki will respawn with 4 missiles.

  • Cooldown: 1.2 seconds
  • Range: 1225
  • Diameter of AoE: Regular (150); Big ones (300)
Tips :

Corki explodes a missile at the first target he encounters.

You need to be mischievous to use this spell well!

Corki's ultimate is very powerful and has a big range, making Corki quite formidable. The huge range of the spell lets Corki overcome an opponent who is for example escaping with his flash. This lets him poke or harass his opponent without really having to defend himself. Corki recovers missiles with time so don't waste them too much.

Every 4 missiles Corki sends out a Big One which inflicts 50% of extra damages in a bigger zone, also once Corki has returned to the base, if he still has a lot of missiles in stock he can charge his Big One for use when he returns to the lane.

This spell has a short incantation time as such Corki must mark a to launch his missile, something that can allow his opponent to escape. You must also be well aware of the range of the spell to mximise your chances of hitting the opponent. Obviously this doesn't work under turrets, there's no point dreaming.

This spell is very useful for activating Trinity Force and also for dealing more damage because it is very 'spammable' On the other hand the missile itself doesn't use the effect of Trinity Force like Ezreal's A.

In teamfights the missiles deal damage in the opposing team's most vital zones and can really make a difference, especially when Corki has his Valkyrie to reposition himself.

Corki should preferably accumulate several missiles, up to 7, so he can inflict much more DPS when he attempts an attack.

The Big One deals a lot of damage in a big area, as shown by the explosion.

    Cost: 30 / 35 / 40 mana

    Magic Damage: 120 / 190 / 260 (+0.3 per ability power) (+0.2 per attack damage)

    Big One Magic Damage: 180 / 285 / 390 (+0.45 per ability power) (+0.3 per attack damage)


- His Gatling reduce the effect of armour.
- Ability to poke after level 6.
- Good burst from the start.
- Good mobility.
- You can check bushes.
- Valkyrie lets him engage/escape easily.
- His passive lets him deal pure damage.


- He uses a lot of mana
- Like all carry AD, he can be weak.
- He doesn't have any controls.
- Range of attack is slightly reduced.