Guide Amumu League of Legends S6

Cursed Touch

(Innate): Amumu's autoattacks reduce the target's magic resistance by 15 / 25 / 35 for 3 seconds. The debuff doesn't stack but it refreshes with every autoattack.

Tips :


The passive for the mages

   Team spirit!

Amumu's passive lets him reduce the magic resistance from the targets that he auto-attacks. Thanks to this passive, Amumu can increase all the magic damage that the target will take, whether from you, your allies or items like the Deathfire Grasp.

Amumu is therefore a champion who works well in an AoE composition which can benefit from his ultimate, but also with magic champions since he can increase their damage with his passive.

Bandage Toss (Q)

(Active): Amumu tosses a sticky bandage in a straight line. If it contacts an enemy, Amumu will pull himself to it, dealing magic damage and stunning the target for 1 second.

  • Range: 1100
  • Projectile Speed: 1800
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Spidermummy, spidermummy!

   Quite a sticky mummy.

Amumu's bandages let him gank in the early thanks to the stun they provide. However, be careful not to Bandage Toss everyone and anything or you could end up bing dragged into all kinds of problems.

In midgame, Bandage Toss can be used to go directly into the middle of your opponents to surprise them with your ultimate and create an engage for your team.

Tip: This spell can also be used to jump on a jungler's camp through a wall, so that you can escape and avoid dying against your enemies.

    Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 mana

    Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds

    Magic Damage: 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 (+0.7 per ability power)

Despair (W)

(Toggle): While toggled on, Amumu will be surrounded by a small damaging area of tears. Enemies in the area will be dealt a percentage of their maximum health plus a base amount as magic damage each second.

  • Cost: 8 mana per second
  • Cooldown: 1 second
  • Diameter of AoE: 300
Tips :


Forever alone !

   Go on, cry!

An ability that shouldn't be underestimated! Even though many spells in League of Legends seem more frightening, Amumu's Despair (W) lets him deal a lot of damage at his opponents simply by running after them.

In the jungle it is a very efficient ability since the sbires have a lot of HP. Taking Despair (W) will let you kill more quickly as you will deal a bit more than 50 DPS in the first levels at monsters in the jungle who have a lot of HP.

Tip: You can check if you have left the spell activated or not, either by the aura from the tears around you, or with the buff icone above your abilities.

    Base Magic Damage: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24

    Max Health to Damage Ratio: 1.5 / 1.8 / 2.1 / 2.4 / 2.7% (+0.01% per ability power)

Tantrum (E)

(Passive): Amumu takes reduced physical damage from autoattacks and abilities.

(Active): Amumu will make an instantaneous tantrum, dealing magic damage to surrounding units. Additionally, each time Amumu is hit by an autoattack the cooldown on Tantrum's active will be reduced by 0.5 seconds.

  • Cost: 35 mana
  • Diameter of AoE: 400
Tips :


It is time to get angry!

   Eat my bandages!

It's thanks to Tantrum (E) that Amumu can jungle so easily. This ability offers him a physical damage reduction, so he takes almost nothing when he jungles, once the spell has been maxed.

Despair also does reasonable damage when you gank and makes you a bit more solid in the first levels, if ever the gank turns against you.

Tip: You can push the lanes very quickly with Tantrum (E) if you go directly into the middle of the sbires. A full lane that hits you will prevent you having your cooldown from Tantrum  to clean it in 3 seconds.

    Physical Damage Reduction: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10



    Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds



    Magic Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 (+0.5 per ability power)

Curse of the Sad Mummy (R)

(Active): Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units, dealing magic damage and rendering them unable to move or use autoattacks for 2 seconds.

  • Diameter of AoE: 1200
Tips :



   The perfect ultimate to engage!

How can you speak about Amumu's ultimate without repeating what has already been said 100 times on the net. A powerful ultimate that can be used to engage, do damage, stop the enemy team...

Everything has already been said and it is alltrue! Amumu's ultilate lets you create the perfect engages for your allies who can easily follow to take on the enemy team.

The key word for this ultimate: surprise. If you manage to place it without your opponents expecting it, there is a big chance that it will make the fight very easy for you. So avoid running right straight at your enemies, arms in the air, shouting "I'M GOING TO USE MY ULTIMATE".

Instead try some sly manoeuvres by using your bandages through a wall to catch an opponent and then ultimate his allies (who are of course your enemies!).

Tip: Although Amumu's ultimate is extremely efficient to engage in a combat, it can also be used to escape if you don't have any other solutions. 

    Cost: 100 / 150 / 200 mana

    Cooldown: 150 / 130 / 110 seconds

    Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+0.8 per ability power)


Amumu is very strong when it comes to ganking if you are used to using his bandages

His ultimate can be devastating in team fights and lets you turn around a bad situation

He is also a very good tank who can do the jungle quickly

Hi W lets you take away a lot of your opponent's life and, coupled with a Sunfire Cape, it can be devastating


He is still quite easy to counter in the jungle however

His ultimate has quite a high cooldown

Your engage depends on the bandages so is a skillshot

If you can't have your blue buff from the beginning then your jungle will be complicated