Guide Annie League of Legends S6


(Innate): After every 4 spell casts, Annie's next offensive spell will stun its target for 1.75 seconds.

Tips :

A white swirl turns around Annie to show that she has her stun.

Annie's stun.

   Excellent control!
This is an excellent passive around which the whole of Annie's gameplay revolves. You can charge it from the beginning of the game with your W at your base in order to have a level 1 zone stun.

This spell also allows you to zone your opponents, because you can agress as soon as your stun is ready, if you time it well you can harass your opponent without him being able to retaliate.

The stun is applied once your spell deals damage, not when you cast it with your Q.

Disintegrate (Q)

(Active): Annie shoots a mana infused fireball, dealing magic damage to her target. The mana cost is refunded if it kills the target.

  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Range: 625
Tips :

Annie casts a ball of flames at her target.

The single target spell that lets you stack your passive.

   This spell makes farming easier.
This is a very good harass spell with a good range and a relatively short cooldown after level 1.

This spell also helps with last hits, because the fireball deals more damage than your auto-attacks. Where possible you should avoid using it on a sbire when your passive is ready.

It is also possible to charge your passive for free with this spell by killing sbires.

    Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana

    Magic Damage: 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 / 245 (+0.7 per ability power)

Incinerate (W)

(Active): Annie casts a cone of fire in front of her, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area.

  • Cooldown: 8 seconds.
  • Range: 625
  • Cone Width: ~45º
Tips :

Annie sends out a cone of flames in the targeted direction.

Some zone damage for a quick push.

   An awesome animation!
This spell has a relatively short range considering that it is a non targeted spell. However it is best to use this spell to instantly activate the stun on your target so that you can then burst if you have enough mana regeneration.

This spell will also let you push the lane quickly.

Good opponents will try to push the lane a lot, forcing you to depush and lose your passive.

    Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana

    Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+0.75 per ability power)

Molten Shield (E)

(Active): Places a shield around Annie for 8 seconds that increases her armour and magic resistance. Additionally, enemies will be dealt magic damage whenever they use auto-attacks on her while the shield is active.

  • Cost: 20 mana
  • Cooldown: 16 seconds
Tips :

Annie shows off with her shield of fire.

A shield that offers resistance and inflicts damage on your opponents.

   Mister Frodo, Sauron is there!
This spell lets you charge your passive for a cost of 20 mana, especially when you cross the map to do a gank and you can't charge it with the help of your Q by last hitting a sbire.

The shield also makes Annie more tanky for an AP carry, the bonus of 60 resistance in lategame for 8 seconds will allows Annie to survive longer and deal damage.

This spell is interesting in the meta game where we tend to do a lot of HP. You need to time this spell well as it only lasts 5 seconds.

    Armor & Magic Resistance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60

    Magic Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+0.2 per ability power)

Summon Tibbers (R)

(Active): Annie releases her bear Tibbers from his toy prison, dealing magic damage to enemy units in the summon area. For a limited time of 45 seconds, Tibbers can move and attack at Annie's will, while continually dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies.

  • Cooldown: 120 seconds.
  • Range to center of Summon's AoE: 600
  • Diameter of Summon's AoE: 560
  • Diameter of Tibbers' Aura AoE: 200
  • Continual Magic Damage: 35 (+0.2 per ability power)

Tips :

Teddy bear baby!

A burst/zone engage!

   You will no longer be allergic to soft toys!
A very good ultimate that lets Annie engage with the stun from her passive up to a range of 750, thanks to the spells AoE.

This instant spell is a very good AoE burst that also deals DoT thanks to Tibbers' burn.

Tibbers can also be used to push after a fight, tank on a tower, to scout or to chase an enemy on the tower.

Alt+left click or R after summoning to control Tibbers, aka Annie's big brother!

    Cost: 125 / 175 / 225 mana

    Summon Magic Damage: 200 / 325 / 450 (+0.7 per ability power)

    Tibbers' Attack Damage: 80 / 105 / 130

    Tibbers' Health: 1200 / 1600 / 2000

    Tibbers' Armor: 30 / 50 / 70

    Tibbers' Magic Resist: 25 / 45 / 65


Great harass in lane with her auto attack range

Her passive is a stun

Quite tanky with her shield up 

Massive burst and AoE stun

Easy to farm as Q refunds mana

Easy to learn and play


No escape ability

Often relies on flash to engage a fight

Not that mobile so can be easily out-roamed