Guide Ashe League of Legends S6


(Innate): Ashe's Concentration charge progressively every 3 seconds while not attacking. When Concentration is charged, next basic attack will deal critical damage.

Tips :

Ashe's critical, it stings!

Ashe's passive that allows a level 1 burst!

   A surprising burst!
This passive allows Ashe to have a massive level 1 burst, a critical hit + volley, that hurts a lot. With another support burst you will be able to surprise any unwary opponents.

If Ashe attacks a neutral monster at the start to help her jungler she will lose her critical, if she only does a volley she will keep it. At level 1, the opponents must wait for Ashe to attack a sbire before advancing.

Very good synergy with infinity edge because Ashe is very often at 100% in critical in her first fattack in teamfight, this can do a lot of harm to a weak target. Ultimate followed by critical + volley calms things down.

Frost Shot (Q)

(Toggle): Ashe's basic attacks slow her targets for 2 seconds.

  • Cost: 8 mana per attack
Tips :

A blue light on Ashe's bow, a sound after the activation and ice arrows indicate the slowing effect.

Ashe's spell for kiting.

   You'll never touch me!
This spell allows Ashe to be strong in mid/late game, because it makes the 'hit & run' very powerful, especially against opponents who don't have dash or gap-closer, making it difficult to catch Ashe.

nce Ashe has activated this spell the sound is very recognisable so if want to play aggressively you should activate the spell at the last minute.

Ashe can kite infinately or prevent a target from escaping. Be careful not to leave this skill activated while you are farming because it costs mana.

Ashe's Volley creates a slowing effect for free which dures 2 seconds.

    Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 %

Volley (W)

(Active): Ashe fires 7 arrows in a cone, dealing physical damage to each target hit. Each arrow will only hit one enemy, and each enemy will only be hit by one arrow. Volley also applies the current rank of Frost Shot, regardless of whether it is toggled on or not.

  • Cost: 60 mana
  • Range: 1200
  • Cone Width: 57.5º
  • Projectile Speed: 2000
Tips :

A volley of blue arrows in a cone formation.

Ashe's main lane spell to push/harass

    Push me!
Ashe's main harass spell that allows you to push and also inflict a lot of burst on your target.

During the harass you should try to hit your two opponents, preferably on the botlane. Be careful that this spell doesn't go through the creeps and it also allows you to poke when you push. Your opponents might then try to hide behind the creeps.

This can also be used to farm when you use deny, but also to slow the other team down in teamfight by using the Tir Givrant (A).


    Cooldown: 16 / 13 / 10 / 7 / 4 seconds

    Physical Damage Per Arrow: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 (+1.0 per attack damage)

Hawkshot (E)

(Passive): Ashe gains bonus gold whenever she kills a unit or destroys a structure.

(Active): Ashe animates a hawk to scout for her, revealing terrain for 2 seconds as it flies towards a target location. Hawkshot reveals a wide area for 5 seconds when it reaches its destination. The hawk will reveal units in the brushes, but will not reveal stealthed units or objects.

  • No cost
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
Tips :

The Hawkshot flies in the direction of the target and creates vision in the zone.

Vision is key

   Note that the Hawkshot will kick ass on impact, RIP!
Generally we use this spell in level 1 to have a possible scout or gank or just to have better vision of an aggressive player.

The gold bonus is interesting but doesn't represent all that much gold in reality because maxing this spell in early makes you very weak in the lane and you might face a deny. Using this spell at the end of the game will bring you little gold because you won't be farming so much.

This spell creates vision and allows you to collect the neutral monsters symbol to know when they respawn on the mini-card.

    Bonus Gold: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

    Travel Range: 2500 / 3250 / 4000 / 4750 / 5500

Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R)

(Active): Ashe fires a large arrow in a straight line. If it hits an enemy champion, it will deal magic damage and stun that champion for up to 3.5 seconds based on the distance the arrow travelled. Additionally, surrounding units take half the damage and are slowed by 50% for 3 seconds.

  • Range: Global
  • Cost: 150 mana
  • Explosion Diameter: 250
  • Projectile Speed: 1600
Tips :

An normal sized ice arrow crosses the map until it makes impact with a champion.

The ultimate for engaging or stunning at the other side of the map.

It is Ashe's main force because it allows you to engage with isolated targets.

Some good ultimates from Ashe can really make a difference, with wards you will be able to punish the overextend of weak targets from the other team. You can also engage with a carry and quickly get to the end with your team to start on a push or a dragon, for example.

Careful of the Banshee's Veil but also of champions who could have an anti-spell shield like Morgana, Sivir, Nocturne...

Generally having cast this spell at the other side of the map we try to draw back draw back so that your opponents do not see you cast it because they will warn warn their allies. However they will be able to see that you have lost mana when you return! Another option is to use an ultimate from the base.

Casting this spell from a shadow zone will improve your chances of success.

Careful while Ashe doesn't have her ultimate because she becomes vulnerable and your opponents will want to make the most of this.

The more distance Ashe's ultimate covers the longer the hit will be up to 3,5 secondes.

Une lumière bleue sur l'arc de Ashe, un son dès l'activation et les flèches de glace tra

    Cooldown: 100 / 90 / 80 seconds

    Magic Damage: 250 / 425 / 600 (+1.0 per ability power)


The best AD carry engage in the game

Can kite thanks to perma-slow.

Counter bruisers without gap-closer or dash.

Powerful in late game thanks to her slow and engage.

Ability to scout with her Z, E and R.



No real escape except control.

Little damage before having stuff. An Ad Carry who depends more on items than others.

Weak in the early/mid game, particularly in lane phase.

Very dependant on good positioning.

Weak against champions with many gap-closers like Diana, Akali etc. if Ashe is not well protected by her team.