Game of War Play Style Examples


Play Style Examples

Your play style depends on your personality: Are you aggressive? Passive? A team player? Sneaky?

Depending on your answer, it will determine the way you want to play Game of War. Although beware, some play styles are far more expensive than others.

Russo play style : Defensive

Power 40-50mil | Focused on attracting solo hits | High Hospital capacity | Many T2 meat shields

Russo focuses on baiting single hits from other high level players, then Shields after 1 or 2 hits. He doesn't want to get hit too many times because then too many of his Troops are hospitalized and cannot defend his Stronghold. Russo recently scored 73mil in a KvK Kill Event from this method, and I quote, "T2s are the shiz". His T2s die in place of his much stronger T3s, but he can heal his T2s very quickly and get back into battle for more points.

Over time this play style has developed to become more complicated and precise. Make sure to stay up to date on the latest requirements for this style of play.

Darcy play style : Defensive

Power 90-150mil | Stack traps | High hospital capacity | High T3 and low T2 troop count | Embassy 21

Darcy likes to max out her Trap count and have a ton of T3 Troops with a bit of T2 Troops. She tries to build as much meat as possible for her enemies to have to beat through. Also, she has a high embassy level so big Alliance Members can reinforce her for big hits with her Power level changing.

For more information on this style of play read about anvil trap accounts.

Warclaid play style : Offensive

Power 150m + | Rally leaders | High T4 troop count | High T2 troop count | Low hospital capacity

Warclaid is first and foremost an offensive player. He wants the highest Tier of Troops because he can only attack by himself with a single march of 325k. He also needs a very high T4 count, so that he becomes very difficult and unattractive for enemies to zero. Warclaid has a high T2 Troop count for meats shields in case an enemy alliance tries to Rally and zero him. With so many Troops at this level Hospitals become irrelevant.

Pro Tip: Having personal farms becomes extremely helpful at high levels in order to get back in the fight quicker. Especially, if your alliance bank isn't very reliable or doesn't have many resources to spare.

I included some pictures because if I were you guys I would be pissed off that whoever wrote this article didn't include an example of how useful T2 meat shields are:

image image_1 image_2 image_3 image_4image_5

The attackers lost MANY T3s but no T4s, whereas the defenders lost all T2s but no T4s. Sounds like a pretty good trade off for the defenders!

Describe your play style in the comments below!



Game Play article partially contributed by Party Pat