Interview with Wahid1: The True Kate Upton for Game of War

wahid game of war interview

Interview with Wahid1: "The True Kate Upton for Game of War"

Many of us know Wahid1 (Wahid) from her entertaining Instagram account (wahid1gow) where she does all sorts of give-aways and meme contests. She has people submit comical memes about Game of War and then gives prizes to the people who create her favorite ones. Some of her top choices are:

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I like to think of Wahid as the true Kate Upton of Game of War. She is the epitome of a war goddess. You will often see her rallying some of the biggest players in a kvk kill event, or fighting for the renowned Super Wonder with XxKuranxX and CoPoTo.

If you didn’t know, the word “Wahid” actually means one in Arabic, so her name is really “one one”. Despite everyone’s guesses, she is not Arabic but instead took Arabic classes in college which gave her the idea when she made the account.

Here’s how she describes zeroing a billion power player:

It’s a total high. When you are zeroing someone that big you wonder, Are they going to come online? Am I going to lose my hero? A million things are on your mind. Did everyone in the rally send the right troops? You wonder if you have all your boosts on. You’re totally in the zone during this.

She claims that there are two popular styles of play that some of the best people can be categorized into. There are big picture players and small picture players, as she calls them. A big picture player is one who rallies billion power players and who attacks the super wonder. She gives the most credit to CoPoTo and XxKuranxX, “ they’re the best”. Conversely, small picture players are those who are great at scoring points in kvks by using guerilla warfare. She applauds Nazgul for being one of the best small picture players of all time. Wahid says Nazgul earns around 300 million points every kvk through the use of clever guerilla tactics that others wouldn’t have even thought of.

A piece of advice Wahid has for players is to “stay below certain power and become a trap.”

Yet, we have to recognize that the game is constantly changing, meaning strategies are changing, such that “300 million power traps are EXTREMELY successful now because people expect lower power traps.”

Learn more about traps in our Beginner's Guide for Trap Accounts.

Another piece of advice she has to players is “only do events where the benefits are the best. Pay attention and try to find ways to capitalize on small benefits,” like combining events.

In fact, her favorite part of the game is how it continually evolves, “every Super Wonder battle is different. It really keeps people engaged.”

If you are wondering how often players at Wahid’s level play, she claims to play actively for about 6 hours a day but to have the game running for sometimes up to 15 hours a day.

She told me she doesn’t work at Machine Zone, but that she might want to only because of one very specific reason… she wants to meet Bambi… MZ’s customer service representative.

I couldn’t help but, laugh out loud after hearing her say that.

She is the one I mail every time I have an issue. I want to meet her and say, ‘Hey, thanks for looking out!’ One time I called her a rockstar, another time she sent me a winkey face. (Maybe Bambi should get a raise Gabriel)

Wahid has probably already told Bambi this, but if she had to say one thing to the CEO, Wahid would say:

There’s been a switch of emphasis on players to cater to. In the beginning it was a game for everyone, but as time is going, it’s more focused on money players. A lot of non-spending players are being left in the dust and I don’t think that’s fair. The loyalty of veteran players is not being rewarded. They can’t be competitive.

I actually think trap accounts have allowed non-spenders to compete a little more, but it still very hard for them to compete with normal gear against the core gear that spenders have.

Don't forget to follow her on Instagram at wahid1gow!

Article 1: Interview with Stayalive77: A "Wonderful, Adorable, Loveable Killer"
Article 2: Interview with Schoolbus Who Has Over 2 Billion Kills
Article 3: Interview with Wahid: "The True Kate Upton for Game of War"
Article 4: Interview with Kuran: "Once The Top Player In Game of War"



p.s. Who do you guys want to hear from next?!