This is the 4th post in the series of Battle Tested articles. This is another one of THE MOST controversial topics in Game of War and we are here once again to show you the truth with real battle tests, with real troops, and with real numbers.
Rallies are no doubt becoming a MUCH larger part of Game of War, but should you use debuff gear or does it just sound fancy?
The only way to test debuff gear is on large accounts using large numbers of troops. My opponent had on the same gear, same troops, same traps, and the same troop attack boost for all tests. A series of controlled studies were conducted where the exact same battle was recreated many times, with the only variable being the type of debuff(s) activated by the defender.
As long as we recreate the exact same battle conditions with only one variable, we can make conclusions about the effect of that variable - in this case, which debuff(s) was applied to the defender.
Attacker: 375k strategic troops
I attacked with a full 375K march using 100K T4 each type and 25K T3 each troop type, all strat troops.
Defender: 595,500 strategic troops (58% more)
The trap account has 175K T3 Cavalry, 175K T3 Infantry, 175K T3 Ranged, 70.5K T1, and full wall of T3 traps. All are regular T3 and T1. Below is a screen shot of his hero and stats.
To get a base line of kills and losses I attacked the stronghold with no stats on both the attacker and the defender. Test # 1 shows the results.
In this test I gave up some defense switching from the harvest boots to the new xena shoes, but as you can see, it was very effective. I wounded 37.4% of his troops this time and I lost 31.9% of mine. The increase in my troop loss is due to the troop defense going down 55% from switching gear. I’m ok with only a .03% change for over a 2% increase in kills.
I couldn’t split these into two separate tests, so I ran them as one as that was what the gear allowed me to do. I’m not concerned with the amount of troops I killed in this test so much as to the amount of troops he killed. One reason why, is I am losing a lot of troop attack on my end switching from the TuTu dress to the new Xena dress. TuTu adds attack and the Xena dress has an attack debuff. Please note that my troop attack is 44% lower in this attack so the troops I wound will be much lower, however in this attack the defender only killed 113,855 of my troops vs the two previous were I lost 118K and 119K. That’s a huge difference, especially if you take this into account when actually rallying someone. That’s a 5% difference in troops lost from a 30% troop attack debuff alone. The troop attack debuff is sweet. I still killed 211,301 troops which is still more than my original attack with no debuffs. Not bad considering I lost 40% troop attack for the new gear. Once again, I am ok with this because I killed more and lost less than my original gear.
In this test I equipped all of my debuff gear from the previous two tests and attacked the defender once again to see how effective all three combined are. What shocked me is how close the numbers are to test 2 from a total kills standpoint and my losses are still lower than my original attack. I wounded 224,706 and he killed 114,660. The troop defense debuff did kick in here allowing me to kill an additional 1,600 troops from test 2. I’m a little disappointed though, I thought the defense debuff would be more effective. From what I can see the troop attack debuff and the troop health debuff do more damage to the defender than the troop defense debuff.
This is my hero maxed out on all debuffs. I only have 1 of the 4th gem slots unlocked on my hero, so I decided to add more attack debuff. When adding all the debuffs I have and attacking you can really see how much the debuffs make a difference.
Original Attack no debuffs – He killed 118,861 and I wounded 210,068
Max gear with debuffs - He killed 113,700 and I wounded 231,168
I don’t know about you guys, but I am pretty happy with how well it works. My own personal opinion on the debuff gear is that the Troop Attack Debuff and the Troop Health Debuff are the better of the three and all are lethal when combined together.
The troop health and troop attack debuffs are the most effective.