Recruiting and Maintaining A Killer Alliance

alliance city

Create A Killer Alliance

So, you’re a new leader and want to make some decisions about creating a strong, cohesive alliance to be reckoned with!  Here are some tips I have learned while leading my alliance to victory.

What Type of People Are Your Members?

Try to get a feel for who your members are – what is their age, gender, interests? All of these play a key role in how you will develop their attitude, goals, and enthusiasm for the game. 

All characters but one have a place in your alliance. Be yourself. I try to be eclectic and interesting. 

Don’t put up with the bullies  - they shut down everyone else and you’ll find members who stop engaging and look for other alliances to join.  Get the bully to settle down or go.

Develop Great R4s

Start to develop the best team of r4s that you can find. The best thing you can do is have a strong, diverse r4 group who bring a rounded set of skills to the game and alliance. They will be the ones you turn to for recruitment, settling disputes, training and many other little things that will make them indispensable to you and the alliance.

Lead The Way You Want Would Want To Be Led

Be a leader who has clear goals and drive. This will ensure your alliance members make informed decisions about joining. They will want to know if you intend to be a fighting alliance, or a "happy to be a training and farming" alliance.  All have roles within a kingdom – it’s up to you to properly explain what you’re wanting to achieve.

Have Leaders & Fighters Available 24/7

Have a group available 24/7 due to varying time zones - nothing is worse than living in opposing time zones and feeling that you’re all alone.  Encourage all players, regardless of where they hail from.  You might be lucky and pick up a pearl of a player! Advertising that you alliances members in every time zone is very appealing!

Spread Your Knowledge

Offering daily traning in all areas - troops, research and building – become a broken record on how important it is for your team to follow best practice guidelines.  Create a LINE training room to attach photos, screenshots and comments that your team can readily access and discuss.

Pro Tip: Send your alliance members an article from Real Tips every other day that would be applicable to them 😉 - Navi

If you want to learn more on what it takes to lead a successful alliance, check out these other articles on Real Tips: Building a Strong Alliance: Crucial Roles For Every Member, In Game Alliance Communication

Have Clear & Enforced Rules

Be fair and strong – Be open to suggestions and feedback, but have clear rules and guidelines for the Alliance so everyone knows what's expected. Establish how players are required to help each other in order to have a successful alliance. 

Concluding Note

Finally, let your own enthusiasm for the game invigorate and encourage your alliance members to have the same aspirations and you will see a coming together of like interests and ambitions.  Good Luck and be Patient.

Alliance Building article contributed by Wyndslicer