Sometimes making your own decision on how you want your Trap Account to be can be hard. This article will make it simple for you by providing exact specifications for Rally Traps and Solo Traps.
This article was last updated for accuracy on 11-24-15.These are the latest successful builds submitted by players in the comments sections!
I was running a 350m t4 trap account till a week ago. Was using about 7m t4 unbalanced and a very thin sliver of about 250k t3 of one type.
The goal was to have multi billion whales donate their level 60 heroes lol! Was very successful and had players upto 20b drop into my prison with 600k marches during ke, coliseum etc. Had about 65m kills with kdr above 6 before I abandoned it.
Hero was level 56 and was using a mix of shogun helm, barricade, Tabi boots, masamune, hoops, kinai and Phoenix blaze. The only weakness it had was a susceptibility to high debuff sets like 4h. Would still win power spreads though due to the t3 sliver.
Boosts were (overall plus minimum of specific) 650 to 700 attack, 1300 defense, 800 health. Did not pay much attention to debuff. Beds were actually only 600k. The reason for the unbalanced build, I didn’t have one troop type, was to save points for skill tree and to increase like win probability by a third!
Why did I stop playing it? It’s my first and only account and I have a much of rss and speed and gold left from buying all the packs for gear! Just evolving to the next step now: rally trapping, before becoming a small whale lmao!!
My rally record is 13-3. That means I have gotten the hero 13 times and 3 times let him get away. I have never been beat on points or been on fire. 990 million power, 4 presets, 1.4 million beds, 9 million t4 mixed regular and strategic. 6 piece legendary cores with fourth gem on everything except accessories 1600 attack 1200 defense 1200 health. 1.4 billion points is my highest kvk score. I generally incurred zero troop casualties. 3 times I didn’t get hero was against emerald dragon, it has too high troop health.
This account was unbeatable against 2.375 million rally size but was extremely expensive healing T4. Since rally size changed to 3 million, I added 3 million t3 mixed and strategic and increased t4 to 13 million. My power went up to 1.39 million. I added the t3 because I could not afford to continue healing t4.
Attack boost is still important, but your overall need will be different depending on what you are getting hit with and your troop power. ALL YOU NEED FOR ATTACK is enough to kill all the rallys troops- any more than that is a waste of boost. If you CANT eat the whole rally with your current set-up, try boosting attack more for your next set-up. Your attack bonus will take some fine tuning with so many variables.
Many people will tell you to counter core; this is completely unnecessary and counter-productive for a rally trap, as counter cores are typically high in attack and lower on troop saving boosts. Just aim for the numbers in the article above and you will be ok :).
It is better to boost troop health a *little* more than troop defense IMO, as pretty much everyones troop specific defense will be higher than troop specific health, so the troop health will help cover the gap. Research from other sites have also concluded that troop health is slightly more beneficial than troop defense.
I aim high when crafting and usually will tweak stuff for a week before im happy with my set: 300-400 attack debuff, 1300-1650 health, and 1100-1300 troop defense. I have been around 600 attack. I use *some* secret non-set recipies, and will start to build my own cores and pieces as i get close to the end of my complete set. With the BYO, I try to maximize the boosts I need to hit my goal. If attack is good, I will apply defense boost. If I have a high defense wonder core set marching at me (EDragon) I will most likely apply an attack boost, depending on where my attack % is.
I have alliance reinforce with whatever troop has the highest attack bonus, and try to have them scout for war rallied troops before switching cores: you dont want to waste all that hard crafting work for a 1 person rally.
crafting: 6×6 cores w/ two fourth gem slots
Defense: Upto hospital capacity 1: all 10’s. All 8’s through troop attack debuff resistance
March tree: 4 presets unlocked
My approximate set-up:
T1: 1m
T2: 2m
T3: 10m
t4: 14m
(almost all troops are strategic, but that doesn’t make as much as a difference as people think for defensive purposes)
Total power: 1.5b
Still burn in KEs (t1s and some t2’s die; most t2’s hospitalised, and a couple thousand t3s in hospital sometimes), but I win on points in tiered events 280,000,000 to 5,000,000 against hero level 60 suicide set cores and wonder set cores, and win on power event 83m-23m.
My rally trap: 475-490M power. Level 52 hero.
Presets x 4 from set tree
Level 5 cores, 4 pieces only
Defense tree at 8-9
Normal troops: 6M T1, 3M T2, 3M T3, 1M T4
Reinforce ahead of time and play dead with research gear on
Worst beating I ever took was from level 60 hero in full horseman cores. I killed 750K T4, he killed all my T1 and T2 and sent some T3 to the hospital. Won substantially on points but not by the usual massive margin. (75M points for me, 36M points for him) This is in troop tier format. Power destroyed format I would never have unshielded as I am too small unless attacker is a weakling, or forgets his hero. (that was fun hehe)
So a SH under 500M power can be VERY competitive and an asset in troop tier style KvK but you have to do it right and rebuilding 6-10M troops is very tedious. Next step for me is refining cores and crafting specific core sets to counter missiles.
Both models below require exceptional hero gear. Don't be mislead that rally traps are easy to maintain or "cheap", they are quite difficult to build and require very high end gear.
Warning: These Rally Traps do not apply to defending against missile cores. To do that you need upwards of 1.5B power at least.
Focus On:
There is NO need to craft a complete set without doing the Set research tree. Just craft the best item you can for each slot.
Defense and Health should add up to 1650 or higher, but you can get away with slightly less in lieu of a high Attack Debuff.
Battle tests have shown that attack debuff is most efficient to ensure you don't burn, followed by defense, and health. This is assuming that you have at least 5:1 troop power of the attacking army, as the boosts change in efficiency as the troop power varies. For example, zeroing bigs, health debuff has almost NO effect whatsoever, but defense debuff is the highest effect until the troop counts start evening out. So if the attacking rally has 86m troop power (2.375m t4s), and the defender has 400m troop power, defense boost is more efficient than attack boost. It saves a greater proportion of the defenders troops, causing a larger win ratio.
The numbers are how it's balanced really, but probably 300 attack debuff minimum, 1200 defense minimum, 1100 health minimum. To swallow the rally entirely, you'll either need even more troops, or even more boost, it's just hard to be exact when there's so many variables at play.
Check out our core gear articles that show you recipes for epic missile cores to use for attacking, defending, and securing the wonder?Take one hit then shield and heal.
This is the rally trap capable of swallowing marches and keeping heroes. Can sustain heavy losses if hits exceed hospital beds.
When someone starts marching at your trap
Build 375k T4 traps on both models. Strategic Troops are preferred, but not necessary unless your entire Strategic tree is completed.
Keep an even split. Don't ever go heavy on one Troop type, as soon as you get hit with a counter type Rally, you're pretty much destroyed.
Apply a 75% DEFENSE boost and Attack Debuff (no matter what people tell you about attack boost always being better, if your troops outnumber theirs 10:1 or higher, Defense Boost is the more effective boost).
Note: The point above is controversial because a lot of people use attack boost and attack debuff. Comment below what you use.
Laugh at your points.
Your total rally trap power should come out to be about 750-850M. Any less and you WILL get destroyed by the first person to hit you with suicide cores. More, and people will ONLY hit you with suicide cores (if they have half a brain).
These styles were defined by a guy who hit 100 million kills with his trap account (probably a lot more now!).
These are specifically low level traps that smaller players can adopt and be successful with. The one catch is that you most definitely need great gear (not necessarily core gear, but at least high level normal gear) to make these accounts truly effective.
The problem with solo trapping right now is the extremes you can get hit with. You could get hit with a 375k March in mediocre gear or a 600k March in badass cores. More often recently it's the 600k March with good cores.
SH Level: 21
Power Level: 300-350M
Troop Count/ Type: 4-5M T4, 270K T3
Trap Count/ Type: Regular
Research to Complete: Regular Combat, Defense tree to Trap Capacity 9, Full T4 Trap Research, 5x4 Cores just incase, hero tree to unlock Defense, and Attack is optional
Hospitals/bed space: 680-720K
Gear /Gem Recommendation): Low Defense, High Attack, High Health
General tips on the style: This is more of a offensive positioned trap for people who want to do more then just be hit. But this is still a deadly solo trap.
SH Level: 21
Power Level: 180-200M
Troop Count/ Type: 1M T4, 10-12M T2 Regular T3
Trap Count/ Type: 125,000 T3 traps
Research to Complete: Regular Combat, Health and Defense, most of the T4 Research, and 5x4 cores just in case you need to take a big hit.
Hospitals/bed space: 680-720K
Gear /Gem Recommendations: Low Defense, High Attack, High Health
General tips on the style: Solo trap, most of the time wont need anti scout for this as most will just solo.
Pure Strategy article contributed by Rums and xXLEGENDX7x
Article 1: What are Trap Accounts and Why Are They Important? Article 2: The Two Types of Trap Accounts Article 3: The Latest Requirements For A Flawless Trap Account Article 4: 5 Advanced Trap Account Strategies Article 5: Build A Perfect Trap With Only $200 Article 6: Best Trap Account Builds Article 7: 7 Ways to Spot a Trap Account Article 8: 4 Piece Cores Strategy for Traps Article 9: Comparing Troop Attack vs. Trap Attack for Trap Accounts