Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Reverie DLC Walkthrough Castle Hall

The Reverie DLC picks up after the events of the main game. Gabriel will travel back to the castle where Carmilla resides. Feel free to break a couple of things before heading up to the gate, specially if you don't have any holy water.
Side note: I don't think you can play the Reverie DLC without playing the main game. Hence this guide will assume that you have played and finished the main game, and that you have the artifacts from it.

Head into the next room once you have some flasks. Ghouls will immediately appear and attack you. Much like the main game you can block their attacks. All of your moves and artifacts will stay in the DLC.

The best way to kill Ghouls is to jump and throw a holy water flask directly below you, then mash Y to do large area attacks and take them all out. Laura will come and help you after a while and skeletons will appear as well.

You don't have to worry about Laura as she can take care of herself. Proceed to killing the skeletons and make sure to either smash their remains with the gauntlet or throw a holy water flask at them when they shatter. If the skeletons bones are still moving and you don't finish them off, then they're reanimate and you'll have to take them down again.

After eliminating all of the enemies, Laura will inform you of what's happening at the castle and the reason why she called you. She'll then take you back to the room where you first met in the original game.

You'll immediately notice that the board only has 6 figures now and that there are three banners hanging around the board. Press the up, left and right on the Dpad to look at the banners.

Each banner has a certain set of symbols, it can be any combination of a vampire, lycan or necromancer plus a question mark. Black question marks mean black pieces and white ones mean white pieces. You'll also notice that each of the banners have a book symbol at different places. This is in relation to where the book (that Gabriel is using to move the pieces) is located in relation to the banner.

The order in which the pieces need to be is:
From the left side column and bottom row.
Second column, second black tile: White Necromancer
Second column, third black tile: Black Lycan
Third column, first white tile: Black Vampire
Fourth column, second black tile: White Vampire
Fourth column, third black tile: White Lycan
Fifth column, second black tile: Black Necromancer

After placing the pieces at the correct tiles, the floor board will turn into a large spiral staircase that leads down. Descend down the stairs.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Reverie DLC Walkthrough Abandoned Wing

After entering the abandoned wing, climb down the stairs. Laura will give you a hint that your cyclone boots can help you cross. Forget about what you learned on the main game for a moment.

Activate your cyclone boots by double moving the analog in the same direction, then head for the water. Don't jump, just run across the hole in the fence and jump towards the platform that Laura is standing on. Also be careful not to bump into the spawns or you'll fall into the water and get eaten.

Climb up the stairs and chain your cyclone boots jump with your seraph wings to reach the ledge right in front of the broken staircase.

Climb up the ledge, then shimmy along the left and climb up again. Move further to the left and jump towards the ledge right next to where you are.

Climb down on the left side of the pillar and jump towards the long beam on the left side. Walk on top of the beam and make your way to the end. You can either jump, then grapple at the hook or chain a jump and use the seraph wings to reach the ledge.

From here on you'll need to be quick cause the ledges will fall. Shimmy over to the left and climb up when you get to the other face of the pillar. Then continue moving towards the left, then climb up and continue moving towards the left until you get to the beam.

When you get to the end of the beam, use your chain to swing towards the ledge that's on the pillar at the opposite side.

Shimmy to the left and jump on the ledge that's on the left side, then climb down and move a little to the right. Now use your chain to slowly descend and drop down on the ground below.

Like the first one, you'll need to use your cyclone boots to cross the gap and make it to that platform on the opposite side. Remember not to hit a spawn while running in the water. You can also use your seraph wings to extend your jump, but you might miscalculate and fall in the water.

Once there, use your cyclone boots and run across the water, but don't go to where Laura is yet. There's another platform on the right side just before the ice that Laura's standing on. Get there first, then go to Laura's platform from there.

The ice that Laura was standing on will crack when Gabriel stands on it. Quickly jump towards the stone platform directly in front of the ice.

From there you'll need to make your way around the corner and towards the ice that Laura is standing on.

Then you have to use your cyclone boots one more time and dash towards the platform that's on the opposite side of the ice. It's a bit far and 2 spawns are passing through it, just use seraph wings to get to the platform once you're close enough for the wings to be able to you there.

From there climb up the stairs and use your chain to climb up on the pillar that's directly in front of the broken part of the stairs.

Climb up the pillar until you get to the ledge, then lean over to the left and jump on the beam that's protruding from the pillar. Then shimmy over to the left side and use your chain to swing towards the next pillar,

From there, jump up to reach the ledge, then shimmy to the right side until you get to the next face of the pillar.

Then make your way to the right side and go all the way to the end of the ledge, then climb up and continue going to the right.

Lean on the right side and jump towards the next ledge. Then remove your hand from the analog stick and let Gabriel turn around, then jump and keep jumping across the ledges until you get to the top.

Follow the path and you'll exit at some beams that form a bridge. Use the beams to get around to the other side, then climb up the ledge.

Continue towards the next beam and use your seraph wings to jump towards the beam with the chain point, once the chain point lights up use your chain to swing to the next platform.

Head in through the gates and some skeletons will reanimate and attack you. Destroy them, then turn the device at the center of the room to open the gate. Then press Y to make Laura go through the door.

You'll be controlling Laura for a while. She plays much like Gabriel; if you hold the Y button she'll create a large electrical forcefield, if you release the button early then it will be a smalled forcefield.
Holding the X button will also cause her to create a powerful lightning attack that can stun enemies. Pressing X 4 times will create a lightning attack combo, much like Gabriel's battle cross.

Climb up the stairs, make sure to walk a little bit to the left cause the ice might block your way. Once you're on the upper floor, head for the gate and dodge towards the gate to make Laura switch to mist form.

After entering through the gate a lot of ghouls will attack you. Laura is a bit hard to use mainly because she doesn't have the handy light magic to heal her. Keep dodging the ghouls and charging up your attack when you can.

Don't be too greedy with hit though cause Laura does take a good amount of damage from the ghouls, maybe even more than Gabriel. Once a ghouls HP is low, you can press the grapple button/chain button to suck its blood and regain some of your own.

You'll have to mash a certain random button on the screen in order to suck blood from the ghoul. The ghoul will soon show black spots all over its body which will eventually engulf it. Let go of the ghoul just before it turns completely black. If you don't let go, the ghoul will explode and Laura will take massive damage.

After dealing with the ghouls, head for the gate and press the grapple button to make Laura destroy the chain with her electricity. Do the same on the other side and the gate will open.

Head through the gate and turn right then use Laura's electricity to break the chain and regain control of Gabriel.

Once you're back to being Gabriel, use your chain and climb up the wall, then press X to make Gabriel jump off of the wall and jump towards the ledge right behind you.

Go back inside the room with the neutral energy fountain and fill up your bars.

Now take the path on the left side of the statue and activate your shadow magic, then charge up your cyclone boots and take down the ice.

After creating an opening in the ice, head outside and follow the stairs, use your cyclone boots to get across the broken part of the bridge and towards the large gate.

There's a ledge on the right side of the gate, use your seraph wings to climb up on top of it and shimmy over to the left side, then use your chain to hang at the middle of the gate.

Once there you'll find out that it isn't actually a gate, but a switch. Basically you'll have to run across the runes to activate them. The easiest way to do it is from the top, go left, then right, left and right.

You'll be able to do it much quicker this way, just run to the right side first, then towards the lef and move your analog stick to the southeast direction to activate the runes on the right side, then southwest to activate the ones on the lower left side.

After activating the runes a gate will open directly below the switch. Climb back down the stairs and this time head for the stairs that go all the way down to the gate and enter it.

Once inside you'll come face to face with the most annoying challenge in the world. The idea is to get across the gears without hitting them. Laura can increase or decrease the speed for you.

First have Laura increase the speed and decrease it as soon as the first set of blades hit the bottom of its path. Then shimmy over to the right side and climb up on the next ledge.

Now hea over to the left side and climb down on the ledge below it if the blade gets too close, then climb back up.

Wait for the first blade on the second set of vertical blades to o up, then move to the left and climb up on the rail of the second blade, then move to the right and get on top of the cog. This will act as a mini checkpoint.

The blue blades will require you to increase the speed to 2 in order to move them. Increase the speed and wait for the blue blade to reach the left end of its line, then decrease the speed. Move down along the sides and be careful not to hit the red blades.

Climb all the way down to the side of the next blue blades. Make sure to test wether the first horizontal blue blade is running to the left or right before proceeding.

Increase the blade speed, then follow the horizontal blue blade to the left side. Then drop down along the line of the second set of vertical blades and lower the speed. Then move to the right side and move down, then shimmy over to the right side towards the 2 horizontal blades.

Start up the blades again and turn it off quickly, just enough for the 2 horizontal blades to create a gap between them. Now climb down and shimmy to the right and climb back up again.

Make it through the last set of blades and drop down on the platform at the end of the ledge, then head through the door to reach the Founder' Quarters. This was seriously the most annoying platforming experience of my life.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Reverie DLC Walkthrough Founders' Quarters

Follow the path and you'll immediately see a set of stairs that lead up, don't go up, just turn to the right and climb down the stairs.

Here you'll find a large stone engraving on the ground. This puzzle is easy, all you have to do is align the drawing from the smallest circle moving up to the largest circle, they all move accordingly so it won't be hard at all.

After aligning the engraving, the gate on the right side will open. Head through it and climb down the stairs.

You'll be attacked by ghouls as soon as you reach the walkway. Kill the ghouls, then activate the device in front of the gate with your combat cross and enter through the gates.

Laura will refuse to head inside the altar with you, head up the coffin and open it, then take the large gem that the skeleton is holding then head out.

The gates will close before you can leave and some phantoms will attack you. Deal with them and the gates will reopen. Now backtrack to the stairs before the engraving of an angel.

This time you'll climb up the stairs, you'll see a large glowing gear at the top. Examine it and Gabriel will place the gem inside.

Head back down to where the engraving of the angel is, Laura will point your attention to the large clock, flip the switch underneath it to turn back time and reconstruct the upper floors.

Now climb back up the stairs to where you inserted the gem and continue making your way up the now existing staircase and around the side of the tower.

Head inside the door and you'll be met by the shrine of the founders, all three of them. We'll start with Cornell's blood. So head inside the door on the left side.

You'll be attacked by three phantoms as soon as you head inside the corridor. Kill them then open the gate via the device at the right side of the room.

In the next room you'll be presented with a puzzle. This is easy compared to that blade jumping from the previous area. Let's start with the stone block, you can push it with your gauntlet. First push it forward, then push it to the right, then push it down and finally push it to the left side.

Now activate the switch right beside Laura and she'll summon a doll. The doll can only move, left, right, forward and back. In addition it can't stop once it moves hence the bumpers and if you hit the fire then it will die.
First move the doll forward, then left, down, right, up, left, down and finally right. The statue at the altar will then turn, revealing Cornell's blood.

Quickly dash towards the statue and take the blood, then get out of there. You don't need to kill any of those ghouls.

Now head for the door on the right side, which is Zobek's shrine. This time reapers will pop up instead of phantoms. Throw a holy water flask at them to quickly kill them off. Don't forget that reapers can kill you in two hits so be careful not to get too close.

After killing them, activate your shadow magic and touch the plates on the pillars to open the gate, then head outside.

Zobek's puzzle is a little longer than Cornell's. First climb down the stairs and use your gauntlet to push the pillar to the left side, it will pop up from the other purple portal right beside the one it went through.

You'll see a button in the platform that the pillar appeared on. Use your gauntlet to push it and the platform will move down, then push the pillar towards the portal on the left side.

Now go to the platform right in front of the gates and push the button on it to connect it with the green portal. Then push the pillar to the right and into the green portal.

After the pillare reappears, push it down but not into the purple portal. Just push the button and the platform will move down, then push the pillar towards the gate to get it open.

Press the switch within the gates to move a platform in front of the purple portal. Then push the pillar back to the platform and press the button to get the platform to align with the purple portal and push the pillar through it.

Now head back through the gates and push the button again to make the platform move to the right side, then push the pillar all the way to the right.

Push the button on the second moving platform on the left side so that the platform goes back down, then press the button on the platform where the green portal is to move the platform that's carrying the pillar down. Now use your gauntlet and push the pillar all the way to the left side.

Now press the button on the platform that's currently carrying the pillar and make it move up. Then push the pillar up, then to the right.

Now push the button on the platform and make it go to the right, and push the pillar straight into the blue portal.

Now all you have to do is push the pillar forward, then to the right and forward again to get it on top of the rune. Take the Zobek's blood then head back to the center room.

Now for Carmilla's blood. Head for the door at the center of the room and examine the gate. Gabriel will ask Laura to search for the blood in his stead.

Ghouls will appear as soon as you enter the area, also Laura's HP is only half of the bar. Kill the ghouls and suck their blood, make sure that you have a full bar before you kill all of them.

Now use mist form and head for the gate that leads to the shrine. Examine the glowing bowl and Laura will place her blood inside.

Once your HP is at a fourth, Laura will say that you need more blood but she's too weak to give any. Go back through the gates and replenish your health by sucking blood from the ghouls.

Once you've killed the ghouls, head back inside the shrine and offer the last drops of the blood that's needed, then take Carmilla's blood and go back to Gabriel.

Now that you have all three blood orbs of the founders. Exit the shrine area and turn left, then climb up the stairs and get to the top.

Once there head towards the back of the area and you'll find a puzzle there. Examine it and plce the blood orbs to start solving it.

To solve the puzzle you'll need to:
Move the second column up once, move the third column up once, then the second row right once, second column down twice, third row left once and finally second column up once.
Then drop the blood and the cutscene will start, ending with a to be continued message.