Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Prologue

The game begins with Gabriel Belmont, now a powerful vampire called Dracula, defending his castle from yet another attack from the Brotherhood of Light which he once served.

The whole of the first battle is just a large tutorial for the basic controls of the new battle system, as well as Dracula's skills and weapons.

For those who have played the first game (Castlevania: Lords of Shadows) The only main difference in battle is the dodge system, light and dark magic being changed to the void sword and chaos claw (healing and damage) and lastly the removal of the grapple system, meaning you can only grapple enemies that are glowing now.

Another thing is that they changed the QTE from the overlapping circle to a merging one which you have to press once it glows.

As previously mentioned the light magic has been swapped out for the Void Sword, but the effects are the same. Although for LOS 2 the void sword is also a quicker weapon than the chaos claw.

The shadow magic has been changed to the Chaos Claw and is also a heavy weapon capable of destroying enemy defenses (blocking and shields) as well as deal higher damage.

After defeating the soldiers of the brotherhood, Dracula will push their ram back and head into the hallway. Go forward and you'll be introduced to a new platforming mechanic. Bats will show you ledges that you can grab making it easier to spot where you need to go.

Jump onto the left side of the gate and climb up to the top then make your way to the right side and jump towards the next part of the gate.

Tilt your analog stick to the northeast and jump towards the ledge. Continue making your way to the right and cross the beam once it falls, then jump towards the chain that's hanging from the walls.

Make your way to the other side of the chain, then start climbing down on the pillar. Now enter the path on the left side directly beside the pillar you climb down on to start a cutscene.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Soldier of the Brotherhood (Paladin)

This is a pretty lengthy first boss battle. The guy in golden armor has a couple of attacks, first off is his unblockable attack. To dodge it, just dodge to the right twice cause he will definitely try to slash you twice.

The second attack is a normal blade attack that you can easily block. This is the best attack for you to deal some damage on him. Just parry it and start hitting him with your chain.

He also has a long range attack, you can tell it's coming when he positions his swords in an "x" shape and you'll hear the sound of metal grinding metal. Dodge to the right when his right hand sword is near the edge of the left sword.

His last attack is a shockwave that will send you a few inches back. He usually uses this when you're landing combos on him. The damage is small but you can also easily avoid if by dodging back when he curls up under his wings.

The best way to avoid the shockwave is to hit him with a 3-5 hit combo, then dodging away. Repeat this until his HP is fully depleted to enter the second phase of the battle.

In the second part of the battle you won't confront the golden knight directly. He'll fly around and send lower knights to attack you. Kill the knights and jump when the titan is about to punch the castlewalls to avoid falling down.

Once you've killed all the knights the titan will shift its arm and you'll have to scale it and get on top. First move to the left side, then up. Press the QTE whenever the titan attempts to smash you into the castle.

After avoiding all the attempts to smash you against the wall, a part of the titan's arm will fall down and you'll be able to proceed up the arm.

When you get near the top the golden knight will attempt to shoot you down with his fancy flaming bow, damn where was this when you were still Gabriel Belmont? Anyways continue climbing up the arm and you'll be given a hint on how to destroy the small parts near the titan's elbow.

Climb over to the left or right side and hang on top of the bolt. Wait for the knight to aim at it, then climb down and wait for him to shoot it. Do the same on the other side to break the upper part of the arm.

Get to the middle part of the arm and jump towards the elbow mechanism of the titan.

Jump across the gears when the hollow parts of it are right on top of you. Be careful about the knight though as he will annoy you all the way.

When you finally climb up on the next surface you'll see more of those nodes that you made the golden knight shoot. Stand on top of each one and make him shoot them again.

Kill the knights that will come after you, then open up the gate behind the nodes and proceed up the next set of gears.

When you get to the top most gear, drop down on the left side and wait until you see more nodes that you can hang from on the left side, then use those to climb up to the next surface.

This time you'll be attacked by a lot of shielded knights. Equip your Chaos Claw and stand on one of the nodes. Fight the knights there and only dodge when the knights use an unblockable attack or the golden knight has locked onto the spot.

Open up the gate that leads to the crystal that powers up the titan and watch Dracula do the most disgusting thing a protagonist has ever done.

You'll have to take on the golden knight one last time after destroying the titan. He's attack pattern will remain the same until you damage him. He'll then turn his dual blades into a spear and throw it around like a boomerang. Jump to avoid getting damaged.

He can also turn it into a bow and start firing arrows into the sky which will come down on you. Jump keep running around but be careful cause he can attack you while those arrows are falling.

The golden knight will also defend against your attacks a lot while his swords are like that. Equip the Chaos Claw and use it to destroy his defense and start dealing some damage.

Be careful when he's using the sword as a lance and try to break his defence as soon as possible to get him to go back to double blades, when he does let loose and keep attacking him until you deplete his health and start the cutscene.

When you regain control of Dracula you'll be in the modern world, picking up from where the ending of the first game ended. A boy will appear in the street, follow him all the way into the alley.

Here you'll be attacked by a creature of unknown origin. Let it beat you up, you can't win this battle. Another cutscene will start soon after it nearly kills you.

When you regain control again you'll be in a dark room, hearing people scream for help. Approach the family at the end of the room and prepare to watch one of the most disturbing scenes ever.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Entering Bioquimek

After regaining a little bit of your strength and getting sent to infiltrate the pharmaceutical company, Bioquimek, head forward then turn left and interact with the shutters on the building to your left side.

Head up the stairs and press up on your Dpad, then press RT and aim at the glowing parts on top of the shutters and let go of the RT button to throw your dagger on it, then approach the shutters and open them.

Head over to the right side where the rats are and press B to hide in the darkness AKA. turn into a rat. Guards won't pay any attention to you while you're a rat although they may occasionally step on you if you get too close.

Once you're a rat head for the door that the Golgoth guard was standing in front of but don't head for the door yet, on the left side just before the door there's another dark spot. Go to it and press B again to return to your true form.

Now get behind the Golgoth and press B to possess him, then head for the door and interact with it. The golgoth's body will enable you to pass the security scan and proceed further into the laboratory.

The second room is a bit trickier than the first. This time press the right button on the Dpad to select your bat swarm, then press RT and aim at the Golgoth that's away from the ladder and send the bat swarm on him.

The Golgoth that's standing right in front of the ladder will then leave his post, allowing you to gain access to it while his busy helping the other Golgoth.

Once you're on top of the ladder, tilt your analog stick to the northeast and wait for the electricity to stop running on the ledge before you jump on it.

Jump towards the next room and the Golgoth will follow you after Dracula slips and creates a sound. Head for the stairs on the opposite side of the room and drop down on the catwalk right below it.

Turn right and head for the stairs, then follow the catwalk all the way to the next room and turn right near the broken railing. A cutscene will start once you get to the next room.

The boy will once again appear in front of you and lead you along a linear path, follow him until you get back to Dracula's castle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Dracula's Castle: Bernhard's Wing

Go forward and turn right, then keep following that path until you see a set of stairs. This is your first time seeing the blood font, it's basically the health font of LOS 2, drink from it then proceed up the stairs.

Climb up the stairs and jump on the pillar where the bats are flocking, then continue to make your way up and towards the right side until you reach the door that leads outside.

"Follow the path around the castle and enter back inside through the door at the end of it. Pull on the lever at the middle of the room and another door will open.

After pulling on the lever, the mechanism will be shown completely stuck in place due to some blood latching on it. Equip your dagger and throw them at the blood to get the door to open.

In the next room you'll need to get all the way to the balcony on the other side. To do that you need to jump on the chandelier and run back and forth in one line to get it to swing.

Once it swings enough to touch the next chandelier, jump off of it and towards the next one. Repeat this until you get to the next balcony.

Follow the boy into the next room and jump towards the ledge where the bats are swarming and make your way to the right.

Now climb up and head into the hallway to start a cutscene. I must admit this game is pretty creepy for something that isn't tagged a horror game.

When the floor starts falling apart head for the left side and jump towards the extended part of the floor that hasn't fallen yet.

It will soon fall and you'll have to climb your way back to floor level, then tilt your analog to the right and jump towards the ledge.

The pillar that you're hanging on will slowly fall down, wait for it to fall, but be prepared to jump forward at any time. Once it falls enough, bats will appear on the surface right in front of you, jump towards it and dash to the next room.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Blood Golem

The first part of this battle is just a tutorial, keep hitting the golem until your focus bar maxes out and it drops some orbs. Absorb the orbs by pressing the left analog stick to fill up your void magic.

The blood will then move towards the golems lower body, for those who played the resurrection DLC for the first LOS, this is the same. For those who didn't this basically means that you can only attack and damage the golem where the blood is, meaning only the lower body at this time.

Get right beside the golem and start attacking it as soon as you can. The best way is to hit it thrice then dodge away, wait until your safe, then dodge towards it and start attacking again.

Be careful with your dodges though as the golem has an unblockable lunge attack and right hand attack. It's always better to dodge to the right with this guy.

It also has a blood smash attack, but unlike the usual smashes, this one will spread out and go right back at him. So you'll have to jump twice to avoid it.

Get its HP down all the way and the blood will move towards the center of the golem's chest, it will then start to glow. Approach it and press B to grapple the golem and press the QTE to move onto the second part of the battle.

After the grapple the blood will spread across the upper part of the golem's body. You'll have to jump before attacking to land some damage on it.

Fortunately LOS2 has upgraded the dodging system, it will now allow Dracula to dodge while he's in the air. You can dodge the same way you do on the ground.

The golem will have 2 new attacks at this stage. The first is breathing ice on you and freezing you in place, it's hard to predict this one and you'll probably get hit by it a lot more than you'd want, but simply dodging will allow you to get past it.

The second is the golem smashing the ground and sending blood to come after you, the blood will then turn into spikes once it gets below you. You can jump then dodge in midair to avoid it, or just dodge away on the ground.

Other than that the battle will proceed as it did during the first stage, keep attacking the golem until you deplete its health and start the cutscene.

Now head for the golem's head and take out the eye to acquire your first void gem.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Dracula's Castle: Bernhard's Wing II

You need to find some way to refill your void magic. To do that, enter the room on the right side and press the left analog stick to fill up the magic bar, then use the blood font to replenish your health.

"After filling up your void magic, head back outside the room and activate your Void Sword. Press up on the Dpad to select your shadow dagger, but when the Void Sword is equipped this turns into the Void Projection ability. Press RT and aim at the waterfalls to freeze it.

Now use the waterfall and climb up to the top. Once you get to the top, turn right and destroy the crates that are blocking your way, then enter the room and turn left immediately.

Follow the water and turn right at the first corner and head over to the next room.

In the next room immediately turn right and jump on the wooden beams to get up to the next floor, then turn right and follow that path to start another cutscene.

Vampires, well lower vampires will come and attack you after the cutscene. These guys are like the fodder of the castle and are like the lowest enemies. They're only slightly more powerful than the knights of the Brotherhood.

During this part of the game, every time you deflect a vampire's attack, it will sink into the ground and kidnap Trevor. Head over to it and start attacking to get the vampire to let go of him.

Defeat the vampires and Trevor will give you the wolf's medallion. Head over to the glowing circle at the middle of the room and press B to use the medallion and a white wolf will appear.

Head over to the pillar on the left side of where the white wolf appeared and use it to climb up to the wolf and follow it inside the door.

It will take you inside the portal, follow the wolf all the way to the end to get back to the real world.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Bioquimek Laboratory

After getting back to the real world, drop down from where you are and fill up your magic bar, then turn right and kill the vampire that will attack you.

Head over to the left side and equip the Void Sword, them freeze the water that's coming down near the pipes and use it to climb up and get over to the other side, then drop down.

Equip your Void Sword again and freeze the fan in place, then head for the left side of the fan and you'll find a dark spot. Turn into a rat and proceed inside the fan that you froze in place.

Follow the vent and jump throught the fiery parts of the floor and keep going until you get to the room with electric currents running on the floor.

Make your way across and avoid touching the electricity, then head inside the first corner that you come across.

Follow the vent and find the exit. When you get into the next area turn right and head for the vent right beside the door.

Once inside head all the way to the end and wait for the electricity to stop flowing into the wire, then go to the exposed wire at the end of the vent and chew on it.

Now head back out the vent and turn back to your real appearance via the dark spot right beside the vent that you used to get to this area. An engineer should have been called by the Golgoth at this point.

Hide behind the crate and equip your bat swarm. Now aim at the Golgoth and throw it at him. While he's busy with the bats, quickly get behind the engineer and possess him, then use him to enter the laboratory.

After the cutscene you'll be attacked by the possessed engineers, they're pretty weak and attack almost the same way the vampires do, but are a lot weaker than the vampires. Kill them off to get to the boss battle for this area.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Raisa Volkova

At the start of the battle you'll immediately notice that she's way too fast for you to even land a single hit on.

Equip the Void Sword and press up on the Dpad to equip the Void Projection. Now stand at the middle of the room and turn your camera around until you spot her, when you do press RT and let go quickly to freeze her.

Now the real battle begins, she'll start off with sending small electric nodes across the floor, just don't get close to any of them and you'll be fine. If you can manage to put in a couple of hits on her before running away, then you can do that.

Any time she tries to attack you with an unblockable attack always dodge twice to either the left or right whichever makes you more comfortable, but never dodge back cause chances are you'll still get hit.

After removing half of her HP she'll go back to the middle of the room and send out electric nodes at a higher magnitude this time. Again just keep away and you'll be fine.

This battle is pretty easy, you only have to follow the basic rythm of hitting her with a four hit combo, then dodge twice to the left or right and hit her with another 4 hit combo. Rinse and repeat until she regains her speed again.

When she does regain her speed, equip the Void Sword again and wait for her to appear, then freeze her again to make her slow down.

Keep repeating the hit and run with the 4 hit combo and she'll go down quickly. Zobek will then transport you along with her back to his place.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough City Of The Damned

Head forward towards the end of the hall and turn right at the end of it. In the left side of the room there's a lever, activate it to take the lift down to the lower floor.

Leave the lift and watch the cutscene, then head to the left side and climb up the stairs that lead into a hallway filled with blood and skulls.

Head inside the next room and you'll be locked in by a bunch of jailers. Ignore the big one for now and focus on the small ones. They constantly use blockable attacks so use that to your advantage.

The larger jailer loves to charge at you while you're killing the smaller ones. Dodge to the side to avoid his attack, then follow him and keep attacking him until he removes his head from the wall.

Keep in mind that the jailer in this room is wearing an armor that's keeping him from getting damaged when attacked from the front, so always attack from the back.

Eventually more jailers will spawn from the blood, when they do start taking care of the smaller ones again before going back to attacking the bigger one.

Defeat the large jailer and he'll give you back the key that he took from the mechanism. Return the key and activate the mechanism, then head out the door that opens.

Head northeast and drop down near the bones on the lower platform. From there jump towards the platform in front of it, then jump on the chains at the right side.

From there climb up a little, but don't move too fast cause the chain will move and keep pushing you down. Once you get near the golden plating on the pillar at the left side, jump towards it.

Wait for the chain to stop moving, then jump back on it and climb up to the second gold plating and repeat the process until you get to the third. Then shimmy to the left and jump on the next chain.

On the second chain, wait for it to lower enough so that you can reach the ledge on the left side and jump towards it. Continue making your way to the left side and jump on the next chain afterwards.

Now you'll have to continue making your way on the platform on the upper left side. Alternate between the chains while making your way up, then jump to the platform on the left side.

Go towards the platforms that shoot out lava on the left side of the platform and wait for the first one to blow lava, then jump on top of it and continue moving forward to get to the next platform and into the next area.

Drop down on the floor below and kill the jailer minions that will spawn there.

After killing them, climb back up the northern wall and proceed to the next area where you'll meet your old friend, the Chupacabra.

Activate the mechanism near the edge of the platform and move the magical platform 3 moves forward, then follow it to start a cutscene.

Go back downstairs and activate the second device, then move the platform 3 moves forward again and head across the bridge.

Now connect the bridge to the platform where the door is and head to the right side. Examine the glowing object to lower the Chupacabra's cage.

Head back across the bridge and connect it with the platform on the same side as the Chupacabra's cage and activate the mechanism there to connect the bridge with his cage.

Move the cage towards the platform on the opposite end of the one you're standing on and head over to that side.

Now activate the mechanism on this floor and move the cage to the left side and down towards the cage breaker to free the Chupacabra.

The Chupacabra will open the gate for you, head inside and offer your blood on the plate at the center near the edge. After offering your blood, head across the bridge that will appear and exit through the door on the opposite end.

In the next room, head up the stairs on the left side and turn right at the top. There's gonna be a short cutscene, then you'll have to take on some Harpies. In the first LOS they were easy to kill since you can just spam grapple attacks and kill them instantly, which is unfortunately no longer available in LOS 2.

So you are now stuck with two ways of dealing with them. First you can wait for your chance, then block their attack and get them stunned for a very short time, or get up in the sky and start attacking them there. The former is a more safe method while the latter will kill them faster, but you'll get hit more.

After killing the harpies, make your way up the red pillar and get on top of the ruins. Use the chain at the top as a bridge to get to the other side.

On the other side you'll have to face more harpies, kill them and head over to the left side of the area and jump towards the pillar that bats are flocking on.

Make your way around the pillar and towards the left side, then climb up on the surface and you'll meet up with 2 jailers. Fortunately they aren't armored ones, making the battle a lot easier.

Focus on one at a time and be careful about the other one charging at you and catching you off guard. Once you kill both of them they'll drop a dungeon key, use it on the mechanism to open the gate.

Head inside the gates and into the room. Examine the statue in the middle and it will reveal a set of stairs that lead down, descend using the stairs.

Head over the first corner that you pass and a cutscene will begin, followed by Dracula regaining his Chaos Claw and a boss battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Gorgon Sisters

The Gorgon will create a barrier as soon as the battle starts, equip your Chaos claw and start pounding on the rocks until it breaks.

Dash towards the Gorgon as soon as you break it and switch back to the shadow whip. Start pounding away at the Gorgon, 3-4 hits should suffice, then dash back to avoid its retaliation.

It has 3 attacks, a sweeping claw attack, a ground punch attack and the hardest to dodge is the spit attack. The first two you can easily dodge by dodging towards the back of the area, the third one is a bit more tricky and will require you to either dodge to the southeast or dodge back twice.

After dealing enough damage to the Gorgon, it will punch you and get its hand stuck in the floor. Equip your Void Sword and use Void Projection to freeze it in place.

Now climb up on the Gorgon's arm and move towards the fin on the side when it opens, this will allow you to avoid getting damaged by the other hand and continue climbing once it passes.

Move towards the side of the head and wait for it to look in your direction, then move towards it and get eaten.

Press the QTE to bring down the one of the Gorgon's heads and attack it once it's down on the ground. The head will then pop off and the other 2 heads will resurface.

The battle will then proceed to running as it did before, just keep at the Gorgon until it tries to splat you again.

When it does, freeze its hand in place and equip the Chaos Claws. Start punching the stone that's protecting the arm until it shatters, then proceed up the arm and near the head.

The Gorgon will attempt to hide the second head, there are 2 stones on the side of the head now, use them to move back and forth across the shoulder to avoid the Gorgon's claws until it the head resurfaces, then jump towards it and follow the QTE.

With the Gorgon incapable of moving again, hit the exposed head with your strongest attacks, note that you should leave some Void magic as you would need it to end the battle.

With the second head gone, the Gorgon will unleash a new attack. It will fire up balls of fire in the air which will rain down on you. Dash towards the unaffected part of the area to avoid it.

"Equip the Void Sword and wait for the Gorgon to open its mouth, then fire a Void Projection at it to end the battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Chupacabra's Shop

After defeating the Gorgon sisters, equip your Chaos Claw and press up on the Dpad, then press RT and aim at the top floor, then let go to shoot a bomb at the castle and create an opening.

Now head for the left hand of the Gorgon and make your way up the next floor via the pillar on the right side of the arm.

Head down the path on the right side and fill up your magic bars as needed, then proceed further down the path and climb where the bats are flocking.

Get inside the next room and head for the front of the statue. Activate the switch in front of the statue and head down the path and into the door.

Cross the bridge and take out the Jailer and his minions to acquire the dungeon key that you need. Insert it into the mechanism and open the door on the left side of it.

Go through the door and offer your blood once again, then head across the platforms and out the door on the opposite side.

Dracula will automatically enter the Chupacabra's shop. This guy will now start selling items to you as long as you visit his shop in the castle. You can buy everything from gems to artworks in his shop.

After purchasing what you need, head back the way you came and get on the elevator, the Chupacabra will then give you Dragula's medallion. This item is a powerful artifact which acts the same way as the crystal in the first game.

Now head back upstairs and use the wolf's medallion on the wolf crest and head over to where the wolf appeared to get back to the real world.

Jump down the next floor and proceed into the parking lot. Keep moving forward and turn left and enter the elevator, then activate it to go back up to Zobek's place.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Science District

After talking to Zobek, head back into the elevator and take it back down. The whole city will now be in chaos and there are possessed citizens everywhere. Kill the 2 possessed citizens near the flaming car.

Now kill the other 2 near the gate, leave some Void magic while you're killing them cause you're gonna need it in a little bit.

Head over to the left side and you'll find that your path is blocked by flames. Activate your Void Sword and throw a Void Projectile at both of the pipes.

Then look at the right side and throw a Void Projection at the sprinkler on the ceiling, this will effectively kill the flames and allow you to pass.

Head inside the elevator and use it to get to the city streets. Now you'll be attacked by a bunch of possessed people, you'll have to kill them before you can proceed.

Go towards the bridge and traverse it. Kill all of the possessed people that are on it and make your way to the burning car at the end of the bridge and enter the building through there.

Use the dark spot at the back of the shop and turn into a rat, then head for the hole that you entered through and you'll find a vent on the left side of it.

Follow the vent to the end, then head for the dark spot in that room and turn back into a human. Climb up the fallen bookshelf and jump on the ledge and up the second floor.

Go down the path and drop down the lowest platform, then kill the possessed people in the streets before proceeding.

Head towards the end of the street then turn right and jump towards the other side of the street. Kill off all the possessed people here too.

After killing the possessed people, head for the generator at the right side of the area and throw a shadow dagger at it to stop the current from flowing.

Then head for the dumpster at the left side of the generator and jump towards the fuse box and make your way up and to the right, then climb up inside the building.

Head over to the right side and break down the door, then look at the wall on the left side and jump on the ledge, go around the corner and drop down.

Use the dark spot and turn into a rat, then enter the vent on the right side of the room. In the next room there's another vent on under the bed, use it to get to the room on the other side.

Now use the broken part of the floor to drop down on the lower level and head for the door on the right side. Use the dark spot to turn back to your true form.

Kill all of the possessed in the room and go down on the stairs that leads to the basement. It's the only one besiode the operating table.

When you get to the basement, turn right then go around the corner and equip the Void Sword and start freezing the leaks from the pipe to shut off the flames.

Head inside and start turning the crank, then go back to the other side of the room and pull the switch on the generator to restore the power.

Go into the door and make your way up the wall and up to the next area. Get to the lobby and you'll be attacked by corrupted vampires. Kill them and head up the stairs.

Enter into the second floor area, then turn right and kill the possessed that will attack you, then head for the elevator and use it to climb up or down... I have no idea.

Leave the elevator and drop down from the broken side of the fence, then head over to the center of the area to get the possessed to start attacking you, kill them.

The riot police will come and save you... and attack you as well. These guys are pretty easy to deal with, just break their shields with your Chaos Claw and start pounding them with your whip until they die.

After killing the last of the riot police, head in through the whole that Dracula threw the officer in, then turn left and enter the building. Examine the lever and restore the power, then head out the door on the right.

Follow the path and drop down to street level. Quietly make your way around the riot police and possessed that are fighting down in the streets and proceed to the right.

Enter through the hole in the shutter and up the ramp, then turn left and enter the building through another hole in the shutter. Inside you'll find a hatch, enter the through it.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Bioquimek Laboratory II

Follow the tunnel and take out the riot police that will spawn at the clearing, then climb up the ladder and head to the left side and into the small tunnel.

Get to the end of the tunnel and jump down on top of the stairs and head up to the electronic door and wait for it to open, then head inside.

Enter the door and go to the right side, another door will open as you approach it. Enter the door and equip your Chaos Claw and throw a bomb at the ice. Now pull the lever to open the door.

Head into the next room and turn right, then keep walking until you reach the end of the platform and jump towards the platform below. Turn right and jump towards the platform there.

Now follow the path until you reach the intersection with a lot of possessed people on it. There's a new type of possessed here, they hold shotguns instead of bats and claws. These guys are dangerous if you don't dodge their bullets, kill them first especially in small areas like this.

Take the path on the right and head for the large room that looks like a machine and make your way up. Be careful of the electric charges while your climbing the walls.

When you finally get to the top you'll end up outside. Go around the path and look for the broken part of the catwalk. Jump towards the other side, then turn right and follow the catwalk until you reach the ladder.

From the ladder continue making your way up until you reach the bridge where the possessed and riot police are fighting. You can stay and kill them or run away, although the latter may be a bit difficult as they will definitely be on your tail.

Head towards the statue on the other side of the bridge and climb up the stairs on the right side. Hug the hand rail of the stairs and drop down on the platform right below it.

Activate your Chaos Claw and throw bombs on each side of the chains to bring them down and open the door. Head inside and get in the lift, then pull the switch to activate it.

Head out the lift and turn left, then jump towards the ladder there and use to make your way up.

Wait for one of the cargo containers to move close to you, then jump on it and make your way to the front lowest ledge of the container.

When the two containers to overlap, drop down on the one below you and go towards the front and hang on the lowest bar of that container as well.

After the container passes through the electric fence, climb back up and wait for it to get to the end of the line.

When it does, drop down and head into the entrance of the laboratory that's on the highest platform and drop down on the open hole there.

Drop down near the fans and open up the hatch marked with "47" and proceed inside and further down the path.

You'll once again have to sneak around the Golgoths. Throw your bat swarm at the Golgoth that's guarding the door, then possess the one that will come to help him as soon as he turns his back on you.

After possessing the guard use him to open the door and get past the security and towards the next room.

Hide behind the crates and throw a bat swarm at the Golgoth that's guarding the door. While he's distracted make your way to the ladder on the right side of the room.

Now make your way up the ladder and towards the right side where Dracula will slip and alert the Golgoth, causing the big guy to move to the next room.

Continue to make your way through the catwalks above the floor and towards the ladder on the far right end of the area. Watch the Golgoth below and wait for him to turn his back on you, then drop down and possess him.

After possessing him, use his body to open up the door that leads to the third area where the 2 Golgoths are guarding the train, then make your way back to the first area.

You'll find a dark spot on the left side of the door that you used to get in this area. Use it and turn into a rat, then proceed to the third area.

There is a small vent on the train door that you can use to gain access to the train without alerting the Golgoths. Use it to get inside.

Once inside, turn left and you'll find another dark spot which you can use to return to your true form. A cutscene will start as soon as you return to your form.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Satan's Soldier

This guy is easy and you won't have to fight him that much. He has 3 attacks, unblockable lunge attack (dodge to the sides), stomp attack (dodge to the sides) and lastly a claw attack which you can block and retaliate.

Once you damage him a little bit he'll get stunned and start to glow. Approach him and press B, Dracula being the glutton that he is will attempt to feed on the demon and get knocked back.

After you get sent flying, you're in risk of being caught by a Golgoth. Immediately head over to the window on the right side and climb out of it.

Now jump above the window and make your way to the right side of the train, up the ladder and move to the south of the train, back to where the Soldier is.

After the cutscene, ignore the Soldier and equip your bat swarm. Then throw the swarm on the Golgoth to make it stop shooting the train connectors.

Continue towards the right side of the train and climb up to the top and keep on walking towards the next cart of the train.

After getting on the next cart, quickly go to the ladder on the left side and drop down on it. Then move to the right and enter through the broken window.

Hide behind cover and wait for the Golgoth to approach you and turn around. Then follow behind him and possess him, use his body to open up the door right in front of where you were hiding.

Satan's Soldier will then come back for round 2. He won't even have an HP bar this time so you can either use this time to gather some magic orbs or just keep dodging him and wait for the train to get to the next tunnel.

It will run from you and you'll have to dash towards the next cart and jump where the bats are flocking. Then make your way to the right side and up the train's roof. Head for the next cart to start the next sequence.

For this you'll have to move around the beam and avoid the lights that will damage you every time you get hit by them. Keep doing it until the Soldier comes back for you.

Now the real battle will begin. He'll move the same way but the small area isn't really helping with anything so you have to be on your guard against his attacks.

Because of the small space, I won't recommend blocking his attack unless you're absolutely sure that it's a blockable one.

His HP does go down pretty quickly so you won't have to worry too much about dying at this point. Just keep pounding him with the whip and Void Sword when you need HP and he'll die soon.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Team Exploration

Zobek's Lieutenant will lead you up the hole, follow him and drop down on the next area, then pull the lever and turn on the power to open the door.

Follow the path and drop down in the next area. You'll need to take out all of the possessed before you can proceed to the next area.

After killing the possessed head for the switch on the left side of the tunnel that's blocked by electricity, then call the Lieutenant to hold it for you.

Head inside the tunnel that you can now pass through and pull out the cables that are glowing directly in front of it to shut down the electricity permanently.

Once you regroup with Zobek's Lieutenant turn right from the cables you pulled out and follow that path until you get to the end. Drop down and kill the enemies that are lying in wait below.

On the right side of the area there's a metal mesh that you can climb on. Jump on it and press Y to call the Lieutenant. Open the gate with his help and proceed forward.

Follow the path and head for the pillar where the bats are swarming. Climb up to the third floor and make your way to the broken metal beam and down towards the shattered door.

From there drop down and approach the metal gate on the left side to start a cutscene.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Carmilla's Lair

As soon as you wake up in Dracula's castle, head for the door right in front of you and enter into the next room to start another cutscene.

After the cutscene you'll be poisoned. What the game doesn't tell you is that every time you take damage your health bar will be "locked" to a certain amount. Meaning even if you try to recover you'll never regain all your HP back.

With that cleared up you'll have to fight a couple of skeletons here. They aren't as powerful as the skeletons in the first game, but they are formidable especially the ones with a shield. Focus on dodging and blocking attacks to avoid getting your HP too drained.

You can use the Chaos Claws to destroy the shields, also I'm not entirely sure on this but I heard that you can stop the skeletons from spawning by attacking the blood that resurrects them.

After the cutscene you'll regain your HP and the next area will be open. Carmilla will also start looking for you and you'll have to go through a whole sneaking sequence much like with the Golgoths. First off approach the symbol on the floor and press B to offer your blood. There's 4 all in all that you need to activate while avoiding Carmilla.

Be careful with hiding behind bookshelves as she will lower them when she's nearby and you'll be spotted. If you get spotted you'll have to fight her vampire minions before you can continue opening the seals.

There's a seal in each of the four rooms in the area, the left side, the right side, the one in front of you at the start of the mission and another one right beside the door that you need to get to. Carmilla is also capable of disabling the seals with her blood if she finds an activated one.

You can make this sequence a whole lot easier by using the bat swarm to distract her. If she can't find you for a long time she'll turn to mist and follow you around. Dash away to another room to avoid her.

After unlocking the final seal, Carmilla will disappear and you can freely move around again. Head for the door that opened and offer your blood on the seal inside the next room to open the opposite door.

Fully heal your HP on the blood font and make your way across the bridge and towards the large circular platform on the other side to start another cutscene.

You'll be given a choice as to which one is the real Marie. This is random so I can't give you the correct answer, but it is pretty easy to figure out as one of them will sound more sincere and kind than the other. Another good point is the fake Marie will talk in a more desperate tone (ie. I am the real one) and the real Marie gives more of a "You know deep inside what the answer is."

Once you've chosen, approach Marie and press B to drink blood from her. You'll immediately know if you've chosen correctly because the other Marie will call you "My Prince."
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Carmilla

Carmilla will hide inside her hamster ball of impregnability. Equip your Chaos Claw and dash towards her, start pounding on her ball and it will turn red.

She'll have 3 basic attacks, Rolling at you with great speed (like the rat that she is), A thunder shockwave which you can avoid by jumping and a summoning vampire servants to help her.

The vampires are god sent to you as you will need to replenish your Chaos Magic, also try to conserve as much Void Magic as you can possibly spare. What makes this battle hard is that you'll have to hit Carmilla's ball nonstop. If it turns back to blue you'll need to repeat again, You need to hit her ball 10-15 times to break the shield. I couldn't count properly as it's hard to see if the ball is slowly returning to its blue shade or the amount of hits it takes to break the ball increases after each shield you break.

Like I said the vampires are god sent, Carmilla will be less aggressive while those vampires are roaming the arena. Try to keep one alive while you're pounding her ball. You'll need to break her shield three times before you can proceed to the next part of the battle.

After breaking the ball Carmilla will be more aggressive. She'll also gain a new attack which is a single line of lighting, but can reach the far corners of the arena.

This woman is really annoying especially at this stage. She's completely invulnerable due to her teleportation or rather mist ability. Equip your Void Sword and shoot her with a Void Projection to freeze her in place.

Once she's frozen, get close to her and start putting in as much damage as you can before she moves again. Make sure to let her summon the vampires so you can replenish your Void Magic.

When you've depleted 3/4s of her HP she'll use a new attack. Jump to avoid the electric charges on the floor, it's not that hard to dodge. Once you're safe from the electricity, attack any of the clones until you've narrowed it down to 1.

Kill the last clone and Dracula will regain his mist powers from Carmilla. She'll be furious and attempt to crush you, press right on the Dpad and RT to turn into mist and get away from the phantom's grip.

Now head for the cage where Marie is being kept. Turn into mist and pass through the gate, then drink blood from her to fully regain your HP, including the decrease from the curse.

Head back out the cage with the mist form and Carmilla will no longer be able to teleport away from you. The bad thing is her attacks are also a lot harder to dodge than before.

Hopefully you listened to my advice and kept a lot of your Void Magic. Equip the Void Sword and use the Void Projectile to freeze Carmilla in place.

Once frozen, head over to her and start pounding her with the Chaos Claw for more damage. Once the ice melts, dodge away and freeze her again with the void sword. Rinse and repeat until she dies and she will die quickly this way.

Well the last part was really cheap of me, spamming ice attacks all over the place, but nevertheless Carmilla was the most creative boss in this game and also the most fun. Great experience setting, battle and background. Marie was a great addition to the whole setting.

Now all you have to do is make your way back the bridge and into the castle to start another cutscene and return to the real world.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Victory Plaza

Head for the right side of the gate and use your wings to jump across it. Once inside proceed to the hatch at the right side of the main door.

Follow the sewers, it's linear as all other paths except the one you need to pass through will be locked. Turn right on the no trespassing sign and use the fan on the left side to carry yourself up while in mist form.

There are 3 Golgoths in this room, you definitely don't want to be spotted. Hide behind the pillar and throw your bat swarm at the Golgoth on the right side.

Wait for the Golgoth near you to approach and help him, then dash towards the stairs and turn into mist once your near the landing. From there just pass through the Golgoth while in mist form to get to the next room.

The next room is also a puzzle but a lot easier than the first. The plates on the floor have a timer that moves while you're stepping on it and in addition to that there are laser traps around.

Use your wings to jump high enough and avoid the double beams. You need to calculate the speed and height of your jump properly or else you'll trigger the trap.

Your goal is to get to the third tile from the left at the end of the room. Once there turn into mist and let the fan take you up to the next floor.

Fill up your magic bars and replenish your health, then head inside the elevator and take it up to the next floor.

Leave the elevator and you'll see Trevor pass by, ignore him but remember the corridor that he passed through. For now you need to head into the room at the opposite side of the elevator.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Nergal Meslamstea - The Second Acolyte

And we have another boss battle a few minutes right after the last one. This one is fun though so I'm not complaining. To start off you need to head towards the corridor that Trevor entered earlier after you arrived at this floor.

You're gonna be tortured and tormented by Nergal all the way but he won't kill you so just keep going until you reach the end of the corridor.

After luring him into the darkness and inside Dracula's castle, Nergal will be a lot weaker and Dracula a lot more powerful. The boss battle will then officially begin.

Nergel will revive the Riders of the Wind and you'll have to take them all down, however they do share a single HP bar hence one boss.

I would recommend that you go after the fat one that's holding a pillar. He's attacks are the easiest to read and also the easiest to block.

Just keep blocking and hitting him whenever you can. He very rarely uses any unblockable attacks which is a plus on your side as you're able to attack him a lot more.

When the other two comes closer and starts attacking you, run and lure them away. Try to isolate one of them again, if not the pillar holding one then the spear wielder is the second best choice.

After reducing their HP to a fourth of the bar, a cutscene will play and you'll also receive a checkpoint. Dracula will get rid of the most troublesome of the three, leaving you with the other 2 to deal with.

Like the earlier the pillar holding rider is still the easiest to block and deal a lot of damage on. The spear holder however will be a lot more aggressive both with attacking and defending.

The spear wielder will occasionally use a whirlwind attack which will pull you in for a QTE sequence when you get caught on it and is actually also a good way to deal damage provided that you can press the buttons on time.

If the pillar rider charges up the pillar, get away from both of them and either take your chances with the spear wielder or wait for the pillar holder to release the electricity.

One of the most annoying attacks that the pillar guy uses is the smash attack which you really have to perform a timely demonic wing jump in order to avoid.

The spear warrior is a dummy target as soon as he uses that whirlwind attack. Get near him and start dealing damage, just be careful not to stand in front of the whirlwind.

At 3/4ths of their HP, Dracula will kill the spear rider, leaving you with the easiest of the 3 to deal with. Stand in front of him and keep blocking his attacks.

When he charges up his pillar that is the only time that you should dash away from him and jump appropriately to avoid damage. Other than the more frequent weapon charging he'll still attack the same way.

Once he's almost dead the rider will summon extremely powerful winds and Dracula will be hampered by it. Slowly move forward, but watch the riders pillar.

Every time the rider lifts his pillar you'll need to quickly dodge to the left or right. The game doesn't tell you that you can, but dodging does work at this part of the battle.

Once you get near enough a QTE will start and you'll have to press the at the right moment in order to finish off the acolyte. If you fail you're gonna have to restart the QTE.

After the battle climb up on the pillar that's immediately on your right side and make your way to the entrace that's to the left side of it. You'll need to use your wings to reach that first ledge.

Now drop down on the lower floor and head for the exit that leads towards the horn and you'll find Trevor right beside it.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Downtown

Once again you'll head down the parking lot and use the elevator to get back to the city. Last time you went to the right side, this time you'll need to pass through the left side of the bridge.

Drop down on the hole and continue making your way down into the lowest part of the sewers where you'll find a glowing circle on the floor.

Interact with it and Dracula will take out the Mirror of Fate.
The solution is:
Lower left piece, as it is and put it on top of the lower right side of the mirror.
Lower right piece, as it is and put it on the top most part of the mirror.
Upper left piece, rotate clockwise once and place it on the right side of the mirror.
Upper right piece, clockwise twice and into the final hole in the mirror.

Head into the door and jump on the hook. Move forward but be careful not to burn yourself while moving.

When you get to the other side drop down from the hook and proceed to the right. The lieutenant will tell you that you have to make a path across. Equip your dagger and start throwing it at the wooden squares.

The tricky part here is that those flames will knock him off the platform when it hits him. What you need to do is stand on the side that isn't the same as the lieutenant is standing on.
For example he's standing on the left side, then you need to stand on the right side in order to make the fire appear on your side so it can't knock him down.

Once he gets to the lieutenant gets to the other side he'll flip the switch and open the door for you. Drop down on the floor below to start the cutscene.

The enemies that will appear in this area are special, but not hard to deal with. Just keep attacking them and they'll eventually merge into a sort of fire spirit.

When they do merge, take out your Void Sword and throw a projectile at them. The freezing effect will cancel out the flames and force them to split up again.

Kill off the rest of the enemies, then head for the door at the far end of the area. Interact with one of the switches, then press Y to call the lieutenant to pull the other one.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Return to Dracula's Castle

As you return to the castle step on top of the circle and take out the Mirror of Fate.

The mirror will now be broken in 5 pieces:
Upper left piece, counter-clockwise twice and place it on the lower left part of the mirror.
Lower left piece, clockwise 4 times and place it at the very center of the mirror.
Upper right piece, clockwise twice and place it on the space at the left side of the mirror.
Upper right piece, counter-clockwise twice and place it on the upper right side of the mirror, then put the last piece in to open the door.

Head out the bridge and keep going until you reach the throne room, where another cutscene will start.

When you come back you'll have to go against the knights of the brotherhood again as you did at the very beginning of the game. They are a lot weaker than the first time. Kill them to proceed further.

After the knights you'll also have to fight the golden warrior again. Same tactics and it doesn't seem like you can die at any part of this sequence. You'll then find out what truly happened after the battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Zobek - Death

Zobek loves to use unblockable attacks when you're keeping your distance, so get close enough and start attacking him.

Make sure that you have the mist form activa as it will serve as a valuable asset when dodging most of Zobek's attacks. Keep close to him and wait for your chance to block his attack then retaliate.

Once you have enough Chaos Magic, stick close to Zobek and activate your Chaos Claws. Start pounding him with it, your claws will break his defence and he'll be left in a loop of trying to defend against your attacks.

If he breaks out of the loop, just use mist form to dodge his attack or if you can try to block it then go back to attacking him with your claws.

Once you damage Zobek and bring his HP down, he'll summon some of his undead to come and attack you. You don't have to kill these, but I recommend that you replenish your Chaos Magic using these guys.

If you have enough Chaos Magic, use the cyclone ability of the Chaos Claws to quickly wear down the zombies's HP, then finish them off by jumping in the air and holding down square. That's the best way to kill them and get a bit of blood orbs.

Alternatively you can use the cyclone of Void Sword to regain some HP. Once you have a double charged Chaos magic bar, equip the Chaos Claw and throw a chaos bomb at each of the zombies that are on the wall. There's 4 in total, the smaller zombies will die once you kill all 4.

Zobek will resurface once you destroy the first wave of zombies. Like before you can spam him with the Chaos Claw if you have enough magic to last the fight. If not then you'll have to do it the hard way and bid your time waiting for a chance to counterattack.

Right after using mist to dodge an attack from Zobel, quickly return to your normal form and attack him with your whip. This is an effective method to damage him if you're out of Chaos magic.

Eventually he's gonna run again and leave you to fend off his zombies. Throw bombs at the ones on the wall again to finish them off. Make sure to replenish your Chaos magic before you kill all of them.

After the second time he summons zombies, he'll no longer be able to use that attack. Now you'll only have to deplete his HP until only a fraction of it is left.

He'll return to his human form when he gets too weak to fight. His blades will however protect him from you, approach the blades and turn into mist to pass through them and end the battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Searching For The Third Acolyte

All you need to do now is backtrack all the way to where you first used the Mirror of Fate (where you had to throw daggers at wooden platforms) and this time pass through the gates on the right side by using your mist form.

Offer your blood to the panel and a map will open. Choose to go to the Arts District and you will automatically be taken there.

Head out the elevator and drop down on the hole, then follow the path to the end and take a right turn.

Inside the building press the switch and head for the door on the opposite side of the switch. Wait for it to open then head out.

Immediately turn right as you head out, then enter the open door at the end of the street and drop down on the lower floor, then flip the switch and enter the door.

Turn right as you exit through the door and kill the horned demons that will ambush you in the streets. There's 2 of them so you need to be careful with how you handle them.

After killing the enemies keep going forward and you'll hit a dead end as the street curves. Jump across the railing and keep going towards the wall, turn to the left as you're facing the wall and you'll find a small path that leads to an alleyway.

Pass through the gate using mist form and reunite with Alucard who will inform you that the acolyte is here.

Climb up the pipe and make your way up to the platform on the opposite side of the window. From there use your wings to get inside via the window on the higher floor.

Once inside drop down on the lowest floor and head for the only room in the area. Inteact with the circle to use the Mirror of Fate.

The solution is as follows:
Middle right piece, counter-clockwise twice and place it on the middle bottom of the mirror.
Upper right piece, counter-clockwise thrice and place it on the middle right part of the mirror.
Upper left piece, clockwise twice and place it on the upper right corner of the mirror.
Middle left piece, clockwise thrice and place it on the lower right corner of the mirror.
Lower right piece, clockwise once and place it in the middle of the mirror.
And the last piece is the lower left piece, counter-clockwise twice and place it in the last spot.

The final door will now open, head through the doors and up the stairs to start the cutscene.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Boss Battle: Leviathan

Much like the previous LOS this game will have you climbing a giant beast as a way of saying the end is nead. Climb up the Leviathan's belly and make your way to the top.

Satan will then order the Leviathan to move in a different direction. Now walk your way to the front and pull on the chain to disorient the beast.

Now follow Alucard and keep heading left until you see circles that you can use to climb up the side of the Leviathan.

Once you get on top of the Leviathan again, head to the right side and kill all of the enemies that will spawn. You'll also find the last set of chains here.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough Final Boss: Alucard - Satan

Before the battle starts I just wanted to say that I can't believe they buffed up Satan so much and gave him a fancy pair of winged pants just to give him 5 mins on the screen. That makes me kind of feel sorry for the guy.

Satan will immediately jump in the air and smash his sword down. Don't get near him as he will create a shockwave as he pulls the sword out.

Your best bet at getting hits on him is to stay close and wait for him to try and hit you with his sword twice, dodge to the right during this. The second time he attempts to attack you he'll stay kneeling in place for a few moments. Enough for you to land 2-4 hits on him.

Alucard moves around a lot and has a smokescreen attack. If he disappears in a cloud of smoke wait 1 sec then dodge twice.

I don't recommend using either the Void Sword nor the Chaos Claw, either of these two will require to be too close to Alucard and you may be too close to dodge anything that comes your way.

Alucard will constantly and relentlessly attack you, you're going to have to be patient with dodging and hitting with this battle. Although it isn't hard there isn't really any cheap tricks that you can exploit here.

Should you ever find yourself in need of health, don't use the Void Sword. Use those neglected items in your inventory instead, the Tears of a Saint. It will completely heal you and increase your HP.

If Alucard thrusts at you, don't move just let him do it and Dracula will catch his blade and you can do a lot of damage on him by doing this. Although it is a bit risky as you don't know what attack is coming.

Eventually Alucard will jump up in the sky and rain down bombs at you. Keep running around the stage to avoid his hits and jump or turn into mist as he's about to thrust down from the skies.

Lastly you can use this either at the start or near the end of the battle. Equip the Dragon's Talisman that you received from the chupacabra back when he first opened his shop, now use that talisman to unleash Dracula's dragon form and it will cleave off 2/3rds of Alucards HP bar. It's useful for both the start or the end of the battle, but you can only use it once.

Now all you have to do is sit back and watch the ending. Why must they always make Satan's boss battle look so pathetic?