Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinns Revenge Walkthrough Shipyard - Robin

The DLC begins with an immediate fight with Harley's goons. Robin has his own set of moves, but he does move a lot like Batman with a few difference which will slightly change the way stealth and battles go.

Start off by beating the goons down with X and contering their attacks by pressing Y whenever the blue lines appear on their heads. Goons don't go down so quickly in this game so you have to beat them up for a while.

Open the door to the Dry Dock, which is the only door in this room and use your grapple to climb up on the open vent at the left side of the door.

Follow the vent and drop down at the other end, then press the switch at the right side of the shutters to open it.

Head through the shutters and turn right, you'll find a set of stairs there. Climb down the stairs and turn right at the end, then enter through the door.

There's a group of goons near the end of the corridor, quietly get behind the first one nearest to you and press Y to perform a double takedown and take out the last remaining goon.

Equip your Explosive Gel and get beside the wall that leads to the Pump Room. Activate Detective mode to see the weak part of the wall, then put some gel on it and detonate the gel.

Go through the hole you made in the wall and proceed down the corridor until you get to the flooded section. Equip your Zip Kick and use it on one of the rings on the wall at the opposite side.

Turn left and you'll find a vent. Approach it and remove the cover, then head inside and follow the vent until you reach the end.

When you get to the end, don't open the vent cover. Just press Y and Robin will takedown the goon that's nearest the vent. Take out the rest of them afterwards.

After knocking the goons out, turn left and grapple on the open vent and follow it all the way to the end, then open the vent and drop down.

Equip your Bullet Shield and start moving towards the left side of the area. A mechanical gun will start shooting at you, quickly head towards it and move to the corner at the corner at the left side.

Follow the corridor to the other side and your path will be blocked by an open pipe that's blowing steam. Equip your Bullet Shield again and face the pipe, then get across the pipe.

Go to the next corner and equip your Bullet Shield again. Head for the first corner and walk towards the mechanical gun and take the first corner on the left side of the gun.

Go towards the sniper while still holding your Bullet Shield, then press RT once you get close enough to bash him. Once he's on the floor press RT + Y to do a takedown.

Climb up the stairs and head for the goons that are in front of the door and press Y to do a double takedown, then get rid of the last one.

After knocking the goons out, head for the door that they were guarding and examine it. Robin will inform you that it's sealed shut and you need to find another way.

Now head back down the stairs that you previously used and you'll find a large door on the left side. Stand in front of it and it will open.

Head in through the door and take a right at the first corner and open the door that leads to the warehouse.

Press RB as soon as you enter the room, then when you're up in the beams equip your Smoke Pellet and throw it right at Batman's belt.

Drop attack one of the goons and knock out as much of them as you can before the smoke lifts and they're able to see you again.

There are 3 special enemies here. The first is the guy with a machete, you can't do a normal takedown on these guys. You'll need to press Y and back to avoid his hits. Of course you could also press B before he hits you to stop him from being able to attack you.

The second special enemy is the guy with an electric rod. Now electric rods are tricky and you should never ever attack these guys from the front. To hit them you need to tilt the analog in their direction and press A twice to vault over him. Once you're behind him you can freely attack.

And the last one is the armored goons, these guys wear a full armor that protects them from your hits. Press B to stun them, then press X continuously to keep hitting them until the prompt for a special takedown appears. Special takedowns require you to press X and Y together and can knockdown an opponent faster.

After knocking them all out go to Batman's belt that's lying on the floor and a cutscene will begin.
Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinns Revenge Walkthrough Industrial District - Shipyard - Batman

As soon as you gain control of Batman get behind the police car on the right side and press RB to launch your grapple at the beams above.

Look towards the upper right sky and you'll see a helicopter floating around the area. Use your grapple to get on one of its legs.

Once there look around for the crane that's a little to the right of the helicopter and drop down, then glide a little bit on the cranes direction and press RB when it appears to grapple and get on the crane.

Run down the crane and jump towards the platform where a sniper is standing, then press RB to grapple on the side of the platform. Get behind the sniper and take him out.

Jump down and glide to the building roof on the Northwest direction of the platform that you're standing on and press RB when the prompt appears. You need to get to the tall building on the left side of the one you're gliding towards.

From there you can jump down the Northeast side of the tower and glide all the way to the mission marker on the steel mill.

Once you get on the bridge, head for the hole at the end of it and drop down. Turn left and you'll find a door, open it to enter the mill.

After entering the mill, head forward then turn right and drop down on the lower floor. Silent takedown whichever goon is closest to you, then knockout the rest of them.

Just like with Robin you can do a beating on the armored guys by pressing B then spamming X. Also be careful not to let the goons take guns from the crates at the side. You'll hear a gun being cocked when one of them takes a gun. Immediately head for that goon and beat him up to make him drop the gun.

Once you've taken care of the goons, climb up the stairs that leads to the officer and press the switch at the right hand side of the officer. Wait for him to recover then talk to him.

After talking to the officer head for the center of the room and press RB to get back to the upper floor. Now backtrack outside the mill and onto the bridge.

You'll find a group of goons below the bridge on the right side. Throw a Smoke Pellet at them and drop kick one of them, then take out as many as you can before the smoke clears. Clean up the rest if there are any left standing.

After defeating the goons activate your Detective Mode and get near the radio. You'll hear Gordon talking from it and Batman will inform you that it belongs to a cop.

Batman will then create a crime scene. Point towards one of the glowing splatters on the floor and hold A to scan it. Now you'll have to follow these so keep your Detective Mode active.

Turn around and press RB to get on top of the entrance arc. Now drop down on the opposite side and silent takedown the 2 goons that are guarding the entrance.

Turn left at the first corner and follow the splatters up the van and towards the next side. Make your way through the area and silent takedown any enemy you encounter.

Follow the blood splatters all the way to the next area until you get to the tunnel with 2 burning cars at the end. Approach the cars then press RB to climb up on top of the building.

Look down and quietly drop down beside the 2 goons, then do a double takedown on them.

Continue following the splatters until you reach the end of it. When you do, crouch down and enter the gate then do a double takedown on the first 2 goons and interrogate the last one.

After getting the needed information from the goon, go back outside and use your grapple to climb up the second building on the left side.

From there glide a little to the Northeast and use your grapple to get on the roof in that direction. Then jump off the North end of the roof and grapple towards the broken red pipe in front of the building you're on.

Walk along the beam on top of the pipe and head for the platform at the end of it. Keep walking until you reach the end of the beam and grapple to get up on the platform, then knockout the sniper.

Turn east and jump off the railing and use your grapple to get on the walkway at the building on the east side of where you are. Then from there glide north east and grapple towards the building with the sniper and take him out.

Now glide and grapple towards the tower on the north side and take out the last of the snipers.

After taking out the snipers, head down the building on at the center of the area (where the snipers were pointing the lasers) and interrogate the goon that's glowing white to get the first code.

From where you got the first code grapple your way to the east and you'll find the second goon who has the code.

He's down on ground level, so get down there and start beating the crap out of the goons except the one who has the code, you must not knock him out.

After taking the second code grapple back to the rooftops and head southwest. The next group will have guns that's why I left them for last.

Watch them from the nearby roof and glide down once they split up into each of the corners. Take care of the two on the left side first by doing a silent takedown.

Then beat up the last goon and interrogate the goon who has the last code. Once you have the code head back to the security door earlier which is to the south.

Equip the Cryptographic Sequencer and start turning both of your analog sticks. Unfortunately the codes are random so you'll need to solve it on your own. The best indicator is the strength of the controller vibration, stronger means closer to the right code.

After opening the gate move forward and enter through the only door. Inside you'll find a group of goons, get behind one and knock him out, then take care of the rest of the goons.

Once you've gotten rid of the goons, head down and enter the door on the left side of the stairs. Inside you can't proceed through the door on the right, so approach the wall in front of the door you used to get in the room and use the Explosive Gel on it.

Equip and fire the Line Launcher towards the opposite side of the room, then press LT and aim it around the corner towards the right side. Climb up the stairs and enter the warehouse.

Climb up the stairs all the way to the second landing and get inside the vent, then remove the cover, climb out and drop down on the left side.

Hide behind the railing and wait for the first sniper to start walking towards you and pause at the end. When he does get behind him and take him down silently.

After taking him out, walk all the way to the walkway at the back and knockout the sniper there, then do the same for the last sniper.

Head further down the walkway where the last sniper was and take down the guards that are patrolling on the lower walkway.

Finally drop down on the ground floor and knockout the last goon, then free the officer to start the cutscene.
Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinns Revenge Walkthrough Shipyard II - Robin

Head in through the door in front of you with the sign "Shrine of Joker" then turn left and use the Bullet Shield to get past the steam pipe.

Beat up the goons that are guarding the door, then head inside and you'll find Batman.

Inside the shrine examine the panel on the left side of the altar, then head to the right side and exit through the door.

Approach the goon from behind and do a silent takedown, then take care of the other one and step on top of the metal grate on the floor by the door.

Press RT + A to open the grate and make your way to the other side and climb out. Proceed forward and enter the vent on the right side wall.

Exit our the door on the opposite side of the vent and hide behind the crate. Equip your Shuriken and throw it at the sniper, then charge towards him and take him down.

Now head out the door on the right side and knockout the goons that will come at you. After taking them out head for the door on the opposite side and leave through it.

Head down the stairs and grapple onto the roof on the left side. Look up and grapple towards the platform where the sniper is standing and take him down.

Drop down on the left side of the platform and head down to where the hostage is. Wait for the goon to move towards the right, then follow behind him and take him out.

Make your way around the back of where Harley is standing and wait for the goon to pass by, then get behind him and take him out.

Grapple up the posts on the walls, then move to the one on the opposite side and wait for the goon to enter the building, then drop down behind him and take him out. This is one of the major difference between Batman and Robin, he can't do the inversed take down that Batman does. Making him a little harder in terms of sneaking around.

With only 2 goons left, you should start attacking Harley. Wait for her to be alone and away from the goons and do a glide kick on her and start putting in some damage. You should attack her when there's only 2 goons left, since no matter how many times you knockout the last 2 replacements will always take their place.

Harley always shouts for the goons every time you hit her, so when you feel like the goons are closing in grapple back to the posts and hide until she's alone again.

Once Harley is out of the picture takedown the last 2 goons. They won't respawn this time, once they're down too Robin will acquire the key from Harley.

After acquiring the key, backtrack to the shrine where Batman is being kept and you'll be met by a very large group of goons. Press LT and Y towards any goon except the one with the electric rod to send them to the floor. Smoke Pellets also work well as well as double pressing RT to bash these guys with your Bullet Shield.

It doesn't matter who you take out first, but always try to stun the titan when you have the chance to do so. Once stunned hit him whenever you can but don't compromise your own safety just to get in more hits.

Take your time, you don't have to take them down quickly. You need to survive. Most likely you'll be left with the most dangerous of the group which are the armored, shielded and electric rod goons. Abuse your Shield bash and Stun, these skills will help you a lot.

After rendering every goon unconscious, head for the control panel and free Batman.
Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinns Revenge Walkthrough Finale: Harley's Plan - Batman

Immediately after gaining control of Batman approach the bomb in the room and take out your Cryptographic Sequencer, then hack the bomb's control panel.

Once the lock opens approach the bomb and press A to disarm it. Batman will then gain the frequency of the bomb and you'll have to look for the rest of it within a couple of mins.

Turn around and head out through the door on the left that leads to the warehouse.

Take out the goons as quickly as you can, then throw a Freeze Blast at the steam pipe and head out the door.

In the next room there's a sniper standing on the right side of the upper floor. Grapple up to him and take him out quickly.

Turn around and head for the platform on the opposite side of where the sniper was and throw a Freeze Blast at both of the steam pipes, then take out your Cryptographic Sequencer and disarm the second bomb.

Now drop down and head for the door that leads to the pump room. Take out the goons that are inside and enter into the electronic door.

Once inside the room, turn right and grapple up into the platform right in front of it. Equip your Remote Electrical Charge and start moving the platform the left side.

Move the platform all the way to the left until it sticks to the wall then equip your Explosive Gel and detonate it at the wall. Hack and disarm the bomb inside afterwards.

Afterwards backtrack all the way back to the Shrine of Joker and confront the deranged Harley Quinn one last time.

She'll throw some robots at you. These are a bit special as they do not have the indication marker for when they're going to attack. Although surprisingly they are just as easy to beat as normal unarmed goons.

Your eyes do need to be a bit quick so that you can see if a robot is raising its arms in an attempt to attack you. They're a bit sturdier than normal goons but not so much as to feel the gap.

After a while Harley will start to target you and shoot grenades at you. Wait for the laser to stop following you, then press A and dodge away, leaving the robots to be hit by the attack.

Once you've eliminated all the robots, head up to Harley and press RB to grapple onto the hands of Joker's monument. Press Y at the right time to avoid her attack and watch the ending.